Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 401: A 5-Year Covenant

After writing this sentence, Di Hui smiled lightly, with a trace of sadness in her eyes, watching the deaf declaration of war, Di Hui quickly concealed her sadness, pursed her red lips and nodded gently!

"Dihui... Dihui..." Xuan Zhan looked at the woman in front of him and muttered to himself, "Dihui..."

The former Dihui's face gradually overlapped with the woman in front of him, and the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth gradually showed a smile!

"I remembered, this familiar feeling was given to me by Dihui!" After Xuanzhan thought it through, he suddenly chuckled and said, "You girl, you haven't told me for the past six months, you really want to beat me!", Looking at Di Hui's face that has changed drastically, Xuan Zhan seems to have forgotten... Di Hui is more than a hundred years older than him!

Dihui smiled and shook her head, then wrote in the palm of her hand that declared war:

"Senior Brother Xuan, haven't you said a word to me? I told you who I am, but people thought you heard it, but you ignored him!"

It took a lot of time to write this sentence, but Xuan Zhan let him write in his palm without any hassle, with a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth!

After Di Hui finished writing, she smiled and looked at the declaration of war!

"You girl..." Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile and shook his head, "Hey, Senior Brother Xuan has become deaf now, and I'm also to blame. I only spoke to you today!"

Di Hui shook her head lightly, then wrote in the palm of her hand that declared war:

"Senior Brother Xuan, it's been 200 years, how are you doing? Let's have a good chat and talk about your affairs over the years!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, nodded lightly and said: "Brother, I have nothing to say, it's nothing more than ordinary things, by the way, Tianxiong, Bi Ling, Earth Maniac, and the three Earth Demon brothers, how many of them are there?" What about you? Hey... You have changed so much, your appearance has become so attractive now, it is so different from you in the past, it is incredible!"

Indeed, today's Dihui's appearance has changed so much, it can be said to be unimaginable, and it can only be expressed by miracles. The beautiful and smart woman at the beginning has become a woman with a pair of beautiful and peerless looks. up!

Dihui smiled slightly, but thought sadly in her heart: Are these really ordinary things?Then she wrote in the palm of the declaration of war:

"They're all in seclusion, and they probably won't appear until some time later. My appearance gradually changes because of the exercises I've practiced. Brother Xuan, is my appearance okay?"

"Haha...haha..." Xuan Zhan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's more than possible, she is just like that descendant of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, with an airy temperament, red cheeks and spirit, she is the envy of a woman in the world!"

Dihui smiled lightly, thinking in his heart: Brother Xuan, don't blame Dihui for lying to you, it's really a last resort!

Xuan Zhan looked at Di Hui again carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise: "Di Hui, I can't see through you at all, Senior Brother!"

"Brother Xuan's words, it's a secret!" Di Hui wrote in Xuan Zhan's palm with a chuckle!

Xuan Zhan felt the strange feeling of the jade finger gently scratching in the palm of his hand, and said with a smile: "Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you, hey... I didn't expect that in just 200 years, you have become Stronger than me, it seems that I really underestimated the methods of the big brother!"

Then his heart moved, but he nodded in relief and said: "I believe in the methods of senior brother, since you have become so powerful, Brother Tian Xiong and Di Kuang must also impress me!"

Di Hui smiled and nodded, and then wrote on the palm of Xuan Zhan: "However, what surprised Di Hui the most was the change of Senior Brother Xuan. In just 200 years, you have already achieved the Tianxin stage. This kind of talent, comprehension It is rare in the world! No matter how strong the few of us have become, it is because of some reason that we have the current cultivation base, and the one who really surprised Dihui is you!"

This sentence took a lot of time, but at this moment, both of them were immersed in a strange state, and they didn't feel the slightest thing about their surroundings!The happiness of Xuan Zhan is the long absence of an old friend, but the happiness of Di Hui is because of being able to get along with Xuan Zhan...

After a long time, Xuan Zhan finally figured out the context of this sentence. Although his head is extremely intelligent and sharp, he is extremely unaccustomed to using this way of communication all of a sudden!

Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, but she didn't understand the deep meaning of Di Hui's words. In 200 years, she has changed so much that she can't see the depth, but she still praises herself like this, and she suddenly burst into laughter...

Di Hui looked deeply at the face with an indifferent smile, his eyes darkened slightly, but wrote again in his palm:

"Senior Brother Xuan, since you can't hear anymore, haven't you thought about what to do? We should look for an antidote that can cure your ears!"

Xuanzhan was silent, pursed his lips slightly, and turned his eyes to the lake, as if he was very absorbed in watching. After a long time, Xuanzhan said leisurely: "Look lightly at the flowers blooming and fading, there is a definite number between gains and losses, watching the clouds roll and the clouds relax, the tide rises and falls Fall, go or stay... as you like! Things in this world are unsatisfactory out of ten, and if you can't have it, let it go!"

Dihui was taken aback for a moment...

The corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth raised a smile, but he said softly: "Di Hui, most of my cultivators practice against the way and do things against their will, but why?"

Dihui was silent. After thinking for a long time, she smiled bitterly and shook her head silently!

Xuan Zhan raised a finger, pointed to his chest, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and said softly: "Original heart! My heart is my actions, and my words are all my thoughts! But most people who cultivate truth, what they do is nothing more than It's this day and night benefit! Cultivators call mortal creatures ants, and think that living for a hundred years is not as good as fighting for the sky forever. I declare war with the heart of living for a hundred years, against the fruit of reincarnation, and with the talent of fighting for the sky forever. The matter of picking up flowers in the evening!"

When Di Hui heard the declaration of war, his heart was deeply shocked immediately, and he muttered to himself: "With the heart of living for a hundred years against the fruit of reincarnation, and with the ability of fighting for the sky forever , this... this..." As he was thinking, Di Hui's pupils shrank suddenly, watching the declaration of war at this moment, he felt that the person in front of him suddenly became so unpredictable, so ethereal...

Xuan Zhan suddenly took a step forward, looked at the sky with his hands behind his back and said leisurely, "Di Hui, do you really think that I Xuan Zhan is deaf, but can't hear the nature of this world, the ancient depths of this prehistoric universe?"

Looking at the declaration of war at this moment, Di Hui suddenly lost his eyesight. The man in front of him seemed to suddenly emit a layer of vast aura, which was as broad and long-lasting as the stars in the universe, as if a piece of Zou Yu was receiving Like the baptism of heaven and earth, it exudes a shocking light!

Xuan Zhan let out a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at Di Hui with a slight smile, and said softly:

"Five years, five years, during these five years, you don't want to appear here. After five years, we will go to the big brother Wan Qingkui. I hope that the Ziguang Wanxian Conference is not over yet. At that time, I will let you I saw a reborn Senior Brother Xuan!"

Dihui was a little puzzled. Looking at the declaration of war at this moment, I don't know what his plan is. For their monks, five years is just a blink of an eye. What can the declaration of war do in these five years? To what extent?

However, her wisdom is not what it used to be. In the past 200 years, she has undergone unexpected changes. This kind of change can be called against the sky. Today's wisdom is indeed not the same as before. Earth wise...

While gently reaching his head, Di Hui wrote in the palm of the declared war:

"I'm waiting for you!"

Three words, insignificant...

Smiling at Xuanzhan, Dihui turned around and disappeared into the blue sky in the form of a sky blue hole!

"We have to say goodbye right after we meet, this is a heart-wrenching pain for me, but Senior Brother Xuan has his own reasons for what he does, as long as I silently accompany and watch him by his side, I will be satisfied! "Dihui turned her peerless face in the sky, and looked at the lingering and independent white figure in the distance, getting farther and farther away!

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