Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 437 The Discovery of Dragon Cherry

When Changsheng hissed and the dragon roared, when the powerful force that rebounded from Panda and Xuebao appeared, when the Thunderbolt and Thunder Yuan slammed out fiercely!The sound vibrations from the three spread across millions of kilometers in an instant!

All the disciples of Piaomiao Jianxintian who sensed the shocking changes here rushed over in this direction in shock, and at the same time used their own sect's unique contact method to contact fellow brothers and senior monks in other places!

However, no matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as Wan Qingkui!

Almost a few seconds after Long Ying disappeared, Wan Qingkui was already standing in the sky above Suxian Building!

Looking at the Nine Desolation War Cauldron in the courtyard that didn't seem to have changed much, Wan Qingkui's eyes flashed a hint of vigilance!In his feelings, his junior brother's skill is not only recovering continuously, but also his cultivation base is growing in a geometric manner, but... What happened to the junior brother's declaration of war, Wan Qingkui is a bit confused I can't feel it!

Looking sideways, he saw that the three little guys next to his little brother had passed out, but fortunately there was no danger of their lives!

Although he was not at the scene, Wan Qingkui knew like a mirror how the three little guys passed out just now, and he couldn't help but have a little doubt about the Nine Desolation Zhanding Ding in the courtyard!

And that little girl who came with Long Xuanying, Thirteen Dou Tianfu, was actually sucked into the giant cauldron! ! !

Dingnei...what happened?

Wan Qingkui was full of doubts in his heart, and he came to the side of Nine Desolation Zhanding in the courtyard in a flash!

Looking up at the five-meter-high Nine Desolation War Cauldron, Wan Qingkui's eyes flashed a bit of solemnity and a few strands of respect and timidity, and finally turned into a complex of emotions!In his feeling, the aura emanating from this Nine Desolation War Cauldron is like a ferocious beast, full of tyrannical and manic aura!Besides, he didn't feel much at all!

But... even he is not very clear about the origin of this war tripod. The reason why he was able to bring it to the cultivation world was a long, long time ago!

Now, when he stood in front of this giant cauldron again, even he couldn't express what he felt in his heart. He really doubted the identity of the declaration of war because he was able to control the Nine Desolation Zhanding Ding because of the junior brother's declaration of war, but With the words of junior brother Luo Tiangang, his hope was instantly destroyed!All that is left is endless loneliness and loneliness...

After clearing out countless complex emotions from his mind, Wan Qingkui's palm was slowly imprinted on the giant cauldron!

As soon as the Zhan Ding was printed, Wan Qingkui's eyes burst into strands of cold light instantly, staring at Zhan Ding fiercely, as if he wanted to pierce Zhan Ding through his eyes!

Cheeks twitched slightly, Wan Qingkui took a deep breath, the palm attached to Zhanding did not retract, but his heart was shocked again and again...

This kind of pain, even Wan Qingkui... is somewhat unbearable!But after all, he is not an ordinary person, and the pain that can almost be unbearable for him is definitely no small matter!But after a few breaths, Wan Qingkui took another deep breath as if he got used to it!

After Wan Qingkui attached his palm to Zhan Ding, time passed quietly, and a morning passed in a blink of an eye!

At this moment, around the courtyard building, Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciples were already standing. These disciples rushed over after hearing the sound. When they were here, everyone couldn't help but stop on the open space outside the attic!

"Have those three little guys settled down?" Wan Qingkui asked coldly!

"Elder Hui Wan, they have all been sent to other places, and they have been settled properly!" A disciple outside the door clasped his fists and bowed his head as he replied!

Wan Qingkui nodded indifferently. At this moment, his face was slightly pale, and the palm of that hand was still tightly attached to the Nine Desolation War Cauldron!

"Huh..." Wan Qingkui looked at Zhan Ding with a strange look in his eyes, and the pain from above Zhan Ding suddenly decreased, as if the junior brother inside had been half relieved from this endless pain!

Another hour later, Wan Qingkui slowly withdrew his attached hand, seeing the stiffness and trembling of his palm, Wan Qingkui's body couldn't help trembling slightly!To be honest, what he can persist to this point is only relying on his own strong cultivation base, and if his cultivation base is at the ordinary level of the cultivation world, maybe he has already been tortured by this pain. Can't wait to die immediately!

"Huh..." Wan Qingkui exhaled softly, glanced at the Nine Desolation Zhanding Ding with a complicated expression, and was slightly worried about the situation inside, but for the situation that he couldn't even figure out in his long life Heaven-defying magic weapon, he felt a little helpless...

Countless disciples outside the attic stood silently, they didn't know what happened here, they didn't know why the elder of the criminal law appeared here, but... this is not what they should go forward to ask at all!

"Take care of every plant and tree here, and no one is allowed to take a step. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished!" Wan Qingkui said, looking at all the disciples around him!

"Respect the decree of Elder Wan!" Countless disciples immediately knew the seriousness of the words, and immediately leaned over and replied.

Wan Qingkui nodded indifferently, and disappeared in the same place instantly after moving his body. After the surrounding disciples looked around, a purple-clothed monk who seemed to be of higher status than the other disciples waved his hand indifferently and said: "All disciples obey the order!" , Guard the Suxian Tower!"

"Yes!" Countless disciples flashed and quickly surrounded the entire Suxian Building, and every insect and ant was expelled!

After Wan Qingkui returned to Hengduan Mountain, he secretly told Luo Tiangang what happened in Suxian Tower, Luo Tiangang sighed slightly, and said softly: "Hey... some things, what should happen will always happen, This Piaomiao about to change!"


Long Ying's head was a little confused and confused, a little nervous and at a loss in the face of a crisis!

She is the treasure in the hands of all the elders in the Thirteen Dou Tianfu. From birth to now, she almost grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth. Everyone loves her, cares about her and takes care of her!There is only one person, her mother is very strict with her, and because of this, her temperament is not unruly and self-willed, and she even has a trace of pitiful appearance on weekdays, which makes countless people feel distressed!

She had never been in danger before, but suddenly she appeared in this place, covered with cumin, and her heart was filled with panic and confusion!

What kind of world is this...?

When Long Ying came back to her senses, looking at this world... she was stunned for a moment!

Blazing flames, tyrannical breath, and... fiery air that can make people collapse in an instant!Here is an emptiness, the emptiness is chilling, here is a hell, full of frightening madness and the burning atmosphere of the doomsday!

But... the only thing that reassures Long Ying is that this hellish space has not affected her!And the place where Longying appeared didn't seem to be any ground, but it was flat and smooth like glass!

"Boom!" Suddenly, the entire empty space began to tremble crazily. If this tremor was placed outside, it would even shatter mountains and rivers. Levitate up!

"Boom!" Like a war drum beating wildly, the vibration of the entire space continued to increase!

"Roar!!!" A shrill cry suddenly sounded in Long Ying's ears. This sound was like a magic sound, which instantly penetrated her eardrums and shook her mind fiercely. Subconsciously, Long Ying Immediately covering her ears, a trace of timidity and paleness flashed across her delicate, elf-like handsome cheeks!

"Here... where is it? Brother Long, where are you, Ying'er is so scared!" Long Ying covered her ears and muttered to herself...

"Ah!!!" This roar seemed to be experiencing all kinds of torture and pain, the boundless torture made the roaring person let out a series of mournful roars to vent his pain!

"Let me die! Let me die!" The voice suddenly roared wildly!

"No... I can't die, I can't die!" The voice suddenly roared again!

"Boom..." The space trembled crazily again...

Long Ying ruthlessly covered her ears, and in this space fearfully experienced the countless auras like hell of death!

Time is slowly passing by, as if a day has passed like this...

But after such a long time, that person's voice of venting and roaring is still crazily, endlessly roaring!

After Long Ying gradually got used to this environment, she still didn't dare to let go of her ears, and continued to cover her ears carefully looking at the emptiness around her!

"Boom..." The space continued to tremble crazily, the mysterious man seemed to have endless energy, and was still screaming and roaring...

It seems that one day has passed, and it seems that two days have passed, here... there is no day node, no clear mark of time!

Long Ying gradually... gradually got used to this environment, and then began to explore cautiously!

She could feel the heat of this space and the cruelty of this environment, but as soon as everything entered her body, it was inexplicably filtered into a warm breath. Long Ying knew that this was because her physique was different from that of ordinary people. The reason, according to her parents, is that her physique belongs to the legendary "Nine Spirits Pure Yin Bloodline". With just a few words of explanation!

"Nine spirits guard their lives, all evils will not invade, the sky is a lesson, and the destiny is bestowed by heaven!"

These sixteen characters are just a few records in ancient books, but from these sixteen characters, Long Ying can guess that Zhong Tiandi's beauty, who was conceived and born by Heaven's favor!Therefore, even in this hell-like void space, I...haven't been harmed in the slightest!

However, I have subconsciously felt waves of fear these days!

She knew that she was in that mysterious giant cauldron now, and there was a mysterious monk in the cauldron, the master of Panda and them, the mysterious monk named Xuan Zhan!Xuan Zhan is right here, here at Dingli, and according to what he saw outside, that Xuan Zhan should be suffering from a pain that makes him want to die. He has also felt this kind of pain before. I don't want to feel it again in my life!

"Could it be that this shout came from the declaration of war?" Long Ying thought suspiciously, her footsteps took a slight step, and there were rippling footprints under her feet!

"It's so strange here!" Long Ying watched while walking, "I've been walking for such a long time, but I haven't come to the end yet. How big is this tripod?"

Just stopping and going like this, Long Ying didn't know how long she had walked, how long she had walked, it seemed that a long, long time had passed, but that shrill scream was still an uninterrupted mad roar Letting go, venting...

Long Ying didn't want to leave even after leaving, she never expected that the space inside this cauldron was so big, so... no time!

"I don't know if senior brother Long found out that I was missing. If he found out... he should be very anxious. Hey... he will definitely argue with Piao Miao Jian Xintian! This the place where Brother Xiaoyao grew up. No, I have to hurry up." Get out!" Long Ying looked around and made a decision after a long time!

With a flash of figure, Long Ying's body flashed a yellow light instantly, and flew upwards quickly!

Time was slowly passing away, and after a long time, Long Ying still did not fly to the top of the end, this result immediately made her discouraged, made her panic, and flew around at a loss!

And the only thing I found was... the shrill and roaring voice in my ear seemed to be a little closer to her...

After a long time, Long Ying suddenly stopped, suspended in the void, staring blankly at the empty space ahead...

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