Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 470 Jade Pendant Body

Entering this space again, Xuan Zhan's eyes flashed a hint of chills. Before he could react, he saw that in the empty space, it seemed that because of Xuan Zhan's intrusion, the order in this space was instantly disrupted. Extremely violent breaths sprang out from all directions crazily!

Xuan Zhan took a deep breath, looked at the two broken legs, closed his eyes slightly, and let his body fall down at will. This is the second time he entered this space, and he knew what fate he was going to face next. .

However, the reason why he appeared here this time is different from the last time. He wanted to use the slow passage of time in this place to cultivate the "spiritual domain" that the resonance jade pendant said. He didn't know what the spiritual domain was, but he never From the words of the resonating jade pendant, it can be known that this spiritual domain is only found in the heaven where the monk ascended!

"Whoosh..." A green light flew out of Xuan Zhan's chest in an instant, and came to Xuan Zhan's head. The next moment, a dense green light covered Xuan Zhan's whole body within a hundred feet!

"Declaration, I know that the aura of this place will do you great harm, and this layer of enchantment can block the tyrannical aura outside. You...recover your injuries with peace of mind, and cultivate your spiritual domain!" The voice of the jade pendant resonated Suddenly appeared in the heart of the declaration of war!

This news was like revived Xuan Zhan's heart. After hearing this, a trace of gratitude flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and his mood suddenly became slightly relaxed. He said softly: "Resonance Jade Pendant, thank you for your kindness!"

"It's a good thing for me that you can ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible, but in the cultivation world, it's not good for me to directly interfere with your affairs. With your group of senior brothers around, I dare not have the slightest The breath is leaking! But here, hum... those guys can't control me!" Resonance Yupei said indifferently!

A trace of curiosity flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, because of the appearance of this green enchantment, the tyrannical atmosphere around him could not enter it, and at this time, Xuan Zhan felt a little bit emotional when he felt relaxed, but he also wanted to talk a few words: " Resonance jade pendant, should I call you?"

"The body of this deity is just a jade pendant, and I am the soul of this jade pendant. In that fairy world, those cultivators call this deity the Qinglong Resonance Jade Pendant!"

"Then I'll call you Qinglong!" Xuan Zhan said softly after being silent for a while!

The Azure Dragon Resonance Jade Pendant was silent for a while, then suddenly snorted and said: "Declaration of war, do you know what does the name Azure Dragon represent in the heavens?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously: "Could it be that this name can't be called casually?"

Qinglong Resonance Jade Pendant smiled coldly: "Hmph, there are as many immortal cultivators as there are stars, but in the upper realm, besides immortal cultivators, there are also five major races: spirits, demons, Buddhas, ghosts, and demons! Hey... what use are you talking about now? , what I want to say is that there are very few seniors named Qinglong in the Heavenly Realm who dare to address them directly!"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, and was slightly shocked in his heart. It was just a name, but there were only a few people who dared to call it directly!

"Call me Mu!" Qinglong Resonance Yupei was silent for a while and said indifferently!

"Mu?" Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, murmured the name softly in his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Mu, does it mean that I can't ascend, so you will follow me in this cultivation world?"

"That's right. Originally, I was a gift from others to protect Princess Lingbo, but by chance, I appeared by your side. But this cultivation world can't bear my power, so I dare not transform into my real body!" Wooden After a moment of silence, he whispered!

"Really..." Xuan Zhan said in a low voice. Although what Mu said was true, Xuan Zhan knew that this was not the most important point. In that distant place, the mysterious old man on the earth is absolutely invincible. Moreover, his heaven-defying senior brothers should also be taboo existences!

"Ling Bo..." Xuan Zhan suddenly thought of this woman again, what was the memory seal in his mind, and what happened to Ling Bo and him at that time?

As if he knew what Xuan Zhan was thinking, Mu said indifferently: "I dare not reveal the truth about what happened between you and Princess Lingbo, but... the only thing I can imagine is that if you ascend to the fairyland After that, it will definitely arouse the interest of countless powerful beings, or in other words, it will face many, many crises!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned and asked, "Why?"

The green light of the jade pendant on the top of the head shone slightly, blocking the tyrannical atmosphere around again, and then the jade pendant said: "Declaration of war, if you are willing to listen to my advice, after ascending to the fairy world, you must not tell others that you know Princess Lingbo , You must strengthen your own cultivation, and you will not be able to show up until you become a strong one!"

Listening to Mu's words, the heart of Xuan Zhan was full of doubts one after another: Why did Mu say that, what happened that day...

"Xuan Zhan, you have delayed too much time, quickly recover from your injuries!" Mu's words suddenly shook Xuan Zhan's heart, and the next moment, a bright green light full of powerful wood-type aura suddenly shot out from the jade pendant , instantly blasted into Xuan Zhan's body!

"Weng..." A beam of radiant light surged wildly from Xuan Zhan's body!

Xuan Zhan felt a powerful breath of life suddenly gushing out of his body, and as it continued to seep into his body, a sense of comfort immediately filled every pore of Xuan Zhan!

"Hmm..." Xuan Zhan whispered subconsciously, and Dao Dao Jue was generated from between his fingers. With the continuous change of the Jue, the injuries in his body began to recover crazily...

"Boom..." The small world in the body began to go crazy, and the dilapidated world, suddenly, because of the addition of wood-type fairy energy, it was like a stimulant, and the small world began to breed a breath of life!

The Dove Emperor Sacred Tree began to emit dazzling brilliance, sprinkling dense star-point life breath to the earth, nourishing all things that are constantly growing, rivers, mountains, forest trees... began to recover! ! !

With the recovery of his physical injuries, Xuan Zhan's broken legs began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and where the green light extended, his body grew out!

An hour later, Xuan Zhan suddenly let out a high-pitched roar, his legs moved suddenly, and he was completely reborn!

As the injury gradually recovered, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly burst into abyssal thunder. He looked up at Mu and said, "Mu, my injury has completely recovered. What should I do next?"

The dense light of the jade pendant rose dimly, and the next moment, a roar of dragon's anger suddenly shook the space. As the dense green light and the sound of dragon's roar became stronger, the jade pendant itself suddenly changed!

"Weng..." The jade pendant suddenly stretched wildly, but in an instant, this jade pendant has turned into a turquoise light that is ten thousand feet long!

"Roar..." Long Xiao's voice suddenly increased, and as the changes continued to increase, the eyes of the declaration of war suddenly lit up!

But seeing four clumps of blue light suddenly protruding from the green light, dragon claws covered with gleaming scales, but seeing the dragon claws suddenly slashed hard, and then suddenly loosened, the next moment, the blue light slowly disappeared...

Following the disappearance of the blue light, what followed were dragon scales, dragon whiskers, dragon body, dragon tail, and... a dragon head with two pairs of blue dragon horns that flickered in this space!

"Roar..." The dragon head suddenly roared wildly, and the whole dragon body suddenly surged around the declaration of war!

Dragon, a cyan dragon!

Xuan Zhan raised his head and stared blankly at Mu's body. To be precise, this was the first time Xuan Zhan saw the legendary dragon. Although the dragon was only ten thousand feet long, Xuan Zhan knew that it was specially shrunk down by Mu!

The whole dragon exudes a dazzling brilliance, and its whole body is full of vast power that makes Xuan Zhan feel a small illusion. This power makes Xuan Zhan look up to him, and make Xuan Zhan surrender...

"Roar..." Mu suddenly raised his head and roared. The next moment, the huge dragon head slowly came to the top of Xuan Zhan, looked down at Xuan Zhan and said: "Xuan Zhan, this is the only time this deity has revealed his real body in 10 years!"

It was as if Xuan Zhan didn't hear Mu's words, he just stared blankly at the divine dragon in front of him, like a palpable dragon, but Xuan Zhan felt a sense of surrender in his heart...

Two blue lights suddenly shot out from the longan's eyes, sweeping over Xuan Zhan's body, and the dragon yelled instantly: "Xuan Zhan, sprinkle that trace of wood-type fairy power in your body into your world!"

Xuan Zhan came back to his senses in an instant, and after hearing Mu's words, he sat cross-legged in an instant, and under the silence of his mind, he began to mobilize the surging power of thunder in his body...

The surging Lei Yuan crazily poured into the middle dantian, and after passing through the cyan light transformed by the power of the fairy, it came to the small world to filter and enter other veins!

The cyan light that envelops the small world is the power of the wood-type fairy that Mu said, and this power, in Mu's words, is the key to declaring war and cultivating the spiritual realm!

Xuan Zhan's mind was silent, looking inside his body, he began to slowly mobilize the power of the fairy spirits surrounding the small world, countless consciousness surged up and surrounded the power of the fairy spirits, the next moment, Xuan Zhan was stunned...

Can't... Declaring war cannot mobilize the power of the fairy spirits. The power of the fairy spirits surrounding the small world seems to be heavier than the sky and the earth.

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and slowly opened his closed eyes, looking at the dragon itself—Mu said: "I can't mobilize the power of the fairy!"

"What?" Mu Weiwei was surprised, and a trace of blue light suddenly flashed from his huge eyes. After looking at Xuan Zhan's body for a while, he said indifferently: "I was careless! You are not an immortal cultivator, and you cannot use immortal The power of the spirit, I thought, with your strength, you should be able to mobilize it, hey... careless!"

He was speechless at the moment of declaring war, and then pondered: "Mu, do you have any ideas?"

The huge dragon eye looked at Xuan Zhan and said in a low voice: "From ancient times to the present, there has never been an example of people from the lower realm being able to use the power of the upper realm among all the cultivating races..."

Hearing these words, a trace of disappointment flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes...

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