Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 436 The Sneak Attack of the Power of Heaven

Suxian Building, after the giant cauldron was moved to this place, Wan Qingkui ordered You Zijin to move the disciples who cleaned this small elegant building to another place, but because of Luo Tiangang's appearance, maybe it was not true. Without knowing this, she ordered You Zijin to arrange Long Xuanying to Suxianlou!

Perhaps...Luo Tiangang really didn't know about this matter. Even as the master of fortune telling, facing the mysterious giant cauldron and the various causes and effects involved in the giant cauldron, he couldn't figure out what was going on in the dark. implicate...

But to You Zijin, this just a trivial matter...

A few days later, Long Xuanying finally recovered his skill to the peak state, the cracks in the protective armor on his body had completely disappeared, and he himself had regained his proud and tough temperament!

Looking at this vast continent, a stern light flashed in Long Xuanying's eyes. His hatred for that person was not only because that person did not change his surname, but also because... the woman around him, his junior sister, seemed to have feelings for him. Favor!Although this kind of goodwill, in the eyes of outsiders, is only limited to the goodwill of senior brothers and sisters!However, Long Xuanying, as one of the inner sect disciples of the Thirteen Dou Tianfu, his cultivation base is one of the most outstanding among the second generation disciples, he simply does not allow this to happen!

Even though that bastard's cultivation base is stronger than him, even though that bastard's father is one of the thirteen powerful beings in the Thirteen Dou Tianfu, but his father Long Xuanying is even the master of a mansion!

He doesn't allow anyone to disobey him, especially that bastard! ! !

Therefore, he took away his beloved junior sister, and beside him was the beautiful Zhong Tiandi, as if all the brilliance in the world were attracted by her, an extraordinary girl with a pure yin blood of nine spirits that only appeared in legends !

The reason why he came here is because he wants to break into the cultivation sect where that bastard stayed at the beginning. If possible, he wants to teach the disciples of this sect a lesson and speak in front of that guy so that he can teach him to know , this so-called Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciple is actually nothing more than that, he wants to severely suppress that bastard!

"Whoosh..." Long Xuanying's figure suddenly flashed, wrapped in an unparalleled ferocious aura, and shot towards the sky!

After seeing her senior brother leave, the woman in bright yellow gauze tidied herself up, and then walked out with her little feet. When passing by the giant tripod, she looked curiously again, and the west side of the giant tripod, the A room sealed by a magical force!

The woman was curious about the characters in the giant cauldron, and stopped to look at it, but she never felt any danger, let alone found any mystery, she couldn't help being a little bored, and then walked outside!

"This is where Brother Xiaoyao used to practice!" The woman looked around and thought joyfully in her heart!

"Hey... I don't know how Brother Xiaoyao is doing now!" The woman said to herself, "Why does Senior Brother Long hate Brother Xiaoyao so much, I like you, although... Although I dare not put Xiaoyao Let me tell you and other senior brothers about the relationship between my brother and me, but... the relationship between me and brother Xiaoyao is indeed not the love relationship you think of!"

The girl looked around while walking: Walking on the road that her brother walked before, it can be considered a kind of happiness!

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but feel happy, and her feet couldn't help moving even more briskly!

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the grass ahead, and the girl couldn't help but pause, looking at the grass curiously!

At this moment, a black and white chubby little guy rolled out of the grass, like a fluffy ball, rolled to the girl's side, and then stopped!

The girl blinked curiously, and looked at the cute little guy in front of her!

The black and white little guy stared blankly at the girl in front of him with black pupils who couldn't see her face under the scarf!

Big eyes and small eyes...

After a long time, the little guy suddenly took out a [-]-centimeter-long green bamboo shoot from his arms, handed it to the girl innocently, and said, "Here, I invite you to eat bamboo!"

The girl was taken aback, then looked at the little guy in front of her, and... the bamboo shoot in its hand!

The bamboo is obviously just picked, and the green leaves are swaying gently in the breeze!

Seeing that the woman in front of him didn't pick it up, the little guy said in a daze: "It's delicious, don't you want to eat it?"

The girl listened to it in a daze, and subconsciously... took the bamboo shoot, looked at the bamboo shoot in her hand, and then looked at the little guy in front of her!

Panda took out another bamboo shoot from his bosom, opened his mouth, and ate it in big mouthfuls: "'s delicious, you can eat like Panda, it's delicious!"

"Panda..." The girl said in a daze, "Your name is Panda?"

"Yeah... delicious..." Panda chattered while eating!

"Panda!" The girl smiled heartily, then stretched out both hands to hug it, holding it in front of her eyes, and carefully looked at the little Panda!

Panda drooped her limbs in some confusion. It felt in her heart that the girl in front of her, although she was a stranger, exuded a very friendly aura, as if they were good friends, so even though the girl didn't He hugged Panda in any preparation, but it didn't arouse any resistance from Panda, he just looked at her foolishly, looked at her...

"Panda, you willing to come with me?" the girl asked a little embarrassedly, "do you have a master?"

Panda's mouth grinned, eyes narrowed and he smiled: "Panda has a master, and Panda's little master is there!", Panda pointed at the place where Suxianlou was located!

Through the sunlight, the girl looked at the place of Suxian Tower in a daze. There... there was only the mysterious giant cauldron and the mysterious person in it!

"You mean..." the girl said in a soft voice with some uncertainty, "Is your master the person in that mysterious giant cauldron?"

"Ding?" Panda was a little dazed, and after thinking about it in confusion, he suddenly grinned and said, "Yes, that big box is called a tripod, and Xue Bao said it was a tripod, yes, my little master sleeps in it What! Hehe...hehe..."

The girl put down Panda with some disappointment, then handed the bamboo shoots to Panda and said with a smile: "Little guy, eat it, I won't eat this!"

Panda took the bamboo shoots in a daze and said, "I thought you would eat them. It's strange that you don't even eat such delicious food!"

A black line hangs on the girl's face...

At this moment, an old man shouted from the jungle: "Dad, where are you, Dad!"

The girl is a little confused...

Panda smiled foolishly, and then called out: "My dear son, here, here I am!"

Hearing Panda's voice, the girl was stunned for a moment, then looked at Panda in surprise and said, " a father?"

Panda smiled foolishly, nodded and admitted: "Yes, Panda is the father, but...why are you so surprised?"

The girl shook her head incomprehensibly, and said, "Since someone is here, I'll go first!"

Panda Hanhan nodded and said, "Oh!"

The girl smiled slightly, and when she was about to leave, she turned to look at Panda again and said, "Little Panda, remember my name, my name is Long Ying!"

"Long Ying? Long Ying..." Panda nodded, looking at Long Ying's leaving back, he muttered: "Your name is Long Ying, Panda remember it!"


Time passed by, Long Xuanying was on top of the Purple Light Conference, just unable to look away, hiding his own aura, his appearance did not attract anyone's attention at all, including the [-] people in the sky who he couldn't see through. monk!

Half a year passed quickly, during which he left once to visit Long Ying, but after seeing her safe and sound, Long Xuanying felt relieved, until he stayed here for another half a year, during which time he never left again!

Although he knew that there were many masters in this conference, including the [-] monks in the sky, including the disciples of the three deities, but he thought that by relying on the hidden cultivation skills of the sect, he could escape the mind sweeping of these people!

He really thought well, the three lords did not notice the appearance of Long Xuanying, when Long Xuanying appeared, the three lords just felt that a cultivator in the late stage of Tianxin appeared on this mountain...

And Long Xuanying also felt disdain for many monks in this conference. As an inner disciple of Thirteen Dou Tianfu and the son of the current palace master, the exercises and magic weapons he practiced are all rare treasures. The most powerful ones used by monks are only intermediate-level spiritual weapons, even the elementary-level spiritual tools, not in the majority, more precious weapons!

And the strength they showed made Long Xuanying feel... This cultivation world is really in decline!

Luo Tiangang is still in charge. With his appearance until now, several years have passed by in a hurry. During these years, the chances of fierce fighting have disappeared a lot, and more mediation and reconciliation have occurred!And this, for more monks, is also a good phenomenon!

Soaring above the nine heavens, the power of 32 primordial spirits stands majestically. It is Luo Tiangang, Wan Qingkui and a group of master-level monks!

"The people from Thirteen Dou Tianfu actually appeared here..." Wan Qingkui, who was transformed by the power of the primordial spirit, said to himself indifferently and curiously!

Luo Tiangang, who was transformed by the power of the primordial spirit, has a vicissitudes of life and a profound figure. Looking at the many juniors around him, he said calmly: "Don't pay attention to these worldly things. Although the Thirteen Dou Tianfu is hidden in the realm of cultivation, it is not completely Get out of this world of self-cultivation! The appearance of my apprentice, Xiaoyao, can be regarded as stirring up waves in that place, hey..."

Speaking of this, Luo Tiangang looked at the Lord of Weeping Dao, Fan Tiancry, and said, "God cry, Senior Brother Wan mentioned to me about the declaration of war by Junior Brother before, and I did watch that scene!"

Fan Tian cried here but took off the ferocious mask on his face, and the weeping master said softly with a sad and sad face: "Two senior brothers, even if it is your little senior brother, this declaration of war is nothing more than a declaration of war." You two...why do you always pay so much attention to him, a little monk who is wallowing in this mundane world!"

Luo Tiangang smiled peacefully, shook his head and said, "Heaven cry, when my junior brother Tiankui and I were reincarnated, by coincidence, I was reincarnated into a grass, and Tiankui turned into a cub Tiger!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding master cultivators suddenly froze, and their eyes looked at them inexplicably!

Wan Qingkui was slightly embarrassed on his old face, but he also stood upright and said: "That's right, before my sanity recovered, I was indeed a...a...tiger!"

"Pfft..." Dihui giggled when she heard this, as if she was implicated, Wang Dafu and a group of master-level monks also laughed wildly!

"Hey..." Fan Tian, ​​the Lord of Weeping Dao, cried with a sad face that seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not smiling...

Wan Qingkui looked at the juniors who laughed at him around him, and immediately howled with anger, "Laugh, laugh, I want you to laugh hard today! Hmph..."

Luo Tiangang raised his hands in a dumbfounded way to stop his shouting smile and said, "Renren Yu took my lotus and my senior brother's cub tiger into Misty Jianxintian by chance later, you must know, Master Yu The master has also learned the art of divination, so there is a destiny in the dark!"

Everyone nodded slowly...

"Under the careful care of master Yuzhenren with countless treasures and spiritual liquids, my brother and I have finally cultivated a sliver of sanity!" Luo Tiangang looked at Wan Qingkui with a serious face and said, "Hundreds of years, no matter the wind Blowing the rain, hehe, with him, my senior brother and I actually... actually developed a causal relationship with him like a father and son! And this is what my senior brother and I value. That's why... we pay special attention to the declaration of war by the younger brother, after all... After all, he is the only disciple of Master Yuren!"

"But..." Fan Tian cried and said with a sad face, "No matter how deep your feelings are, the country has state laws, family has family rules, and the crimes committed by declaring war are unforgivable! Moreover, this kind of mind is really not suitable for the job. The post of honoring the master! More... not suitable to be the disciple of Piaomiao Jianxintian!"

When Di Hui heard this, she looked at Fan Tian with a peerless face and cried: "Brother Tiankui, Di Hui doesn't know why you keep declaring war on me, don't forget your identity!"

Fan Tian cried for a moment, then looked at Di Hui indifferently and said: "Junior Sister, you have to know, Piao Miao Jian Xintian, the two senior brothers got involved in their feelings, can it be that I can't get involved in mine, after all... ...This is my safe place for tens of thousands of years!"

"However, based on what I know about declaring war, he definitely can't do such a thing!" Di Hui immediately shot back!

When Fan Tian cried and heard this, he suddenly said in a cold voice: "Since that's the case...then let the brothers and sisters judge!"

Hearing Fan Tiankui's suggestion, the expressions of Di Hui, Wan Qingkui, Luo Tiangang and Wang Dafu suddenly changed, and then they looked at the thirty serious companions around them!

Among these people, only Dihui knows the war declaration best, followed by Wang Dafu, then Wan Qingkui, Luo Tiangang, and especially Luo Tiangang. His understanding of the war declaration is limited to Mo Lixing, who has not awakened Before memory!But...the four of them understand, but it doesn't mean everyone understands!

The other master cultivators were sullen, trying to figure out the pros and cons of this matter in their hearts, but no matter what, it was difficult for them to come up with a good solution!

At this moment, a master cultivator said faintly: "In the realm of comprehension, strength determines victory or defeat. If that's the case, why not..."

All eyes immediately turned to the speaker!

The person who spoke was plain and ordinary, except for a pair of eyes, which gave people a feeling of madness. He... was known as the "Lord of Lonely Heart" Hao Tiangu in the cultivation world!

"Tiangu, you mean..." Luo Tiangang intertwined his hands, looked at Haotiangu and said softly...

Everyone immediately understood what Luo Tiangang meant, and they all fell into deep thought!

"Lord of Tianfu" Wang Dafu's simple and honest voice suddenly sounded: "Junior Brother Tiangu, don't you know that the cultivation base for declaring war is only the late stage of Tianxin?"

Hao Tiangu had no choice but to cast a glance at the seemingly simple and honest senior brother Wang Dafu, who was actually extremely insidious and cunning, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother Tianfu, a solution out of nowhere!"

Fan Tian cried and said indifferently: "Junior Brother Tiangu's suggestion, I agree, if Xuan wins, he will be the Young Master, if he loses..."

"I lost..." Everyone pondered...

"Take off the disciple's name, and drive out Piaomiao Jianxintian!" Fan Tian cried and said coldly, setting off his miserable face, it was extremely uncoordinated!

"Impossible!" Dihui retorted suddenly, "Fantian cried, don't forget to declare war on him... He is most likely the person we are looking for!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly woke up!

Yes, it is very possible to declare war, and there is another identity, a person that the group of monks have been looking for for countless years!Where is this person...?

And Luo Tiangang's downcast voice suddenly came from everyone's ears: "Junior Brother Xuan... is not the person we are looking for!"

"What?" Wan Qingkui looked at his junior brother Luo Tiangang in surprise!

Wang Dafu, Di Hui and the other master monks all looked at the lonely Luo Tiangang in surprise...

" not the person we are looking for!" Luo Tiangang looked up at the sky, endless disappointment flashed across his face, and there was a sense of desolation on his body...

"Why!" Wan Qingkui looked at Luo Tiangang unwillingly, and asked in a concentrated voice, "It's been 5000 million years, we've been looking for him for 5000 million years, and during these 5000 million years, we've been looking for him all the time, my lord I thought that the little junior brother who can control the Nine Desolation War Ding must have similarities with that person, and he is even the person we are looking for, but... but your words, let us deny them all for 5000 million years ! Junior Brother, I don’t understand!”

When everyone heard Wan Qingkui's words, they all looked at the distant sky in silence...

A gust of cool wind passed over everyone's cheeks, but there was an unconcealable bitterness in their hearts...

Luo Tiangang Xiao Suo's figure trembled slightly, his eyes were slightly closed, feeling the cool wind, he said softly: "Brother, I understand your painstaking efforts and unwillingness, I... don't want this to become a reality, 5000 million Over the years, not only you are looking for it, but the brothers above the fairy world are constantly fighting bloody battles, fighting to the death with that group of beasts! What are we doing, isn't it just to find him? Isn't it just to save this rebellious heaven!"

"He affects the nerves of each of us. For 5000 million years, we can only see a trace of him in the junior brother, but... it is not him who declares war! It is impossible to be him!"

"Exactly why he was able to control the Nine Desolation War Cauldron, I don't know, but in my previous generation, I tried my best to exhaust all the hexagrams of Shouyuan divination, but it shows...the rebellion of heaven is even worse!"

Speaking of this, Luo Tiangang suddenly turned his head to look at Wan Qingkui and said in a low voice: "Do you know what this means? This means... the junior brother declares war, and it is very likely to become...become...! "

Having said this, Luo Tiangang suddenly stopped with his face flushed, and everyone looked at Luo Tiangang with solemn expressions!

"Become..." Luo Tiangang blushed, as if a mysterious force was wrapping around his neck, preventing him from speaking!

"Oops!" Wan Qingkui suddenly roared angrily, "The power of the heavenly law! The heavenly gang and the earthly demon, form the formation!"

"Boom!" The vastness of light is like an ancient existence. As soon as Wan Qingkui's words fell, all the main monks suddenly roared and exploded.

More than 30 master-level monks are above this piece of sky, and clusters of vast power bloom instantly from each of them. In that invisible space, 32 master-level monks have solemn faces, and the magic formulas are united!

"Om..." Layers of silk threads of light burst out from everyone's body instantly, connecting everyone together to form a mysterious structure!And around them, a mysterious power descended suddenly, surrounded 32 of them together, and then squeezed crazily in this space!

The faces of 32 people suddenly turned red, and the next moment...

"Pfft..." Groups of bright red blood burst out of everyone's mouths!

"Let's go!" Wan Qingkui suddenly roared wildly, and under the connection of everyone's minds, an unparalleled fighting spirit burst out instantly, and the fighting spirit pierced the sky, breaking through layers of heaven and earth structures!

"Om..." The primordial avatars of the 32 master-level monks suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in the dark universe in an instant!

"The power of heaven..." Everyone's hearts trembled suddenly, and the next moment, they instantly appeared in a starry sky tens of millions of light years away from Jade Sting Star...

"Boom..." The defensive power erupted by the 32 master-level monks immediately made all the starry sky with a diameter of tens of light-years exist, and the bombardment was completely wiped out!

On a planet full of ordinary creatures, there are countless babbling babies and countless young people singing and laughing. They live their lives facing the rising sun!The countryside, the city, the country, the ocean...everything is enjoyed in its own environment...

Before everyone knew what happened... "Boom!" The planet was instantly blown into cosmic dust by a huge force, and countless creatures disappeared under the starry sky in an instant...

The first...the second...the third...the tenth...the hundredth...

"Boom..." The invisible power of heaven crazily squeezed the [-] master cultivators, causing them to run rampant like a mad dog in this universe!

But at this moment, the 32 master-level monks in the defensive circle formed by them all have solemn faces, their eyes are closed tightly, and the magic formula in their hands is rising, and the defensive barrier is shining!

Suddenly, Wan Qingkui said coldly: "Heavenly Gang and Earthly Demon, eternal Taoism, self-willed and automatic, act like God!"

As soon as the word "Xingshen" came out, 32 master-level monks suddenly shot out a surge of murderous sword energy. The next moment, the defense in the vast starry sky suddenly turned into a wild sword with a length of one million kilometers. gas!

"Hmph!" 32 cold snorts suddenly sounded in the universe, and this huge sword suddenly spun wildly like a whirlpool!

"Huh..." When the mysterious invisible force was spinning this huge sword, the squeezing force suddenly loosened, and then instantly turned into countless small invisible forces, which slowly dissipated in this cosmic starry sky...

The 32 master monks slowly opened their eyes and looked at each other solemnly!

"Bah!" "Lord of Burial Violence" Jin Tianbao spat out a mouthful of saliva mixed with golden blood in the universe, and said in a cold voice, "Damn bastard!" His voice instantly penetrated The structure of the starry sky echoes in this universe!

"Son of a son of a bitch..." "Lord of Qianzhou" Han Dizhou wiped the golden blood from his mouth fiercely, looked around and said to himself with chills all around him: "Taking advantage of my body If you are not here, you dare to engage in a sneak attack!"

The others also wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, with cursing faces!

Wan Qingkui said coldly: "Now is not the time to be angry, Tiangang, why did this son of a bitch appear here!"

Luo Tiangang said with a wry smile: "It... doesn't want me to tell the secret about my junior brother!"

Fan Tian cried and said in a cold voice: "I remember this is not the first time this dog bastard appeared. The first time it appeared, it seemed to have something to do with the declaration of war! Senior brother, do you still remember when the declaration of war first came to Jade Sting Star, We soon felt this bastard, but that time the power was minimal! It was not as powerful as this time! "

Wan Qingkui nodded indifferently, looked at the surrounding starry sky and said: "Let's go back to Yuzhe Star as soon as possible, the declaration of just as Tiangu said!"

Everyone nodded indifferently, and in the next moment, they burst into the universe in an instant. The speed was so fast that it could be said that the distance of light years in an instant!

"Boom..." Countless cosmic black holes appeared in the universe when they pierced through the starry sky, slowly devouring everything around them!

Dihui looked indifferently at the brothers and sisters around her, but her heart... was complicated...

32 bright streamers are flying furiously in the universe, the destination... Jade Sting Star!

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