my beauty fairy

Chapter 525 Discuss a statement

After drinking the water, Qiuyue continued: "Besides, you also know that the current situation in the Tuwujiao area is not bad, and the surrounding bordering countries are thinking about it, but once the Dong family and the Ouyang family are defeated here, the remaining families will be defeated." Also involved, if the Tuwujiao area is in chaos, if the army intervenes to confiscate it, the Tuwujiao area will be out of harmony."

Qiuyue's words were very correct, every sentence hit Dong Xuanyuan's heart directly, causing Dong Xuanyuan to fall into deep thought.

After a few seconds, Dong Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Qiu Yue, I really didn't misunderstand you. There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years, and the coquettish future will belong to you! Godfather's I can't think of anything better than you!"

"Godfather, don't say that, I'm just a bystander, you are fans of the authorities, so don't praise me! Haha!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Okay, I really didn't miss it, godfather listened to you!"

"I know Uncle, Brother Qiu is indeed very good, I usually regard him as my idol! Hehe!" Ling Feng laughed.

Dong Xuanyuan said: "Both of you are able-bodied men, you helped me resolve the crisis this time, let's hold a banquet tonight to celebrate!"


"By the way, Qiuyue, how did you force that old fox Ouyang Peide to take back those people?" Dong Xuanyuan asked.

Qiu Yue smiled mysteriously, and said: "I planted ten time bombs in Ouyang's elder brother's place, detonated a few insignificant bombs, and destroyed the old guy for hundreds of millions, and then they gave in soon. Under the lure, that old fox Ouyang was finally willing to withdraw people back."

"Oh, well done, I just said how could Ouyang Peide, an old fox, easily send someone back. It turns out that you directly pinched his vitals." Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Suddenly Dong Xuanyuan mysteriously called Qiu Yue to the tea booth to talk, and said: "Ling Feng, you have something to drink here, Qiu Yue and I will go talk about something, let the housekeeper get you whatever you want to drink!"

"Okay, okay, thank you Uncle Dong!" Ling Feng stood up and smiled.

Qiuyue and Dong Xuanyuan came to the tea pavilion.

Dong Xuanyuan smiled and said, "Qiuyue, Godfather wants to know why you didn't want to let you and Ziyan be together at the beginning?"

"Godfather, you, you are asking our mother!" Qiu Yue said awkwardly.

Dong Xuanyuan looked at Qiu Yue unfathomably and said, "Did you reject Zi Yan because of A Ming?"

"This, this, me, that, that, just..." Qiu Yue was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

Dong Xuanyuan asked: "Yes or not?"

"Yes..." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Xuanyuan nodded and said: "I know this is the reason for you, I know you are righteous, but you are a fart for being righteous at critical moments, you should change when it comes to women, you are so domineering, women should also be more domineering, If you like it, it’s yours, if you can catch it, it’s yours, speak with your strength. Besides, I heard that Amin entrusted Zi Yan to you this time, you can figure it out!”

Suddenly Qiuyue was sweating profusely from Dong Xuanyuan's words. "Uh, what, I, that, I think, think about it!"

"Missing you, what will happen to my family property in the future, if you recommend me a man who is better than you, I will change him." Dong Xuanyuan said this, and Qiu Yue was speechless.

After being silent for a long time, Qiu Yue said: "But godfather, do you know that my job is too uncertain, here today, I may go abroad tomorrow, such a life, Zi Yan will suffer a lot!"

"What suffering, you promised me that you would quit this job after I was with Ziyan, this rich man, what a waste of running around!" Dong Xuanyuan said domineeringly.

Qiu Yue suddenly couldn't find a reason to reject Dong Xuanyuan.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue came up with a plan and said with a smile: "I am not thinking about the country, do something for the country, not to mention godfather, you have always wanted to do something for the country, now I am your godson Yes, the son doing things for the country is equivalent to the father doing things for the country. When I have done a lot of things and realized the dream of our father and son for the country, I will submerge myself in guarding my godfather. Family business haha!"

"That's right, then you should shed your blood for the country first. If there is anything here to help your godfather, you will come back to live here when the time comes." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiuyue immediately felt relieved, mother, at least find a reason to be free for a few years, it seems that this father-in-law can't get rid of him, let's do this first, let's leave Tuwujiao and find inspiration, then we'll see what to do!

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Well, good godfather, I understand, I will listen to you!"

"Well, it's almost the same, that's it, let's do it. By the way, when will you leave here?" Dong Xuanyuan asked.

Qiu Yue sighed and said, "Maybe I'm leaving soon. I haven't gone back to my hometown for a long time. After I go back, I may send a princess to the North Country."

"It's too hard to do things for the country, but as a man, you should go out and make a living! In case you lose a lot of wild fighting power." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiuyue nodded.

"Okay, go chat with your partner, I'll go talk to other families, and I'll take a look at what happened to the loss." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue nodded and followed Dong Xuanyuan out of the tea pavilion.

Qiuyue walked out of the tea booth and went to Ling Feng's side, but Ling Feng said with a smile: "Hahaha, Brother Qiu, what did your godfather tell you?"

Looking at Ling Feng's malicious smile, Qiu Yue suddenly felt weird.

"Uh, what are you doing? You seem to want to eat people." Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Ling Feng smiled and said: "No, I'm just more interested in Brother Qiu's affairs! Hehe!"

"Look at your ugly appearance, it's really annoying." Qiu Yue said angrily.

"Forget it, you'd better stay by yourself!" Qiu Yue turned and walked upstairs.

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Brother Qiu, are you going to find Miss Dong?"

Qiu Yue turned back and glared at Ling Feng unhappily, and Ling Feng trembled all over immediately, feeling the cold wind biting his bones.

"Ah, it's so cold!" Ling Feng sighed.

Qiu Yue came outside Dong Ziyan's room.

"Dong dong dong!" Qiu Yue knocked on the door three times.

Dong Ziyan asked: "Who is it?"

"Me!" Qiu Yue replied.

"Why, my eyes are swollen from crying, it's so ugly!" Dong Ziyan said dejectedly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "The family will celebrate later, open the door quickly, and let me see your colorful cat."

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