Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 471 The Decision to Declare War

Xuan Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, slightly closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Mu, if my guess is not wrong, after a cultivator ascends to the fairy world, his body will be refined by the power of the fairy, so* *It becomes a situation that can fit the fairyland space!"

A gleam of light flashed in Mu's eyes, and Haohao roared: "Yes, after the body and mind of a cultivator undergoes the training of Thunder Tribulation, the body will undergo qualitative changes, but this is only the first step of ascension. After being summoned to ascend to the heavens, the countless powers of the heavens will transform the monk's body and mind again, and this second transformation can be said to be a life-changing act. The whirling wheel, and the spirit, energy, and consciousness will not exist, and will be replaced by the "Tianqing body" that only the people of the heavens are eligible to have."

"Tianqing body?" Xuan Zhan opened his eyes and looked at Mu with some doubts!

"That's right, the Tianqing body!" Mu said indifferently, "The Tianqing body is a phenomenon that a cultivator must condense and cannot control after ascension. The power of the fairy squeezes the monk's body, and its higher-level power It will definitely make the monks addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves, but... relying on the mortal body cannot accommodate such a high-level power, but there will be a crack in existence under the heavenly way, and this crack is the opportunity for the monk to evolve physically and mentally , this opportunity is to evolve into a 'Tianqing Body', and it is an opportunity controlled by the Dao of Heaven!"

"After evolving into a Tianqing body, the small world in the body began to multiply crazily, and then... evolved the natural universe, and the eyes of Qingjie turned into the power of Qingjie rules to construct the rules of the natural universe space! At that time, that is the real step into the heaven !"

"Therefore, in this realm of cultivation, people from the heavens who have the Tianqing body rarely set foot in the realm of cultivation, because their own powerful cultivation will definitely collapse the ordinary universe of the realm of cultivation! However, in the realm of heaven, there are Then a group of powerful monks can adjust their bodies to the point where they can enter the mortal universe by relying on their unparalleled cultivation, and this level of cultivation is called 'Critical'!"

"Critical..." Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment. Isn't this level exactly the cultivation level of his senior brothers? No turns out that their real strength is not what he imagined at all!And if they appear above the heavens, they even have an even more unfathomable true cultivation!

Hearing Mu's words, Xuan Zhan was silent for a moment, and with a sudden change in his mind, Fu said again: "Mu, if... if I have the Tianqing body..."

"Impossible!" Mu interrupted the declaration of war in an instant, "In this weak mortal universe, you can't cultivate the Tianqing body at all, and even if you cultivate the Tianqing body, this world will not allow you at all. The existence of you! It will definitely destroy your body and spirit, and you will never be able to set foot in reincarnation again!"

"Ants... Ants..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself in a low voice, "Could it be... Could it be that I, Xuan Zhan, will always be an ant in the shackles of heaven..."

"Negative..." There was a wry smile on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, he couldn't even control his own destiny, so what is the heart of going against the Tao...

However, the key point now is how to cultivate the spiritual domain, and then cross the distance of hundreds of billions of light years...

Clusters of blue light shone in Mu's eyes, looking at Xuan Zhan with his eyes slightly closed thinking, he didn't know how to help him, his body was originally an immortal artifact from the upper realm, and he appeared by Xuan Zhan's side only by chance, And this place is really weak, and the weak ones dare not even show up, for fear that if they move, the spatial structure will collapse!

And in this place, no matter how strong the declaration of war is, it will reach a saturation level, and if it goes higher, it will pose a threat to this universe!

With his eyes flickering, Mu thought about it complicatedly, as if after countless deliberations, he slowly growled: "Declaration of war!"

Xuan Zhan was very disturbed at the moment, he was frantically suppressing his thoughts, because there was no way to get to the "Magic Chenguang Starfield" as soon as possible, and he felt restless. When Mu called him, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly burst into tears. A trace of tyranny was shot out, and the next moment, it disappeared instantly, and said in a low voice: "Mu, what's the matter?"

Although the body of the wood is just a piece of jade pendant, an unknown amount of time has passed since it gave birth to intelligence and then a soul. With countless years of experience, he suddenly let out a trace of tyrannical eyes that slightly leaked out just now when he declared war. Seeing something bad, he roared in a low voice: "Declaration of war, you are too eager!"

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and he said in a low voice: "Mu, you worry too much, I... can control myself!"

During the hundreds of years following Xuan Zhan, although Mu seldom showed up, it was only because he was not qualified enough to declare war, at this cultivation world, the original Xuan Zhan was not qualified to let Xuan Zhan see his body, However, countless changes have taken place so far, and the current declaration of war is not comparable to the original declaration of war. At least in this cultivation world, he has the right to proudly declare war in the cultivation world!

"Declaration of war, listen to me, there are ways, but... dare I believe you?" Mu's voice revealed a trace of solemnity, as if this method was to him, to the declaration of war. A great crisis in general!

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, silently looking at Shenlong who was full of arrogance and luxury in front of him, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Mu, you have been by my side for not a day or two!"

Mu was silent for a moment, a complex look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low growl, "Yes, I have been by your side for hundreds of years. From you to a pale and silver-haired person, my lifespan is only a few years. There are few scholars who are late and late, and now they are constantly fighting with the heaven and the earth, and they have cultivated into a monk who is proud of the cultivation world. It has been... hundreds of years! Your cultivation aptitude, even if it is placed above the heavens, is an amazingly talented person! But... the deity still has to ask you, are you... worthy of my trust in you!"

With the end of Mu's words, Xuan Zhan's expression gradually became dignified. He Xuan Zhan didn't understand Mu's past, but with his own wisdom, he could guess that Mu's strength was beyond his comprehension at all. !As a piece of jade pendant, but it has become the guardian object of the heavenly emperors and empresses, one can guess that wood... is definitely a treasure that the people of the heavens dream of!

But with its status, it still has to say this sentence. From this, it can be seen that Mu's idea really involves a lot!

But...he must understand another point when he declares war, that is, the relationship between him and Mu is just to use the relationship!

That's right, they are indeed taking advantage of their relationship. Because of Princess Lingbo, they can't leave Xuanzhan's side, but they want to leave the cultivation world and go to the fairy world!And to declare war, at least for now, we must race against time to rescue Xuebao!

The intention of declaring war is beyond what other people can imagine. Maybe others will see countless crises in the future because of Mu's words, but declaring war will see the great benefits after these many crises!Blessings and misfortunes depend on...

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly: "In the name of my declaration of war, I will not reveal a single bit of what happened today!"

"Okay!" Mu suddenly raised his head and let out a roar of dragon anger, and said coldly: "Declaration, this deity is above the heavens, and I have stayed by the side of some strong people, and some of the exercises they practiced, this deity has also recorded it. !"

There was a gleam of light in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he looked up at Shenlong in front of him and muttered to himself, " mean..."

"You can create 'Golden Carp Walking Wave Step', 'Xujian Ten Strikes' and 'Tian Wei Tuo Eight Battles', and you can practice a small Dharma Body Art to another level, which is enough to show your talent Overwhelm the world!" Mu's eyes looked down at Xuanzhan coldly, "Now, I will teach you the movements, footwork, space maneuvering and other skills of those strong people one by one on how to increase speed!" "

Hearing these words, Xuan Zhan stood up abruptly, looked up at Mu coldly, suddenly gusts of crazy air flowed from his body, and instantly swept across the entire area!The whole body instantly grinned!

"You... dare to cultivate?" Mu looked down at Xuan Zhan and shouted coldly!

Xuan Zhan looked up at Mu with his eyes wide open, but his mind was churning wildly!

The meaning of Mu has already been said thoroughly. This is to declare war to practice the skills of those powerful monks above the heavens, especially in terms of speed!But, dare to declare war?

In all fairness, if it wasn't for the matter of Xuebao, the declaration of war wouldn't have caused the slightest thought of touching these exercises!Because he didn't dare, he didn't have the guts to declare war. Perhaps in this lower realm, those powerful monks couldn't detect anything, but as long as they ascended to the heavens, what they would face in declaring war would be endless pursuit!

This is plagiarism, stealing, and it is the most taboo thing for monks in the cultivation world!No one would dare to risk the outspokenness of these strong men and do things that even such idiots would not dare to do!

"Okay!" Xuan Zhan looked at Mu and replied coldly!

After hearing Xuan Zhan's answer, Mu fell silent instantly, his long eyes looked down on Xuan Zhan ruthlessly like a god, and he didn't speak for a long time!

Xuan Zhan looked up at Mu without any hesitation, his eyes filled with cold solemnity and decisive answers!

"Based on my rough estimate, the time in this space is compared with the time in the outside world. One year here is only one hour in the outside world! One day in the outside world is 12 years here! I will give you five years, and during these five years, you You must adjust your state to the strongest moment!" Mu suddenly said quietly, "Those powerful beings and the exercises they cultivated all implied the truth of heaven and earth, and your understanding of this vast natural force of heaven and earth Comprehension is also extraordinary, I can bear the universal truth of their exercises!"

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips fiercely, and a flash of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes. He knew what situation he was going to face next. Those powerful immortals could detect a trace of their strength in every exercise. The Dao of Heaven and Earth, just looking at participating in the research of these Dao of Heaven and Earth, is already a very troublesome thing, not to mention... some exercises may even backfire on me because of my lack of cultivation!

Xuan Zhan knows well that when the water is full, it will overflow, and how much ability he has, he can only absorb as much benefit, no matter how much, that is the result of backlash!

Sitting cross-legged indifferently, Xuanzhan Wuxin Chaoyuan slowly fell into silence!


Panda suspended in the air outside the bronze tripod, staring blankly at the huge bronze tripod, scratched his head with his claws, and suddenly exclaimed: "No!" Going up, the little guy suddenly remembered something, the pain that the little master felt when he was inside, immediately made the little guy feel like sitting on pins and needles, and instantly touched the copper tripod!

"Huh..." Panda stared blankly at his paw, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, then he released the paw, pressed it again, released it, pressed it...

"It doesn't hurt...hehehehehe..." Panda looked at his paws, narrowed his eyes, and smirked dumbfoundedly!

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