Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 469 Entering the Ding Ding Again

As the violent shock resounded through the universe, the declaration of war and Panda were instantly thrown extremely far away by the crazy throwing inertia generated by the parabola!

Xuan Zhan turned his head and looked coldly at the two black holes devouring each other that were getting farther and farther away. With a flick of his right hand, another shuttle-shaped magic weapon flew out of it. It is ten kilometers long!

Controlling the magic weapon under him, the declaring war formula was activated in an instant, shooting wildly towards the abyss!

But before flying far, another powerful tearing force appeared instantly, and the heart of declaring war suddenly fell silent. He slightly controlled the arc of flight, and followed this powerful attraction!

In just ten seconds, the shuttle-shaped magic weapon appeared in front of a dazzling black hole with a declaration of war!

Carefully controlling the magic weapon under his body, where the dark golden thunder eyes that declare war are looking, the space structure of the universe and the force of nature are evenly densely covered in his eyes!As the shuttle-shaped magic weapon slowly entered the parabolic trajectory, Xuan Zhan's heart began to calm down!

Xuan Zhan knows his physical condition at the moment. It can be said that the current self is completely supported by his strong willpower, squeezing all his potential, gritting his teeth to make the tight nerve in his brain Nerves, so as not to make mistakes in walking in hell!

If his body hadn't been condensed by the new power produced by the fusion of his own Lei Yuan and Yuan Shen's power, it would have collapsed a long time ago, and the new strong power is enough for him to condense his remnant body, And then... step by step to wear away!

He couldn't bring up any energy to regenerate his body, which was completely impossible in hell!In this place, even if there is a slight mistake, Panda will definitely be smashed to pieces, and he will never be reborn!

He is selfish, so selfish that he bets his own life and Panda's life, but he doesn't even bother to think about it. He and the three little guys depend on each other for life. Under the connection of hearts, no one will oppose the declaration of war. !What's more, it's to save Xuebao, the bet is worth it!

But... too slow...

If this situation is followed, the group of stars and black holes with a thickness of hundreds of millions of light-years may pass safely, but the time it takes will not achieve the expected effect of declaring war, even if one second is ten light-years, However, in this state of trajectory flying at every turn, not to mention a month, even three months, can't complete this journey of hundreds of millions of light years!

Not to mention, in front of that, there is a terrifying existence of "Monster Star Cave"...

"Whoosh..." The shuttle-shaped magic weapon was instantly sucked into the black hole, and the declaration of war was finally thrown into the air with a tyrannical force. In an instant, it was tens of light-years away, and before the body stabilized, the declaration of war resumed. Take out a flying sword and continue to fly wildly towards the depths!

Relying on this parabolic method, the declaration of war passed the first day safely, but the first day was only 100 million light-years deep!

"In front of nature, ants... are ants after all..." Xuan Zhan looked at the black hole in front of him indifferently, and said in a low voice, even though he is now a monk of the fifth rank of Mahayana, he looks down on all monks in the realm of comprehension. In front of him, he declared war, but he had to admit that he was just an ant...

"Whoosh..." The flying sword instantly entered the parabolic trajectory. After a few laps, the flying sword was declared war and abandoned, and then crazily shot towards the depths again!

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips fiercely, feeling the dry body in his body and the few magic weapons in the storage ring. In just over a day, the declaration of war and the waste of dozens of high-level treasure-level magic weapons !This is a huge number, even if he declares war and owns all the real estate of Yuren, it is not enough to waste it here...

Holding Panda, declaring war With the parabolic movements again and again, in my mind, I was still thinking about how to speed up my progress!

"Declaration of war!" A voice of panic suddenly came from Xuan Zhan's heart, "You are such an idiot!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, he looked down at his chest for an instant, and said in a low voice, "It's you, the resonance jade pendant!"

"Not bad!" There was a sudden heat in his chest, "Do you know why I said you were stupid?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and then carefully controlled the magic weapon under him!

"Open your spiritual domain!" The voice of the resonant jade pendant sounded again in Xuan Zhan's heart, "Open your spiritual domain, and you will know how stupid you are!"

"Spiritual Realm..." A daze flashed in Xuanzhan's mind, "What is Spiritual Realm?" The next moment, his body suddenly stopped, and the magic weapon stayed in this lightless universe!

The resonating jade pendant said quietly in Xuan Zhan's heart: "The spiritual domain... is the symbol of the strong. In the heavenly world, every immortal cultivator who owns the spiritual domain has the powerful ability to reverse the chaos of Tianhe. , you are in the land of immortality, within the area covered by the spiritual realm, you are the heaven and the earth, the way of heaven, between the heaven and the earth, I am the only one!"

"Among the heavens and the earth, I am the only one..." Xuan Zhan shook his head to clear his mind, "But... what is the spiritual realm..."

"You have already cultivated the spiritual realm in that mysterious copper tripod, and you are still asking me what is the spiritual realm!" The resonance jade pendant smiled disdainfully, "In your lower realm, there is a kind of ability that is produced by the spiritual realm. The root of it!"

"What ability?" Xuan Zhan's heart faintly grasped a trace, but he still asked uncertainly in his heart.

"Potential!" Resonance Yupei said indifferently!

"Position?" Xuanzhan's heart was startled, "The 'potential' cultivated in the real Mahayana period?"

"Not bad!" Resonance jade pendant said in a low voice, "Think about it carefully, there is my wood-type fairy power remaining in your body, rely on it, and open your spiritual realm!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly fell silent, and after thinking about it several times, he said quietly in his heart: "However, I haven't noticed any change in my momentum!"

"That's what you haven't felt yet. You can feel the breath of the spirit realm after you absorb the power of that fairy spirit!"

"In terms of time... is there enough time for the sea?" Xuan Zhan asked in his heart looking at the universe ahead, "I only have one month, and in this one month, I have to span hundreds of billions of light years. distance!"

"This is a difficult problem..." Resonance Yupei said with some embarrassment, "But as long as you can master the spiritual domain, the distance of hundreds of billions of light years... is only in the palm of your hand!"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, and after about a minute, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes!"

With a slight movement of Fa Jue, a huge bronze cauldron appeared in front of Xuan Zhan, looking at this huge cauldron, Xuan Zhan smiled, then looked at Panda and said: "Panda, I want to enter this cauldron, You must not leave this cauldron!"

Panda stared blankly at the tripod and shouted, "Oh!"

Xuan Zhan looked at this mysterious bronze cauldron named "Nine Desolation War Cauldron" in silence for a while. He could see from the previous encounter that the speed of time passing in this cauldron was absolutely different from that of the outside world. Similarly, he spent an unknown amount of time in it before, but outside, it was only five years!

However, when Xuan Zhan thought of the painful feeling of his body collapsing again and again last time, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in Xuan Zhan's eyes. He couldn't forget that kind of pain at all!That kind of pain that even Burning Soul can't match makes Xuan Zhan never want to experience it again!

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and then the tactic moved, and a crack was quietly opened on the cauldron cover, looking at the crack, Xuan Zhan seemed to see the Nine Desolation Zhan Ding saying to him: "What are you waiting for, come in!! !"

A hint of complexity flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and then he dodged and plunged into the war cauldron in an instant!

"Boom!" The cauldron cover was suddenly closed down, and the void stayed quietly...

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