Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 461 Destroy the Planet

"Damn it, why did this declaration of war come so quickly!" A young and stern monk wearing dark black armor among the six-pointed stars said coldly, his eyes were full of horror, "On this road, there is a second brother in the door. Ten seniors from the demon-dispelling stage resisted!"

"Hua Feihua, you go, the declaration of war is blocked by the group of old men, and the power of blood evil must be brought to the sect!" An old man looked gloomyly at the destruction that everyone had heard of in the sky above the flame star. breath, "There's no time!"

"Five yin and blood are evil, die for me!" A shocking roar suddenly resounded in everyone's ears. This violent roar wanted to make these dozens of monks jump out of their bodies in a frenzy!

Hua Feihua trembled and shouted: "Go! Seniors, please stop this declaration of war!" As soon as the words fell, Hua Feihua and the four monks around him moved instantly!

At the same time, a six-turn scatter demon, seven three-four turn scatter demons, and dozens of monks who were in the Mahayana stage and the tribulation stage instantly rose into the sky and shot towards the sky above the flame star!

"Blood Fiend Matrix!" Hua Feihua roared, "Use my blood to sacrifice my body!"

A shocking sword light suddenly fell from the sky, dozens of monks roared wildly, and dozens of magic weapons flew into the air in an instant, and fiercely resisted the sword light that even the monks who were rank nine dispersing demons were shocked by. And go!

"Get up!" Hua Feihua roared violently, the veins on his face twitched wildly, and five strands of blood were instantly thrown into the bloody teleportation array!

"Boom..." Above the sky, two tyrannical auras collided fiercely, and the scorching high temperature instantly spread hundreds of millions of kilometers away!

"Om..." A layer of bloody light suddenly appeared from the teleportation array, and the five figures and Xuebao's haggard body slowly fluctuated up!

Xue Bao opened his hazy eyes, looked at the white figure that was far away, and murmured weakly to himself: "Little master... Xue Bao... don't leave you..."

"Blood Treasure!" Xuan Zhan's eyes frantically looked at the teleportation array, and the Demon Slayer Sword suddenly turned into a sharp weapon for killing gods, and the magic formula frantically rose:

Cang Xin thunder roars and sword breaks through the abyss!

The tenth form of the Cangxin Sword Art, which is also the most powerful form, suddenly came out violently from Xuan Zhan's hand, but seeing the demon-killing sword swaying around, it suddenly shattered into stars in the air with a "Boom!" , The next moment, a sudden change occurred, and these starlight dots suddenly turned into black moon wheels, and all the black moon wheels all over the sky exploded fiercely towards the blood-colored hexagram formation!

"Block it!" Dozens of pale-faced cultivators watched the endless black moon attack. A Taoist heart that had been cultivated for an unknown number of years suddenly wanted to jump out of the body. Immediately, desperately played his most powerful move!

"Om..." Several figures in the bloody hexagram slowly disappeared...

The black moon immediately collided fiercely with the strength of the remaining group of monks!

"Boom..." In an instant, thirty monks were destroyed by the explosive body, and the light of the primordial spirit disappeared between heaven and earth before it escaped!

"Blood Treasure..." Xuan Zhan's slightly pale face trembled for a while, Heiyuan Leimou looked at the place that had disappeared in the teleportation array, and his hands trembled violently!

Strains of strong spare power blasted fiercely towards Xuan Zhan in an instant, but before he could get close to Xuan Zhan's body, he was instantly destroyed by countless strands of guardian sword intent penetrating through his body!

"Boom!" Hundreds of black moon wheels blasted onto the teleportation array immediately, destroying them all in a blink of an eye, and a bottomless huge pit emerged!

But for a moment, there was only one monk left in the field, a sixth-rank scatter demon with five yin and blood evil ways!It took only one blow to declare war, and only the most powerful monk was left to die among dozens of powerful monks!

"Boom!" The sixth-rank scatter demon was violently blasted into the ground by a black moon wheel, spat out a stream of blood, and looked at the white figure in the sky with a trembling face!

The blazing flame stars surged wildly, a wave of hot air surged, white hair splashed wildly on Xuan Zhan's head, looking at the huge pit, Xuan Zhan was completely stunned!

"Blood..." Xuan Zhan murmured, "Blood Treasure..."

The seriously injured cultivator below, although he was about to die, looked at the depressed look of Xuan Zhan, but he let out a crazy laugh:

"Haha...haha...declare war, declare war, the bamboo basket is empty, haha...Even though this old man is about to die, he can send away the power of blood evil, and he deserves to die!"

Hearing this voice, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly burst out with a trace of cruelty, his right fist clenched tightly, and he punched that place in an instant, a violent air wave mixed with the power of blazing flames, suddenly ruthlessly towards the place. This scattered demon blasted up!

The complexion of the scattered demon suddenly changed wildly, and before he could dodge in the future, this force had already blasted into his body!

"Boom!" Sanmo's body was instantly smashed to pieces, and a dark light of primordial spirit flew out instantly, fleeing towards the sky!

Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, flicked his right hand, and the Demon Slaughtering Sword instantly chased him away, but in a blink of an eye, the demon's primordial spirit power was overtaken by the Demon Slaughtering Sword, and after a while of strangling, he disappeared without a trace...

After killing the scattered demon, the boundless anger in Xuan Zhan's heart seemed to have suddenly found an outlet. With a frenzied shot, his body turned into a flash of white lightning and slammed into the planet fiercely!

"Boom!" The head blasted fiercely into the planet in an instant. Wherever it passed, streams of hot magma crazily impacted Xuan Zhan's body, but they couldn't hurt at all, and they were all killed by the protector. Sword intent is out!

After passing through the center of the earth, "Boom!" rushed out from the other side of the planet in an instant, seeing the planet blasted through by his body but filled with hot magma, Xuan Zhan's heart suddenly went crazy, and his body recovered. Hit again!

But from the perspective of the universe, a white lightning flashed out flashes of light, hitting the planet fiercely, knocking out countless holes in the already hot planet!

The magma exploded, the lava surged, the volcano erupted, and the earth trembled... I don't know how long it took, the planet suddenly "Boom!", like a bomb, it exploded from the inside out!

Xuan Zhan's figure suddenly paused, staring fiercely at the planet that was being bombarded by him and going towards destruction, and said to himself coldly in a low voice: "Five yin and blood are evil, good... very good! "

The next moment, it instantly turned into a black lightning and disappeared into the universe...

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