Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 478 Three Footprints

A belt of meteorites flows quietly among the stars in the universe, as if it has existed since ancient times, exuding circles of bright colors mysteriously and peacefully!

At this moment, an extremely thin thread of light suddenly pierced through the center of this meteorite belt, but in an instant, this thread disappeared without bounds!

And slowly, a few minutes later, a black hole suddenly appeared in the path of the silk thread. This hole spread extremely slowly at first, but after half an hour, the black hole path instantly began to spread wildly!

Where the black hole spreads, countless meteorites are sucked in by the powerful attraction!And in this black hole-like area, strands of spatial folds began to occur!

As far away as millions of light years away, Xuan Zhan suddenly stopped his frantically advancing body, looked at the surrounding void, and shouted in a low voice: "Woo!"

A surging and condensed vast misty blue light suddenly emanated from the neck, and then shrouded Xuan Zhan's body!

Xuan Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, slowly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in suspension!

Panda looked at this scene boredly. When he saw the blue light a day ago, he was startled, and he felt that this force was full of danger that made him feel dangerous!However, after seeing the blue light enveloping the little master, and recovering the consumed true energy, the little guy relaxed and gnawed on the bamboo given to him by declaring war!

Two hours later, Xuan Zhan's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a series of ling lights flickered in them. With a movement of the formula, three thunder bodies appeared instantly, and then continued to turn into a white silk thread and blast forward crazily!


It has been two months, and some people in the comprehension world who like to dig for news suddenly can't find the whereabouts of the declaration of war!

Logically speaking, the declaration of war should go all the way to the Magic Chenguang star field through the teleportation array!And after such a long time, some people gradually knew the real purpose of declaring war and rushing to the Magic Chenguang Starfield!

"This guy turned out to be saving his spirit beast!"

"However, why did the Five Yin Blood Fiends arrest the spirit beasts that declared war?"

One after another, the mysteries reappeared!


In the center of the universe-level star region, there is a huge star field with a diameter of nearly 500 million light-years. In this star field, there are countless life planets densely packed. This star field is called "Magic Chenguang Star" Domain" is the location of the sect of the five yin and blood evil ways!

The five yin and blood evil way inherits the ancient Taoism, and its strength is overwhelming under the seven ways. Not to mention anything else, it uses this magic star field to radiate dozens of surrounding star fields, all of which are from the five yin and blood evil way From the place where the altar is divided, it can be seen that the Five Yin Blood Shadao has an absolute right to speak around here!

However, in this star area, there is another force that the comprehension world looks up to—Huang Huo Xue Lan Lianxin Zun!

However, the people of Master Lianxin seldom touch the universe-level star area. Even if the disciples of Master Lianxin appear, many forces in the cultivation world will treat them as emperors!The same is true for the five yin and blood evil ways!

In the center of the "Magic Chenguang Star Field", there is a star with a diameter of several million. This star is full of vitality and vitality. It is a cultivation planet that is envied by any force in the cultivation world. And this planet, It is the headquarters of the Five Yin Blood Evil Dao - Anye Tianxing!

Above the stars in the dark night, the Yaoyuexian Building in a city is decorated extremely luxuriously and luxuriously, and the space inside it is even more huge and solid!The fairy sounds inside are curling, and the dancers are graceful, which is a place to enjoy!

Countless cultivators sat at the suspended stone tables inside and chatted heartily. In the middle of hundreds of stone tables was a huge floating stage. The dancers on the stage were dancing with the wind in response to the surrounding fairy sounds, which made everyone around All the monks are greedy!

However, everyone believes that no blind monk will rely on his own cultivation and suspect that his life will cause trouble in this place. The site of Yuexian Tower!

"Fellow Taoists, have you heard about the declaration of war?" A monk looked at the surrounding monks and smiled lightly. It seemed that this monk and the group of people around him knew each other!

"Of course I heard, this declaration of war is so bold, he dared to come to us alone, what a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" A monk smiled disdainfully, "I am a master of five yin and blood. Hey, there are so many senior masters in the hidden world like stars, he declared war, hehe..."

"Hey, that's not right, Fellow Daoist!" A monk Shi Shiran said softly while sipping a sip of fine wine, "It is rumored that Xuanzhan once participated in the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, and he shined brilliantly at that conference, defeating the Hua Xihua, the young daoist who is a three-turn Sanmo cultivator! From this point of view, the cultivation of this declaration of war is quite powerful!"

"Hmph, so what if you defeat Rank [-] cultivation base? Ben Zhenren admits that he has great strength in declaring war, but is it easy to provoke the five yin and blood demons?"


"Have you heard that this morning, someone saw the disciples of the wildfire blood and blood refining the heart appearing in my dark night star!" A monk whispered in another place!

"What?" The monks around were stunned when they heard this!

The appearance of the disciples of Lianxinzun is a big event for them. Those ancestor monks, relying on the powerful forces behind them, have robbed countless treasures, and ordinary forces are even less important to them!Every monk would get goosebumps all over his body whenever he thought of the three disciples with strong cultivation bases!

"Fellow Daoist, tell me what's going on, why did the disciple of Venerable Lianxin appear in Anye Tianxing?"

"Hey, I heard this from my friend who is evil in the blood of the Five Yins, so don't spread the word!" Seeing the eyes of dozens of people around him focus on him, a surge of emotion suddenly surged in his heart. Feeling satisfied, he took a sip of the contents of the cup and said in a low voice, "To tell you the truth, it is rumored that Yin Mukun, the current Taoist master of the Wuyin Blood Demon Dao, has practiced a peerless kung fu. Disciple, it is rumored that this exercise is so powerful that it even attracted the attention of the three lords. From my guess, the Lianxin Zun has already appeared, and the disciples of the Liefeng Zun and Hua Yun Zun should also appear one after another!"

"What kind of kung fu has Taoist Yin cultivated that even the three respected people have started to pay attention?" Many monks began to discuss in a low voice in shock!

In a corner of the fairy tower, a young monk with the appearance of a handsome son, wearing a black and gold satin suit, swayed the folding fan in his hand with a quiet smile on his face, quietly listening to the conversation around him, occasionally having a drink at the table After serving fine wine, the young monk was accompanied by two middle-aged monks, each with an indifferent expression on his face, without saying a word!

"You two uncles, how many years have you been in the world of comprehension?" The young man glanced at the two elders beside him with a calm smile and said with a low laugh!

"Returning to Young Master, the old man has not come out for three thousand three hundred years!" said the middle-aged monk on the left indifferently!

"Young Master, why do you want the two of us to go together this trip? We brothers still have a lot of things to do, but we don't have the time to fool around with you here!" The middle-aged monk on the right sighed and said, "One thousand years of catastrophe, although There are still hundreds of years, but there are many things to prepare, and a hundred years pass by in a hurry!"

The young master looked at the two uncles curiously and asked: "Aren't you sure about the next tribulation? Uncle Lian Qi hasn't come out for 3000 years!"

Lian Eleven on the left said indifferently: "Young Master, we soldiers and disbanded cultivators will become stronger every time in a thousand years, and the time for us to practice and prepare the magic weapon to cross the calamity is already very short!"

"Really..." The young man muttered, listening to the conversation around him, he smiled indifferently and said, "In that case, let's get down to business quickly. By the way, Fourth Master Lian, is there any news coming from ahead?" Any news about that bastard Yin Mukun?"

"It has already been reported, Yin Mukun has left the customs, Xuehai Wuya ** has successfully cultivated, and his cultivation level is unfathomable!" Liansi on the right said softly, "This is very similar to the guess of the Lord, the old man thought, that Yin Mukun has advanced to the true Mahayana stage in the mouth of the Lord!"

The corner of the young master's mouth showed a complicated and funny look, and he said to himself in a low voice: "Yin Mukun is dead, hehe...declare war, where are you now, your pet has been completely killed by Yin Mukun!" Absorbed!"

Hearing the young master talking to himself, the corners of Lian Si and Lian Qi's mouths twitched slightly, especially the word "declaration of war", which made the two people's eyes show a hint of astonishment!

The two of them were also present at the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference back then, and they were also present at the moment when the declaration of war appeared from a mysterious place before leaving!To this day, they still can't forget that scene, the scene of declaring war to cross the calamity and devouring the divine thunder of crossing the calamity...

"Let's go and meet that bastard Yin Mukun for a while. My master said that he must not be allowed to die!" The young man stood up and said indifferently, "Even if it is to prevent the declaration of war, Yin Mukun's life must be spared!"

Just when he was about to walk towards the door, the young man paused slightly, looked at the two uncles beside him, shook his head indifferently and said: "I didn't expect that idiot and Piaoyan to come, let's go quickly! "

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