Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 463 Killing the Road

Panda on the shoulder looked at the hanging fairy tower in front of him with some naivety, and asked in doubt: "Little master, why are we here to save Xuebao?"

Xuan Zhan stared indifferently at the horizontal plaque on the door of the Hanging Immortal Tower—Yueyue Immortal Tower, but he didn't answer Panda's words!

This is a certain station after Xuan Zhan walked out of the teleportation array. It has been a month since he left Hanyuexing, but he still has not flown out of the Guangjie galaxy after traveling and spaceflighting for this month!During this month, he has been teleported ten times, and the first thing he pays attention to when declaring war is whether there is a branch of "Yueyue Xianlou" on this planet!

Fortunately, he finally sensed a branch today!That's why he appeared here. The declaration of war after he came out has been exchanged for a moon-white robe refined in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron. Now, under the gust of wind, thousands of silver threads are still flying wildly. By his side!

While Xuan Zhan was silent, his body trembled, and with a sound of "嗖...", the golden-yellow Demon Slaughtering Sword came out instantly, and then slowly swam around Xuan Zhan's body, moving from bottom to top. He is wrapped in a piece of golden light!

Countless monks in the fairy tower instantly felt a strong aura of spiritual weapons, and all the monks who were resting and enjoying it were shocked, but they felt a little curiosity about the spiritual weapons outside!

"I don't know which senior cultivator appeared!" A young monk looked out curiously, but suddenly his face paled and he was stunned. After a few seconds, he suddenly roared at the hall space: " Run away, everyone, someone is going to blow up the fairy building!" After finishing speaking, he immediately drove out of the door with a magic weapon!

Everyone looked at the fleeing monk in shock, and then looked out nervously!

As far as the eye can see, millions of golden lights shuttled neatly back and forth between the sky and the earth. In the center of this group of sword lights, a white-haired monk stood with his hands behind his back, looking indifferently at the Yaoyue Immortal Tower!White clothes and white hair, lonely as a pine!

"Everyone run away!" Everyone shouted wildly, and then shot away!

The shopkeeper of Yaoyue Xianlou escaped in surprise, looked at the white-clothed and white-haired man and yelled, "Senior, who is it, why are you fighting against me, Yaoyuexianlou!"

All the people who escaped stayed around in the void, watching this scene with cold eyes!

"White clothes and white hair, golden light artifact, this artifact seems to be a high-level artifact!" A monk said with golden eyes!

"Fool, you don't look at his cultivation, it's unfathomable! Go grab a gun and try!" The companion next to him said disdainfully, and the man smiled awkwardly when he heard what his companion said!

Xuan Zhan's eyes didn't look at the shopkeeper, but with his consciousness scattered, he had a clear feeling of the surrounding situation, he closed his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "Are you the one who invites the moon?"

The shopkeeper said coldly: "The junior is right, who is the senior?"

"Declaration of war!" After a sound of indifference, under everyone's noses, Wan Jian suddenly blasted towards Yaoyue Xianlou!

"You..." The shopkeeper suddenly turned pale with shock, but he thought in confusion in his heart: Declare war, who is declaring war?

"Boom!" After an earth-shattering sound, Yaoyue Xianlou was instantly bombarded into dust. At this moment, a golden light suddenly shot towards the shopkeeper. Before he could react, this Jin Guang suddenly flipped up and down around him several times, and then returned to Wanjian's team!

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment...

Xuan Zhan squinted his eyes and looked at the clear sky, and said to himself in a low voice: "The first one...", as soon as the words fell, he took a sudden step and disappeared in place...

The people around looked at the shopkeeper who was stunned curiously. Under the confusion in their hearts, the shopkeeper's body moved instantly, but they saw strands of blood overflowing from the body, dripping on the ground drop by drop!

The next moment, countless pillars of blood suddenly spurted out from the whole body, and then, the whole body suddenly scattered into a ball of fleshy paste!

"What a ruthless method..." The people around said in shock!

"Not only that, the light of this person's primordial spirit didn't even respond, it was already wiped out by that person who declared war!"

"Who is declaring war? Why is there such a big grudge with Yaoyue Xianlou?"


A few days later, the second branch of Yaoyuexianlou, the third, the fourth...

Following the declaration of war and the targeted killings, all the monks who had personally experienced it would completely remember that white-clothed and white-haired, black and white cute spirit beast monk!

A long time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, Xuanzhan was on the way to Wuyin Blood Demon Road, and he had already beheaded countless monks from Yaoyuexianlou's branches and sects, and his name suddenly There was a buzz among them!

Then, when a second-rank Sanxian who was resting in the fairy tower and could not see the declaration of war with his own cultivation came out to block the way, countless people were suddenly shocked again. Those who cultivated as loose immortals were instantly killed by a declaration of war!

Some people speculated that the cultivation base of the declaration of war is the period of crossing the catastrophe, but at this moment... the cultivation base of the declaration of war has been raised again, at least it has the cultivation base of a rank five loose immortal, because only a rank five loose immortal can wave Instantly kill the two-turn Sanxian Sanmo and the like!

All of a sudden, in the name of declaring war, the world of self-cultivation was turbulent, and everyone was guessing, why did declaring war do this, and what was his purpose?

After running wildly all the way, the iconic clothes for declaring war were immediately spread in the world of self-cultivation in the universe, white clothes and white hair, followed by black and white little spirit beasts!

"Boom..." Xuan Zhan was driving the astrolabe, flying crazily in the universe. The cosmic starry sky in front of him was a few cosmic monsters with a height of ten kilometers - night monsters. The ferocious night monsters were crawling in the dark void In the universe, he looked ferociously at the flying astrolabe, and when he flew to his own territory, several night monsters rushed towards him frantically!

"Whoosh..." Hundreds of millions of golden lights suddenly emerged from the astrolabe, and within seconds, several night monsters were dismembered...

The declaration of war in the astrolabe seemed like nothing happened, and he continued to sprint in it frantically, and then the magic formula moved, opened the map in the astrolabe, and watched silently!

When he looked along the route to the territory of Wuyin Blood Demon Road, his heart moved, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said indifferently: "Since we are here, I will kill you, Brother Chu, I will go to you first!" One step, I hope you don't get angry!"


The forces under Abyss 49 are seven hundred cosmic seas, and each cosmic sea is in charge of a vast ocean of stars. These star seas have dozens of galaxies, and three or five galaxies. And 49 Abyss, But it uses the star field as the site!The gap between the powers is very different. In order to fight against the seven hundred universes of 49 Yuan, they began to form alliances to form large and small cultivation alliances. One of the most powerful cultivation alliances is the one that uses Xinghe as the game and plays games on behalf of the sky. A relatively desolate star field without the jurisdiction of cultivation forces—the Silver Knife Star Field!

This comprehension alliance is called—Xingjian Comprehension Alliance! The 81 controllers are the masters of the 81 cosmic sea forces!

The Silver Knife Star Field is relatively remote, and there are not many powerful forces at all. With the Silver Knife Star Field as the center, it radiates dozens of star fields around it, and it is even more desolate!

And this area has become the battleground for the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance to select outstanding monks!They selected talented monks one by one, set up teleportation formations, and together with these star fields, let these selected monks fight on this desolate battlefield. After layers of killings, let them grow and absorb them into the alliance... …

For countless years, the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance has also cultivated many monks through this method, but because of the limited talent and the cruelty of the battlefield, there are few outstanding ones, and even if there are excellent ones, it is because Under the alone tree, finally perish...

But more than 1000 years ago, a young man relied on his own will and his heavenly aptitude to grow step by step from a mortal family to a powerful monk in the Tianxin period in just a thousand years!His name is so powerful that everyone thinks that if it is not for his identity and background, if he is given enough time and training materials, his future achievements will definitely shock the cultivation world!

Hundreds of years ago, he finally broke out of the Silver Knife Starfield, but he was always hunted down by the Xingjian people... Then at the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, he used his cultivation in the Tianxin Stage to fight against the Tribulation Stage alone. After chasing and killing the monks, finally... fell!

His name is Niganxuan, and he is the object of transcendence in the hearts of countless young monks. Relying on his own Tianque pen and the scarce training materials alone, he achieved the Tianxin stage on this turbulent battlefield. Cage, hiding in the cultivation world all day long!

By chance, he appeared on Boshan Star where monsters and beasts were rampant, and met Yun Wuying, who declared war...

However, the base camp of the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance is not in the Silver Knife Starfield, but on the way to declare war on the road to Wuyin Blood Demon, on a sea of ​​stars called "Sky Sea of ​​Stars"!

A few months later, the declaration of war appeared in front of the star sea in the sky, looking coldly at the huge sea of ​​stars in front of him, lightly twisting a strand of hair, he controlled the astrolabe and shot away...

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