A few hours later, Hanyuexing was looking far away. Looking at the huge Hanyuexing, Xuan Zhan suppressed the irritable and worried emotions in his heart, concealed his breath, and his figure flashed. When he reappeared, it was already that Invite the door of Yuexian Building!

Looking at the hanging Yaoyue Tower and the monks who kept coming in and out with his hands behind his back, Xuan Zhan pondered for a moment with cold eyes, and said to himself in a low voice: This Yaoyue Tower is just a running dog of the five yin and blood evil ways. It's hard to achieve any effect, but...

As soon as the tone fell, Xuan Zhan grabbed the right hand behind his back suddenly, and an unparalleled powerful force instantly condensed. The strength of this force immediately made monks on the entire planet feel the coming of a force of destruction, and countless people were terrified. Pale, but the next moment...

The right fist blasted towards Yaoyue Xianlou in an instant!

A gust of wind quietly rose from under his feet, Xuan Zhan looked at the hanging castle with an indifferent face, and the corner of his mouth showed a hint of ferocity: "I need to vent!"

"Boom!!!" The huge suspended pavilion was instantly shattered by this crazy air fluctuation. Before the countless monks in this pavilion could react, they were completely destroyed, and their deaths were unclear!

The strong aftermath swept fiercely, and a palpitating aura hovered crazily in the sky. Within hundreds of millions of kilometers, everything was enveloped by this powerful aura, which could not dissipate for a long time!

The monks in the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss suddenly heard this power, and their hearts suddenly tightened violently. Bi Dechuan immediately led a group of monks to the city at the foot of the mountain, but within ten seconds, the group of them immediately saw It was the lonely white figure, the young man standing indifferently under the Yueyue Tower that had been turned into dust in the process of destruction!

Bi Dechuan and a group of alchemy cultivators looked at each other in fear, and they knew instantly that the mysterious Mr. Xuan's younger sister, Xuan Baoer, had been hijacked and left safely by the cultivators of the Five Yins and Blood Demons!Although they don't know exactly what method the five yin and blood demons used to escape the pursuit of the declaration of war, but thinking about it... it must not be smooth sailing!

Not to mention other things, the so-called powerful monks who destroyed the Yaoyue Immortal Tower and the countless monks in it just felt incredible!

The ruthlessness of this method will definitely make them daunting!

Before Bi Dechuan could speak, Fairy Shaoyao brought her daughter, and Long Ying brought Panda and Changsheng to Xuan Zhan's side. Looking at him, a bad feeling suddenly arose in her heart!

"Big dad, where's the godmother?" Chang Sheng swam around and appeared on Xuan Zhan's shoulder and asked in a low voice!

Xuan Zhan was silent, gently stroking Chang Sheng's head, suddenly turned to look at Bi Dechuan and said coldly: "Sect Master Bi!"

"What's your order, sir?" Bi Dechuan didn't dare to neglect, he brought a group of monks to Xuanzhan respectfully and said!

"You..." Xuan Zhan looked at him contemplatively and asked, "Do you know the power of blood evil? The relationship between the five yin blood evil ways and the power of blood evil?"

As soon as these words came out, Bi Dechuan and the other monks were slightly taken aback. After a long time of contemplation, Bi Dechuan said doubtfully: "Mr. Xuan, this is the first time I have heard of this bloody power! But..."

Declare War tightened his expression, and listened quietly to Bi Dechuan's next words!

"However, according to the rumors, the foundation of the Wuyin Blood Demon Dao is a blood aura between heaven and earth. The monks of the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao, who have practiced their own sect's sect-restraining technique 'Blood Sea' Wuya **', and then absorbing that mysterious bloodline aura, one will achieve supreme cultivation, but this is just a rumor, because this bloodline aura has disappeared for a long time, as long as in ancient times The end of the era! It has been hundreds of millions of years since now!"

"Hundreds of millions of years..." Xuan Zhan thought in a low voice, but immediately thought of something in his heart. The appearance of the Blood Treasure was on Mo Li Xing, and Mo Li Xing was the heart-killing battle at the beginning. In the last battlefield, Molixing was blocked by the monk of the sky. If you say this, then Xuebao's true identity is about to be revealed!

It must be the Taoist master of the blood evil way of the five yins who fell on Moli star, so the power of this blood evil will stay on Moli star...

I'm not sure that this is the possibility of declaring war, but this possibility is very, very big!

"So..." Xuan Zhan revealed a crazily smile, "If you want to save Blood Treasure and get rid of future troubles, the only way is to destroy the Five Yin Blood Evil Dao!"

"What?" When Bi Dechuan and a group of fellow students around him heard this sentence, they immediately stood there in a daze...

Xuan Zhan didn't give too much explanation, turned around and came to Long Ying's side, looking at her with a gentle expression, which made Long Ying feel a little baffled!

"I need to save Bloody Treasure!" Xuan Zhan raised his hand and gently stroked Long Ying's black hair, and then slid his finger to the butterfly mark on her cheek, "But I don't know how long it will take!"

A bad thought suddenly flashed in Long Ying's heart, and the voice of declaring war suddenly came from next to her ear: "So... you have to wait for me here for a while!"

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth: "The opponent is one of the Seven Paths today, and his strength is unfathomable. I don't know how long I will be there, but I will come as soon as I rescue Xue Bao!"

"You..." The corners of Long Ying's mouth opened and closed slightly, but she didn't know what to say... She suddenly understood the position of Xuebao in his heart, or in other words, the three little guys Xuebao, Panda and Changsheng were declaring war The high status in the...

"Although you are in the middle stage of crossing the catastrophe, there are many masters of the five yin and blood demons!" Xuan Zhan said in a deep voice, "I can't take you with me!"

Panda slid and ran to the other shoulder where the war was declared, and shouted with anger in his voice: "Little master, Panda and you go to save Xuebao and kill all those people!"

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Long Ying's mouth, and she said softly: "When... are you going to leave?"

Xuan Zhan looked at the sky and said coldly: "At this moment, now!"

"Really..." Long Ying said softly, "You go, Ying'er... will take care of herself!"

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips, turned his head to look at Chang Sheng and said, "Chang Sheng, stay with Ying Er and wait for my return!"

Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shouted: "Daddy, I want to go too!"

Xuan Zhan unceremoniously grabbed Chang Sheng and stuffed it directly into Long Ying's arms and said indifferently: "You are too weak!" Then he looked at Fairy Shaoyao and said softly: "Mrs. Feng, Ying'er and Chang Sheng, I'm counting on you! "

"Daddy, I'm going, and I'm going to save the godmother!" Changsheng struggled, and Long Ying hugged Changsheng and said softly: "Changsheng, he is right, you are too weak, and I am too weak, we... only Wait here for his return!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Chang Sheng coldly and said: "Chang Sheng, if you want to help me, you have to become stronger! But now you are too weak!"

Feng Xun'er hid behind her mother, listening to the teacher's words, knowing that he was about to leave, her heart was very complicated, she peeked at the declaration of war with her head out, but saw him looking at her indifferently and said: "Xun'er, During the period when the teacher is not here, if you are interested, practice more. I hope that you will improve when I come back! Madam Feng, you also need to supervise Xun’er, and don’t let her playfully relax me. The homework assigned to her, Yinger, you must always urge her to study!"

Long Ying and Shao Yao nodded at the same time, Feng Xun'er was complicated, but she said, "I got it, teacher!"

General Xuan Zhan finished explaining the matter, turned around and looked at Bi Dechuan, clasped his fists and said, "Sect Master Bi, Xuan has gone!"

As soon as the words fell, the declaration of war instantly turned into a thunderbolt from the black abyss, and disappeared in place with a bang!

Bi Dechuan and the others looked bitterly at the people around them, but there was a colleague who said in a low voice: "My niece Shaoyao, Mr. Xuan said that he is going to destroy the Five Yin Blood Evil Dao? Is this true?"

Fairy Shaoyao indifferently glanced at the seniors in the door, took her daughter's hand, and led Long Ying to Qingbi Danxin Mountain, and said as she walked, "Not only is it true, sir can do it!"

Bi Dechuan and others were stunned for a moment!


Half a month later, at the foot of Qingbi Danxin Mountain, a blue-shirted monk suddenly walked out of the teleportation formation. This monk had a lazy face and a touch of unrestrained, unrestrained look, and he looked like a handsome man!

The man looked at Qingbi Danxinshan lazily, and muttered at the corner of his mouth: "That guy has finally left, otherwise, I don't know how long I will have to wait before I dare to show up, young master!"

The man carried a sheathed sword on the back of his neck and shoulders, with his hands drooping on it, walking casually, watching this beautiful river and mountain, with the scent of refining medicine filling the tip of his nose, he felt refreshed and happy!

"Hey, my cheap brother-in-law really knows how to choose a place. I have stayed in this unshitty mountain for 20 years. It is really hard for me to find, if it is not for Zijin, I don't know when I will find it!" The man frivolously looked at the red men and green women monks who were shuttling around, and then looked around, and there was a double-pillar mountain gate five miles away, on which was engraved: Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss!

The man chuckled, stepped forward, and instantly turned into a breeze, penetrating into the Qingbi Danxin Mountain!

A few minutes later, the man appeared beside the "Huifeng Lake" with a sword on his back. Looking at the two women and a little girl in the thatched shed, a free and easy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly, "Sister, let my brother take care of you." Find it!"

Long Ying's body in the thatched shed was stunned for a moment, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. After a few breaths, Long Ying's body suddenly trembled, and she turned her head nervously to look over. A layer of water mist formed hazyly, and he opened and closed his lips and said in a low voice:

"Brother... Brother Xiaoyao..."

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