Xuan Zhan stared indifferently at the monk in front of him, whose cultivation base was only at the Yuan Body Stage, his pair of icy cold eyes were as ruthless and sexless as if he was looking down on the common people!

"Ex...Senior..." The cultivator looked at Xuan Zhan with a pale face and wailed, "Xuan...Senior Xuan, what advice do you have?"

This monk was also unlucky. He was flying in the universe and wanted to go to a market to buy some materials, but he bumped into this white-haired monk who was discolored by everyone in the cultivation world—declare war!I thought that a mere cultivator in the original body stage would not let the other party notice, but I didn't know what kind of bad luck, and I was stopped by the declaration of war, and I couldn't help but force myself into this huge astrolabe In the midst of this, I really feel a little sad...

"What's your name?" Xuan Zhan asked softly, looking at the monk who was about 35 years old!

"Junior..." The monk looked at Xuan Zhan hesitantly and said, "My name is Li Dashan!"

"Li Dashan..." Xuan Zhan chewed on the name softly.

The astrolabe is still crazily flying in the universe, and the star sea in the sky is getting closer and closer!

"Li Dashan, let me ask you, where is the person from the Jianjian Cultivation Alliance?" Xuan Zhan asked in a deep voice!

Li Dashan was stunned for a moment, and thought quietly in his heart: This is the headquarters of the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance, why is there such a question about declaring war?He would know that the sky and sea of ​​stars in front of him is Xing Jian's territory, but...

Thinking of this, Li Dashan suddenly came to his senses. What he wanted to ask in the declaration of war was a specific place, specific to a certain planet, specific to the location of the high-level people of the censor!

However, why is the declaration of war interested in the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance?Li Dashan kept thinking in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay and shouted: "Senior Huixuan, the sky and star sea in front of you is the headquarters of the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance, and the high-level people of Xingjian are standing in front of us. In the deepest part of the direction, in a huge meteorite belt called 'Tianxing Island'!"

With a wave of the declaration of war, a dense light suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. This dense light slowly flowed, but it suddenly showed the distribution map of the star sea in the sky!

Looking at the center of the distribution map, Xuan Zhan pointed with his right hand: "But here?"

"Exactly!" Li Dashan respectfully said, "Senior's distribution map is very detailed. You see, this is Tianxing Island. There are thousands of huge meteorites in Tianxing Island, and 81 forces from the cosmic star sea. , is to evenly divide this Tianxing Island into your own forces!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the thousands of meteorites indifferently, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Li Dashan, you stay by my side for the time being. After Xingjian and his party, I will send you some materials to let you go!"

Li Dashan felt a little distressed in his heart, but he said respectfully: "It's all according to the senior's order. Senior, if you want to go to Tianxing Island, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome!"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and then his heart moved, he looked towards the universe, and in front of him was a small cultivation planet, under the slight movement of the formula, the astrolabe shot away instantly, and then shot into that planet!

Li Dashan said respectfully: "The place where the younger generation is active is in the sky and the sea of ​​stars. Since 2000, this place has been thoroughly explored. On the outskirts of Tianxing Island, there are three superimposed formations. These three The big formations are responsible for the attack, defense and sound transmission respectively, needless to say the sound transmission big formation, but the offensive and defensive two big formations, only the monks with strong cultivation are not allowed to enter!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Li Dashan with some interest and asked, "How do you know I'm going to enter Tianxing Island?"

Li Dashan showed a wry smile and said: "Senior's name has been very powerful in the past few months, and the enmity between you and Yaoyue Xianlou has gradually become known, your goal is not to invite Yue Immortal Tower, but the distant Wuyin Blood Demon Dao, but on this road, you are killing people besides rushing! Although the younger generation does not know why you came to Tianxing Island, but I think... there is only one possibility... ..." After finishing speaking, Li Dashan took a complicated look and declared war!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, nodded slowly and said: "Yes, kill!"

Killing, two simple words, but Li Dashan was shocked when he heard it... Xingjian's strength is comparable to 49 yuan!But I thought in my heart, this declaration of war is not even afraid of the evil spirits of the five yin and blood, so is it still afraid of a small alliance of Yin Jian...

"Whoosh..." The astrolabe fell onto the planet in an instant, declared war and put away the astrolabe, and found a teleportation array with Li Dashan. After choosing the route, Fu went on the way to Tianxing Island again!

"I don't know... I don't know who the senior is going to kill?" Li Dashan asked with some fear!

As soon as the two of them appeared, they chose a teleportation point again and continued to teleport...

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently and said, "A smart person wouldn't ask so many questions!"

In one sentence, Li Dashan immediately shut up!

Ten days later, Xuan Zhan and Li Dashan appeared on the outskirts of a meteorite belt floating in the universe!

Looking from the inside of the astrolabe, thousands of huge meteorites are distributed on this barren meteorite belt, and each meteorite has been transformed into an environment for monks to live by, and the meteorites have been hollowed out to become Habitat!

Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the meteorite belts surrounded by countless colorful cosmic halos in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looked at Li Dashan and said indifferently: "It's good to stay here!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan took Panda and disappeared in the same place instantly, and the next moment, he had already appeared on the periphery of Tianxing Island, suspended in the universe, motionless!

"Who is coming?" A violent voice rang out, turbulent in Xuan Zhan's heart. The next moment, he saw dozens of bright rainbow lights flying out from the front of the meteorite belt, shooting towards Xuan Zhan!

Xuan Zhan stroked Panda's head casually, and said softly: "Panda, you and I are divided into two directions, let's see who... kill everyone in this meteorite belt first!"

As soon as he heard the declaration of war, Panda, who had already been impatient, raised his head and roared wildly!

"Hey... little master, I'm better than you at killing people!" After a roar, Panda's body instantly shot towards the dozens of streamers of light, and the khaki-yellow light suddenly appeared on his body!

"Hmph..." Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and flicked the moon white robe on his body, the magic formula was thrown into a frenzy, but seeing the demon-killing sword shot out from the body in an instant, it transformed into hundreds of millions of sword lights in an instant!

With a sudden step under his feet, the declaration of war appeared in another place instantly, and hundreds of millions of sword lights ruthlessly bombarded towards the meteorite belt!

Li Dashan stood in the astrolabe, his eyes had been staring blankly for a long time, the next moment, his body suddenly trembled crazily, two auras like wild beasts suddenly appeared in his feelings, where his eyes looked , that khaki-yellow light suddenly appeared in just a few short breaths, a ferocious beast with a height of [-] kilometers!This black and white ferocious beast, who doesn't know what kind of spirit beast it is, has already turned the incoming monk Xingjian into cosmic dust with just one slap!

Suddenly, two halos of light, one red and one blue, appeared around Tianxing Island, guarding Tianxing Island tightly!

"Roar!!!" Panda suddenly let out a violent roar, and his body, which was fifty kilometers high, involuntarily slammed into the halo fiercely!

As for the declaration of war on the other side, hundreds of millions of sword lights were fired, and the sword intent of the guardian surged up with him!

In Li Dashan's impression, the two offensive and defensive formations of the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance are really powerful and cannot be destroyed unless they cross the catastrophe period, but at this moment...

In the silent universe, the two opened large formations were easily smashed by the declaration of war and the prehistoric beast in an instant!

Waves of turmoil scattered wildly, and all kinds of bright lights violently stirred up, covering the area with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers in destruction...

As soon as Panda broke through the big formation, he howled and shouted: "Little master, what kind of broken formation is this, it's not worthy of tickling Panda!"

Xuan Zhan stared at Tianxing Island, which was already full of people, with cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "Kill!"

Like a dragon twisting the sky, the Demon Slaying Sword instantly transformed into hundreds of golden light dragons with a length of [-] kilometers, and blasted towards thousands of huge meteorites on Tianxing Island in different directions!

"Which senior is this person?" A panicked voice suddenly appeared from the bottom of Xuan Zhan's heart, "I hope that senior will stop quickly. Is there a misunderstanding between us and the Jian Jian Alliance?"

While talking, I saw thousands of streams of light suddenly burst out from Tianxing Island, flying towards the place where the war was declared, and in front, eighty streams of light flew over even faster!

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, and with a movement of the formula, hundreds of golden light dragons suddenly rushed towards the group of people crazily!

When Panda saw it, he waved his hand behind him impatiently, and a thin stick appeared in the palm of his hand instantly. Looking at this stick, Panda suddenly shouted: "Look at my "Panda Iron Rod"!", The next moment, the dark stick suddenly rose wildly and stretched wildly.

However, within a few breaths, it instantly turned into a stick that was nearly a hundred miles long and more than 300 meters thick. The thickness of this stick was just enough for Panda to hold it securely. Immediately, he started to move wildly, and shot towards a meteorite!

The distance between the two is only tens of millions of kilometers, but during this shocking time, the team of Xingjian has become a team of tens of thousands of monks!And more monks are frantically fleeing for their lives. They are all low-level Xingjian monks...

Xuan Zhan and Panda split into two directions, like two torrents, exuding a trembling aura, regardless of the frightened shouts of monk Xingjian, after tens of seconds, the two handed over in an instant!

"Explosive!" Panda, who was fifty kilometers high, immediately grabbed his stick and slammed it hard at the hundreds of people in front, "Look at the power of my panda iron stick!"

"Om..." A turmoil suddenly frightened the monks in Xingjian, and countless magic weapons suddenly turned into giant weapons, and they slammed up fiercely!

And the side that declares war directly controls hundreds of millions of sword lights without any care, and directly blasts into the big team!

All of a sudden, countless wailing voices filled the universe, and the scarlet blood and all kinds of broken limbs suddenly floated in front of the meteorite belt!

"White clothes and white hair...you...you are declaring war!" A voice of shock and anger resounded in everyone's hearts instantly, "I have no grievances or enmity with you, why do you want to kill us?"

With the power of the primordial spirit flowing indifferently in his body, Xuan Zhan sent out a trace of the power of the primordial spirit coldly: "If you want to know, go to hell and ask again!"

As soon as the words fell, the hundreds of millions of sword lights suddenly turned wildly, splitting into two directions with Panda's iron rod, and began to frantically bombard and kill the monks of the Jianjian Alliance...

Layers of blood mist appeared, and countless lights of primordial spirits disappeared in an instant before they could escape, and countless monks died before they could howl!

With two enemies tens of thousands, one side!

Li Dashan was terrified when he saw it, and his Taoist heart, which had been practiced for thousands of years, almost jumped out of his body. Looking at this one-sided killing, he suddenly thought in a daze: How is it possible, how is it possible... how is it possible...

How is it impossible?Xuan Zhan's current cultivation base is already at the fifth rank of the Mahayana. Even if the Nine-Turn Loose Immortals and San Mo and others appear beside Xuan Zhan, there is no possibility of survival at all, not to mention that although this group is tens of thousands, but the average Cultivation is nothing more than the original body stage, the original body stage... It's just a group of ants, ants among a group of ants! ! !

Tens of thousands of people were killed in panic, countless people were declared war and killed without any thought of resistance!

I thought it was just a monk who had the most time to cross the tribulation period to invade. With the cultivation base of so many of them, they should be able to resist, but the killing situation at this moment is... I have been frightened by being killed, so I can only run for my life. Only Jin Guang's escape!

There are thousands of Chen Xuqi, dozens of Tianxinqi, and only a few people in the Transcending Tribulation Period. This kind of battle can't stop a monk from joining a berserk creature...

"Roar!!!" Panda roared in horror, and a stick exploded down on a group of people in an instant, even smashing a huge meteorite into pieces in an instant!

Countless fresh lives were instantly wiped out by Panda!

Li Dashan was surprised to see it, the declaration of war and killing was cold, and the rise of Panda killing...

"Brother Ni..." Xuan Zhan said with a cold mouth, "Little brother has avenged you!" As soon as the words fell, the hundred-day golden dragon of the demon-killing sword once again smashed a group of people into pieces...

Meteorites were shattered one by one, and countless low-level monks were wiped out before they even had time to escape. The killing went on as if it were endless...

At the end of the meteorite belt, a cultivator wearing a black armor stared at the slaughter in the distant place ahead with a pale expression, and the veins in his hands that had already been grasped burst out!

Beside him, more than seventy cultivators in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage looked at him silently...

"Why did this declaration of war appear here? Who can tell me!!!" The monk suddenly looked at the people around him and roared angrily, "Didn't we already shrink our power? When he passed by, didn't I give an order not to provoke him?" Yet?"

"Leader!" A monk suddenly said, "No one provoked him, and none of our hundreds of thousands of disciples left Tianxing Island!"

"Bastard!" The lord suddenly roared, and slammed at the man fiercely, "We didn't provoke him, why did he treat us like this?"

"Boom!" The cultivator was immediately sent flying by the lord, and smashed fiercely into the mountain wall a hundred meters away!

"Leader...he is coming soon!" Another voice beside him suddenly shouted, "He killed so fast! None of our disciples escaped!"

The lord squeezed his trembling lips fiercely, and shouted in a low voice: "Flee, let's run away! Run as far as you can!!!", as soon as the words fell, the more than 70 monks immediately turned to the back Run away!

"Want to escape?"

"Give Panda down!!!"

Two voices suddenly exploded in the hearts of these dozens of people, and the next moment, hundreds of millions of sword lights surged towards them, and a black stick slammed down fiercely!

Seventy or so monks roared violently, each of them took out their strongest moves, and ruthlessly defended against the surrounding sword light and that violent stick!

"Pfft..." Including the leader of the Sense Alliance, everyone spurted blood immediately, and two powerful bombardments that they could only look up to, immediately shattered everyone's internal organs, leaving only a few wisps of life left!

As soon as the rushing declaration of war formula was received, the hundreds of millions of sword lights disappeared immediately, and landed in front of the seventy or so cultivators who had passed the tribulation period, and stretched out their right hand: "Panda, stop!"

"Roar!!!" Panda roared, retracted the stick, a yellow light flashed on his body, and instantly became smaller, and then he shot it onto Xuan Zhan's shoulder, looking at the dozens of lingering monks, he yelled in a low voice: "Little master, Panda hasn't killed enough!"

Xuan Zhan looked back at the road he had killed here, but saw that the road had already become a scarlet sea of ​​blood, with countless blood mixed with minced meat and broken limbs floating there...

There was a hint of complexity in Xuan Zhan's eyes. He knew that he had gone too far this time. He and Panda killed at least 20 people, all of whom were of low cultivation. The highest stage of crossing the catastrophe, the lowest... It's just enough to step into the Yuan Digging Stage, a monk who has just started to practice...

But Xuan Zhan knows that he can't be soft-hearted at all, he would rather kill everyone now than leave troubles behind! ! !

"Cough cough..." A bearded cough sounded in Xuan Zhan's ear, "Xuan...declare war!" The voice was filled with frightening madness and killing intent, "Why, why did you kill me? Appreciate the Alliance?"

Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the monk lying on the ground like a dead dog and kept vomiting blood, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth!This smile made them feel as if they came from hell...

A golden light suddenly shot out from the body, and Xuan Zhan said softly: "You... are the controllers of the 81 Cosmic Seas! I think, those few Transcending Tribulation Periods that were killed before are also one of you!"

"No...that's right..." the leader said weakly, "declare war...we have no grievances with you, and when you pass by here, we even shrank our disciples on Tianxing Island, but...all of this, what is it? Why, even if we die... we must die clearly!!!"

"That's right, tell us the reason, and let us die clearly!" The other controllers who were about to die also said in a mournful voice!

The Devil Slaughtering Sword slowly wandered around Xuanzhan, like a nimble little dragon, swaying up and down, the surging power of the spiritual weapon was extremely restrained.

Xuan Zhan fiddled with the blade of the Demon Slaughtering Heaven Sword lightly, looked at them coldly, and suddenly turned around and walked towards the distance!

"What's going on?" These dozens of people were stunned for a moment, looking at Xuan Zhan who left, thinking in their hearts: Is he planning to let us go?

The next moment, ten thousand golden lights suddenly surged up, and in an instant, the golden light burst out, and the seventy or so monks who controlled one side were pierced by the golden light before they could react...

The Cultivation Alliance of Xingjian is destroyed!

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