Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 475 Wang Dafu's departure

On the withered mountain, countless elders of Yinxiu looked silently at the two surrounded by rings: Yin Zhengfeng, Quren!

These nearly hundreds of hermit elders are all Piao Miao Jianxintian's predecessors who were unable to resist the Ascension Thunder Tribulation when they crossed the Tribulation. Sixth turn and seventh turn, if every Sanxian enters the realm of comprehension, it can be said that he is a generation of peak masters. Even if he establishes a sect, there are definitely countless monks flocking to follow him!But at this moment, they would rather live in this withered mountain!

They are Piaomiao Jianxintian's seniors who are above all living beings in the cultivation world, and some of them even grew up on this Jade Sting Star since they were young. Few people can compare their feelings for Piaomiao Jianxintian!And the minds of these people are also the most stubborn old guys in Piaomiao Jianxintian!

They claim to be the authentic descendants of Piaomiao Jianxintian, and they are extremely disdainful towards Naluo Tiangang, Wan Qingkui and others. In addition, their seniority is higher than them, and their thoughts are extremely extreme. And Que Ren is regarded as the next generation of Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian Zun's successor!

But now, because the outsiders headed by Luo Tiangang, Wan Qingkui and a group of main-level monks have strong cultivation bases, they seem helpless and their strength is low!

Yin Zhengfeng closed his eyelids slightly, sat cross-legged on the futon, and said softly, "Teacher, what did that person... say?"

"He said..." Que Ren pondered for a while, then responded with a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth, "He Xiaoqi quit the game automatically, and also warned us not to fight against that Huai Xiao!"

"Hmph!" Yin Zhengfeng suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Que Ren coldly and snorted coldly!Que Ren cautiously glanced at his master, quickly lowered his head, but continued to say with some doubts in his heart: "Master, this Huai Xiao is at the bottom of that group of people, I don't know if he has What a miracle!"

"This is just Fan Tiancry's trick to get the old man out of the competition for the lord!" Yin Zhengfeng snorted suddenly and said, "Their group of people are insidious and cunning, and their thoughts are very unpredictable. The old man... even It's because I'm worried that my Piaomiao Jianxintian orthodoxy will never recover from this fall!"

"Senior brother, we must take back the position of honorable master!" A Sanxian suddenly said coldly, "I don't believe it anymore, how powerful is that Huaixiao, senior brother, there is a way!"

"We can give this kid a try, or..." The Sanxian elder cast a gloomy glance at Que Ren, and swiped his right hand on his neck, the meaning is self-evident!

Many elders around watched the Sanxian's movements, and immediately fell into thought. A stern look flashed in Yin Zhengfeng's eyes, watching these juniors fell silent!

On Que Ren's ordinary appearance, there was a hint of ferocity, and he said indifferently: "This feasible!"

"Yes, this method is feasible!" The elders around suddenly nodded and said, "My Piaomiaojianxintian's orthodoxy must be inherited by us, how can we let outsiders decide the position of the Lord, and at this moment we are powerless against them , do not walk the path of light!"

The corner of Yin Zhengfeng's mouth revealed a hint of indifference: "No matter what path you take, in the cultivation world, only the strong have the right to speak!"

At this moment, an ethereal and ruthless voice suddenly came from above the withered mountain: "Uncle Yin is right, only the strong have the right to speak!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of more than a hundred monks suddenly changed drastically. Yin Zhengfeng suddenly had a gloomy face, stood up and looked at the sky and said gloomyly: "Wang Dafu, you are so brave!"

As soon as these words came out, the sky suddenly changed wildly, and the area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers above the withered mountain was suddenly enveloped by a sharp destructive aura.

"Whoosh!" A sword light suddenly fell from the sky, and Wang Dafu, who was dressed in a luxurious and precious light, sat cross-legged on the withered mountain with a cold and bloated face, and looked down at Yin Zhengfeng and other people below indifferently!

"Uncle Yin, your bigger than me, and you dare to frame the future heir of the Lord!"

"He is not qualified to inherit the position of Lord Master at all!" Que Ren looked at Wang Dafu who was wearing a destructive aura, relying on the presence of a group of elders around him, he suddenly roared, "He is just a foreign disciple, and his cultivation base is even lower. Really! What qualifications does he have to succeed the Lord, why should the position of the Lord be controlled by you foreign monks!"

Yin Zhengfeng watched Wang Dafu take the words and looked at Wang Dafu coldly and said: "My apprentice is right, and... what qualifications do you have to talk to your uncles like this! Why didn't Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui get along well?" Teach you how to keep a few words on your lips!"

Wang Dafu sighed leisurely, looked down at the group of people below with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "It's just a group of ants, the light of the firefly! You can kill anyone, hit my apprentice ,snort!"

The last cold snort was suddenly mixed with a trace of sharp and destructive aura, which immediately made Bai Sanxian's heart feel like being stabbed by a sharp sword, and his body and mind trembled instantly, and his internal organs were crazily oppressed!

All of a sudden, traces of blood flowed from the corners of the mouths of these more than a hundred monks!

"It's not good for me to kill all of you ants!" Wang Dafu sighed, then raised his head slightly, looked up at the sky, and said calmly with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Brothers, this seat... Take a step and wait for you to return to your place in the heavens!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Dafu's body suddenly trembled crazily, and Dao Dao's precious light suddenly spread out from the inside out...

All of a sudden, a burst of strong aura that makes people intoxicated by the smell suddenly burst out crazily, and in just a few breaths, it instantly spread over one-fifth of the land of Jade Sting Star!

More than a hundred scattered immortals were fascinated by the sudden strong vitality of heaven and earth, and suddenly fell into a state of trance, even if they were lacking in toughness, there were streaks of intoxicated colors in their eyes...

Dozens of master-level monks felt this huge and strong aura, Wang Dafu's voice sounded in their ears, a faint smile appeared in their eyes, and then they nodded slightly!

Under Wang Dafu's whole body, his hands quietly spread out, and his ten fingers were instantly filled with a destructive aura like sharp swords holding up the sky. Under his icy eyes, his ten fingers trembled suddenly, and he softly shouted: "Tiangang Baoguang Prisoner Heart Sword Formation!"

A sliver of dense sword light instantly shot out from above the fingers, these sword lights suddenly turned into hundreds of paths, and in the midst of the spurts, they instantly pierced into a group of monks below, Yin Zhengfeng and Que Ren were even shot into two paths !

As soon as these dense sword intents entered the bodies of these people, it was as if they had cast a body-holding technique, immediately turning a group of people into a rock and motionless!

Looking at the scene below, Wang Dafu pursed his lips slightly, feeling his body's aura becoming more and more crazy, and said lightly: "Tiangang Sword Prison, only the noble will be destroyed!"

As if there was some connection in the dark, as soon as Wan Qingkui's voice fell, the dense aura above the sky above his head suddenly moved violently, but in an instant, it solidified into huge sword lights. Counting carefully, one There are as many as one hundred and eight paths, and each of these sword glows is hundreds of feet long and several feet wide!

"Om... Om..." Waves of turbulence erupted from the one hundred and eight sword lights, and with the movement of Wang Dafu's gesture, the sky and earth were turned upside down in an instant, and the situation changed!

One hundred and eight sword beams crazily smashed towards the surrounding area of ​​Kuxi Mountain!

Dozens of master cultivators above Jade Sting Star all shouted in a low voice: "Seal!"

"Seal!" Wang Dafu suddenly let out a high-pitched and long cry, and with the downward pressure of the hand gesture, one hundred and eight sword beams spread all over one hundred and eight places around Kuxi Mountain, and then ruthlessly plunged into the ground!

"Boom..." A turmoil of heavenly power suddenly swelled fiercely on the Jade Sting Star, as if a god descended into the world, making the hearts of countless Piaomiao Jianxintian monks tremble fiercely!

Countless people didn't know what happened, but the voice of the lord Luo Tiangang suddenly sounded in their ears: "My Piaomiao Jianxintian disciple, don't panic, this move is my senior brother Wang Dafu casting a spell!"

As soon as these words came out, a hint of understanding flashed in the eyes of these monks, but they were a little puzzled in their hearts: why cast the spell, and where to cast the spell?

As soon as the one hundred and eight sword glows were inserted into the ground, they disappeared in an instant, but in this withered mountain, there was a sudden aura that seemed to be closed, and outside the withered mountain, one could see this The mountain does exist, but the cultivator's aura can't lock the specific location of the mountain at all, as if in the feeling... this mountain doesn't even exist!

After Wang Dafu finished casting the spell, he got up and stood up, feeling the great cultivation in his body that was about to move, rising crazily, looking at a certain place on Jade Sting Star, a flash of color flashed in his eyes, and his whole body suddenly rose up crazily!

"My seat...take a step first!" Wang Dafu laughed wildly, and the next moment, his body shot into the clouds...

"Boom!" Waves of waves exploded, crazily exploding in the universe, and a strange wave stirred violently as if traveling through time!

"That fat man is one step ahead of us, brothers, when these little guys wake up from the retreat, it's almost time for us to go!" Luo Tiangang said in a low voice, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes...

Wan Qingkui whispered on the top of the mountains: "Yes, I miss that place very much..."

"Boom..." The strange wave in the universe expanded its diameter crazily. In an instant, the diameter had reached tens of thousands of kilometers, one hundred thousand kilometers, one million kilometers...

Wang Dafu felt the crazily strengthened aura, looked at the void in front of him, and suddenly formed a dharma seal with his hands, but as soon as the dharma seal came out, a majestic aura suddenly shot out, shooting into the universe starry sky in front of him!

"Open!" The mighty sound suddenly exploded into the universe, and a point in the starry sky in front of it instantly sparked a ray of starlight, and this ray of starlight turned into a flashing vortex in a blink of an eye, with a diameter of almost 5000 million kilometers!

A trace of mysterious and vast atmosphere suddenly came out of the vortex, but it did not overflow into the universe at all!

A cold voice suddenly resounded through the void: "Where is the evildoer, dare to open the space crack in the fairy world without authorization, and seek death!"

A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of Wang Dafu's mouth, his bloated body rushed towards the whirlpool, and under the crazily flickering light all over his body, he shouted loudly: "Trash, get out of here!"

"This aura...this aura, it's not good to dodge quickly!" Suddenly there was a chaotic sound of howling ghosts and wolves in the vortex, and the next moment, Wang Dafu's body shot into the vortex!

As soon as he entered the vortex, Wang Dafu's body suddenly became irritable and burst out an incomparable destructive sword intent, which immediately blasted the surrounding masters of Xiaoxiao's voice until there was not even a scum left!

Wang Dafu felt the surge of cultivation in a straight line, and Feishe's body instantly turned into a red fireball with a diameter of one million kilometers. When flying wildly, Wang Dafu formed a series of crazy seals with both hands in the center of the fireball, and then As the dharma seal was formed, Wang Dafu roared wildly towards the depths of the fairy world with a tacit understanding:

"Here is the lord of heavenly wealth and earth evil!"

The Immortal Emperors of the Four Directions, the Immortal Venerables of the Eight Desolations, the countless powerful existences of the Immortals, Buddhas, Demons, Ghosts and Demons of the Six Directions Heaven Realm seemed to feel this voice, and their hearts trembled violently...

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