Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 465 Death Route

A ray of rainbow light shot towards the astrolabe in an instant, and the next moment, Xuan Zhan, still dressed in moon white, appeared in the astrolabe, coldly looking down at the sea of ​​blood in front of him!

"Ex...Senior..." Li Dashan stood behind Xuanzhan, his eyes were completely filled with fear, and he cried out in a terrified voice, "Senior, I am merciful, and the younger one will never tell this matter. I hope that the senior will be magnanimous and let the younger one go, I... I will definitely not say it..."

The previous battle was really happening in his eyes. The Xingjian Cultivation Alliance, which has great power in the cultivation world, and the 81 forces in the universe sea, all... were buried in the hands of the person in front of him!

Li Dashan didn't know how to describe the one-sided battle just now. He only knew that after this battle, as the only witness, he would be wiped out by a declaration of war. There was no possibility of surviving. He wanted to escape, but... ...This astrolabe is really too strong, even if it is a piece of the astrolabe, it is difficult for him to smash a little bit of it based on his cultivation base of the original body stage!

Xuan Zhan exhaled lightly, looked at Li Dashan with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice: "Li Dashan, do you think that I am a murderous maniac, do you think that I...will definitely kill you too!"

Li Dashan was frightened, and when he heard this sentence, his face turned pale, his legs plopped and he knelt in front of Xuan Zhan, and he kowtowed frantically: "Senior, the small one is wrong, the small one is wrong, please punish me, senior. But the little one doesn't want to die, let the little one go, please let the little one go..." After speaking, Li Dashan's head hit the ground with a bang bang bang, and within a short time, there was a bump on his forehead. Faintly glowing with blood!

Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at Li Dashan who kowtowed frantically, but his heart became a little bit silent!

The world of comprehension is a cruel world. In this world where people kill people at every turn, everyone takes self-protection as the main goal and cultivates crazily. The cultivators killed people, robbed treasures, and robbed treasures to improve their cultivation, increase their lifespan, and increase their chances of ascension!


Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, touched the storage ring with his right hand, and a high-level fluorescent flying sword appeared in his hand, and the aura of agility quietly covered the space of the astrolabe!

As soon as the magic weapon came out, Li Dashan frantically kowtowed his head in fright and cried, "Senior, don't... I don't want to die, I beg you, senior..."

Looking at the high-level treasure in his hand, Xuan Zhan asked softly: "Li Dashan, I can tell you that I have never killed anyone in vain in Xuan Zhan's life! This spiritual weapon is my gift to you !"

When Li Dashan heard Xuan Zhan's last words, he suddenly stopped kowtowing, and was stunned for a moment, looking at Xuan Zhan like an idiot: "What... what..."

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, nodded lightly, raised his right hand lightly, and a majestic force slowly lifted Li Dashan upright, and said lightly: "Take this treasure, let's go!", With a flick of his right hand, the treasure instantly flew into Li Dashan's arms, and then he hugged him subconsciously!

"This... this..." Li Dashan stared blankly at the magic weapon he had dreamed of in his arms, and said to himself as if his brain still hadn't reacted, "Is this true?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and flicked his right hand again, Li Dashan's body was shot into the air instantly, and the next moment, he appeared in the universe instantly, looking at Li Dashan who was still in a daze, Xuan Zhan smiled, and the formula slowly rise!

"Om..." A mighty sword intent shot out from the astrolabe in an instant, and the next moment, the astrolabe was like a bolt of lightning, shooting madly towards the depths of the universe...

"It's's true..." Li Dashan's face suddenly became crazy rosy, and he shouted with crazy joy in his heart, and then Void bowed to the place where the declaration of war disappeared: "Thank you for the gift of the treasure, senior!" kindness!"

A treasure-level magic weapon is already quite rare for him in the original body stage!


"Whoosh..." Xuan Zhan controlled the astrolabe to fly crazily into the universe, and with a casual movement, the star map instantly flowed in front of his eyes. Looking at the star map in front of him, Xuan Zhan opened his hands, "Om..." The star map In an instant, it increased a hundred times, and the eight star regions of the heaven, earth, yellow, universe, and prehistoric universe appeared in front of his eyes in an instant!

"If you follow the normal shortest route, it will take too long..." Xuan Zhan said in a low voice, "Without half a year, it is impossible for me to enter the universe-level star area where the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao is located. domain'!"

"The news that Yaoyue Xianlou has been destroyed by several branches should have spread to the Wuyin Blood Demon Dao at this moment. They... should know that I am on my way!" Xuan Zhan murmured to himself in a low voice, " But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is... Can Blood Treasure last until I appear!!!"

Xuebao has been by his side since Mo Lixing, and in the hundreds of years until now, his cultivation has grown very slowly, because... all the energy absorbed by Xuebao has been used to perfect himself Above the body, it is said that women are beautiful, and Xuebao is a typical existence of this sentence!So after so many years, Xue Bao's current cultivation level is only comparable to that of Chen Xu's mid-stage monks!Even the monks in Chen Xu's late stage can easily kill it!

But this is in a head-to-head confrontation, if Xuebao wants to escape, relying on its natural blood escape method, even Tianxinqi can't match it!But among the five yin and blood demons, the Tianxin period... what is it! ! !Even in the Tribulation Transcendence period, they may be the last among the masters...

One of the Seven Paths, with a profound background, the number of masters he has cultivated is beyond the imagination of 49 Yuan and Qibai Universe Sea!

Looking at the star map branch, Xuan Zhan's heart suddenly fell silent, his right hand clenched fiercely, his veins... exposed!

"The only way is to break through!" Xuan Zhan looked coldly at the route to the Five Yin Blood Demon Road, then moved his fingers far away, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "The first level, the cosmic aurora sea, is [-] times wide. The sea of ​​aurora in the universe is only one light-year thick!"

"Second level, star void group..."

"The third level, Monster Beast Cave..."

These three hurdles are death hurdles that everyone in the cultivation world has heard of. Even the Nine-Turn Scattered Immortals and Scattered Demons cannot pass through any of them. The danger in them is not comparable to that of the black hole in the universe. The first hurdle The cosmic aurora sea is filled with countless cosmic natural auroras, and each aurora can instantly kill the eight-turn Sanxian. What is even more powerful is that the aurora can swallow and grow by itself. As for the most powerful cosmic aurora, the world has never seen But, because I dare not enter!

The stellar void group in the second level is composed of cosmic black holes full of strong suction one by one. The existence of a single black hole is enough to make all monks daunting, not to mention... I don’t know how many cosmic black holes are scattered!That piece of starry sky is full of alluring cosmic scenery, but hidden under this allurement is a powerful energy that only the immortals of the fairy world dare to take on!

The third level is the range of activities of groups of monsters. The monsters here are not comparable to the monsters on Boshan Star. The well-known ninth-level monsters can be found everywhere here. Ants kill elephants The truth of this is vividly reflected here. This third level is the most terrifying level. As long as a monk enters here, there is only one end, which is to perish in the constant killing!They are a group of races that hate humans, and they are the imperial capital of all monsters in the universe. Since they exist like an imperial capital, there are emperors guarding them!

Only after passing these three levels can one reach the Magic Chenguang Starfield at the fastest speed!

If they can successfully pass through the three barriers that hinder the declaration of war, the declaration of war will greatly shorten the interstellar road, and it will only take one month to reach the magic star field of the universe class star area!But if you can't pass through smoothly, you will face an endless fighting career until you die!This is a road that walks on the tip of a knife and swims in the sea of ​​fire!

For countless years, I don't know how many monks have dared to set foot in these three places. Now, under the pressure of declaring war, they can only walk on this road of no return, which can be said to be death!

Because of the fear of declaring war and the disappearance of Xue Bao, he had already handed back the "Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian" disciple token. Even if he wanted to ask his two senior brothers for help, it was only a fantasy. It's a stupid way to fight to the death, but it's also the most direct way!

Xuan Zhan knew this road, even his own master Yu Zhenren would not dare to take it!No matter how powerful the Great Five Elements Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Jue is, it is not enough to put it in any of these three passes!But to declare war and cultivate till now, the extent of his body changes and the extent of his tyranny are simply beyond what the world can imagine!The physical strength of declaring war can only be compared with the last of the three realms of Nirvana. Although the three realms of Nirvana are only the lowest realm of immortals, here, in this cultivation world, there is an invincible existence! ! !

"Boom..." A fiery force suddenly erupted from the end of the astrolabe, it spun wildly in the universe, and shot towards another starry sky in an instant...

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