Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 487 Immortal Artifacts

Lord Lian Lie Tian of Wild Fire Blood Waves Refining Heart Venerable, Lord Yun Ji of Xinghe Suo Yan Hua Yun Zun, and Lord Jian Xin of Ji Yuxin Jade Cracking Wind Venerable, the three of them each exuded a dignified atmosphere, from the high-altitude atmosphere. Outside, Saran Tayun turned into three beams of light, slowly flying towards the battlefield!

When the three young masters saw their master appearing here, they immediately put down what they were doing and went to greet their respective masters!

Xuan Zhan stood on Panda's head indifferently, with a pair of thunderbolt eyes, he looked coldly at the three most powerful monks in the cultivation world today, and the woman in a purple shirt next to Lord Jianxin!The woman beside Lord Jianxin, who declared the war, still remembers who it is!

When he first set foot in the world of comprehension, the magic weapon Chuantianshuo he used was part of a spiritual weapon-level combination magic weapon, and the other part was in the hands of this purple-shirted woman. A disciple of the Feng family!

Later, he also saw this woman in the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference!

Since then, he and this woman have never seen each other again!

As soon as the three lords and Feng Xiao entered the surface of the planet, they were instantly shocked by the tragic situation of the planet in front of them!Even with the powerful cultivation of the three masters, Rao was shocked when he saw this scene!

Gai Bitian below was a little shocked by the arrival of the three lords. He still couldn't guess why these three figures who seemed to belong to legends in the cultivation world appeared in this place, and ...or all at once!

Not only Gai Bitian, but Yin Mukun's master and apprentice in the distance were also shocked by the arrival of these three people!

"Disciple pays homage to master!" The three young masters immediately bowed down respectfully as soon as they came to their respective masters!

Lord Jianxin slightly raised his hand with a smile on his face, and an indifferent force gently lifted the three of them up, and then nodded towards the three of them with a slight smile!

Yun Ji looked at the miserable continent below, and there was still a hint of shock in her eyes!

Lian Litian was the first to speak, and said with a cold snort: "How did the three of you do it to cause such a catastrophe to the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao! Now, the only remaining disciples of the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao Killed three people!"

good!In just a short period of time from the Great War to the present, only Gai Sitian, Yin Mukun, and Hua Xihua are left among the disciples of the Five Yins and Blood Demons!The other disciples either fled, or were completely wiped out by this battle!It can be said that even if one escapes this catastrophe, it will not take tens of thousands of years to recover!

"Master..." Purgatory's respectful bitterness moved his lips, but there was some unspeakable bitterness on his face!

Not only Purgatory, but the two companions, Yun Piaoyan and Jian Chi, also looked bitterly at the tragic situation in the mainland below!

Lord Jianxin has an ethereal and indifferent breath of dust all over his body, his eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Xuan Zhan with an indifferent expression in the distance, and murmured in his heart: This kid, he left Jade Sting Star more than I did before! It got stronger after that...

Lian Litianhu's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Xuan Zhan with a lingering face and said coldly: "Declaration of war!"

"I've met Lord Xinzun!" Declaring war on the high sky in the distance, he clasped his fists and replied calmly!

Lian Lietian swung his arms behind his back and said indifferently: "Forget it, I can't afford it. You are the direct disciple of Senior Yu Zhenren, and you are also the younger brother of Wan Qingkui and Luo Tiangang. In terms of seniority, you are the same as me. Everyone is equal! This deity...but I'm so scared!"

There was a hint of indifferent disdain in Lian Jietian's words, but what he said was true. Above this seniority, the three young lords of the three venerables might even declare war as "elders"!

Xuan Zhan was noncommittal to Lian Lietian's words, turned his eyes, but swept the three lords, and said softly: "The three lords condescended to come here, but to... stop me?"

Lian Litian passed through the clouds, and instantly saw the "star Tianhe sand" around Gai Bitian, his pupils tightened suddenly: Unexpectedly, this kid actually forced this old bastard, Gai Bitian, to use even the star Tianhe sand up!

Although he was surprised in his heart, Lian Lietian sneered mercilessly and said coldly: "Block? Why do you talk about blocking? Who do you think you are declaring war? The inheritance of the Seven Paths has a long history and the strength of the foundation, how can you understand it? Don't think that you can destroy the evil ways of the Five Yins and Blood just by relying on your cultivation at the fifth level of the Mahayana stage!"

Hearing this sentence, Xuan Zhan sighed softly in his heart, glanced at the three indifferent lords, shook his head and said in a low voice: "After all, you... are still trying to stop me!"

A graceful and luxurious voice suddenly came out of Yunji's mouth: "Declaration of war, you... are fine!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, the three lords in front of him, with his current strength, would never be afraid of any one of them, but Yun Ji's many complicated identities made Xuan Zhan have to show a little face: "Master Yun, I declare war to you." To save face, I hope you can make that Yin Mukun hand over my spiritual pet, and I... will not make things difficult for him anymore!"

"The thief declares war. If you want to take away your spiritual pet, pass the old man's level first!" Gai Bitian suddenly roared coldly from below, "Kill the old man, and you can take the spiritual pet away!"

When Xuan Zhan heard this, he turned angrily and looked down at Gai Bitian, full of murderous intent, and said, "Gai Bitian, don't force me! You can't stop me with your ancient Lingbao star Tianhe sand!"

"Hey...hey..." Gai Bitian smiled coldly, "Declaration of war, you can give it a try, come and give it a try!"

As soon as Yun Piaoyan heard this, his face tightened and he immediately stopped and shouted: "Declaration of war, you can't!"

Yun Piaoyan's words immediately startled the three lords, but they saw Purgatory whispering: "Yan'er, what do you know in your heart? The Tianlong map and Gai Bitian can obviously prevent the declaration of war, but why did you suddenly do that?" Time became like this?"

Feng Xiao, the woman in purple shirt next to Jian Xin, looked at her with complicated eyes at this moment, and her heart was full of complicated thoughts... Unexpectedly, I lent Jian Chi brother Tianlong Tu to deal with him, and he... ...It was able to resist the power of Tianlong Tu!

Back then, it was only a few hundred years ago, when the declaration of war...was just a little monk in the original body period!And hundreds of years later, when he was spinning around in the Chen Xu period, he...has become a peak master who can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the three lords!Possesses a powerful cultivation base that can overlook the seven realms...

"I...I..." Yun Piaoyan's tone was a little hesitant, but there was some complicated dodging in her bright eyes, and there was a trace of contradictory ruddy color on her beautiful face, "I...I can't say it!"

"Can't say?" The three lords frowned, and lord Jianxin looked at the declaration of war curiously, with doubts in his heart!

It stands to reason that Gai Bitian is protected by Gu Lingbao, even the three of them dare not say that they can win the battle, but Yun Piaoyan's confusing words seem to be very sure of the reliance on the declaration of war!Could it be that...the one who declared war also had Gu Lingbao?

The thoughts of the three gods suddenly thought of something, and they all looked at Xuan Zhan in surprise, Lian Lietian asked in surprise: "Xuan Zhan, you also have an ancient spirit treasure in your hand?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently...

"He... the magic weapon in his hand is not Gu Lingbao, it's..." Yun Piaoyan's face flushed suddenly, "Mr. Xuan has... has..."

Suddenly, a trace of unhappiness flashed in the hearts of everyone...

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and stretched out his right hand, but saw that simple black box reappeared in his palm. This box did not leak any breath. In the eyes of many people, the ordinary can no longer be ordinary, even as if Just like an ordinary wooden box in the mundane world!

"This magic weapon is not mine at all!" Xuan Zhan looked at the box in his hand solemnly, "I am not qualified to use it, but... Ge Bitian possesses an ancient spirit treasure, so I can only sacrifice this magic weapon when I declare war." ... Immortal Artifact!"

"Immortal Artifact..." Hearing this name, everyone's hearts and brains trembled violently as if they had been bombarded!

"Immortal Artifact...It's an Immortal Artifact..." The three lords looked at the box in Xuan Zhan's hand in amazement, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes instantly!

And Gai Bitian was stunned by the name for an instant, as if he was stiff!

Xuan Zhan suddenly stood still, looked at the box in his palm, and showed a trace of solemnity and awe in his expression. After taking a breath, his left hand suddenly opened and closed, and slowly turned into a Zen finger, erected on his chest, Immediately, a force of merciful compassion was pulled out from the Zen finger, and then entered into the small box!

"This power... this power is..." the three lords Lian Jietian, Yun Ji, and Jian Xin suddenly shouted in a low voice with their hearts trembling wildly!

"What kind of power is this?" The three young lords frowned slightly. In their memory, they had never heard of or seen the power just before the declaration of war!

The next moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly Bao Xiang solemnly sat cross-legged on Panda's head, the magnificent power of compassion burst out from his body, his eyes were lowered, as if the eyes of an old monk were closed, and the box suddenly burst into a warm and magnificent light , as the light bloomed more and more, Xuan Zhan's whole body was suddenly wrapped in this light and slowly lifted into the sky!

Everyone stared blankly at the declaration of war at this moment, stunned for a moment, but seeing the declaration of war at this moment, although it was like closing their eyes and meditating, there was a vast, magnificent, and sacred aura of compassion for all beings!

"Om... Ka... La... Di... Ya... Sa... Po... He!" From Xuan Zhan's mouth, he suddenly uttered an incomprehensible and incomprehensible incantation!

"What is this?" Everyone looked up in amazement at the declaration of war entrusted to heaven by this mysterious force. Even the three at this moment could no longer maintain their previous indifferent posture, and they all looked at Gao Tian in horror The white-haired monk above!

Following the completion of this obscure incantation, under the crazily blooming rays of light, there seemed to be a faint influence of a Buddhist monk appearing in the sky above the head of the declaration of war. Between the eyebrows and eyes, there is a stream of pure breath!And he puts his right hand down, and his left hand forms a formula, even more like a nine-day god and Buddha!

And at the moment of the declaration of war, with the crazily surging of the power of the primordial spirit in the body, the breath of Buddhism and Taoism pervading the bones of the whole body suddenly rose up, and entered into the palm of the right hand towards Cheng Jue's fingers during the gurgling flow. In the box!

"Om..." But seeing that the box suddenly exudes a mysterious aura that makes the heart beat and the heart is clean, the next moment, the box suddenly jumps like a living thing, controlled by the magic formula to declare war, and the mysterious Buddha mantra. Under the blessing of the box, the box seemed to be reborn in an instant as if it had been stripped of its filth, and it shot out streaks of golden light, infecting the entire sky into a golden yellow!

These golden rays of light, like nectar, invaded the entire earth, and suddenly, everyone's minds trembled crazily!

But seeing high above the sky, a golden Buddhist hall appeared in the eyes of everyone. The spiral pagoda on the top of this hall pierced into the sky, the whole body was shining with golden light, and bursts of vast and vast aura invaded the surrounding space like rain!

Gai Bitian looked up at the declaration of war in astonishment. For some reason, he couldn't feel any attack on the mysterious aura he was exuding now. What's more surprising was that after a long period of cultivation In the years, step by step to the present, every person he killed, every step of the arduous road of cultivation, unexpectedly slowly appeared in his mind, and he kept recalling with this force... Recalling with...

The huge Buddhist hall moved slowly, and under the control of the declaration of war, bursts of compassion emerged!

At this time, Xuan Zhan suddenly opened his eyes slowly, sat cross-legged and looked down at the common people, and said softly: "Three lords, senior Gai Bitian!"

"Ah?" Gai Bitian was suddenly shocked, and he came back to his senses immediately. Then he looked at Xuan Zhan above Gao Tian with complicated eyes, and wanted to say something, but he looked at the huge tower behind Xuan Zhan that could even The gigantic treasure that covered one tenth of the Dark Night Star suddenly weakened its breath...

The three lords came back to their senses in an instant, and looked at each other in horror, Jian Xin suddenly asked: "Xuan Zhan, you... where did you get this fairy weapon of yours?"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently: "Three lords, this fairy artifact has only a chance with me. Given time, I still have to return it to its true owner!"

"What?" The three priests exclaimed in surprise when they heard Xuan Zhan's words, "Xuan Zhan, have you seen Buddhist and Taoist disciples?"

"Buddhist and Taoist disciples?" Jian Chi and the other three young masters were startled, and looked at Xuan Zhan with a changed expression, "Could it be... Could it be that this mysterious power is the legendary power of Buddhism?"

Xuan Zhan's expression turned cold, and he said indifferently: "I've finished what I have to say. Next, it's your choice. Hand over the blood treasure. For Yun Zun's sake, I'll spare the five yin and blood evil ways, or I will kill them and save Blood Treasure!"

Everyone fell silent...

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