my beauty fairy

Chapter 524 You are too much

"Hahahahaha, this security guard won't be frightened to stutter permanently, will he?"

"Haha, who cares, we flashed." Qiu Yue smiled and shouted through the wireless communicator: "The two cars on standby, come directly to the gate of Ouyang's family compound."

In less than half a minute, the two cars braked perfectly, and stopped beside Qiu Yue with a "chuck".

The three got into the car, and the driver on the car said: "Head, just now the master called and said that all the Ouyang family members have gone back, the master asked you to go to the drug processing factory, A Ming has passed out now , was hit by three bullets, I don’t know if he can still be saved, and the ambulance won’t come for a while.”

After hearing this, Qiuyue felt that he was still procrastinating. If the progress was faster, maybe Amin would not be able to hit so many bullets.

So Qiuyue picked up the phone and dialed Dong Ziyan.

"Qiu Yue, how are you? I'm flying back. Are you okay at home?" Dong Ziyan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue's tone became much darker, "Now let the pilot directly drive the helicopter to your father's drug processing factory."

"Are you going too? Okay, okay, I used to go to play, but my father wouldn't let me!" Dong Ziyan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue was not in a very good mood at this time, so he hung up directly, so as not to get angry later and criticize the Miss Dong family, she couldn't bear to cry.But Dong Ziyan is going to a drug processing factory to see A Ming, A Ming loves Dong Ziyan so much, no matter what, it is appropriate to go and see, three bullets, almost no one can survive three bullets.

After less than 10 minutes, the car arrived at the drug processing factory, and Qiu Yue ran up quickly. This is a very large factory, but due to the war just now, it is now in a mess.

A group of people surrounded a man on the ground, shouting: "Brother Ming, Brother Aming!"

Qiu Yue walked over and asked, "How's it going, how's it going?"

Everyone stepped aside, Qiuyue checked his breath, but he was no longer breathing.Amin's eyes widened.

Qiuyue was very angry, but it was of no use.

At this time, a person next to him said: "Master Qiuyue, before A Ming died, he told us that Miss Ziyan should be taken care of by Master Qiuyue, otherwise he will not rest in peace!"

Seeing A Ming's eyes wide open, Qiu Yue felt very uncomfortable, and whispered: "A Ming, you have a good journey, Zi Yan, I will take good care of you."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Yue gently closed Amin's eyes with his hands.

"Everyone, clean up here, keep a team, responsible for the arrangement of the wounded and sacrificed players here, and start working!" Qiu Yue shouted.

At this time, Dong Ziyan came over and saw Qiu Yue running over excitedly, but when she looked down, A Ming who was lying on the white stretcher was shot three times in the chest.

"Amin, what's wrong with you! Woohoo! Amin!" Dong Ziyan cried, although she never liked Amin since she was a child, but Amin helped Dong Ziyan in everything, so Dong Ziyan was still very grateful to Amin, from the bottom of her heart Li regards him as his good friend and brother.

But Amin was already lying there, upright.

"What did A Ming say, did A Ming say anything before he left?" Dong Ziyan choked.

The man next to him also received a lot of help from Amin, and said with a choked voice: "Amin told us before he left that he liked you, but now he can no longer love you and protect you. I hope Qiuyue can take care of Miss on his behalf in the future."

After she finished speaking, Dong Ziyan cried even more fiercely.Just when someone was about to go up and pull Dong Ziyan to stop being so sad, Qiu Yue stopped the man.

"Amin loved her so much, and she was the one who missed her the most before she died. Why couldn't she do something for Amin?" Qiu Yue said.

The man took a step back.

Dong Ziyan cried for a long time, Qiu Yue walked over to help Dong Ziyan up, and said: "Ah Ming was buried generously."

Dong Ziyan lay on Qiuyue's shoulder, motionless, sobbing.

After a long time, the place is almost cleaned up. A few pieces of equipment are broken, but they can be repaired. Seeing that the place has recovered a lot, I am ready to leave.

Qiu Yue helped Dong Ziyan into the car, and drove the Hummer straight to Dong's residence.

On the way, Qiuyue's cell phone rang, "Godfather!"

"Well, Qiuyue, where are you?" Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue said: "We are rushing back, we just came out of the drug processing factory."

"Okay, there is no loss here, your partner is very capable, leading a group of people to hack and kill, those ruffians have already lost their combat effectiveness." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Well, it's fine if there's nothing wrong."

"Then let's talk about it after you come back." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue nodded.

Seeing Dong Ziyan's swollen eyes, Qiu Yue wanted to laugh.She is spoiled and spoiled on weekdays, and she doesn't know how to love others.

After returning to Dong's Mansion, there were traces of battles everywhere in the courtyard, and many people mowed at them. This incident caused a sensation in the entire Tuwujiao area, and several families participated in this battle.

"Zi Yan, are you feeling better?" Qiu Yue pretended to be concerned.

Dong Ziyan nodded, and Qiuyue helped Dong Ziyan into the villa.

Qiuyue looked at Dong Ziyan and said in his heart, the rich lady, now you know that people don't just live for themselves.

"Qiu Yue, you are back!" Dong Xuanyuan smiled happily.

Ling Feng also stood up and walked over: "Brother Qiu, you are really amazing!"

Qiu Yue said: "Where there is nothing, it is just luck, there is no loss here, right?"

"It's nothing, a few brothers were injured, and two died. I sent people to send a large amount of pensions to their families. This Ouyang Peide is simply useless. Kill him!" Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue supported Dong Xuanyuan to sit down, and Qiu Yue and Ling Feng sat beside Dong Xuanyuan.

"Godfather, let this matter be like this. I had the opportunity to blow up the yard of Ouyang's house just now, but I didn't." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Xuanyuan asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

"I think the reason why you are still famous until now is because you can restrain the remaining two families of the three major families. They are afraid of you, and countless families are afraid of you, so you have the reputation today. If the Ouyang family Get rid of it, if you remove a family at every turn, your prestige may drop, and everyone will obey you on the surface, but they will not accept you in the heart, and this time, the Ouyang family is so excessive, we can all set them aside If you let them die, everyone will think that the Dong family is a benevolent family and the most powerful family, and everyone will accept you from the bottom of their hearts." Qiu Yue took a sip of tea.

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