In the far corner of the universe, there is a place that seems to have existed since ancient times, and it is a place where everyone in the cultivation world turns pale!That place is called "Stars and Black Holes Group"!

In that place, countless black holes full of powerful attraction are slowly circulating or devouring each other!Powerful attraction, even light, cannot escape!Whereas there is no light, there is complete darkness, darkness like an abyss!

In the darkness, a faint light shone from a certain place, and when viewed closely, it turned out to be a five-foot-tall bronze tripod!On this cauldron cover, a fluffy little guy with black and white hair was suspended in a daze, staring at the boundless darkness in a daze!

Little Panda glanced melancholy at the dark universe. In this vast and frightening place, the little guy didn't seem to feel any fear, and the black eyes shining with powerless light were full of laziness!

Touching the huge copper tripod under him, Panda's eyes flashed a look of relief and dependence, and he murmured: "I don't know what the little master is doing inside, what's going on now! Hey..."

Inside the bronze cauldron, Xuan Zhan sat cross-legged indifferently, a trace of Ling Ran's light flashed in his eyes, behind him, the wood of his body melted, and through the eyes emitting blue light, the scenes in his mind , projected into the light curtain!

"Declaration of war, what are you thinking? You didn't like any of the dozen or so movements I gave you before! The only escape method you liked, you gave up after decades of practice. Why?" Mu's loud voice resounded in this area!

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and said in a low voice: "Mu, I know what I'm doing. The previous method of increasing the speed is really limited. What I need is not this, it needs to be faster and stronger." of!"

Hearing the declaration of war, Mu fell silent for a moment...

"It is true that I have practiced that kind of escape method for decades, but...with my current cultivation level, I really can't use it at all. The natural way of heaven and earth covered by that set of exercises is not what I want, nor is it It doesn't match my own characteristics, and the speed is greatly reduced! What I want is a technique that can be similar to the true energy in my body, and that I can easily comprehend!"

"Then... what do you need?" Mu growled in a low voice.

"Sword!" Xuan Zhan said coldly, "The exercises I major in are related to swords, and my natal magic weapon is also a sword! Not only that, but I also need lightning escape, which is related to the characteristics of the thunder element!"

Mu nodded and said: "In the vast heaven, there are many methods of lightning escape and sword cultivation speed, especially sword cultivation, there are as many as the Ganges River!" After thinking for a while, Mu suddenly raised his head Looking at Xuan Zhan, he said in a low voice: "Xuan Zhan, since this is the case, then I will give you the speed skills of sword and thunder escape, but..."

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, a trace of sternness flashed in his eyes, and he said softly: "I know that those who can achieve something in these two aspects must be immortals with a special status in the heavens and a strong cultivation base. There are many, many monks, but there are very few who can achieve success in sword cultivation! And those who can cultivate successfully are all talented people, and the thunder system is the most destructive force in the world. The big ones, those who can cultivate successfully above the Thunder Element, are also not the easy ones!"

A complex look suddenly flashed in Mu's eyes, as if there was some unspeakable secret in his heart, he nodded lightly and said: "Declaration, you are very smart, if this is the case, then I will not say more, as early as 300 million years ago , I once stayed next to a sword cultivator, and that senior's cultivation base was quite strong, to put it bluntly, even if Immortal Emperor Sifang saw him, he must respectfully address him as 'senior'!"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhan pursed his lips...

"There are many ancient immortals hidden above the Tiantian Realm, and this senior, as early as 400 million years ago, was honored as the 'Sword Emperor', one of the Four Immortal Emperors, and then ascended to the God Realm in order to break the shackles of the Heaven Realm , so he abdicated and let Xian take over his position as Immortal Emperor, who is now the father of Princess Lingbo!"

The last sentence made Xuan Zhan stunned...

"Nowadays, the world respectfully calls this senior the 'Old Man Burying Sword'. He didn't use a sword a long time ago!" Mu Youyou said, "Now, I will use the speed that the old man Burying Sword used when he was the Sword Emperor." Cultivation technique, projected to you, you... Take a good look at it! "

Xuan Zhan's mind tightened, and he immediately watched without any other distractions. A surge of excitement suddenly surged in his heart. According to what Mu said, this step of speed skills must be the peak speed skills of the fairy world. How could one of the Immortal Emperors know how to master the skills...

Mu's eyes suddenly projected two huge beams of light, and then in the light curtain in front of him, a young man with a tough face like a sculpture appeared in an instant. The white battle armor carved by Wenwen!

A sympathy flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes. Although it was just a projection, as a sword cultivator, Xuan Zhan could say that he had found that special sword cultivator's uniqueness in the face of the senior Immortal Emperor who was a few years ago. breath.What is the aura of a sword cultivator? It is peerless arrogance, loneliness, and looking down on the common people!

But in the blink of an eye, this "Sword Emperor" was in the vast sky, and the sword formulas were slowly circulating. Looking at the circulating sword formulas, the eyes of Xuan Zhan suddenly shot a trace of thunderbolt color, but only a breath In between, the world changed wildly!The flow of formulas in the sword emperor's hands, and the way of mysterious induction echoing each other, began to appear vaguely in Xuan Zhan's eyes!

The sword is the emperor of hundreds of soldiers, and the person who can cultivate and achieve success in the way of the sword must be a person of aloofness and elegance. The aura exuded by the sword emperor, in the eyes of Xuan Zhan, is simply a mountain that he cannot climb!

Seeing the circulation of the formulas, the natural way of heaven and earth contained in them, suddenly made Xuan Zhan's heart tremble crazily, and suddenly, his heart was filled with boundless sharp sword intent!

The Sword Emperor in the light curtain, when the sword art was completed, his body suddenly shook for a while, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared on the spot!

However, what appeared in Xuan Zhan's eyes was a picture that made him crazy. The Sword Emperor in his eyes suddenly appeared a figure in front of him, then the first figure disappeared, and then in turn, two figures before and after , One appears, one disappears, and each time a figure appears, the distance between the disappearance of the previous figure, from tens of thousands of light-years for the first time, to hundreds of thousands of light-years for the second time, Millions of light-years to the third time...and so on nine times!The figure completely appeared!

"Boom..." Xuan Zhan's brain suddenly exploded, one after another, the crazy Lei Yuan in his body was constantly trembling, and a Dao Heart seemed to jump out of his body, making Xuan Zhan feel uncomfortable... …

Before he finished watching the content of the screen, Xuan Zhan's throat suddenly squirmed, and the next moment, a stream of scarlet blood slowly flowed out of his mouth!

Then, his eyes darkened, and Xuan Zhan suddenly lost consciousness... And this was just the moment when the third time the Immortal Emperor's body flashed in the light curtain just ended!

"Hey..." Mu sighed helplessly, looked at Xuan Zhan who had passed out, and roared in a low voice: "It's already very good that you were able to pass out after seeing the third stacking swing! This exercise , there are quite a few people who practice it, but it is rare to be able to practice it to the sixth level. The old man who buried the sword has practiced it to the ninth level. If you succeed in cultivation, you can pass this test safely!"

While talking to himself, a mouthful of fairy breath quietly protruded from Mu's mouth, covering Xuan Zhan's body!

But at this moment, in Xuan Zhan's brain, the three overlapping scenes flickered frantically, even in Xuan Zhan's coma, they still appeared again and again!

Time passed slowly, and a year later, Xuan Zhan woke up from a coma, glanced at Muhou beside him, felt the condition of his body, and began to meditate on the part of the exercise that had been firmly engraved in his brain. Cast method!

"What's the name of this exercise?" Xuan Zhan asked in a deep voice!

"Twelve stacks of swords!" Mu Youyou said!

After declaring war and being silent for a while, he filtered the information in his mind, and started to practice without saying a word!

For the first time... Xuan Zhan was confused by this obscure and complicated technique and the natural force of heaven and earth that appeared, and almost went mad...

Then after three years of healing, Xuan Zhan started to practice again. This time, halfway through the completion of the formula, his body suddenly collapsed, leaving only the power of the primordial spirit. With force, seal a place with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, and then let the power of the primordial spirit that declared war absorb the tyrannical atmosphere here, and restore the body again!


In the blink of an eye, 50 years have passed. I was dumbstruck as I watched the declaring war in a messy look. Suddenly, two figures appeared, and then under the overlapping of each other, the body flickered once...

No.60 years, the first time to declare war, and gradually become proficient...

No.60 five years ago, the declaration of war has used the first stacking swing freely...


No. 70 years old, listening to what Xuan Zhan said in a daze, suddenly screamed: "What, you say it again?"

"Teach me the Lightning Escape Technique of the Thunder Element!" Xuan Zhan crossed his legs and said silently!

Mu's eyes suddenly revealed a look of horror: "You have only cultivated the first stack of twelve stacks of sword swing, why do you want to practice lightning?"

"My cultivation level is not enough to practice the second time, but with my current strength, this first stack, if I guess correctly, I can span two hundred light-years at most!" Xuan Zhan said after a while, "You only teach me, the rest, I have a plan in my heart!"

Mu took a closer look at the current declaration of war. In the past 80 years, the strength of declaration of war has been slowly improving. Now, he has stood in the middle stage of the fifth rank of Mahayana, and he is much stronger than before!However, he didn't understand at all why Xuan Zhan needed to practice the lightning speed technique after he had twelve stacks of sword swings. He couldn't figure out what Xuan Zhan was thinking...

"Thunder-type exercises..." Mu murmured to himself in a low voice, thinking about the lightning-type speed exercises in his brain, and said softly, "The thunder-type exercises I know are the current Lei Xianzun's master cultivated. This Lei Xianzun is a powerful immortal above the heavens. He guards the four sides of the heavens. This guy is very powerful and has a special status. He is in charge of countless cultivators under the heavens. The Tribulation-Transcending God Lei Leichi of the Heaven Realm, and Lei Yuan of the Celestial Realm! Even the Sifang Immortal Emperor will give him a little face!"

"This lightning-type exercise is called Thunder Shadow Nine Changes!" While Mu was speaking, two blue lights shot out from his eyes, and within the light curtain, the appearance of Lei Xianzun appeared instantly!

Time... is quietly passing by!

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