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1632.655, One New Year's Eve, Different Ways to Celebrate

Originally, Confucius Tian said that he would not be at home on New Year’s Eve, so he could just find a hotel, book a room, and a table for a New Year’s Eve banquet. 【 】But Mama Kong disagreed this time.Kong's mother said: "There are four of us, how much can we eat? Although Lao Kong, your income is very high, especially the lecture fee, which is easy to come by, and you don't care about the thousands of dollars, but a table full of food, 4 people can’t eat much, so pack up the rest and eat all the leftovers the next day? It’s better to cook it yourself, eat it at home, feel at ease, hygienic and clean, and cook more dishes than usual, but definitely not There will be a lot left over. Also, after allocating so many New Year’s goods, Fangyuan will give away five or six copies, and don’t eat the rest, waiting for it to spoil?” Kong Shuanghua also supported Kong’s mother: “Dad, I still want to Taking advantage of the New Year’s Eve to cook, let’s study hard with my mother! Fangyuan has already cooked a complete meal, and I want to do it too. Although I’m pregnant now, I can’t cook a complete meal, but I can watch my mother cook, I learned how to do it from my mother, and in the future I will cook a meal for the whole family."

Confucius Tian likes such progress as Kong Shuanghua.In Kong Zitian’s mind, her daughter may become a university teacher, then a lecturer, then an associate professor and become a professor when she gets old, but her focus should still be on her family, just like her wife Kong’s mother.And son-in-law Fangyuan is also in business, although his future prospects may not be as high as his own, after all, he is a university teacher, and his starting point is higher than Fangyuan, but as long as he manages well, Fangyuan will be the director of the city's education bureau in the future. It is possible.If you want to do a career, you can’t spend too much time at home. If you spend too much time, you will have less time to do work performance, and less time to communicate with outsiders and build your own relationship. will affect his progress.

Confucius Tian struck while the iron was hot: "Does Xiaohua also want to learn to cook? Good! I will be a mother in the future, and only the food that mother cooks for the child is the child's favorite food. Now that I am pregnant, there is no need to rush Learn, this smell of oily smoke still has a certain impact on the fetus. But your spirit, my father thinks it is very good and deserves praise."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Dad, are you praising me? I haven't heard your praise for a long time." Praise. If Xiaohua wants to be praised by his father, he must continue to work hard." Kong Shuanghua said: "Hmph, my father is biased." But with a smile on his face, there is no sign of anger anymore.

Fang Yuan said: "Shuanghua is now in a critical period. I don't have the confidence to do a good job in this year's New Year's Eve dinner, but I can help my mother, such as washing vegetables, picking vegetables, washing dishes and so on." Mama Kong Said: "Okay, Xiao Fang will help me." Kong Shuanghua said: "I want it too!" Kong's mother said: "Okay, my good daughter will also help me. Every time I cook a dish, Xiao Hua, you will take it Serve the dishes out. Then you are responsible for arranging the bowls, cups, and plates, okay?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Okay."

Confucius Tian was very satisfied with this situation.Home, always have a little taste of home!Like the quarrel between the daughter and the son-in-law a few days ago, it hurt the relationship the most, and it also hurt the harmony of the family the most.Now, the whole family is thinking about one place, which is the continuation of the harmonious family atmosphere in the past few days.In the past few days, my daughter seems to have really calmed down a lot and improved a lot. This is really a joyful harvest!Confucius Tian said: "My wife, what should I do?" Kong's mother said: "You are a feudal patriarch, just sit and wait to eat." Confucius said with a smile: "I am not a feudal patriarch! I am also a family member. It’s not good for me to be idle alone!” Mother Kong said, “Okay, since you want to do some work, it’s not impossible. Peel a few green onions and a dozen cloves of garlic. .” Confucius Tian said, “Good.”

In this way, Kong's mother became a chef, Fang Yuan became a small worker, Kong Shuanghua became a "waiter", and Kong Zitian, after many years, finally got involved in the kitchen.In the past, before Confucius became an associate professor at the university, he often went to the kitchen. Later, he became a professor, a dean, a vice president, and a deputy director of the National People’s Congress.Now, taking out the garlic again, Confucius Tian felt a sense of intimacy.Such a warm family atmosphere gave Confucius a sense of comfort and tranquility.Everyone is against each other, and no one speaks for a while, but happiness is rippling in everyone's heart.

From two o'clock in the afternoon to five o'clock in the afternoon, the family of four has been cooperating closely in this way. Plates of dishes are slowly filling the table, and the room is filled with tempting aromas.Finally, the last fish dish was served, and Mama Kong and Fang Yuan came out of the kitchen.Mother Kong untied her apron and said with a smile: "The efficiency is really high today! I never thought that I could cook the meal so quickly." Confucius Tian said: "Everyone gathers firewood like a flame. The whole family is working hard. Work hard, that's why you're fast! Today I want to give special praise to Xiaohua. In the past, Xiaohua rarely took the initiative to reach out to cook, but today he actively learns, carefully arranges the table and puts the dishes on the table, and brings the dishes in a very timely manner. Very good. I think you already have all the excellent qualities of your mother, and in time, you will definitely become a better wife and mother than your mother." Kong Shuanghua smiled like a flower, and leaned her body on Fangyuan's shoulder, feeling a little embarrassed: "Actually , Today is still the hardest time for my mother. I watched it all afternoon. My mother finished frying this and then stewed that. She was busy from beginning to end. I didn’t feel it before. Fangyuan reminded me last time. Today I pay special attention to observation. Fangyuan’s words are true Yes, for 26 years, my mother has always worked so hard, my mother is the hardest, and my mother is the greatest."

Mother Kong felt like crying again.The daughter can say such words, the daughter has really grown up.Only after raising a child does she know her parents' kindness, and her daughter is now pregnant with a child. Is it because of this that she has also experienced the difficulty of being a mother?Kong's mother smiled: "Today, the whole family has worked hard. Your father said well, and the whole family worked hard. I really hope that our whole family can always be so happy, warm, harmonious, and joyful." Kong Shuanghua said: "Me too. Think so."

Confucius Tian said: "Okay, then our first glass of wine, come to wish our family happiness, warmth, harmony, and joy forever!"

The four people touched the cups together, but did not move them away immediately.Everyone's eyes were intertwined, and there was a feeling of sympathy, and the feeling of happiness infiltrated everyone's heart at this moment.

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