The one hundred thousand check Jiang Churan opened the bedroom door unceremoniously, and was about to lift his foot to enter, but the next moment, he froze at the door.

There was a man in the room, wearing only a towel around his body, standing in front of the window and making a phone call. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and gave him a faint look. At that moment, Jiang Churan suddenly felt shuddering.

This man, even with his upper body bare, has such an extraordinary bearing, he is definitely not an ordinary person!

Jiang Churan slowly retracted her hand, turned to meet Wen Cai's gaze, and suddenly became angry again: "Okay, Wen Cai, I have been with you for so long, but I didn't realize that you are so capable! I I haven't looked for you for a few days, and you even brought back the man! No wonder you didn't let me touch it at the beginning, it turned out to be reserved for others!"

Wen Cai's body trembled slightly, and she closed her eyes sadly.

In fact, he had already reached the point of breaking up, but at this moment, he really broke his face, and she found it ugly.

"You go." As if she had made the greatest determination, Wen Cai said these three words softly.

"You want me to go? It's not that easy!" Jiang Churan showed his snarky face, "You are the one who is sorry for me, you betrayed me, and you want to send me away with just one word, so that we can sleep together with you? Dreaming!"

With a pale face, Wen Cai said softly, "Then what do you want?"

"20!" Jiang Churan brazenly stretched out two fingers, "As long as you give me 20, I will never bother you again. You can be with whoever you like!"

After hearing this, Wen Cai laughed suddenly, so calm that she couldn't even think of it, and sat back on the sofa: "I have no money, and I gave you all my savings. The 10 yuan you borrowed was already given to me by usury I have given the ultimatum, and I will not be able to pay back the money, so I am already ready to die. If you must, take my life."

Jiang Churan was furious immediately, and was about to pounce on her immediately, but a tall man's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the room.

Wen Cai sat quietly on the sofa, her face was calm and stubborn like never before.

Song Xiyuan looked at her and Jiang Churan, curled his lips, and calmly threw a check into Jiang Churan's face.

Jiang Churan was startled, grabbed the check quickly, and took a closer look. He was happy at first, but then hated him: "I said I want 20, what do you mean by [-]?"

Song Xiyuan leaned against the door frame, lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and his calm and calm tone made people afraid: "This one hundred thousand, you can take it if you want, if you don't, just forget it."

Jiang Churan felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly put the check into his arms, and before leaving, he gave Wen Cai a vicious look: "Wen Cai, you're doing well, you've got a rich man!"

Wen Cai was a little stunned, and before she recovered what was going on, Song Xiyuan had already pulled her up from the sofa, and said softly, "Don't you close the door? It's midnight, how long do you have to wait?"

The warm words successfully stained Wen Cai's face red, but they also plucked up her courage. After unceremoniously pushing Jiang Churan out of the house, he closed the door with a "bang".

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