life struggle

Chapter 334 The Sinking Coward

After an unknown amount of time, the car stopped, and the passengers in the car were agitated, shouting, yelling, children crying hoarsely, and the crowd and noise of passengers who were about to get off the car, awakening Wu Xiaojun who was sleeping.The inside of the car was messy, and it was so hot that it was hard to breathe. He stood up and looked out the car window. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything, let alone where he was.

"What's the matter with your car? It's so hot, not only is it dawdling and desperate, but also you have to refuel and have a flat tire. It took you five or six hours to travel less than [-] kilometers. As a driver, you are fooling around. Yes, I didn’t concentrate at all, luckily I hit a tree, otherwise we would have thrown the whole car into the canal to feed bastards, you really don’t take the lives of the passengers seriously!” A middle-aged man looked at The gloomy driver roared loudly.

A pregnant woman anxiously coaxed a two or three-year-old child crying profusely in her arms, and cursed loudly, "Such a dilapidated classic car dares to go on the road, it should have been eliminated by the fee, and you still drag so many people!" , just make money and don't care about the life and death of passengers, it's too black-hearted."

The driver had a gloomy face, lowered his head and held the steering wheel, and kept trying to start the car, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't start it. Hearing the two people scolding him, he became even more irritable. He suddenly stood up and pointed at the car. The noses of the two said angrily, "Noisy, noisy, what are you talking about, it's just adding to the chaos. If you are in a hurry, don't I be in a hurry? If you want to take a car, just stay there obediently. If you don't want to take a ride, get off immediately and leave."

Wu Xiaojun listened to the driver's impersonal words, and was already in a bad mood. He couldn't help but slammed into the fire, pushed aside the passengers in the corridor, walked up to the driver, and said sharply, "Everyone in the car In a hurry, anyone can complain and vent the suffocation in the chest. You have an unshirkable responsibility when this happens, but you not only don't care about the safety of the passengers, you don't appease the impetuous psychology of the passengers, and you even yell at the passengers. Where is morality, where is conscience?"

The passengers in the car immediately seemed to explode, and echoed, "Yes, driver, you can't treat passengers like this, otherwise, the ticket will be refunded immediately, and we will get off."

The driver looked at Wu Xiaojun angrily and said, "It's really salty to eat carrots and worry about it. If you dare to talk nonsense and incite passengers, believe it or not, I will destroy you."

Wu Xiaojun sneered, "Che Ba, I kindly persuade you not to listen, but you want to play tricks. Let me tell you, I am not frightened. If you want to come, come at me."

The passengers in the car were excited and shouted in unison, "This driver is so bad, he just needs to be beaten up, everyone beat him up, beat him up!"

Seeing that the passenger's mood had been aroused, Wu Xiaojun waved his hand to stop him and said, "Please calm down, don't do this, listen to me, scolding and fighting are not the solution to the problem, now I will ask the driver If so, can this car still be repaired, can it continue to go?"

At this time, the female conductor in her 30s got on the bus, and Wu Xiaojun gave him a look, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

The conductor took a careful look at Wu Xiaojun. Although the young man was young, he gave off a domineering and sinister look. His eyes were full of evil spirits, and he showed no sign of panic. The driver's hair lying in front of him didn't help at all.Seeing the angry eyes of all the people in the car focused on the driver, I couldn't help but feel nervous for a while.There are more than 60 people in a car in the wilderness where there is no village in front of the village and no shops behind.With a slight smile, he said loudly, "Fellow townsmen, it is not easy for everyone to go out. Let us understand each other and take care of each other. Be safe and don't be impatient. Let the driver master calm down and overhaul the car carefully. Repair it at one point, and the car will run faster. It will delay everyone's time. Help, don't rush, don't mess up, and go back to your seats."

Wu Xiaojun said with a sullen face, "You and the driver said that earlier, and the villagers will understand. Why do you have to be arrogant and quarrel with everyone? You can't do this if you have been running outside for many years."

The conductor Nuonuo said, "Yes, yes, you can tell that you are a cultural person."

Wu Xiaojun saw that the conductor's attitude was relaxed, and that it would be bad for anyone to make a fuss, so he turned around and said to the passengers on the bus, "Everyone be quiet, sleepy for a while, let the driver fix the car, so we can arrive at the station safely. "

The passengers in the car sat down among the sighs, and soon they were speechless. The conductor calmed down nervously. Seeing Wu Xiaojun standing at the door, he asked in a low voice, "Young man, why don't you go up?"

Wu Xiaojun smiled wryly, "I didn't have a seat at first, and I sat on the aisle all the time. Look, it's packed full, and there's not even room for a foot. How can I get in? I'd better stand here and breathe. .”

The conductor said, "You have been a great help to us, please take my seat."

Wu Xiaojun was also polite and sat down.Immediately, I felt my mouth was dry and I was almost on fire. I opened the beer and drank half a bottle, feeling a little better.

The driver was sweating profusely and tossed and tossed for more than an hour before finally setting the car on fire.

In front was a section of road under construction, and the bumps were extremely severe. Wu Xiaojun hadn't eaten anything for more than ten hours, and drank beer on an empty stomach.

Seeing his sallow complexion, sweating profusely, clenching his teeth, the conductor tightly covered his stomach with both hands, and asked worriedly, "Young man, what's the matter?"

Wu Xiaojun didn't dare to speak, shook his head lightly, and gave her an indifferent look.

The conductor opened a bottle of mineral water, handed it to Wu Xiaojun, and said softly, "You seem to be dehydrated due to heat stroke, please add some water."

Wu Xiaojun took the mineral water bottle with one hand and drank half of it, wiped his mouth, and said slightly, "Thank you!" He continued to press his abdomen with both hands to relieve the pain caused by the pain.last for half an hour

The conductor asked distressedly, "Young man, where are you from?"

Wu Xiaojun said weakly, "Yuanzhen."

The conductor said, "Really, I'm from Yuanzhen Xiguan, what about you?"

Wu Xiaojun said weakly, "Wu Family Village on the outskirts of the city."

The conductor asked in surprise, "Wu Family Village? Let me ask you if someone knows?"

Wu Xiaojun asked lightly, "Who is it?"

The conductor asked, "Do you know Wu Xiaojun?"

Wu Xiaojun was taken aback. He didn't know this person. Who was he? He had never heard of his relative owning a sports car. How did she know me? Let's listen to what she asked before talking. He nodded and said, "Yes! You and his family Do you have any relatives?"

"I have no relatives with his family. I heard that he is studying medicine in Pingxi. Is that true?"


The conductor said excitedly, "That's right. In the past, Wu Xiaojun and my uncle's daughter fell in love, and the two had a very good relationship. At first, my uncle and aunt disagreed, but then they agreed."

The conductor turned out to be Qin Meixiang's distant cousin. Wu Xiaojun's heart skipped a beat, and his abdominal pain immediately eased a lot. He asked curiously, "Then what happens later?"

The conductor said regretfully, "Later, my uncle got into a car accident, my aunt went crazy, and my cousin and aunt disappeared mysteriously."

Wu Xiaojun tentatively asked, "Does this have anything to do with Wu Xiaojun?"

The conductor said disappointedly, "Of course it has something to do with it. My aunt came back from out of town three months ago, and in the conversation with my mother, she accidentally mentioned that my cousin's child is four years old. My mother didn't believe it, so she asked her cousin When did you get married? She said she was not married, she was the illegitimate child of Wu Xiaojun in Wujia Village. She was seriously ill at the time and didn’t realize it. Later she found out and asked my cousin to kill the child, but my cousin refused to say anything. The two had a long time of quarreling about this, but they finally gave birth. My mother asked my aunt to find Wu Xiaojun. My aunt said that my cousin had a very bad temper, and she was determined not to let the Wu family know about it, otherwise she would take the child and leave her. .”

Wu Xiaojun listened silently. The sudden news of Mei Xiang made him extremely painful and uncomfortable. It seemed that Mei Xiang really had a child with the two of them. Why didn't she meet him? Why did she torture and punish herself like this? The mystery of my heart can never be solved.He didn't know whether the news was good or bad for him. While he was excited, he was more worried and helpless. He wanted to know more about Mei Xiang.Pretending to be nonchalant, he asked, "Where is your cousin, what does she do, and why?"

The conductor said, "My cousin is pitiful enough. She dropped out of Xiangzhou University when something happened to her family. She took my aunt to Beijing, Shanghai and other places to work and treat my aunt. I was born. Fortunately, my cousin is beautiful, smart, capable and willing to endure hardships. Three years ago, she went to a large international company in Shenhai to engage in sales. .What a great condition, but it’s a pity that she is still alone with a child and has no family. I think she still can’t forget that Wu Xiaojun in your village!”

Wu Xiaojun cursed in distress, "This Wu Xiaojun is a bastard. He completely mutilated your cousin. Tell me your cousin's address, and I will ask Wu Xiaojun to find her to make amends."

The conductor smiled wryly, "Ask for my cousin's address! My cousin used to be the mayor of the town, and my aunt looked down on anyone, lest others would disturb them, so relatives seldom see each other. Maybe it's because after the accident in her family, my cousin begged everywhere. It hurts her heart to be ignored by her relatives. They have not heard from them for many years, and now that they are prosperous again, they will tell us. Not only do I not know, but my mother doesn't know either."

Wu Xiaojun sighed in disappointment, "I want to help your cousin even if I can't find it."

The conductor said cryptically, "The deep sea is so big, it's not easy to find someone. I can only say that my cousin is willing to suffer on her own."

Wu Xiaojun saw that he couldn't find any useful clues from the conductor, so he didn't want to continue chatting with her, slowly closed his eyes, and thought over and over again to sort out the clues about Qin Meixiang.It is conceivable that she has struggled in family, friendship and love over the years, how much suffering she has endured, how much she has suffered, how many ups and downs and ups and downs she has experienced. Without strong perseverance, it is difficult to get through with the courage of independence and self-reliance. Faced with many difficulties, embark on a path of struggle in life that belongs to you.To Wu Xiaojun's relief, Qin Meixiang not only achieved this with her own practical actions, but also did it very well.In contrast, I have become a perverted coward who is addicted to the love of his children and cannot extricate himself.

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