Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 309 Chongfeng's Help

Foggy and rainy, misty drizzle shrouded the periphery of Wanjie Xixin Mountain, one after another drizzle quickly dripped to a distance of [-] meters above the suspended giant mountain, and was immediately blocked by an invisible barrier...

Xuan Zhan and Feng Xie looked out of the window lightly, with emotions in their hearts!

It has been a month since the Battle of Dazzling Stars, and the sect monks who came to participate in the competition have left one by one. After sending away the three masters, now only a group of people who declared war are left!

"Next, what are your plans?" Xuan Zhan asked softly, looking at Xiao Suo's sky.

Feng Xie shook his head indifferently and said, "I must protect my wife and daughter well, even if their bodies are smashed to pieces, I must keep their mother and daughter safe!"

"But..." Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, turned to look at him casually and said, "Do you think you can protect them safely in this situation?"

Feng Xie said with a wry smile: "Dozens of loose immortals and scattered demons, even if I have advanced to the level of the nine-tailed sky fox, I can't fight against them while protecting the safety of their mother and daughter!"

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, and said lightly: "There are more than dozens of them. There are nearly thirty Sanqing Dao alone. You are a demon clan, and you are the enemy of my cultivation world for generations. Do you think that outside there, Are only the monks of the Unreal Sanqingdao waiting?"

"You mean..." Feng Xie frowned suddenly, "There are other monks?"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly rang out in the room where the war was declared: "Xuan Xiaoyou, this old man weighs Qianfeng, I hope you can come out and see him!"

The faces of the two were shocked: Why did Zhong Qianfeng come here?

Although Xuan Zhan has never seen Chong Qianfeng, he has heard his name from other places, and he is the highest-ranked rank-seven Loose Immortal among the Zilian Thousand Tribulation Dao!With a sudden downturn in my heart, with a wave of my hand, the door of the guest room opened instantly, and it was Zhong Qianfeng with a face full of immortality and indifference!

"Xuan Zhan has met Senior Chong!" Xuan Zhan dared not be negligent, this Chong Qianfeng is a senior, his seniority is definitely not comparable to that of Xuan Zhan!

Chong Qianfeng smiled lightly, nodded slightly to Feng Xie, then looked kindly at Xuan Zhan and said: "Xuan Xiaoyou, I am busy with mundane affairs, that's why I came at this moment, I hope you don't take offense!"

Xuan Zhan's face straightened, and he clasped his fists and said, "Senior, you're offended by what you said. This competition was completely caused by my senior brother Wang Dafu. If it wasn't for him, I think your sect's trade fair would go very smoothly. It won’t be delayed until now!” After saying this, he also sighed, there were many twists and turns in this trade fair, but fortunately, not only did he get the Floating Life Sacred Leaf Grass, but he also found three other kinds of sacred trees, Moreover, he also raised his strength to the Tianxin stage, and finally fought against the three young masters, which completely made him realize his true strength, which can be said to be a lot of gains!

Chong Qianfeng smiled lightly, and then watched Feng Xie's complexion become slightly heavy, and said lightly: "Feng Xie, you have now been promoted to the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, looking at countless masters up and down my Purple Lotus Thousand Calamity Dao, you dare not face me. You act rashly, but don't be arrogant because of this, I believe that in this world, there are many people who want to kill you and then quickly!"

Feng Xie glanced at Chong Qianfeng indifferently, moved his footsteps to the window, looked out the window with his hands behind his back, and said softly: "Now it is the world of your human race. After I, Feng Xie, became a monster race, even though the clansmen withered and scattered, I did not care about you." Fear you human race! From now on, the enmity between the human race and the demon race has been passed down from generation to generation, this... is the sorrow of your human race, and also the sorrow of my demon race!"

Xuan Zhan and Chong Qianfeng looked at each other...

"Needless to say anything else, the enmity between me and you Zilian Qianjie Dao and Jue Huan San Qing Dao, unless Feng Xie dies, I will definitely be entangled, and no one can say whether it is right or wrong come out, but..." Feng Xie said and took a breath here, "I just hope you don't affect my wife and daughter because of this!"

Chong Qianfeng smiled coldly, and said to himself in a low voice: "Do you think that the enmity between us will not spread to the next generation? Idiots are dreaming! Even if we let go, your descendants will not let go!"

Feng Xie suddenly turned his head, looked at Chong Qianfeng coldly and said gloomyly: "In this case, then I will destroy everyone in Zilian Qianjie Dao, anyone, and let my enmity with you end!"

Chong Qianfeng immediately blew his beard and stared at Feng Xie and snorted angrily: "You will only expand this hatred and let your descendants live in lingering death all day long! If my human race destroys my Zilian Thousand Calamity Dao, This enmity may end, but you monster race, hehe...unless we wipe out our human race!"

A sharp light flashed across Feng Xie's eyes, and a pair of bewitching cold eyes stared at Chong Qianfeng firmly!He knew that Chong Qianfeng's words were absolutely correct. He was a member of the monster race, and every human race wanted to kill him. Now he can keep safe for a while, only because he has advanced to the level of the nine-tailed sky fox, and no one dares to resist !But... Before declaring war, I guessed that after this fight, even though countless old monsters have left safely, they have already made preparations to ambush outside. Welcome to the joint attack of those old monsters!

And this is also the main reason why the group of people who declare war have not left so far!

Xuan Zhan suddenly said: "Respect seniors, listen to juniors!"

Chong Qianfeng turned his head to look at Xuan Zhan and smiled kindly: "Xuan Xiaoyou, it's okay if you have something to say! I'm here to communicate with you, old man!"

Xuan Zhan felt dumbfounded, and after thinking for a while, he said calmly: "Senior, junior has a request this time!"

"Please tell me, little friend!" Chong Qianfeng said stepping forward.

Xuan Zhan looked out of the window and said helplessly: "Senior, I hope you will go there in person and pass on a message to this junior!" Seeing Chong Qianfeng's confused look, he explained again: "Senior, this junior is probably in the Tianlian District of Guizong. Besides Caixing, there are already countless old fellows ambushing outside, waiting for Feng Xie to appear!"

"Oh?" Chong Qianfeng was puzzled for a while, looked at Feng Xie and smiled coldly, "Little friend, I can't help you with this favor!"

Xuan Zhan continued with a helpless smile, "I remember that in about a hundred years, I, Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian, ​​will hold the Ten Thousand Immortals Purple Light Conference!"

Chong Qianfeng nodded lightly and said: "Indeed, there is still... well, a hundred years before the meeting!"

Xuan Zhan clasped his fists and said, "I hope the seniors will pass on the words of the juniors to those monks, and say that when the Ten Thousand Immortals Ziguang Conference is held, the enmity between Feng Xie and them will end!"

Chong Qianfeng frowned when he heard this, and then said softly: "Why do you want me to tell you?"

Xuan Zhan said lightly: "This junior doesn't want to get too entangled with some of them. After leaving the noble sect, this junior still has many important things to do, so I really don't want to get entangled too much! After the matter is completed, hmph... the future will be long." , Junior will communicate with them one by one!"

Chong Qianfeng couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but the excuse for declaring war was a little... Some didn't take them seriously, but... He actually had his own plans in his heart, and the power behind the declaration of war was extremely huge, even if they were seven Even if they join hands, they cannot defeat the forces behind the declaration of war. Therefore, we can only make good friends, not feuds!Since this message also involved some causal relationship of declaring war, he had to reconsider whether he wanted to make a message or not!

He is not afraid of losing this old face because of his identity. If he misses the opportunity to make friends with Xuan War because of his old face, it will be very uneconomical!

However, Chong Qianfeng glanced at Feng Xie coldly, and said lightly: "Feng Xie, what do you mean? But you have a grudge with me in the Ten Thousand Immortals Purple Light Conference? Hmph... It's okay if you object, The old man is not afraid of you flying up to the demon world!"

Feng Xie looked at Chong Qianfeng coldly, thought for a while, and then said: "Okay! I will have an enmity with you at the Ten Thousand Immortals Purple Light Conference! Don't worry, I will definitely not ascend to the demon world in a hundred years!"

"In this case..." Chong Qianfeng smiled coldly, then walked to the door and said lightly, "I will help Xiaoyou Xuan take this word!" After speaking, it turned into a sharp light in an instant, disappeared between the sky and the earth, and turned to the vast The sky shot away!

In fact, the declaration of war was also worried that his words would not be effective. The reason why he was more or less confident was because of his identity!Their own identities are very special to them, if they don't give themselves three points of face, it will not only brush off their own face, but also brush off the face of Master Yu and Piao Miao Jian Xintian!He believes that Chong Qianfeng, an old fox who has lived for more than [-] years, should be able to tell the difference!

However, he is not afraid that those monks outside the sky will not agree. There is Yun Wuying by his side. You must know that Yun Wuying's disguise technique is the best in the cultivation world. Even the scattered immortals can't find it!In addition, Feng Xie is a nine-tailed celestial fox, and his evasion skills are so high that in the cultivation world, except for the monk Piao Miao Jian Xintian, there are few people who can catch up with him!

And his Black Thunder Tunnel is unparalleled in the world, relying on the Black Thunder Tunnel, he will never be caught by those old monsters!

What he is worried about is Niganxuan, Yun Wuying, Chu Xinghen and Shaoyao's mother and daughter. As for Gu Ye, a monk in the Mahayana period, even if he can't beat the ordinary Sanxian Sanmo, escaping should not be a problem

A day later, Chong Qianfeng went back and forth, nodded to Xuan Zhan with a happy face and said: "Those old guys have already agreed!"

Declare the war for a while and said: "Have they all agreed to the junior's request?"

Chong Qianfeng nodded softly and said: "Although there were some saliva twists and turns in the middle, the cultivator who cultivated the heart of the wild fire and blood did not leave, and almost got into a fight with the people of Xuchen Youquan Dao. After the death of the two Sanxians, I left. After I said your words, Lianyi, the ancestor of Lianxinzun, actually agreed. Moreover, that purgatory actually said that Xiaoyou Xuan was his opponent. Before, no one was allowed to hurt you! Under the strong strength of Lianxinzun, all the old monsters gradually agreed!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, nodded, and sighed in his heart: It seems that in this battle, his absolute strength has dealt a great blow to Purgatory!

Then he clasped his fists at Zhong Qianfeng and said, "Thank you for your help, senior!" After finishing speaking, he took out an intermediate spiritual weapon and said, "Senior, if you can lower your face to speak for the younger generation, you can give a vulgar thing to the noble sect. Don't look down on seniors!"

Chong Qianfeng smiled faintly, and said with resignation: "Whatever you said, I really admire Senior Yu Zhenren, and for my little friend Aiwujiwu, you really look down on me!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly: "If that's the case, then the junior is not hypocritical!" After finishing speaking, he took out the spirit weapon again, glanced at Wanjie Xixin Mountain and said:

"Since the matter here is over, this junior should also say goodbye!"

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