While screaming, Hua Xihua was terrified by her bloated and deformed cheeks, she suddenly turned around and ran towards the top of the hill, shouting in a surprisingly sad voice: "Master, save me..."

Xuan Zhan had a ferocious face, and traces of residual liquid flowed out from the corner of his mouth. Looking at the fleeing Hua Xihua with the eyes of the black abyss, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a stern roar. His figure flashed, and he chased and killed Hua Xihua with the aura of a wild beast past!

Anyway, Hua Xihua also has the cultivation base of three-turn dispersing demons at the moment. Although the distance between escapes has been shortened, it is not possible to chase and kill them in a short time after declaring war!

A cold light suddenly flashed in Yin Mukun's eyes, and he said to an indifferent old man in black and white hair behind him in a low voice: "Uncle Lan, please make a move, we have lost in this battle!"

A gloomy light flashed in the eyes of this "Uncle Lan", looking at the gloomy voice in the sky, he said: "Master, this son must not stay, since war is declared here, that little beast must be nearby, so we don't have to worry about finding it." It, but this declaration of war... If he is alive, it must be a serious problem for my confidantes!" As soon as the voice fell, the old man surnamed blue in white suddenly escaped, and immediately turned into a white light and charged towards the sky!

"Lord of Rebellion, I have lost the Five Yins and Blood Demons in this battle!" The old man surnamed Lan roared in the air, suddenly traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and appeared beside Hua Xihua in an instant. Flower arms!

"Lan Canglang!" Countless monks exclaimed when they saw the old man in white!

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Wan Qingkui's eyes, and just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and the incident... happened in an instant...

"Patriarch Lan, save me!" Hua Xihua screamed while pulling Lan Canglang's arm in horror!

"Boom!" A tyrannical and violent aura rushed towards them in an instant, and at the same time, a mountain-like force of heavy fists instantly blasted towards the two of them!

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lan Canglang's mouth, as if everything was expected!

All the monks saw such a scene. As soon as Lan Canglang appeared beside Hua Xihua, he immediately dragged her to escape to the top of the mountain, without any stagnation in the middle, as if he had really surrendered as he said!

Suddenly, a subtle cold force flew out of the sleeve robe, like a needle, it pierced towards the chest of the attacking declaration of war in a blink of an eye!

"Om..." A wave quietly emanated from between the two. This wave was so subtle that it was not even noticeable, and the scope of the wave was no more than the mouth of a bowl!The next moment, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly made a bone-piercing sound, and his whole body retreated wildly, bouncing back into the void!

But in a matter of seconds, Lan Canglang appeared next to Yin Mukun with Hua Xihua, and hurriedly cupped his fists at Wan Qingkui and said sincerely: "Lord of Rebellion, I will admit defeat this time!"

"Declaration of war..." Ni Ganxuan and the others looked at the white streamer that bounced into the vast clouds with their faces changed drastically!

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly flew towards the void, Fairy Shaoyao was slightly taken aback, and suddenly exclaimed: "Feng Lang!"!

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the streamer was Feng Xie himself!

Wan Qingkui, as the big brother who declared war, can say that the power of the heaven and earth of the Yuzhe star is always under his control. No matter how much Lan Canglang hides, he can't escape his induction!And my little junior brother was blasted into the clouds of the sky by a mysterious force under my nose, his eyes suddenly darkened, looking at the flowing light transformed by Fengxie, he felt a little certain in his heart, and suddenly his right hand froze. Waving the cloak behind his back, he stepped forward fiercely!

"Boom!" The entire mountain trembled violently under Wan Qingkui's step, and a voice resembling the wrath of the gods roared from Wan Qingkui's mouth:

"Lan Canglang!!!" In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with countless echoes, spreading across hundreds of millions of kilometers!

Lan Canglang's complexion suddenly changed, and under the roar like the sound of thunder, he suddenly turned pale, and then a trace of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and he covered his chest with his right hand tremblingly, looking at Wan Qingkui's gloomy self. He said to himself: "What a ruthless method...", the next moment, a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth...

Before everyone could react, the mutation suddenly rose again!

The expressions of Wan Qingkui and the thirty master cultivators guarding the top of the mountain changed suddenly, then they looked into the sky and murmured to themselves: "Who... who is..."

"Swoosh..." A stream of colorful light suddenly flew from the sky. Like the speed of light, this stream of colorful light pierced through the void in an instant, and then turned around and burst into the void. The sound of nature reverberates beautifully in everyone's ears:

"How can you, a filthy little demon, touch his body!"

Although the voice is beautiful, the words are full of murderous intent!

Before everyone realized what was going on, they saw murderous intent suddenly appearing on Gao Tianshang, and a powerful and vigorous sword intent instantly collided with a comparable evil aura!

In an instant, within a radius of tens of millions of square kilometers, there was a frightening and killing aura that made the heart beat wildly!

"Boom!" A wave of fluctuations rose from the sky in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the sky above tens of millions of square kilometers suddenly changed color, and the vitality of the world was turbulent!

A stream of light suddenly shot from the sky into the top of the mountain. When everyone looked at it, they saw an elegant young monk in white clothes with an indifferent face, standing beside a woman with cold eyes!

"Feng Xie!" A series of frightened and angry voices raged, "So you are here!"

All the monks were surprised to see this young monk whose aura gradually calmed down, holding the woman Rouyi beside him with his right hand, and exclaimed: "He is Fengxie, a remnant of the demon clan!"

The cultivator who can stand on this mountain is someone who has outstanding knowledge and knowledge. The name of Fengxie has long been familiar to them, and the hatred between him and Juehuan Sanqingdao, Zilian Qianjiedao, and countless sects, It is well known by many people!

The people of the monster race are the enemies of the human race for generations!

Suddenly, everyone looked at Feng Xie with cold eyes!

"Huh!" A mountain-like roar suddenly rose out of thin air, but seeing Wan Qingkui's majestic body standing proudly on the high platform, he said coldly: "The enmity between Fengxie and you will last forever, and now I will calm down. !"

The powerful strength of the Lord of Rebellion is definitely the nightmare of all monks. His angry screams all his life immediately calmed down these irritable monks!

"Hmph!" Wan Qingkui snorted coldly, but suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes!

"Feng Lang!" Fairy Shaoyao trembled her tender body, tightly clutching Feng Xie beside her, looking pale at her lover who left but came back in a blink of an eye, and cried out in a low voice!

Feng Xie took a breath, looked gloomyly at the monks with indifferent faces around him, patted Shao Yao's little hand, and said softly with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"En!" Fairy Shaoyao nodded reassuringly. The battle just now really frightened her!

But... the person beside her is her true love, the man she is sure of and loves for the rest of her life!Even though, he is a monster who both people and gods hate... He will never regret it until he dies! ! !

Si Xiao looked at this couple who were not recognized by the world with complicated eyes, admired their courage in their hearts, and envied their relationship even more!

The three of Yun Wuying, Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen sighed leisurely, then suddenly thought of something, and immediately exclaimed: "Brother Xuan!"


"Whoosh..." The colorful streamer shot out from the high sky clouds in an instant, everyone looked at this colorful streamer with blurred eyes, and murmured to themselves: "Who is she???"

Wan Qingkui and the thirty master-level monks looked at the colorful stream of light expectantly, and a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, as if they felt extraordinarily happy and welcome to the people who came!

This multicolored streamer circulates on the top of the mountain, and it is full of radiance, gorgeous and colorful, and the agile sword intent gently spreads around the colorful streamer, but after a few breaths, the colorful streamer slowly falls down in the air!

The streamer disappeared leisurely, and an opened multicolored parasol quietly appeared in everyone's eyes, but seeing the umbrella's streamer circling around, gradually, a sapphire blue gauze appeared in everyone's eyes!

Under a touch of red cheeks, the delicate and slightly pursed smooth lips are quietly revealed, the long black hair flutters in the wind, under the sapphire blue gauze is the eye-catching icy muscle and bones, the feminine temperament is like a fairy, shy Even Fairy Shaoyao, the most beautiful woman in the world, can't help being stunned when she sees this woman's peerless face!

The slightly indifferent red cheeks, snow-white skin, and the scenery behind him constitute a fascinating picture of beauties in Jiangshan!

The colorful little umbrella was nimbly suspended above the woman, and accompanied by the woman's various poses, it slowly floated down from the sky!

Xuan Zhan was embraced by this woman's hands, and her jade hands were caressing Xuan Zhan's unconscious face!

"Oh my God..." The countless monks below looked at the woman in blue who appeared, and were stunned for a moment. Everyone, subconsciously ignored the existence of the declaration of war, and indulged in the woman's peerless appearance!

Wan Qingkui and the thirty master monks looked at the woman in shock, and subconsciously said, "Impossible...it's only been 200 years!"

The woman looked at the monks below indifferently with a cold and peerless face. With her eyes turning, she looked at Wan Qingkui and dozens of master monks around her, and said softly with her ruddy lips:

"Brothers, Dihui is back!"

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