life struggle

Chapter 294 Passion Like Fire

Xiang Meili had a hard time, and for ten days in a row, she saw Lu Jianmin arguing and scolding him, making him ashamed, dizzy, and at a loss.But Wu Xiaojun couldn't tell Wu Xiaojun about these things, so he had to keep silent in his heart and suffer alone.

Wu Xiaojun knew Xiang Meili's temper and Lu Jianmin's calm and stable character, and felt sorry for causing Lu Jianmin to suffer physically and mentally because of other people's affairs, so he took the initiative to talk to Lu Jianmin, and said very guiltyly, "Jianmin, I'm sorry. When I heard that what Xiang Meili said was not true, I was very angry. I couldn't help but give her a few words. I didn't expect that she would not let you go. I am really sorry."

Lu Jianmin sighed, "She is a person who does things and speaks her own way, never cares about the consequences, and is a person who refuses to admit defeat and desperately wants to save face. During this time, I am so pestered by her that I can hardly bear it. I really regret walking with her. Together!"

Wu Xiaojun said, "I don't know why you guys came together. To be honest, many classmates and I have disliked you since the beginning, but I don't want to explain it to you because of love. I always feel that you are old It's not the way to continue to make such a noise. Do her parents know about the relationship between you two? Will they agree? If you haven't let them know, I think you should think about it carefully, and don't regret it too late."

Lu Jianmin said worriedly, "I didn't dare to let them know. If they found out, there would definitely be an uproar. If it weren't for seeing that her family is here, she can have someone to rely on in the future, and she would never associate with her. I think it's better to live with her." Tell them later."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Jianmin, let me say something that shouldn't be said. We rural people also have integrity and dignity. Just because her parents are some kind of little sesame officials, you can't just make up your mind to be her grandson and do things you don't want to do against your will. , ruined everything about yourself. What's more, it's hard to say whether you will find a job in the future, or even your future family.

Lu Jianmin said uncomfortably, "I've thought about this over and over again. The quarrel between me and Xiang Meili is the quarrel, but the relationship is relatively good. It's not so easy to end the relationship between the two. With her personality, One day her family will agree. Apart from that, I have no other better choice due to the constraints of my family conditions and future employment.”

Wu Xiaojun saw the helplessness in Lu Jianmin's eyes, so he could only say, "I hope you can get what you want, but you have to guide and lead to Meili with your heart, let her change her character and attitude, once she causes any disaster , it’s too late to regret.”

Wu Xiaojun sighed secretly, Lu Jianmin's worries and helplessness were similar to his own. Among the so-called numerous social relationships, which one is the one who is not beneficial.Facing the impoverished family situation, why not worry about causing trouble for himself, hiding far away, and who would sincerely run errands for him.It's the closest brother, why isn't he always hindering and calculating himself.Only by staying away from right and wrong, finding another way, breaking into the world alone, and not owing anyone's favor, can I stand up straight in front of them and not let go of the conversation, but it is not easy to achieve these.

Man proposes, God disposes.Painfully determined to reject Shao Yingying's true love for her, choosing Bai Lingyan is just the first step to go out into the world alone. Is it right or wrong, what kind of difficulties and setbacks will I experience, can I finally achieve my goal and realize my dream? Wish, everything is unknown.No matter what the prospects are, as long as you work hard and do your best, you will not have any regrets. This is very similar to Lu Jianmin, and it seems that we will fight side by side with him again.

Wu Xiaojun's sweet and solemn promise, like a blazing flame, warmed Bai Lingyan's cold and lonely heart, and made her truly feel the heartbeat, madness and trembling for the first time in her life, and gave her a life as dull as a pool of stagnant water , with added vitality, full of infinite happiness and sweetness.Her sense of attachment to Wu Xiaojun gradually strengthened, and she no longer dreamed of the lingering love between Qing Qing and me all the time.

At the beginning of June, the departments of the interns were rotated and adjusted. Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan were transferred to the Department of Hematology at the same time.These are happiness and warmth for the two of them, but they are a merciless blow to Shao Yingying. Apart from regretting her timidity, cowardice and cruelty, she has no courage to accuse or complain to the two of them, and silently bears the pain of being tortured. Abandoned and irreparable pain, give them prayers and blessings.

Seeing that mid-June is approaching, and the students who are about to graduate from Xiangzhou University will return to school. Wu Xiaojun longs for this day to come. The closer it is, the more excited and nervous he feels. Appearing in front of me, thinking of her shallow smile, bright eyes, ordinary heart, gentle whisper, thinking of the little things when I was with her, thinking of the scene when I met her , the blood all over his body was boiling and flowing endlessly.However, times have changed and people are changing. She is now a married woman, and the fiery passion before will no longer be there.To meet her, I can only learn about her past life, fulfill a wish that I am ashamed of her, and give her best wishes.

Wu Xiaojun didn't want Bai Lingyan to know that he still couldn't let Qin Meixiang go, adding to her daydreams and troubles for no reason.

After get off work in the afternoon, Bai Lingyan said happily, "I haven't improved my life for a long time. It just so happens that my dad didn't come back after harvesting the wheat. Let's go to his place and let's cook for ourselves. How about it?"

Wu Xiaojun said without hesitation, "Okay, let's go to the vegetable market to buy some side dishes first, and cook some porridge!"

The two came to the room and immediately got busy.

Wu Xiaojun said with a chuckle, "The cold dishes I bought don't have enough seasoning. I'm mixing them again. You fried the celery and shredded pork."

Bai Lingyan said, "You haven't tasted my stir-fried dishes yet, so I'll let you have a good taste today."

Not much effort, the meal is ready, the two looked at their respective fruits of labor, picked up a piece with chopsticks, and raised their hands to each other, "You eat!" "You eat!" Each opened his mouth and put it in his mouth, chewing After a while, they looked at each other and laughed.

After the crime, the two cleaned up the dishes and sat down to chat while drinking tea.

Wu Xiaojun said with a smile, "It's a pity that once in a while a meal is worse than beating someone. It would be great if it was like this every day!"

Bai Lingyan smiled and said, "You are really anxious. It depends on whether my parents agree or not. Just wait slowly!"

Wu Xiaojun said, "As long as you agree, it doesn't matter if others agree or not!"

Bai Lingyan took a sip of tea and said, "It depends on how you treat me. If you do something wrong to me behind your back, I'll kick you. It's completely useless if you want to eat my food."

Wu Xiaojun said, "You are really vicious, what if your parents don't agree?"

Bai Lingyan smiled slightly, "As long as you treat me well, it has nothing to do with you whether they agree or not."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Well, this sounds like a human saying. Let me tell you something. Recently, my father wrote a letter saying that something happened at home. He asked me to go back. It may take a few days. You have to take good care of yourself."

Bai Lingyan said, "It's okay, you can go back at ease. After you get back, we will go directly to my house, what do you think?"

Wu Xiaojun said sadly, " want to give them a cut first and then play it. It's not appropriate. I think it's better to wait and talk about it later."

Bai Lingyan said nonchalantly, "It's very simple. Our area is a world-famous water conservancy project area. It's normal for me to take you there. Don't worry about it."

Wu Xiaojun said, "This is what you said, don't mess things up at that time, it's hard to clean up!"

Bai Lingyan smiled softly, "Why are you mother-in-law and mother-in-law? You always look forward to the future and promise that nothing will happen. When are you going to leave?"

"tomorrow morning."

"It's so fast, you'll be gone for a few days, what do I think you'll do?" He looked at Wu Xiaojun without blinking.

"What to do! Let you know what to do now?" Wu Xiaojun took her into his arms and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

Bai Lingyan nestled in Wu Xiaojun's arms obediently, closed her eyes with her face up, and parted her fragrant lips slightly.

Wu Xiaojun hugged her limp body tightly excitedly, thrust his tongue into her mouth, and quickly mixed them together, making a hissing sound.

Bai Lingyan suddenly pulled out her hands, pushed Wu Xiaojun onto the bed, and then threw herself on him impatiently, wrapping her two pink and delicate arms around his neck, writhing her delicate and delicate body panting, greedy Sucking his tongue eagerly, eagerly enjoying the rain and dew from the soul.

Wu Xiaojun put his hands on her back uncontrollably, and gently stroked the thin layer of jumpsuit covering her skin, it was so soft and soft, accompanied by two The round and solid naughty guy kept swinging back and forth, making his whole body tremble and his cells itched. A strong torrent like a torrent hit his nerves, making him feel weak and uncomfortable.

It had been a long time since he had been bathed in the enhanced intimacy of his blood, and a desire to savor a woman's body quickly burned. Wu Xiaojun turned over suddenly regardless of everything, and pressed Bai Lingyan under his body.

At this time, Bai Lingyan's blushing face was already hot, she looked at Wu Xiaojun's profound expression in horror, and felt extra calm, she closed her eyes in vain and hugged his tough body, and instantly the two of them rolled together with their sweat-soaked bodies, The violent friction and rhythmic shaking of the lower abdomen irritated the creaking and shaking of the small bed, accompanied by panting and soft screams, playing a hearty and cheerful harmony.

Just when the cute little guy was full of blood, standing proudly, eager to try, unable to extricate himself, Wu Xiaojun suddenly felt an inexplicable fear, anxiety and restlessness in his mind.

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