life struggle

Chapter 258 Inexplicable

"Stop smoking, what are you doing, smoking here alone, are you still a man, you have no future."

Wu Xiaojun heard someone yelling angrily behind him, turned his face away in a daze, and saw Shao Yingying crying sadly, looking at himself who was also sad in front of him, the cigarette butt in his hand was crushed to pieces, and the shreds of tobacco fell to the ground bit by bit, "Yingzi, How did you come?"

"I've seen you here for a long time upstairs, and I know that you are suffering and have nowhere to vent, and you can't abuse yourself like this. It's getting late, go out and eat."

The two came to Gufeng Night Market to eat a bowl of stewed noodles. They didn't want to wander here, so they sat down under a cane on Beijing Road.

Wu Xiaojun looked solemnly at the vehicles speeding past in front of him, at the citizens taking a leisurely walk in twos and threes, at the couples cuddling sweetly and talking about love, Luo Xiao's mature, steady yet gentle and lovely figure appeared In front of me, it is so real and so realistic, but it can only stay in the permanent memory. There is an indescribable feeling in my heart, and I can't help crying.

Shao Yingying cried and said, "When I think of my sister, I feel very sad. These days I always have nightmares. She was abandoned by her biological mother since she was a child, and lived a life under the fence. Entering the university campus that everyone yearns for, and then being hit hard by the death of the adoptive mother, finally finding the biological mother, and not having time to experience the love of the family, but embarking on a road of no return, it is really pitiful and unfortunate.”

Wu Xiaojun sighed and said, "I was in the same class as her in high school. She has a stubborn personality, but she is still very firm in her ideas. What she decides on will go all the way to the dark, and she can't be pulled back even with a trailer. Damn. The two of us had a quarrel on May [-]st. I followed her to the internship site. She told me about her situation and felt very depressed. At that time, I advised her to quit and not to be with them People care about her, but she still refuses to listen, and insists on seeing what they do and what their intentions are. It was because I didn't insist on sticking to my position that she was thrown into jail and murdered. Thinking of this, I feel very angry with myself, yes I'm sorry for her."

"It's not your fault either, it can only be said that her life was short."

"This time, Uncle Luo and your mother were hit hard psychologically. How are they doing now?"

"The situation was not very good. Uncle Luo had a heart attack and stayed in the hospital for ten days. After being discharged from the hospital, I advised them to come back, but Uncle Luo refused. He insisted on waiting for my sister to pass the day ceremony before leaving her. , I had no choice but to let my mother stay with him."

"Losing relatives one by one, Uncle Luo can't bear it. Now that his only daughter is gone, you and brother Zili are his relatives. I hope you can respect him, honor him like your own biological father, and let him and your mother be happy. Live the rest of your life."

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to do it, and we will definitely shoulder my sister's due obligations, so that her spirit in heaven can be comforted."

"Thinking of these years, getting to know you two sisters is like a dream. I had a crush on your sister in high school, but I didn't have the courage to speak up, so I could only hide that ignorant love in my heart. When I came here, it happened by accident I am in the same class with you, out of love for my family, and to make up for the shortcomings at the beginning, so as not to miss the golden opportunity, I pay more attention to and love you in my heart, so that the dream of your mother, Uncle Luo and your sister is fulfilled, and the reunion of your family is facilitated. This deep affection is increasing day by day, but seeing that you have always been with me, lukewarm, until you are honest, you flatly refused. I don’t know if it’s because of your sister, I misunderstood you deeply. After I made a clear relationship with your sister, I don't have this kind of thought anymore. But the world is unpredictable, and in the end I still don't have a relationship with your family. This is God's destiny. I deliberately made a big joke with my life. Thinking about it, I feel incredible."

"I am very moved by what you have done for our family, especially some time ago, it is difficult for ordinary people to take good care of my mother and Uncle Luo in that environment. You are indeed a kind and righteous person, let I was very touched. To be honest, it wasn’t that I didn’t have a good impression of you before, it’s not that I didn’t have opinions on you. I always felt that my personality was very different from yours, and I always felt that you were an unreliable person. I don't want to leave you, and I have been in conflict in my heart. After a long period of ideological struggle, I saw you and Feng Weiwei fighting fiercely, out of love for you, I was very angry in my heart. I couldn't restrain the anger in my heart, and decided to I rejected your request, and I felt uncomfortable for more than half a month. Later, my sister directly stated to my mother that she had a crush on you, and my mother advised me not to have any illusions about you. I made trouble for my sister. Later, when I thought about it, the two of you were really more suitable, and I felt a lot more at ease. Now that I think about it, I felt sorry for you when I treated you like that, and it was also very naive and unsatisfactory. , After all, they are all flesh and blood, adults with feelings and feelings."

"The reality is too ruthless, everything has passed, and there is no way back, just let it pass slowly with the years."

"My sister is lucky to have a boyfriend like you, but she is unlucky to lose a boyfriend like you. I know the pressure from the trauma you have endured. As a hot-blooded man, you must let go of it." Let go, don't be too hard on yourself, pick yourself up, start over, do what you are willing to do, do what you should do, and walk the path you want to go. I believe that good people will be rewarded, and go through ups and downs. After the ups and downs, your road will be wider and your future will be brighter."

"Thank you, Yingzi, I hope you do the same, and make Uncle and Auntie proud and proud. I will visit Uncle Luo and Auntie when I have time. As a brother, if there is anything, just say, I will always care about you, Take care of you, help you, and never let you suffer any grievances."

The two recalled the past and talked until late at night before returning to school.

Bai Lingyan and Wu Xiaojun are in the same department. Seeing him spend all day in the department, either writing medical records or observing patients' conditions in the ward, besides working, he is still working, worried and lifeless. I always feel that he has something on his mind. From the bottom of my heart, although my heart ached, I was too embarrassed to ask questions, worried about touching some nerve in him and arousing anger, so I could only observe him and stare at him silently.Seeing that my internship in the department is coming to an end, I can't wait any longer. I should sit down to understand his heart and exchange feelings.

This afternoon, Corey came to a patient with acute severe pancreatitis, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when the treatment was over.Director Jiang asked everyone to go out to eat together. Wu Xiaojun felt that he was an intern student and it was inappropriate to eat with some experts, so he excused himself.Just after leaving the gate of the hospital, she saw Bai Lingyan walking back and forth with her head lowered, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why haven't you gone back yet, are you waiting for someone?"

Seeing him come out, Bai Lingyan was excited and said with a rosy face, "Yes, you finally came out."

Wu Xiaojun asked puzzledly, "Wait for me, is there anything wrong?"

Bai Lingyan pursed her lips and smiled, "Why, I want to chat with you, can't I!"

Wu Xiaojun said, "Of course, you can just say something casually, why wait here so long, I really feel ashamed."

Bai Lingyan pulled Wu Xiaojun's arm, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't just stand here, let's go to Wenhua Road for some snacks."

Wu Xiaojun felt a little baffled by Bai Lingyan's sudden behavior, and was too embarrassed to ask more questions, so he went to a snack bar with her and found a seat to sit down.The waiter came over, bowed lightly, and asked with a smile, "Sir, madam, what do you want?"

Before Wu Xiaojun could speak, Bai Lingyan said, "A plate of peanuts, a plate of chicken wings, a plate of husband and wife's lung slices, a plate of beef, two cups of draft beer, come again..."

Seeing that Bai Lingyan wanted to order more food, Wu Xiaojun quickly interrupted her, "Okay, it's just the two of us, what do you need so much for, it's a waste to throw away if you can't finish eating."

Bai Lingyan smiled, "I know, there is another delicious dish here, I want you to try it too."

Wu Xiaojun said, "That's enough. If you want to try, there will be more opportunities in the future. This time is not bad."

Bai Lingyan said to the waiter, "Okay, that's all, hurry up."

Wu Xiaojun asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you today? It's so formal, it makes me feel ashamed."

Bai Lingyan smiled casually and naturally, "It seems that you are nervous. In fact, nothing happened. I have known you for so long, and I haven't really calmed down and sat down for a meal. No, next week I will I'm going to be transferred to another department, so I'm saying goodbye to you in advance. To be honest, I don't have any troubles when I'm with you, and I always feel as calm as water."

At this time, the dishes were all served, Bai Lingyan raised her glass, "Come on, let's have a meal."

"Dry, dry." The two cups were clinked tightly together, and both of them tried to drink a couple of sips, then put them down gently.

Wu Xiaojun picked up the chopsticks in his hand, took a chicken wing and placed it in front of Bai Lingyan, "You should eat more of this, as the elders say, girls are smart and skillful when eating chicken wings."

Bai Lingyan picked up a piece of beef, "Boys should eat more beef, so they are as strong as cattle."

Wu Xiaojun couldn't help but "puchi" laughed, "You are not forgiving at all. I said the first sentence, and you followed the next sentence. After a whole afternoon of tossing, I am already hungry, but I want to eat Already." As he spoke, he ate a few mouthfuls of food.

Bai Lingyan said cheerfully, "Looking at the way you eat, it reminds me of the time we ate at the farmhouse in Xinningsi City. It hasn't changed at all."

Wu Xiaojun hastily put down his chopsticks, took a sip from his cup, and sighed, "Oh, time flies so fast. Two years have passed in a flash. When I think of that time, I was carefree and went forward bravely towards a goal. I am exhausted, but most happy and joyful. Looking back on the past two years, I no longer have the high spirits and heroic passion of the past.

Bai Lingyan quietly looked at Wu Xiaojun's emotional face, and tried to ask, "Why do you say that, do you really have some secrets in your heart that you can't tell, or are you encountering some entangled troubles? Others don't want to talk about it." , if you trust me, please tell me, I have been the object of your vent more than once."

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