Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 477 Creation Technique

The Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow, technically speaking, is to transform one's body into at most nine thunder element bodies through the vibration of the thunder element, and the nine thunder bodies are like lightning in the sky. Heaven, its speed is so fast that it can be said to be unique above the Heaven Realm!However, in essence, the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow has the same effect as Jin Chan's escape. In times of crisis, relying on the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow is quite effective!

The Nine Changes of Thunder, Xuan Zhan can be said to be faster to learn than the twelve stacks of swords, one is because the real element attribute of Xuan Zhan itself is Lei Yuan!Second, on the way of the thunder system, the most hard work is to declare war and immerse yourself!Three, Sword Swing Twelve Stacks is above the level of the skill, which is almost two levels faster than the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow!

From Mu's point of view, the twelve sword swings are above the Heavenly Realm, and there are many sword cultivators who have practiced through the ages, but there are very few sword cultivators who can cross the sixth stack!There are many immortals who practice the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow, and most of them can transform into six or seven lightning bodies, and all the immortals who practice the way of the Thunder System, after reaching the peak, can generally cultivate to the Ninth Transformation!This is the testimony of countless immortals who have practiced the way of the thunder system in the past!

And in the same way, the seventh swing of the twelve sword swings, the speed and distance spanning, is also stronger than the ninth change of the nine changes of Thunder Shadow!

When Xuan Zhan woke up from his practice, more than 130 years had passed quietly!

Mu looked at the declaration of war at this moment, shook his head, sighed and said with a wry smile: "If the Lei Xianzun from the heavenly world were here, I would probably be pissed off by you! But in the past fifty years, with the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow, you have already Cultivated the third change!"

That's right, today's Thunder Shadow Nine Transformations that declare war have already cultivated three transformations!

Following the obscurity of the spells, the destructive and destructive characteristics of the thunder system surged wildly, and Xuan Zhan's body suddenly slammed into three black thunder shadows. When these three thunder shadows appeared, the surrounding space Instantly filled with a palpitating breath of destruction!

As soon as the formula is collected, the main body of the declaration of war appears instantly!After thinking for a while, Xuan Zhan said in a low voice: "Because of the limitation of the space structure, I am now forced to only play at a speed that this cultivation world can bear. No matter how fast it is, the space of the cultivation world will only collapse!"

Mu's dragon head nodded slowly and said: "That's true, the environment is limited, but even so, your current speed can be said to be truly at the pinnacle of this cultivation world!"

At this moment, a complicated look suddenly flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Mu, how long has the outside world passed?"

"We have stayed here for nearly 160 years, the outside world, but only fourteen days!"

"Fourteen days..." Xuan Zhan muttered to himself in a low voice, "The speed is still not enough!"

"What..." Mu's brain was stunned for a moment, and then he roared in a low voice: "At your current speed of the third transformation of the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow, stopping and resting along the way, you will definitely reach the Magic Chenguang Starfield within half a month !

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly and said: "That's true. In my current strongest state, I can perform the third transformation of the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow three times, and each time can span a thousand light-years. In order to surpass Raikage Nine Transformations in speed, it needs to be added again and again, so the only thing I can rely on is Raikage Nine Transformations!"

"However, every time the true energy is exhausted, I have to spend more time to recover the true energy in my body!" Xuan Zhan said with a low wry smile, "This is not the heaven, the first stack of the twelve stacks of sword swings is just a slap in the face." It can span two hundred light-years! The third transformation of the Nine Transformations of Thunder Shadow can only span five thousand light-years! The distance of hundreds of billions of light-years..."

"So..." Xuan Zhan pursed his lips fiercely, and sat down cross-legged again under the stupefied expression, with a bunch of magic formulas in his hands, slowly circulating...

Looking at the tactic of declaring war, Mu was stunned for a moment. If it had a heart, it must be frantically tightening at this moment. If it had goose bumps, it would definitely have goose bumps all over its body!Probably because, if Mu's guess is right, declare war... On the basis of the exercises he knows, he is creating another exercise!

"He... he is actually creating exercises again!" Mu said to himself in a daze, "How powerful is this guy's brain and deduction ability?"

Judging from Mu's countless years of perspective, it is easy to create a kind of exercise, but to create an admirable exercise does not rely solely on one's own knowledge!More importantly, you must have a strong deduction ability, a strong primordial power, and a sufficient understanding of the natural way of heaven and earth!

Mu accompanied Xuan Zhan by his side. If the time in the bronze tripod was added, it would have been tens of thousands of years. When Xuan Zhan entered here for the first time and left, it took five years for the outside world!Five years in the outside world, here is 1000 years!

In more than 2 years, the declaration of war has grown from a late stage of Tianxin to the fifth rank of Mahayana today!In terms of the Mahayana period in ancient times, after the Mahayana period, it takes a long and boring time for every level of progress!

Mu's talent for declaring war has been completely numb, and Mu's deduction ability for declaring war, I only know today how powerful it is!The current him is just an ant in the realm of cultivation, and if he is allowed to enter the realm of heaven... what kind of monster will be created by the power of the spirit that is more pure and powerful than the vitality of heaven and earth? arrive……

With the surging of the formula, a thunderbolt crazily pierced Xuan Zhan's eyes, looking at the formula in his hand, his heart began to deduce crazily!

With the changes of the formulas, when declaring war, he contemplates and pinches, and sometimes stands up and keeps experimenting. As time goes by, a pair of thunder wings appear on the shoulders of declaring war, sometimes stepping on his feet. take a step...

In this constant change, Mu Wang can be said to be frightened, the characteristics of the twelve folds of sword swing, the characteristics of the nine transformations of Leiying, and the characteristics of the speed skills he once showed to Xuan Zhan, are constantly being integrated by Xuan Zhan Become a new speed technique!

Although this set of exercises was far from successful, and it wasn't even a prototype, but... Mu He was completely convinced!

The way of swordsmanship, the way of the five elements, one of the thunder system, and even...even the way of space appears to some extent!These ways of nature appear again and again in the hands of the declaration of war, gradually merging time and time again...

The time of deduction is boring and boring, but the declaration of war has been going on like this for decades, and there is no time for rest in the middle!

Under the protection of Mu, the tyrannical aura around him couldn't penetrate the barrier to disturb the declaration of war. The mind of the declaration of war was completely immersed in the creative skills!

For the first 50 years, Xuanzang sat cross-legged all year round, constantly changing the formulas in his hands!

In the second 50 years, Xuan Zhan began to apply the exercises in practice, and in the first demonstration, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly turned into three thunder bodies, and these three thunder bodies suddenly shot forward, and the sword swung ten times. The first scene of the second stack suddenly appeared, and the same stacking effect suddenly appeared on the three thunder bodies!

In the third 50 years, the declaration of war began to add the characteristics of Leiyin and Electric Wings...

In the fourth 50 years, Xuanzhan added the "Golden Carp Walking Wave Step" created by himself...


Panda sat on top of the copper tripod humbly. When he was bored, he would sleep to pass the time. Sometimes, he would float and play alone in the universe, so he passed the boring time alone. He didn't know that he How long will I have to wait, and I don't know where I should go next, only here...waiting silently, waiting for my little master to come out of the copper tripod!

"I really want to eat bamboo..." Panda said pitifully as he touched his solitude!

At this moment, the bronze cauldron under his buttocks suddenly made a sound, and Panda's fur all over his body exploded in shock, and he flew away, suspended in the universe, looked at the bronze cauldron excitedly and shouted: "Little master is coming out!" , coming out!"

"Om..." A vast wave suddenly spread out from the bronze tripod, covering a million kilometers in a blink of an eye!

The bronze cauldron cover suddenly stood upright, and a crazy beam of light suddenly shot out. The next moment, the declaration of war in white clothes and white hair was suspended in the void, looked at Panda lightly and said: "Panda, let's go!"

"Okay!" Panda smiled heartily, and instantly appeared on Xuan Zhan's shoulder!

Looking at the bronze tripod below, Xuan Zhan swept it casually, put the Nine Desolation War Ding into the storage ring, silently glanced at the dark void in front of him, his eyes suddenly burst into a trace of sternness!

Standing still suspended in the void, Xuan Zhan suddenly hugged his hands roundly, and pinched two identical formulas with both hands!

"Om..." An extremely crazy and vast aura instantly spread out from Xuan Zhan's body. The majestic aura like the emperor of heaven and earth suddenly shrank when it spread wildly, and entered Xuan Zhan's body again!

The magic formula moved slowly, Panda looked at his little master with a cold expression and was suddenly taken aback, but seeing a pair of black thunder wings on the back of the hands of the little master at this moment, there seemed to be a gap between the two pairs of thunder wings. Slowly flapping like a mysterious induction!

The sky-shattering sword intent roared, thunder and thunder shook the sky, when the formula was completed, Xuan Zhan moved slightly with his feet, and his body suddenly turned into three, and the three identical Xuan Zhan stood in a row, the distance between them was no more than a hundred meters , and Panda, still standing on the shoulders of the declaration of war in the middle!

Suddenly a thunderbolt rose from his eyes, looking at the void space of the universe in front of him, he declared war with his hands together!

"Boom!" Three explosions appeared at the same time, and the three declared wars suddenly shot towards the void frantically, and the first stack appeared instantly!

Three thousand light-years away, three sprinting figures suddenly appeared in front of the three declaring wars again. Looking at the figures in front of them, the three declaring wars suddenly roared in unison!


The front and rear collided immediately, and three crazy auras suddenly burst out...

"Hum..." Three cosmic turbulences appeared crazily, instantly squeezing the surrounding space of tens of millions of kilometers!

The next moment, the three figures shot forward fiercely again!

But this time, it spanned [-] light-years in an instant!

Three figures appeared in an instant, and then flew forward frantically, and then, suddenly, the three became one, and the main body declaring war appeared instantly, and then the magic formula moved wildly, and roared in a low voice: "Fold!"

The body trembled suddenly, in the void, Xuan Zhan's body seemed to be twisting and twisting, stretched instantly, and then folded layer by layer, like a spring!

"Boom..." The spring-like body immediately ejected forward...

Under a series of crazy movements, the declaration of war spanned nearly a million light-years in an instant, and under the crazy speed, the attraction of countless black holes around it did not even have time to catch it, so the declaration of war broke away from the area of ​​attraction!

Several hours later, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly stopped in the void. He glanced at the star shining brightly in front of him, then turned around to look at the dark space, and muttered to himself: "The stars and black holes, I `m coming out!"

Then he looked ahead, with a twinkle in his eyes, he touched Panda's head casually, and said softly, "Panda, let's go!"

"Boom..." A crazy wave erupted wildly, and the declaration of war disappeared instantly!

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