Under the enthusiastic retention of Jing Chengfeng and Jie Qiye, the declaration of war and resumption of stay stayed for another two months!In two months, Jie Qiye led Xuanzhan and a group of people to see the countless magnificent rivers and mountains above Tianlian Dazzling Star, and the unique scenery specially designed by Fengyun!

Two months later, Xuan Zhan hugged the two little guys who were still sleeping, Feng Xie and his wife, Ni Ganxuan, Yun Wuying, Chu Xinghen, and Gu Ye. Lian Qianjie said goodbye to the Taoist monk, and came to the teleportation array!

"I will see you off for thousands of miles, and I will have to say goodbye! Xiaoyou Xuan, we will send our master and apprentice here!" Jing Chengfeng, Jie Qiye, and a group of monks behind said goodbye with hands clasped together!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, clasped his fists and answered, "Master Jing Daoist is being polite!"

Jie Qiye smiled and said: "Brother Xuan, we have met by accident. If you have time in the future, you can often come to our sect as guests. Qiye will definitely be waiting for you!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slowly, he still remembered that night of Jie Qi Ye 30 years ago!Feng Xiao was killed, Xiao Xiaobai tried his best to rescue him, and then Jie Qiye appeared, and finally Shalang Juexin happened!

Sighing in his heart, Xuan Zhan said: "If there is a chance, Xuan will definitely come to visit, and we should go too!"

"Go!" Jing Chengfeng and Jie Qiye clasped their fists together and said!

With a chuckle, Xuan Zhan led the people around him into the teleportation array, and instantly disappeared into several streams of light in place!

Jing Chengfeng watched Xuanzhan's departure, and said softly: "Qiye, you have full power to decide the sect's affairs from now on. As a teacher, I have already felt it... the day of ascension is almost here!"

Jie Qiye was slightly taken aback, then bowed and said: "Yes, Master!"


The next moment, the people who declared war appeared in another teleportation formation instantly!

"Fairy Shaoyao, I hope you can give me some pointers on the road to the noble sect!" Xuan Zhan looked at the many monks around him and said softly!

Coming to the public world of the realm of comprehension, this person has completely suppressed his aura!Having experienced so much, it is enough to declare war. I have met a lot of superpowers, and what I have dealt with, Tianxinqi already belongs to the lowest level, but in this cultivation world, Tianxinqi seems to belong to that kind of super master!

Among the group of people declaring war, Feng Xie is the top peak powerhouse in the cultivation world, Gu Ye is the Mahayana period, between heaven and earth in the free cultivation world, quietly waiting for the power of the fairy world to summon!Ni Ganxuan and Yun Wuying are considered to be the strongest in the Tianxin period, but Chu Xinghen's cultivation base is relatively low, belonging to the public cultivation base of the Yuanti period!

Fairy Shaoyao smiled faintly, came to the console, looked at the star map in front of her, and said softly: "My Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss is in the universe-level star area. On this road, we need about a year!"

After finishing speaking, Fairy Shaoyao tapped a teleportation point lightly, and several people disappeared in place in an instant!


In the universe, the astrolabe flies at extreme speed, and the long streamer tail drags in the void, full of radiance!

Xuan Zhan sat in the astrolabe, looked at the fragmented map in his hand, and thought curiously in his heart: This series of incidents can be said to be caused by senior brother Wang Dafu. He agreed to the competition request of Senior Chong Qianfeng and exchanged the fragmented scrolls. Then involve yourself!And the reason why he asked himself to participate should also be so that he can get this scroll of remnants!But what exactly is this remnant picture presented by Senior Brother Wang?

After slowly opening the remnant map, he was taken aback for a moment, picked up the remnant map and looked around, there was nothing on the scroll except for a misty Jian Xintian logo painted on it!

A black thunder in the eyes instantly cut through the pupils, and immediately formed a pair of black thunder eyes!Then he looked at the pattern in his hand leisurely, and it was a bit funny when he saw it. The signs of Piaomiao Jianxintian under the thunder eyes turned out to be incomplete small-scale formations one by one, and if these formations were stimulated, the displayed In front of him should be a map somewhere!

After pondering for a while, Xuan Zhan stretched out his right hand, only to see his token of being a cultivator of Piaomiao Jianxintian appeared in his hand!

If he remembered well, the token in his hand could be considered as a spiritual weapon, and a certain formation in this spiritual weapon can be said to be very similar to the formation in the pattern!After declaring war, the token and the pattern were combined, and a light curtain suddenly appeared on the scroll!

This change immediately attracted the attention of several people around him!

"Uncle Xuan, what is this?" Feng Xun'er asked curiously, blinking her lively eyes, and wagging her tail behind her, looking extremely cute!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, but remained silent...

The light curtain changed slightly, and a familiar big face slowly formed!

"Hehe...hehe..." On Wang Dafu's big lazy face, the fat was trembling...

The people around looked at Wang Dafu speechlessly, and wondered in their hearts: This fat man, he made such a calculation, and finally appeared by himself!

"Little brother, if you can open this picture, it means that you have won this competition. Senior brother, I am very happy, ha ha... ha ha..." Wang Dafu laughed foolishly!

Xuan Zhan shook his head speechlessly, Wang Dafu actually hid a piece of divine consciousness in this fragmented picture, but... what exactly is he going to tell himself?

"Little brother deserves to be an astonishingly talented and brilliant person, and he even defeated all the monks. Senior brother is very impressed!" Wang Dafu continued, "Your demeanor is very similar to that of my senior brother, hehe... ...Hehe... However, you must have gone through a lot of battles to win, and your cultivation still needs to be increased! The road to cultivation is boundless, but you must always keep in mind, don't stop the road of seeking the Tao, you must know that sailing against the current, If you don't advance, you will retreat, you should strictly demand yourself..."

5 minutes later...

"Little brother, although the senior brother has not taught you anything, the main reason is that I believe in you. With your talents comparable to the senior brother's talent, you should be able to walk out your own way. There are countless young people, senior brother I hold the sword in the world, then Calling someone with an unrivaled demeanor, among the young monks, he is also considered to be unique and incomparable..."

10 minutes later...

The people around Remnant Map have already walked away bored, and the declaration of war has already picked up an ancient book and read it leisurely...

Only Feng Xun'er wagged her tail curiously, standing in front of Wang Dafu curiously touching...penetrating...touching...penetrating...Under this, Feng Xun'er was having a great time playing, giggling Said: "Mother, look quickly, this fat man is so strange, he looks like a big stupid pig..."

"Pfft..." Chu Xinghen, Ni Ganxuan, and Yun Wuying laughed wildly...

"Little brother, I don't say much. As a monk of my Misty Jianxintian, you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. This is the important task of saving the cultivation world and the common people. In the future, you must help the brothers take care of it." Take responsibility, in this way, we will also have time to visit the great rivers and mountains of this cultivation world, and enjoy the infinite beauty of this cultivation world..."

Twenty minutes later, Xuan Zhan walked to the window of the astrolabe indifferently, looking at the vast universe in thought, while the screen of Wang Dafu behind him was still talking endlessly...

Feng Xun'er seemed to be tired from playing, lying in Fairy Shaoyao's arms and began to doze off...

Feng Xie looked at his daughter who was gradually falling into a deep sleep with a smile, and said softly: "After Xun'er arrives at your teacher's school, we should find her a private school and teach her to read and write!"

Fairy Shaoyao smiled slightly, nodded slowly, looked at her lovely daughter, and smiled faintly: "With benefactor's concealment formula, we don't have to worry about someone recognizing Xun'er's identity. At that time, our family will be able to start a family together." Happy to be together..."

Feng Xie smiled lightly, and began to chat with Fairy Shaoyao...

After an hour...

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