
176 high-end weapon chips

Plagiarism - 170 six high-end weapon chips

Seeing Tan Jiabao, Zhang Zhongmou was quite surprised.Fortunately, Dai Weiye had revealed a little bit about the dignity of their boss, Mr. Tang Xiao, so Zhang Zhongmou was not too surprised.

As soon as he entered Zhang Zhongmou's CEO's office, two beautiful secretaries brought up the Junshan Yinzhen that had already been brewed.

"I heard that Fei Gen has caused you trouble?" Tan Jiabao told him the unpleasant news he heard in the car just now as soon as he sat down on the sofa.

Zhang Zhongmou nodded and said, "Yes, Feigen is talented, and he is simply a genius in the chip industry. It is not surprising that he is somewhat arrogant. Fortunately, he likes the work of Tang Dynasty Technology Company, and he admires Mr. Tang Xiao from the bottom of his heart. So it won't cause too much trouble. What I can't tolerate is that he gave up the 8008cpu without reason according to his own will, regardless of the company's product layout; what's more, he marked each CPU with initials of his name."

"Oh." Tan Jiabao nodded blankly: "Is the problem solved now?"

"Solved, just over an hour ago. Feigen not only promised to make 8008 as soon as possible, but also took the initiative to erase his etched initials." Zhang Zhongmou said lightly.

"How did you do it?" Tan Jiabao was very happy to hear that.

"I didn't do anything, I just arranged some people around him to create pressure on him. I want to let him know that no one can do whatever he wants to work here. I also want to tell him that apart from him, my hands There are people in there, such as Hoff. Then, I increased his workload. I put three scientists I brought from Texas Instruments with him. I asked them to develop 'single-chip microprocessors' and 'Single-chip speech synthesizer', and these two are also the main products that Texas Instruments is researching." Zhang Zhongmou felt that such a trivial matter could confuse him?

Tan Jiabao nodded endlessly, he was very satisfied with Zhang Zhongmou's handling method.At the same time, he also became interested in Hough.In the last life, there have been two versions of the invention of the cpu. One version, that is, the official version, puts the inventor under the name of Hof, and Hof is therefore known as "the most influential invention since World War II." As one of the seven scientists, he was selected into the National Invention Honor Exhibition Hall of the United States, and was listed together with Edison and other people who made great contributions in the field of science.Another version says that the inventor was actually Fagan, evidenced by the fact that Fagan etched his initials into the first batch of 7cpus.Tan Jiabao tends to prefer the second version. In fact, Fagan is recognized as a genius in this regard.And now Hof is also here, no matter what, Hof's reputation is much bigger than Fagan's.

Tan Jiabao continued to ask: "What is Yu Youcheng doing now?"

"Oh, he is Feigen's right-hand man, and Feigen has to deal with many things. Hehe, boss, they also have opinions on you. Especially Feigen, although he admires you very much, but every time you put the already The important part was done well enough that he claimed it wasn't challenging."

"Well, in the future, let them study first, and then I will make the final check. Now they should study the improved version of 8080, 8085. After that, we will study the third-generation CPU." Tan Jiabao said, Suddenly changed the subject: "Zhongmou, why don't you call Yu Youcheng over here too. Let us Chinese have a good chat. Hehe, talking about this American bird language all day is really exhausting."

His relaxed words made everyone amused.

Zhang Zhongmou asked his secretary to invite Yu Youcheng, and then came over to chat with Tan Jiabao.They talked about the motherland, hometown, family, childhood and school days.We had a great time talking.

After a while, Yu Youcheng came.Yu Youcheng was born in Shanghai in 1941, and moved to Taipei with his parents in [-].During his studies, he was recommended to the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University from the High School Attached to Normal University. After studying for a year, he transferred to Chung Chi College in Hong Kong, and then went to the California Institute of Technology to study.In another parallel world, Yu Youcheng is Intel's senior vice president, director of strategic planning and general manager of the microprocessor division.

But the Yu Youcheng that Tan Jiabao sees now is a thin young man who is only 26 years old.Since he had just come up from the laboratory, he ran over before he even had time to take off his dustproof suit and dustproof cap, out of breath, with a funny and cute expression.Deborah and Hu Yinmeng looked at each other and smiled, but they didn't laugh out loud.

When Zhang Zhongmou introduced Tan Jiabao as Tang Xiao, Yu Youcheng was even more stunned. He opened his mouth and looked at Tan Jiabao blankly, unable to say a word.

"Youcheng, sit down. I want to meet some great Chinese people in Silicon Valley. Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so young." Tan Jiabao said friendly: "Youcheng, your parents are still in Taiwan? Think Don’t want to go back to Hong Kong to work?”

"I want to! Of course I want to." Yu Youcheng finally spoke, with an unnatural accent from Songhu: "My parents are both in Taiwan, and I haven't seen them for three years. I miss them so much. However, I now I can’t go to work in Hong Kong yet, I think I should learn more and do more now, and then I can play a big role in Hong Kong.”

"Ambition!" Tan Jiabao smiled. He was very satisfied with Yu Youcheng's answer. He said, "Yamano Erlang and Kato Zhen have already returned to Hong Kong. I want them to build a large laboratory in Hong Kong and start a Tang Dynasty technology company in Hong Kong." Chip factory. It will take at least a year until the construction is completed. I hope you will work harder than others in this year or so, not only to learn more technology, but also to learn more about management from President Zhang .I hope that when the time comes, you can take the lead in Hong Kong. Hehe, everyone is Chinese. When the third wave is coming, I hope that we Chinese will always stand at the forefront of the wave! Oh, loyal The Chinese and ethnic Chinese in the company should be more careful, and you should help them and encourage them without leaving any traces.”

Yu Youcheng and Zhang Zhongmou nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and expressed their understanding and support for Tan Jiabao's "selfishness".

Yu Youcheng's blood boiled when he heard that, he is a patriot.In another parallel world, he couldn't wait to resign from the high-paying position of vice president of Intel in 1979, dreaming of returning to the mainland to start a technology company, but due to various reasons, his plan failed to come true after all.So at this time he said eagerly: "Boss, why don't we invest in Taiwan and set up factories? Anyway, Taiwan is governed by the Chinese after all, while Hong Kong is a colony. Moreover, Hong Kong is too small, there are not many universities, and talents We are stretched. Taiwan is different..."

"I know." Tan Jiabao said with a long sigh: "Why didn't I think of Taiwan, and even returned to the mainland to start a technology company? But the current environment... Hehe, you should also know that Taiwan's current investment environment Not ideal. However, I think we will eventually return to our homeland to contribute our strength one day."

Tan Jiabao paused for a moment, and then suddenly said seriously: "Although we cannot serve our motherland in this way, we can serve our motherland in other ways. Yu Youcheng, listen carefully, I am entrusting you with a secret mission. Then It is to use 8008 and 8080 chips to design the following 76 high-end weapon chips..."

"Do you want to make high-end weapon chips?" Zhang Zhongmou and Yu Youcheng were shocked.

Tan Jiabao nodded sternly and said, "I don't know if you read the newspapers. Recently, the newspapers have published a lot of incidents about the Soviet Union's harassment of our Chinese border. Recently, the Soviet border guards began to invade the Chinese territory Zhenbao Island, obstructing the patrols of the Chinese border guards. On patrol on the island, many bloody incidents were caused, killing and injuring many patrolling officers and soldiers of the Chinese border guards, and arresting Chinese fishermen. In response to the provocative actions of the Soviet army, the Chinese border guards adopted a restrained and tolerant attitude. However, in this area, Sooner or later, there will be a war. As a Chinese, if we see our compatriots being bullied by foreigners and our territory being trampled by outsiders, can we sit idly by? We are now doing what we can, which is also part of our service to the country kind of way."

Zhang Zhongmou and Yu Youcheng looked at each other, but they were still at a loss.So, Tan Jiabao briefly explained his plan to them.

Zhang Zhongmou thought for a while and said: "It's no problem to do it here. Because each of our chip design teams keeps secrets from the outside world. There are only 1-2 people who know the use of the chip. The problem is, what are the chips we produce? How to get it out?"

"It's easy to handle. We also have home appliance companies and toy companies in Hong Kong, all of which need chips. We'll just ship them out at that time." Tan Jiabao has already prepared for this problem.

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