life struggle

Chapter 278

Wu Xiaojun said very firmly, "Lingyan, since the day Luo Xiao left, I have completely given up on the Luo family. Yingzi and I are not mules on the same carriage at all, and we will never get together. A doomed fact."

Bai Lingyan didn't know what to say, so she kept silent and walked forward slowly with her head bowed.

Wu Xiaojun pondered for a long time, and suddenly said with emotion, "Lingyan, after going through ups and downs again and again, I have long been discouraged about making a girlfriend and dating. Unless someone like you appears, no one will Can't get into my field of vision!"

Bai Lingyan was very surprised by Wu Xiaojun's words. She had been so kind to him before and made so many hints, but she had never said such words like today. It was obvious that some nerve was stimulated and something was abnormal.So he said disapprovingly, "You really know how to joke. Could it be that you will always be alone if you don't meet someone like me in your life? I can't afford this crime!"

Lu Jianmin's analysis was not unreasonable, but it aroused Wu Xiaojun's rebellious psychology. He rejected Shao Yingying from his heart and chose to accept Bai Lingyan.This is just his wishful thinking, what exactly Bai Lingyan thinks is unknown.A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, which is difficult to understand with ordinary people's eyes and thinking.The relationship with Bai Lingyan can't be rushed, it has to be slowed down bit by bit and let nature take its course.

Wu Xiaojun expressed his feelings and blurted out what was in his heart. He somewhat regretted it. What worried him most was arousing Bai Lingyan's resentment, because a sentence she might not be willing to accept made her wary of herself, ruined the friendship that had been established for many years, and lost The only confidante I can trust, isn't it self-defeating, the loss outweighs the gain.The embarrassing situation he didn't want to see didn't happen, Bai Lingyan's flat and ingenious reaction was beyond his expectation, and the tension that was aroused at the moment was relieved a lot, and he smiled and said, "Send it when you feel it, let it out when you feel it, do not worry about it."

Bai Lingyan laughed and said, "You often talk nonsense, who cares about your nonsense."

Wu Xiaojun reminded Bai Lingyan jokingly, "You can't say that, don't take me too lowly. It's my consistent style to tell more truth than lie. When you need to take it to heart, you should pay attention to it."

Shao Yingying was very concerned about the relationship between Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan at first, and secretly observed and inquired about their relationship, until she had a psychological gap with Luo Xiao, and she had no choice but to withdraw, and Luo Xiao and Wu Xiaojun clarified the relationship, and then she died completely. this heart.Wu Xiaojun did not back down because of her anger, and ignored the previous suspicions. He stood up for her at the critical moment and never left her. She rekindled her hope, re-examined everything she had done in the past, and felt more and more guarded. The mentality is too heavy, and it is extremely wrong to think of Wu Xiaojun as the worst. Maybe he will be safer and more at ease with him by his side.

Shao Yingying's heart was really moved by her mother's persuasion, and the only one who felt uneasy was Bai Lingyan.Things have changed, and people's hearts are changing. The two of them have always maintained a tacit relationship. It is difficult to determine whether Luo Xiao's sudden change will develop rapidly, take a step forward, and step into the door of love.The opportunity is rare, time waits for no one, I have missed it many times, if I miss it again, I will only regret it for the rest of my life.In any case, give it a try according to my mother's idea.

Wu Xiaojun readily accepted to accompany her to go home, at least it showed that she still had hope, he hadn't completely given up the tortuous relationship in the past, it was the happiest day she had felt in many days.In front of his mother, he didn't directly express whether he could agree with him, maybe it was because the matter happened suddenly and he didn't have time to think about it, maybe he was too embarrassed to say it because of his feelings, but he talked with himself very congenially along the way, without any restraint, which showed that He cared about what his mother said.Shao Yingying was intoxicated with self-satisfaction, and Bai Lingyan's sudden appearance, with ironic and provocative words, was like pouring a basin of cold water on her fiery heart, and it was cold from head to toe.

Shao Yingying was eagerly looking forward to Wu Xiaojun being able to explain something to herself, to confess something, even if it was a cold and angry word, but as the days passed, the desired result did not appear.It turned out that Wu Xiaojun was acting in front of himself and deceiving himself.My pure and fiery heart was exchanged for being fooled and coaxed by others, and an inexplicable sense of humiliation immediately surfaced in my heart.Her heart was empty, and she felt very confused and hesitant. She was so lonely, lonely, lost, and helpless that she couldn't breathe, and she really wanted to escape to another world.

Shao Yingying still couldn't muster the courage to take the initiative to find Wu Xiaojun, and chose to remain silent again. He wanted to show his dissatisfaction with Wu Xiaojun in this way, in exchange for his good opinion of him.

Wu Xiaojun felt uneasy for three or four days after Metaphor and Bai Lingyan said what he wanted to say.During dinner, he scanned the hall of the cafeteria with a bowl in his hand, and suddenly found that Shao Yingying was eating alone on the innermost seat by the window, with her head bowed, so he went straight over, sat down quietly before her, and whispered, " Yingzi, you just ate too!"

Shao Yingying just lowered her head to eat, and didn't notice Wu Xiaojun's arrival. She raised her head in astonishment when someone asked her, her face suddenly sank, and she said flatly, "Yes, haven't you eaten yet?"

Wu Xiaojun looked at her and said with a smile, "I just came back from the hospital, how is it going, is it going well in the department?"

Shao Yingying said coldly, "That's it!"

Wu Xiaojun heard that her voice was a bit heavy, so he didn't say any more, he hurriedly finished his meal, and said softly, "Yingzi, it's not convenient to talk here, let's go out and talk later!"

Shao Yingbai glared at him, hesitated for a while, thought for a while and said, "Okay!"

The two came to the shore of the White Lake, and under the shadowy lights, walked aimlessly along the winding path.Wu Xiaojun felt that the atmosphere was a little depressing, and the two of them walked silently like dumb along the way, deliberately smiling, "Yingzi, you seem to be not in a good mood, is there something you are holding back in your heart? If there is something unhappy, just leave it alone. Tell me, maybe I can help you out."

Shao Yingying looked up at the starry sky, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Xiaojun, am I so stupid that you look down on me from the bottom of your heart?"

Wu Xiaojun said brightly, "You are not only beautiful, but also very intelligent. How can you say that about yourself? I don't have time to appreciate it. How can I look down on you!"

Shao Yingying looked at Wu Xiaojun anxiously and said seriously, "Is Bai Lingyan very kind to you? He once said before that your personality is very suitable for her, and her personality is very suitable for you. I don't understand one thing. What kind of relationship is it, I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Wu Xiaojun said with a chuckle, "Yingzi, if others don't understand it, do you still doubt it? I think you should know best that we are just a pure classmate relationship. According to your words, there is no impurity in it. There is no doubt about it. To tell you the truth, some things that are inconvenient to talk to anyone else, but it is a relief to talk to her. Some things are inconvenient to let others do it, and she doesn't have to think about what burden she will carry after doing it. Other than this feeling nothing."

Shao Yingying sneered a few times, "Really, according to my intuition, she chased you very hard. I only hate that I have poor eyesight and no brains. I didn't see it before. Now that I think about it, I regret it. I shouldn't have brought you back last time." Home, let you do what you don't want to do, and listen to what my mother should not say."

Wu Xiaojun's mood immediately became heavy. She is asking the teacher for a crime. How should I answer? After thinking about it, I said, "Yingzi, over the years, Auntie and Uncle Luo have always looked at me with high regard and love. I know it best in my heart. Visiting them from time to time is what I should do, to take care of you, protect you, and let you go out of school smoothly, even if my aunt doesn't tell me, I will do it, don't you even believe this!"

Shao Yingying said angrily, "Speaking is better than singing, your heart is all on Bai Lingyan, how can you think of me!"

Wu Xiaojun stopped in his tracks and said solemnly, "Yingzi, you really wronged me for saying that. You can believe what I say, and you won't run away from her when you meet her!"

Shao Yingying said with a mournful face, "I was the one who was worried, and you knew better than me what to do. Xiaojun, I was the one who was sorry for you and broke your heart. I hope you can forgive me from the bottom of your heart and treat Luo Xiao the same way. Treat me. I know it's probably too late to say this, I just don't want to have any more regrets."

Wu Xiaojun couldn't bear to break her heart, and said with a smile, "Yingzi, I was naive and ignorant in the past, so don't bring up these vague past events. We have experienced some wind and rain together, and we have gradually matured. Things should always be thoughtful. You should know what to do, I think time will tell everything, everything will disappear, and everything will be verified. Let go of the burden, do what you should do, and everything will come true.”

Although what Wu Xiaojun said sounded ambiguous, Shao Yingying felt warm in her heart, as if she saw the dawn of love and hope for herself.Smiling, he said, "Xiaojun, you are talking to me about Buddhist language and riddles again, but you don't understand what you mean. I think Bai Lingyan is too scheming and hides it deeply. She doesn't think you do the right thing. You do it right." She is very concerned about the wrong thing, knowing that you have a girlfriend, she still persists, does not hide or hide, either she has a problem with her mind, or she has other plans, I remind you to be careful, don't inadvertently Get bitten by her."

Wu Xiaojun joked, "Yingzi, you girls observe girls from different angles. You always look at people with colored glasses. You are not jealous of her! If so, I will keep my eyes open and choose the one who is good." And follow it!"

Feeling shy, Shao Yingying stepped on Wu Xiaojun's foot suddenly and fiercely, "You are so beautiful, I don't know what jealousy is!"

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