Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 399 Absolutely Strong

"Di Hui..." Wan Qingkui pursed his lips, a hint of joy appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then nodded slightly!

Wang Dafu, Ying Dizhang, Mo Tianwei, Ji Disui, Han Dizhou, An Dijuan and other master-level monks looked at Di Hui who appeared with comfort, a look of excitement flashed across their faces, and then deeply He took a deep breath, and nodded secretly to Dihui!

A group of monks on the top of the mountain, especially young monks, looked at Dihui's face that looked like a fairy, and couldn't help being shocked. They felt that the women around them were all vulgar and vulgar...

"Hey..." Yun Wuying sighed leisurely, and said sadly, "I'm getting old, if I'm a few thousand years younger, I'll definitely try my best to catch this girl!"

Chu Xinghen also sighed and said, "My heart is peacock, otherwise..."

After finishing speaking, both of them looked at Ni Ganxuan together!

"Hey..." Ni Ganxuan sighed bitterly, "Didn't you see that this woman is hugging Brother Xuan!" After finishing speaking, he looked at it again and again with a resentful face, and then shook his head helplessly and sighed...

The two were taken aback for a moment, but Qiqi laughed heartily!

Hua Xiao looked jealously at Di Hui under the colorful umbrella in the sky, with her little hands tangled together, she said in a resentful voice, "Who is this woman, and why is she so close to Xuan Zhan?"

The people around shook their heads in unison...

"Humph..." Hua Xiao snorted helplessly, then looked and looked, and looked and looked...

Fairy Shaoyao tightened Feng Xie's hand, glanced at Feng Xie slightly uneasy, and said, "Master..."

Feng Xie looked at Shao Yao dumbfounded, then pinched her nose and said, "Shut up your little thoughts, don't make people laugh!"

"Hmm..." Fairy Shaoyao immediately beamed with joy when she heard these words, and obediently stood by Feng Xie's side!

"Who is this woman?" The three young lords, Hu Po, Jie Qiye, Liu Suiyun, Pao Long, You Wuhuan, and countless monks were secretly guessing the identity of this woman!

"It is rumored that Feng Xie of the monster race has advanced to the level of the nine-tailed sky fox. This person's strength is comparable to mine, Jian Xin, Lian Jietian, and this woman dares to confront that Feng Xie head-on. Underneath, she was unscathed, this woman's cultivation should not be underestimated!" Yun Ji, the lord of Xinghe Suoyanhua Yunzun, said in a low voice!

After hearing this sentence, Yun Zhongyue, who was the patriarch of Hua Yunzun beside him, stroked his beard and said in a low voice: "That's true, and looking at this woman's demeanor, she seems to be very familiar with Wan Qingkui and the others. , Lord, you... do you know this woman?"

Upon hearing this, Yunji's complexion flashed across her face. After a moment of contemplation, she shook her head indifferently and said, "I've never seen it before!"

"It seems that Wan Qingkui and his group are extremely mysterious!" Yun Zhongyue said with countless flashes of light in her eyes, and whispered to Yun Ji secretly!


Wan Qingkui looked at Di Hui and said with a smile: "Junior Sister, the future will be long, let's catch up on the past, how is my junior brother Xuan Zhan's health?"

Dihui Qingling rolled his eyes slightly, but looked at the people on the top of the mountain, and said lightly: "Brother Xuan's body is not very good, if it wasn't because of his ability to self-recovery and protect the Lord automatically, the consequences just now... ...unthinkable!"

Hearing Di Hui's words, Wan Qingkui's face turned cold, and then he waved his hands and said, "Junior Sister, it's over here, you can find a place to rest for now!" As soon as the words fell, Wan Qingkui flicked his right hand, but A ray of light flew towards Dihui!

"Swoosh..." The stream of light flew towards Dihui's hand in an instant, and Dihui caught it and saw that it was a token!

"Junior Sister, this is Piaomiao Jianxintian's token of the elders, you take it with you, you can move around this place as you please, no one dares to stop you!" Wan Qingkui said coldly!

"Yeah!" Di Hui nodded, his body flashed, and suddenly turned into a colorful streamer, disappearing between the sky and the earth!

"Let's go, this fairy is gone..." Countless young monks looked at the direction where Dihui disappeared, feeling empty in their hearts, as if they had lost something...

Wan Qingkui turned his body around, and his tiger eyes opened angrily, looking in the direction of Wuyinxue Dao, with a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to himself: "Well, you Wuyinxue Dao, how dare you Harm my little junior brother under the nose of Lao Tzu! If you really succeed, then the old man will come out of the underworld and beat me..."

Then his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he opened his eyes angrily and said: "Lan Canglang, you are so brave!" The voice rumbled out, shaking the sky!

After the monks below fell down, they heard Wan Qingkui's voice, but suddenly became suspicious...

Yin Mukun's face changed several times, the disciple Hua Xihua behind him seemed to be scared out of courage by the brutal pursuit that declared war, but Master Lan beside him seemed to be dying, being carefully taken care of by the disciple behind him!

Yin Mukun is a generation of demon lord, even though Wan Qingkui is extremely powerful, he has the demeanor of a demon lord, he looked up at Wan Qingkui with a cold smile, clasped his fists and asked, "Dare to ask Brother Wan, what is your word?" What's the meaning?"

Yin Mukun's address to Wan Qingkui put the two of them on an equal footing, and all the monks suddenly murmured, who is Wan Qingkui and who is Yin Mukun? But... how could the two of them be equal?

"Ants!" Wan Qingkui suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and said coldly, "What are you, how dare you sit on an equal footing with me!" The killing sword energy suddenly shot out from between the fingers, and came towards Yin Mukun quickly!

The speed of these sword qis is so fast that many monks have never seen them in their lives. As soon as Wan Qingkui's words fell, the sword qi was shot in front of Yin Mukun whose expression changed drastically!

"Zha!" Yin Mukun roared, and instantly shot out a diamond-shaped streamer shield in front of him, several sword qi collided with the streamer shield suddenly, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and the shield suddenly clicked and boomed There was a series of broken sounds!

The incoming sword energy was stopped by Xiaodun slightly, offsetting nearly half of the power, but it was still extremely powerful, and the next moment "Boom!" hit Yin Mukun's chest viciously!

"Boom!" Yin Mukun suddenly turned into a stream of light and was blasted out of the mountain, and then crashed into a mountain wall. Under the eyes of everyone, Yin Mukun actually blasted from one side of the mountain wall to the other...

Yin Mukun's body broke through several mountain walls one after another, and was blasted hundreds of kilometers away by Wan Qingkui's sword energy...

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they were all frightened by Wan Qingkui's hand for some reason...

Wan Qingkui tossed his clothes, and said coldly: "The five yin and blood demons violated the rules of the conference and abolished the list of the conference. All disciples of the five yin and blood demons should leave Jade Sting Star immediately. If you leave late, be careful. This seat will keep you here forever without showing respect!"

Strong!Absolutely strong!

Thirty master-level monks, with icy auras, stared coldly at the five-yin and blood-scarred monks, as if they were looking at ants, and they all revealed a sense of indifference and ruthlessness!

All the monks looked at the person on the high platform, and there was a sudden silence in their hearts...

What is a "lord", this... is the true expression of a "lord"!Lord... Lord ups and downs!Turn your hands into clouds and your hands into rain, the people of heaven and earth, order them at will...

Although everyone didn't know what Lan Canglang did in the sky just now, but...but they all knew that the reason why Wan Qingkui did this was to show the monks all over the world, so that they could know: I am the Misty Sword! Xintian shielded and declared war, so what can you do!

"Respect...respect the will of the Lord of Rebellion!" The five yin and blood cultivators said with horror on their faces, and then, like a bereaved dog, a group of people scattered and declined with terrified flowers, Lan Canglang, who was seriously injured. , and then found Yin Mukun's body in the mountains, who didn't know his life or death, and under the watchful eyes of many monks, Xiao Suo left Jade Sting Star!


"What a Wan Qingkui, what a lord of rebellion, what a misty sword heart!" The voice of a cold and graceful lady suddenly lingered in everyone's ears!

Wan Qingkui's expression froze immediately, his eyes turned, and he looked indifferently at the speaker—"Yun Zun" Yunji!

On Yunji's graceful and luxurious face, there was a trace of irony and disdain. Looking at Wan Qingkui's actions just now, it was like watching a clown singing a play!

Wan Qingkui glanced at Yunji indifferently, but it was the old god who took out the roster and was indifferent to Yunji's sarcastic words!

Ni Ganxuan looked at Wan Qingkui with a complex expression, and said in a low voice: "You...have you seen it, this is the strong man I imagined, a master monk, I, Ni Ganxuan, must... must change It's like this!", the deep tone, the dignified and resolute expression on the face turned out to be an expression that Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen had never heard before...

Seeing Wan Qingkui ignoring her sarcasm, Yun Ji's face suddenly darkened, and then became indifferent, making it impossible to see what she was really thinking at the moment!But the monks present were puzzled for a while. Even though Yunji was one of the three venerables, her cultivation level was unpredictable, but her words stroked Wan Qingkui's beard, and what made them puzzled was... Wan Qing Kui didn't do anything embarrassing at all!

Is there any mysterious causal relationship between the two?All the monks suddenly speculated...


"I heard that about 4000 years ago, the Lord of Rebellion and Master Yunzun were a couple." The news spread among the crowd...

"Do you know that the reason why the Lord of Rebellion didn't embarrass Master Yun Zun just now is because they were not only husband and wife 4000 years ago, but also pregnant with a son!"

"What, what... They were husband and wife 4000 years ago? And children? Their children turned out to be Yun Piaoyan?"

"But judging by Yun Piaoyan's appearance, it's impossible for someone to be thousands of years old!"

"What... Yun Piaoyan ate Zhuyan Pill?"

"Where is the Zhu Yan Pill refined, four or five thousand years have passed, and the effect is still so strong..."


Above the sky, a stream of colorful light went up to the sky and into the ground, dancing leisurely on the Yuzhe Star Continent...

"Brother Xuan, it's been 200 years, Dihui... Dihui is late..."

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