Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 400 The Heart of Earth Wisdom

A gust of breeze lifts up the strands of hair, swaying gently with the wind, as if drifting with the waves, but...the ends of the hair are always fettered, as if they want to go with the wind but can't!

A lake, a meadow, clusters of splashing flowers, a tree, under the tree... a lonely figure in white clothes dancing with silver threads!

The bright sun is in the sky, and the jade sting star shines on a piece of warmth, and the smell of moist air makes people feel refreshed!

The white-haired figure in white clothes stood under the tree, looking at the sparkling lake, breathing in the pleasant air, with complex and inexplicable smiles rippling from the corners of his mouth, his ears moved slightly, as if he was listening carefully The sound of nature!

A beautiful shadow came from a distance like a frightened bird, a trace of blue eyes, a pair of peerless eyes, a touch of the sad face of the sun and the moon, the sky and the earth, the sapphire blue shadow quietly appeared on the man in white under the tree. Behind him, Bei Chi bit her red lips and read softly:

"Brother Xuan!"

After the girl finished speaking, but...

The man in white was as indifferent as if he hadn't heard it, he didn't even look at it, his eyes were still clear, his smile was still complicated and inexplicable, his ears were still... listening carefully...

"Senior Brother Xuan, Dihui is here to see you!" The woman walked gently to the man's side, looked at the man's cheek and smiled softly!

The man seemed to feel that there was someone beside him, and he turned his head slightly, and a pair of handsome faces that were beyond men's were reflected in Di Hui's eyes!

Xuan Zhan nodded slightly to Di Hui, smiled slightly, and then continued to look at the shimmering lake and listen carefully...

There was a wry smile on the corner of Dihui's mouth, and a trace of resentment and sadness suddenly flowed out of his eyes: In the past six months, he hasn't said a word to himself...

Xuan Zhan looked at the lake, but his mind kept spinning... spinning...

Who is the woman in front of me?Why do I feel a little familiar with her appearance, but I still can't remember... Who is this woman?

The surface of the lake was blown by the breeze to ripples, Xuan Zhan felt everything around him intently, but felt at a loss in his heart...

I turned out to be a deaf man... Xuan Zhan thought with a wry smile: Hundreds of years ago, I became blind once, but now, I have become deaf!I think the reason why I became like this should be because of the battle with Hua Xihua!But I used the tyrannical effect of the treasure armor, but I completely forgot about the aftermath. When I woke up again, I was already here!What is the result of my battle with Hua Xihua?I have become like this, what about Huaxihua?And... who is the woman in front of her?Familiar, but can't remember...

Xuan Zhan looked at the woman in front of him silently. The woman in front of him kept talking, as if he was familiar with him. This said, it took several months... However, I was in a coma for three and a half years!

Four years, four years in a blink of an eye!

Xuan Zhan didn't know how the Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference was going, and he didn't go to see it!

In the six months since I woke up, I haven't said a word, and I haven't even deliberately asked who the woman in front of me is!He didn't tell the other party that he could no longer hear any voices, nor did he say that he didn't know her at all!Not for any other reason, just...don't want to speak...

I just don't want to speak... A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth!

He declares war. There are three little guys who live and die with him, and a group of friends who respect and respect him. After confiding the fragility of my heart to a woman named Leng Mei on a certain night for hundreds of years, I have never confided my heart to anyone so far!

On the thorny road of this rebellious road, he declared war all the way, never timid, never backed down, and never regretted it!

"But, if life happens again, do I still have the courage to walk on this path!"

While drifting with the tide on the road of rebellion, he asked himself again and again whether it was suitable for him to take this road!

Not suitable, but... already gone, unable to turn back...

"I..." Xuan Zhan suddenly whispered the first sentence in four years:

"I can't hear what you're saying."

"I seem to know you, but I can't remember where I met you!" This is his second sentence...

"In the past four years, thank you very much for taking care of me!" The third sentence...

"My name is declaration of war! I'm sorry, I really can't hear you, I... am already deaf!" The fourth sentence...

Four simple sentences, but when Di Hui heard these four sentences, his whole body felt like an electric shock... He stood there in a daze, his eyes filled with emptiness...

Xuan Zhan looked at the expression of the woman in front of him, and was slightly stunned. He didn't know why the girl had such an expression when she heard the words he said!

"Senior Brother Xuan..." Di Hui stared blankly at Xuan Zhan, and suddenly a deep pain rose in her heart, she was aching for the man in front of her!

It seems just 200 years, everything has changed; but it also feels...that nothing has changed... Dihui looked at the white-haired man in white in front of him, as if a lifetime ago, the scenes of the past kept looping in his mind Rotate, the memory pictures are broken and reorganized, broken and reorganized...

When they met for the first time, she was surprised by Senior Brother Xuan's un-masculine appearance, and joked, "Brother Xuan looks so handsome!", that was the first time she knew this man in front of her!Since then, this man has taken root in the most secret corner of his heart...

Later, through countless relationships, she continued to inquire about him in the mortal world, and because of this, she gradually understood how soft and vulnerable the pain in the heart of the man in front of her was, especially... After the death of his former master Leng Mei, he declared war overnight and couldn't get rid of his heart knot for a year, until he separated from him...

Today's earth wisdom is not the original earth wisdom, but this love, not only has not deteriorated in the past 200 years, but has grown more and more with the torrent of time!

"Are you today the same as in the past..." Di Hui asked softly with her head lowered, when she raised her eyes, what caught her eyes was a trace of indifference and puzzlement!

"Now you, are you still closing the door of your heart as always?"

"Now you, are you still bearing everything alone?"

"It's been 200 years, it's been 200 years, you seem to have become deeper and more people dare not approach at will! Why do you become like this, why do you never let others into your heart, even if it is From the original Leng Mei, all that remains is the past between you and her, and all that remains is the past..."

"Senior Brother Xuan, what have you experienced in the past 200 years? Have you found the Floating Life God Leaf Grass? Have you returned to the Proud Qi School? Has Linglong woke up? Are you still thinking about Ning Yun? Are you not here? Mo Lixing, how is it now?"


Declaring war in silence, like the silence in the past, enjoying the feeling of the body, enjoying the tranquility after being deaf, enjoying the vision of the world that cannot be heard, the world in front of him is still the world he is familiar with, the only thing that has changed is that he is listening attentively with the sounds of nature!

He can outline the sounds of this world at will, and he can sway the indulgence of this world at will!

The heart of declaring war has been fully released and sublimated at this moment!

At this moment, the woman beside him moved slightly, quietly whispered something in his ear, Xuan Zhan looked at the familiar but unfamiliar woman in front of him suspiciously, and asked curiously:

"Girl, what did you just say?"

The woman looked at Xuan Zhan and smiled, Qiao Xiaoqian, with a touch of blush on her cheeks, but she was silent, making Xuan Zhan curious!

At this moment, the woman suddenly stretched out her crystal clear jade fingers, grabbed the big hand that declared war, and wrote in his palm with her right hand:

"Senior Brother Xuan, I am Dihui!"

In an instant, the brain that declared war went blank...

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