Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 460 Crazy Pursuit of Blood Treasures in Danger

Xuan Zhan is here to accompany the girl to practice the piano. In the blink of an eye, several days have passed. During the past few days, Bi Dechuan has been here several times, and the things he always talks about are Hua Feihua and Danqing. Asking to see Yunyun and other words, the declaration of war is just a smile!

On this day, Bi Dechuan came to the bank of "Huifeng Lake" again, and the strange person he saw was still calmly listening to the daughter of his niece and niece playing the piano, with a wry smile on his lips!

There is a well-known rumor in the heart of the Holy Spirit, and that is about the husband of his niece "Shaoyao"!

So many years have passed, the shocking battle that took place in the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference has already spread throughout the cultivation world, and all the disciples of the Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan know that the husband of Fairy Shaoyao is actually a remnant of the demon clan!As soon as this matter was known, all the disciples were shocked, and someone immediately stood up to punish Shao Yao, but... After all, there was one person standing behind Shao Yao, her junior, the only one who had ascended to the fairy world for thousands of years Alchemy cultivator - Alchemy Saint!At the same time, because the Xuanzhan shined brilliantly at the conference, he was able to fight with Hua Xihua, a young Taoist master of the five yin and blood demons who has a three-turn dispersing demon cultivation base, and finally even fought with Hua Xihua. Xihua was terrified!

With these two people standing behind the teacher's niece, Shao Yao, and with the weight of his master Yuan, he finally suppressed this matter!

However, secretly, the disciples of the sect also dismissed Shao Yao!

Bi Dechuan sighed secretly in his heart, thinking back then, although Fairy Shaoyao was only in the Yuanti stage, but her alchemy skills and her beautiful appearance made many young and handsome people pursue them hard. Today, the beauty has changed, and the world has declined...

Pressing his thoughts and sorrows into his heart, Bi Dechuan came to the entrance of the grass shed respectfully, and said softly: "Sir..."

Xuan Zhan twitched a strand of hair, looked at the lake peacefully, and said softly: "Are they getting impatient with waiting?"

Bi Dechuan smiled wryly. He knew in his heart that with the ability to declare war, he had already had a clear understanding of the situation outside, but he couldn't say anything!

Xuan Zhan took a careful look at the silent Bi Dechuan, and said with a soft smile: "I just made them impatient! I have given that monk surnamed Dong two chances before, but he was not sure. Standing, he is not sure, should I continue...Huh?"

A bloody aura suddenly surged from the Qingbi Danxin Mountain. This aura was so strong that it enveloped the entire mountain in an instant, but in an instant, the bloody aura disappeared again, as if it hadn't appeared!

Xuan Zhan's heart moved, his eyes froze for a moment, he took a step forward suddenly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place!

Panda froze on the spot, scratching his furry head and muttering to himself: "What's the matter, little master?" Then he glanced at Bi Dechuan and Feng Xun'er who were stunned!

Bi Dechuan looked at the place where Xuan Zhan disappeared, frowned slightly, and immediately said in shock: "No, Miss Xuan Baoer is gone!"


In a secluded garden, Fairy Shaoyao and Long Ying stared blankly at the open space in front of them...

"What's going on..." Fairy Shaoyao looked at Long Ying blankly and said!

A trace of surprise flashed across Long Ying's eyes!

Just a few seconds ago, the three of them were still confronting everyone in Yueyue Xianlou, not allowing them to disturb the peace of the declaration of war, but at that moment, a group of people suddenly swarmed up and sacrificed six mysterious blood-colored stones , Surrounding the blood treasures, as soon as these six mysterious stones appeared, a blood-colored hexagram formed in an instant. A group of people rushed into the center of the formation with blood treasures. Disappeared in place in an instant!

Things happened so fast that Long Ying, who was already in the middle of the tribulation, almost couldn't react. After realizing it, Xuebao and the group of people who invited Yuexianlou had disappeared!

But just after the incident happened, Xuan Zhan had already appeared beside the two women, staring blankly at the six shattered blood-colored stones...

"Sir!" Fairy Shaoyao instantly recovered from her surprise, and looked at the sudden declaration of war and shouted, "Bao'er, Bao'er is gone!"

At the same time, Long Ying covered her mouth and looked at Xuan Zhan and shouted: "They took Bao'er away!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the broken hexagram silently, and a coldness suddenly flashed in his eyes!

"Boom..." Suddenly, deafening thunderbolts roared out of the flood of clouds in the sky, and the next moment, the entire Hanyue Star was instantly covered by layers of dark clouds!

"Their goal is not to invite the moon to kill people at all!" Xuan Zhan's deep voice quietly appeared in the ears of the two women. They were startled. Looking at Xuan Zhan with his hands on his back and his head down, a thought flashed across his mind. —Declaration of war, angry!

"Boom!" A thunderbolt from the black abyss suddenly fell from the sky, slamming on Xuan Zhan's body, and thousands of silver threads shot up angrily: "Ying'er, Shaoyao, I will come as soon as I go!"

After leaving these words, Xuan Zhan's figure fled away in an instant!

Long Ying tightly pursed her rosy lips, looked at Fairy Shaoyao and said, "Sister Shaoyao, he all right!"

Fairy Shaoyao showed a bitter smile at the corner of her mouth: "Sir, you understand better than me how strong your cultivation is, but... I am very worried about Xuebao!"

Long Ying was taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "What happened to Xue Bao?"

Fairy Shaoyao was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Sir, there are two reverse scales, one is Linglong!"

When Long Ying heard this name, she was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. She was already very familiar with the matter of Xuan Zhan and Linglong in the past [-] years of following her, but her heart was extremely mixed. The relationship between Xuan Zhan and Linglong Long Ying can somewhat understand the complicated grievances and grievances. From a pure and lively girl to a female devil that everyone is talking about now, can it be said that all this is caused by the declaration of war?No... Long Ying couldn't tell right from wrong...

"The other Nilin is Panda and the other three little guys!" Fairy Shaoyao sighed, "As far as I know, since Mr. began to cultivate, Panda has been by his side and never left him as a companion. Xuebao, these two little guys were the first to follow Mr., and have been following Mr. loyally, from the fights of monsters everywhere in the universe, to the monster star of Boshanxing, and then they became enemies with Chu Wudao and were beaten. Into the turbulence of time and space... On this journey, the two little guys have been with him! It can be said that Panda and Xuebao are his spiritual support. In this cruel world of self-cultivation, a large part of their loyal followers Above, it is the spiritual support that Mr. can go to today!"

Listening to Shao Yao's words, Long Ying slowly felt a pang of distress in her heart. She has been with this man for nearly 30 years, but she has never really understood his inner world!Because... the reason why I followed him was because I had nowhere to go!She was forced to become his wife and was forced to follow him. Over the past few decades, she had forced herself to get used to being a wife!But... have I really understood him?

Cumin ventured into the world of comprehension alone, even though he is extremely talented, but this is not the only thing he relies on! ! !

What she sees all day long is his lonely figure, but why does he always look so lonely? Why?

Even though Panda, Xuebao, and the three little guys of Changsheng will never leave him, but...does he have a caring person?Is there a person who can pour out his heart with all his heart?

"Then, Changsheng also appeared mysteriously, and mysteriously followed Mr., the three little fellows and Mr., together in life and death!" Fairy Shaoyao looked at the sky and said softly, "Mr. There's no one to complain about..."

Long Ying's lips suddenly trembled slightly...


A thunderbolt from the black abyss exuding a destructive aura instantly appeared in the universe beyond the Hanyue star. The next moment, a declaration of war in an ordinary white shirt appeared in an instant. Looking at the universe indifferently in his eyes, a trace of murderous intent quietly appeared in his eyes !

"Five yin and blood are evil!" Xuan Zhan said to himself indifferently, "I was careless..."

The next moment, thunder suddenly flashed in his eyes, and a pair of black abyss thunder eyes looked coldly at the cosmic space in front of him. The power of the space structure was more obvious than before, and the natural power of the universe clearly appeared in his eyes. In the eyes!

As soon as the two-handed technique was moved, thunder and thunder suddenly rose from the shoulders, and two huge black abyss thunder wings were born. The two thunder wings frantically shook, and Xuan Zhan's body shot away in an instant!

"Boom!" The body suddenly turned into a black abyss of lightning, sprinting frantically in the universe, but within a few minutes, there was a distance of five light years!

Relying on the cosmic structure in his eyes, as well as a trace of bloody aura, Xuan Zhan chased after him frantically, one after another space fluctuations pierced the universe, and waves of madness raged fiercely wherever Lei Yi passed. !

Half a quarter of an hour after Yu Lei lased in the universe, three waves of killing intent suddenly burst out from the universe in front of him. The next moment, nearly hundreds of thousands of crazy sword lights shot towards the declaration of war in an instant. A starry sky is shining extremely brightly!

The corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth smiled coldly, and said in a low voice: "The three are just two-turn demons!" During the speech, Xuan Zhan didn't have any intention of stopping at all. Yellow light, this ray of light swirled around Xuan Zhan's body, when hundreds of thousands of sword lights hit, but he saw Xuan Zhan's tactic: False Sword——Shattering Illusion and Shattering Truth!

"Whoosh..." The Demon Slaughtering Sword instantly turned into a black thunderbolt, and then turned into a hundred, a hundred into ten thousand, and ten thousand into tens of thousands, and a powerful sea of ​​thunder was crazily stirred up. The light collided fiercely!

"Not good!" An old voice suddenly appeared in Xuan Zhan's heart, "Information is wrong, the strength of Xuan Zhan...he...he..."

"Boom!!!" The sea of ​​Thunder Abyss rose violently in an instant, destroying all objects in this starry sky in an instant, and the three monks hiding in the dark did not even have time to call for help, and their bodies and spirits were instantly wiped out , even the dust is not left!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, the great cultivation base of the fifth rank of Mahayana burst out instantly, and the momentum of thunder suddenly increased several times crazily, and he shot away immediately!

Along the way, Xuan Zhan encountered three attacks, each of which was equally powerful, but under the powerful strength of Xuan Zhan today, these people have disappeared in the realm of comprehension before they even reacted!

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's heart suddenly appeared in Xuebao's voice:

"Little master, help... Blood Treasure... Blood Treasure..."

Xuan Zhan's face suddenly became extremely cold, Xue Bao... finally felt a sense of spiritual connection with him, but this feeling was so weak that it disappeared even before Xuan Zhan could react!

Heiyuan Leimou looked at the starry sky in front of him, Xuanzhan suddenly stopped, his face gradually became gloomy, and the next moment, his hands suddenly closed together, and he uttered a word in a low voice:


"Om..." A violent power of primordial spirit suddenly burst out from Xuan Zhan's body!


The power of the berserk primordial spirit soared several times in an instant...


"Boom!" The power of the primordial spirit suddenly bombarded the surrounding cosmic starry sky fiercely, and the powerful berserkers immediately destroyed all objects in a radius of tens of millions of kilometers!


The power of the primordial spirit suddenly wrapped Xuanzhan and flew forward slowly, and the speed gradually picked up...


The speed increased tenfold in an instant!





Every time a word is uttered, the speed increases geometrically. When the last word is uttered, Xuan Zhan's face turns pale. Ten light years!

Wherever it passed, it made the entire starry sky into chaos. It was a group of huge cosmic monsters multiplied by tens of millions. At this speed, they were all affected and wiped out in an instant!

"Boom!" A shocking explosion suddenly appeared tens of thousands of light-years away, and thousands of silver threads shot up angrily. Xuan Zhan stared indifferently at a huge flaming planet in front of him!

"Little master, little master..." Xue Bao's voice rang in Xuan Zhan's heart again, but this time he looked extremely haggard!

With a flash of his figure, the declaration of war immediately projected into the extremely hot flame planet, but within a few seconds, a hexagram formation covering an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers and made of countless blood-colored stones appeared in Xuanzhan's eyes. Among them, dozens of figures flickered among them, a delicate body, the clavicles of both shoulders were penetrated by several chains, and the whole body was covered with mysterious charms one after another!

"Five yin and blood evil way!" Xuanzhan Yu Gaotian suddenly let out a cold roar,

"Give me death!"

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