my beauty fairy

Chapter 526 Dinner

Dong Ziyan insisted not to open the door, and said angrily: "I won't open it if I don't open it. Dad hasn't come back!"

Immediately, Qiuyue's face was covered with black lines, he turned and went back to his room, and turned on the shower.

After taking a shower, Qiu Yue suddenly felt much more at ease.

After changing clothes, I walked out of the bathroom and heard the phone ring again.

"Hello!" Qiu Yue answered the phone.

Shangguan Yifan smiled and said, "Qiuyue, I heard that your side ended perfectly, didn't you?"

"Um, your news is really fast!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

"Are you going to have an affair again?" Shangguan Yifan said in a serious manner, which made Qiuyue super unnatural.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "What kind of affair, I don't know what you're talking about." Qiu Yue started to sweat like crazy again, feeling extremely impatient, how does this Shangguan Yifan know about his affairs.It's amazing.

"Haha, have you started playing sloppy with the team leader again? How is the matter between you and Ms. Dong?" Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Qiuyue knew that he was talking about this matter, which was really embarrassing.

"Uh, Shangguan Yifan, our mission this time..." Before Qiu Yue could finish speaking, Shangguan Yifan interrupted unceremoniously.

Shangguan Yifan said: "Tell me honestly, did Miss Dong lose her heart too?"

"Uh. No, then what, I, I'll hang up if you talk about this topic again!" Qiu Yue finally erupted a little.

Shangguan Yifan immediately laughed out loud: "Hahaha, Qiuyue, there are times when you are shy. It seems that I have made progress after not seeing you for so long!"

Qiuyue was helpless.

"Even if this task is successfully completed, the rest will be you, Ling Feng, come back quickly! Ling Feng will continue to fight against Xiongqi, and you, go to send the princess across the North Kingdom. I have been waiting for you for three days, this time the task is not only to send it back, but if you can have some kind of spark of love with Princess Transabei Kingdom, or something, that would be even better! After all, the West Kingdom is now I want to contact the Trans-Northern Kingdom to form a cooperation alliance to do something for our Huaxia Kingdom." Shangguan Yifan said.

Suddenly Qiuyue became sluggish, it was the first time I heard that the secret agent had to be ordered to pick up girls.

"Then what if I can't figure it out?" Qiu Yue said.

"Hahaha, if you Qiuyue can't handle it, it's useless to find someone else to chase the princess. If our love saint can't do it, how can we ordinary people handle it! Hahahaha..." Suddenly Shangguan Yifan was caught by Qiu Yue. The more funny he laughed.

Qiu Yue said: "In love, I just have nothing to do to pick up girls every day."

"Haha, almost!" Shangguan Yifan said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back and talk, every time I call, I have to expose my sore spots! It's really hateful!" Qiu Yue said angrily.

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue went downstairs.

Ling Feng was playing billiards alone in the hall.

Qiuyue took a pole and walked over.

"Brother Qiu, are you done with your important work?" Ling Feng smiled.

Qiu Yue scored a goal with one stroke.

"Fart!" Qiu Yue said, looked at Ling Feng angrily and said, "If you tell me these boring things again, or hurt me severely, I will make you regret it!"

After speaking, Ling Feng scratched his hair and watched the ball hit a shot.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it!" Ling Feng said helplessly: "By the way, Brother Qiu, when shall we go back?"

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow, go back as soon as possible, we still have a lot of things to do, so we can't relax our vigilance."

"En, all right!" Ling Feng nodded, and hit a shot hard, and immediately both balls went into the pocket.

At this time the butler came over and said politely: "Young master, the master said he is on his way and will be back soon. The kitchen is already cooking and the meal will be served soon. I want you to inform the young lady."

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Ling Feng, you play first, I'll call Zi Yan."

Turn around and walk up.

"Dong dong dong!" After Qiu Yue knocked on the door a few times, the door opened slowly.

Dong Ziyan walked out slowly.

Slow motion playback!

Qiu Yue's eyes straightened immediately, his gaze was misty, and he stared at Dong Ziyan fixedly, swallowing saliva involuntarily.

"Eh!" Just as Qiu Yue was about to say something, he choked and swallowed it alive.

"What's wrong?" Dong Ziyan smiled softly.

Qiuyue looked at Dong Ziyan wearing half high heels, the slender dress looked so noble, with light makeup on her face, the beautiful watery eyes and slender eyelashes made Dong Ziyan's face close to perfection.

Especially the tall and upturned breasts on the chest are irresistible, and half of the big milky white meat balls are squeezed out by the skirt, making people have a crazy desire to miss the cherry on the top of the mountain.

The skirt with long sleeves revealed two fair feet wrapped in high-end shoes, and Qiuyue instantly understood what jade feet are.

Qiuyue stared at Dong Ziyan's beautiful body for a while, unable to extricate himself, he couldn't move his eyes and said: "Uh, then, what, I'm fine."

Qiu Yue restrained himself from looking at Dong Ziyan again, held back the pain, turned around and smiled and said, "Let's go downstairs quickly, the food is ready, and godfather will be back soon!"

Suddenly, the tip of the nose became hot, and a warm current came out of the nose.

"Uh, no, could it be..." Qiu Yue thought fearfully in his heart.

After lightly touching the liquid with his hands, Qiuyue was in despair. It really was a nosebleed. It seems that Dong Ziyan's charm index has at least reached a five-star plus today!

"What's wrong with you, you're walking with your head on your head!" Dong Ziyan actually saw Qiuyue's embarrassment, and she just deliberately teased Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue covered his nose and said with a smile: "It's nothing, hehe, I'm just a little dizzy, I'm going to the bathroom downstairs to wash my face."

After speaking, Qiu Yue rushed directly into the bathroom at the speed of light.

After washing my face, the nosebleed also stopped.

"Uh, I have to control it. If I show this embarrassment in front of my godfather later, won't we be forced to get married today?" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

After coming out, seeing that his godfather hadn't come back, Ling Feng on the other side of the sofa had already fallen to the ground, with nosebleeds all over the carpet.

"Um, it seems that there is someone more embarrassing than me." Qiu Yue scratched his head and said helplessly.

What's more, Ling Feng's dick was so erect that his pants were going up through his pants.

So Qiu Yue hurried over to help Ling Feng avoid the embarrassing situation and walked into the bathroom.

In the living room, only Dong Ziyan was sitting there snickering, thinking to herself, Qiuyue today, can you still escape such a beautiful body like mine?I'm going to order you today, old lady!

At this time, the motorcade slowly entered the yard, Dong Xuanyuan got out of the car, and walked into the villa slowly!

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