
177 computer 3 large pieces

Plagiarism - 170 seven computer three major pieces

Yu Youcheng flipped through Tan Jiabao's pamphlet and said, "For the benefit of the country, I did this! However, the chip company in Hong Kong should also be established as soon as possible. If we manufacture in Hong Kong in the future, our troubles will be much less. "

"That's right, we're stepping up the process over there. Only a few of us here know about this secret mission. We must strictly keep it secret, and Youcheng must speed up the process." Tan Jiabao continued: "This secret mission is only part of our work. And our main work is still in the continuous upgrading of cpu and the development of chips in the application field. After the research of 8080cpu, our personal computer project should also start. Before this big project starts, we have to solve the problem of storage At that time, 4004, 4001 and 4002 supporting 4003 were storage chipsets. Now, we have to divide storage chips into internal memory and external storage to study separately. Internal memory is a semiconductor memory chip, and external storage is our main research now. hard disk."

"Hard disk?" Zhang Zhongmou was taken aback. He said, "I know that the original hard disk was invented by IBM. At first, the hard disk was very large, about the size of two refrigerators, and weighed more than 1 ton. The capacity of the 14-inch hard drive has exceeded 100m. We don’t have the technology in this area, so how can we develop this business?”

"Go to ibm or other hard disk manufacturers to find a few talents, isn't that all right?" Tan Jiabao suddenly thought of something: "Didn't ibm have more than 10 people come to our side?"

Zhang Zhongmou nodded endlessly: "That's right, a total of 18 people came from IBM, and it seems that 5 of them have studied hard disks, and some of them have studied large-scale computers."

Tan Jiabao said with a smile: "Actually, 5 is enough, plus our technicians, I can't believe that our 8-inch hard drive can't be produced!"

"We want to develop an 8-inch hard drive?" Dai Weiye became interested when he heard this.


Zhang Zhongmou frowned, thought for a while, and said happily, "Boss, did you bring a new technology this time? Is it a new technology about memory and hard disk?"

Tan Jiabao smiled and said: "Cpu, hard disk and memory are the three major components of personal computers in the future. We must develop our core technology. We have already taken the lead in CPU, but we have fallen behind in terms of hard disk and memory. So Wang Let’s stop chasing the magnetic memory invented by Ann. We develop our own semiconductor memory. The same goes for hard disks. 14-inch hard disks are everywhere. , High-quality hard disk with larger capacity and higher speed. For hard disk, I have an advanced technology. Hehe, let’s call it “Tang Dynasty Technology” hard disk. The essence of “Tang Chao Technology” technology is to use sealing The high-speed magnetic disk, the magnetic head floats on the platter and moves at high speed without contacting it. However, with the continuous increase of the platter speed, the continuous improvement of the head platter technology, and the continuous increase of the cache capacity, the most important thing is the capacity Improvement, so that the transmission speed of the mainstream 3.5-inch and 2.5-inch hard drives in the future will be close to 100mbs, and there should be no problem in coping with 'common applications'."

The "Tang Dynasty technology" mentioned by Tan Jiabao is also the "Winchester" technology of the previous life. Of course, Tan Jiabao also made rigid regulations on the interface. He rigidly stipulated that all hard drives use the st -506 interface.It avoids the problem of low transmission rate and poor reliability of the early hard disk interface.

"Boss, the technical principle of semiconductor memory and 'Tang Chao technology' hard disk should not be simple, right? I think it would be much better if you could take the time to teach our engineers." Zhang Zhongmou began to ask.

Tan Jiabao smiled wryly and said: "I also know that class is definitely better. But my image is really not suitable to be displayed in front of so many people. I think I should teach the three of you first, and then Lao Dai and Zhongmou will teach the memory research group and hard disk research Form the members of two groups. The three of you spend 2 hours a day to attend classes with me, and I will teach you in half a month to a day."

"Boss, so you have to stay with us for at least half a month?" Dai Weiye said happily.

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "Yes, if there is no urgent matter, I will stay here for at least half a month. The IT industry is a sunrise industry, and it is the main part of the third wave. We entered this at the starting point industry, and everything we have done before and now is destined to make us lead the way from the starting point, and then we will lead this industry in the world to the most brilliant tomorrow. Hehe, those large computers and supercomputers let us Let the eight major computer companies headed by ibm do it. It is destined that one day, personal computers will enter thousands of households, factories and schools, and every office building in the world like televisions. Haha, think about it, this How big is the pie? Are we going to get 100 billion a year out of it? Or a share of 1000 billion?"

Thinking of IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Dell, Cisco, Texas Instruments, Apple, Oracle and other well-known companies in the IT industry in the previous life, Tan Jiabao is full of fighting spirit.He thought that just one company, Microsoft, had a market value of 5500 billion US dollars, which once became the company with the highest market value in the world.At that time, the wealth of Bill Gates alone was equivalent to the GDP of a top 50 country in the world.

Now, Tan Jiabao has already laid out the hardware, software, peripherals, servers and other aspects of the IT industry in advance, and has independently formulated industry standards.In addition, the 10-year development plan of "Tang Dynasty Science and Technology" has already targeted the communication and network industries...

Undoubtedly, after a few years, "Tang Dynasty Technology" will become a giant in the technological world.If "Tang Dynasty Technology" goes public, what will its market value be?

What Tan Jiabao didn't know was that at this time, the helm of another prominent family was already quietly paying attention to his company with his advanced and unique vision.A few months later, Tan Jiabao had to reluctantly cede part of the equity of "Tang Chao Technology" to that family in order to take over Liu.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

Several people listened with gusto, their eyes flooded.Yu Youcheng couldn't help asking: "Boss, is the prospect of the computer industry really so wonderful?"

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