Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 488 Epilogue

Hearing the words of declaring war, Gai Bitian suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. His body seemed to grow old within a few breaths. In front of him, he has completely become an ant, as if as long as this fairy weapon moves, he will be destroyed physically and mentally!And the Gu Lingbao under his control, in front of the aura emanating from this fairy weapon, is more like a joke, a... a big joke!

Yin Mukun and his disciple Hua Xihua are even worse than Gai Bitian. They can't even improve their own cultivation, let alone resist and confront!

"I can tell you the truth, with my current ability, I can only support this fairy artifact for a quarter of an hour at most. During this quarter of an hour, you have to make a choice!" Xuan Zhan said this sentence , Then close your eyes and be silent!

The people present looked at each other. They knew that the declaration of war must be a difficult person, but they did not expect it to be so difficult. If the declaration of war is followed, they only need to last for a quarter of an hour to make the declaration of war defeated without a fight. But... God knows if the declaration of war is at the last moment, what will happen!No way, the face he gave Yun Zun now, once a quarter of an hour arrives, even if his master Yu Zhenren is reborn, it is uncertain whether he will give face or not!

Time is still advancing at a steady pace...

The three lords smiled wryly. Originally, based on their imagination, even declaring war was the cultivation base of the fifth rank of the Mahayana, but all the seven paths in the cultivation world had their own trump cards. It will be defeated, and the trump card of Wuyinxue Dao is the ancient Lingbao controlled by Gaiweitian-Xingchen Tianhesha!

But the three of them never expected that declaring war... would actually carry a Buddhist fairy weapon!It's not the Buddhist treasure of the cultivation world of Buddhism, but an immortal artifact, an immortal artifact that can only appear in the heavenly realm!Gu Lingbao in front of the a big joke!

Jian Xin said softly: "It's a good thing that Yun Ji is here, otherwise, the fairy weapon that declared war will destroy us! At that time, the consequences will be disastrous, hey..."

Purgatory and Jian Chi glanced at Yun Piaoyan, who had a complex expression beside him, and both shook their heads helplessly. Purgatory said softly, "Yan'er, have you discovered the magic weapon in Xuan Zhan's hand before, which is a fairy weapon?"

Yun Piaoyan nodded sadly and said: "Yes, I have read a superficial description of the magic weapon of the fairy weapon. It is said that the fairy weapon has a soul, and just now... the palm of the fairy weapon that declared war is like a nimble living thing. Like a thing, it jumped a bit, although the magic weapon of the spirit weapon can also do this kind of action, but the spirit weapon has no soul after all, so it can't achieve such a psychic level, so..."

The two people beside them nodded in understanding...

"It's better to make a decision early!" Lord Jianxin sighed and said, "This battle...we have already lost, Jian Chi, return the Tianlong map to Xiao'er!"

Jian Chi nodded stiffly, and stretched out his right hand, Tianlong Tu quietly appeared in the palm of his hand, handed it to Feng Xiao next to him, and then showed a smile uglier than crying: "Sister Xiao'er, thank you!"

Feng Xiao smiled slightly, took the Tianlong Tu, and then retreated behind Jian Xin!

Yun Ji listened to Jian Xin's words, a bitter smile flashed across her graceful face, then her expression changed, she looked indifferently at the blank master and apprentice in the distance, and said softly: "Yin Mukun, your five yin The future fate of the Blood Fiend Path lineage is in your hands at this moment!"

Yin Mukun trembled all over, looked palely at the three lords, and then looked at the declaration of war above the sky!

"Master..." Hua Xihua said in a miserable voice, "We..."

"I'm not reconciled..." Yin Mukun said sadly, "I'm not reconciled..."

But Gai Bitian in the distance turned around and flew to Yin Mukun's side after a few breaths. He looked at him with an old face and said, "It's not just you who are not reconciled, what if we are not reconciled? Kun'er... let it out !"

"Master Gai, you..." Yin Mukun and Hua Xihua were stunned at the same time...

"Immortal Artifact, Immortal Artifact..." Gai Bitian said bleakly, "Even if the old man is carrying an ancient spirit treasure, so what? With an Immortal Artifact in hand, he can rule the entire cultivation world. One of the Seven Paths of us can also rule the world." how……"

Yin Mukun's eyes slowly darkened, and suddenly he raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "I'm not reconciled to declaring war!" As soon as the words fell, Yin Mukun's body suddenly gushed out a bloody aura, which was like viscous liquid, permeating crazily to around!

"Hehe...hehe..." A bewitching and coquettish laugh sounded quietly from these bloody auras, and the next moment, a blood-red light suddenly condensed out of it, slowly condensing into a human form...

Xuan Zhan slowly opened his eyes, looked at the blood-red figure through the void, and there was a trace of relaxation in his eyes...

"Hehe..." But after a few breaths, a woman with a voluptuous figure, wearing a red dress, and a beautiful face appeared in front of everyone shaking the red dress!

The corner of Yin Mukun's mouth suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was instantly filled with deathly silence. Looking at the sky, he roared angrily: "Evil barrier, give me back the power of my primordial spirit!"

"Old miscellaneous hair, this half of your soul, I just gave it to Xuebao as an apology, cluck..." As soon as the words fell, the red light suddenly flashed wildly, and instantly crossed the space, appearing within the protection range of the declaration of war!

"Damn...damn...damn..." Yin Mukun looked at the sky coldly, "I'm not reconciled...I...I'm not reconciled!!!", the voice roared out, and immediately resounded through the world. After the roar, Yin Mukun suddenly closed his eyes and passed out...

Hua Xihua immediately hugged her master, her face full of misery...

Gai Bitian immediately put his palm on Yin Mukun's back, pouring pure and cold true energy into Yin Mukun's body, and said coldly: "What a ruthless beast, you actually took away half of Kun'er's primordial power, so ruthless!" ..."

Xue Bao looked up at Xuan Zhan in the sky and shouted: "Little master, I have taken away your magic weapon, Xue Bao dare not even approach you!"

Panda looked down at Xuebao, who was smaller than an ant. His figure flashed yellow, and his huge body shrunk sharply. The next moment, he turned into a little guy with a height of [-] centimeters. Looking at her, he narrowed his eyes and laughed naively: "Xuebao... Xuebao..."

"Why are you laughing!" Xue Bao snorted coquettishly, and immediately slapped Panda hard on the arm!

"Ouch..." Panda let out a scream, and immediately raised his arms and roared, "Deadblood, you hit my hand!"

Only then did Xuebao notice that Little Panda's hands were covered with bright red blood stains, and he exclaimed in shock, "Little Panda, are you injured?"

"Hmm..." Panda looked at his hands pitifully...

Above the sky, Xuan Zhan's figure trembled, but the golden light of the Buddhist gates around him disappeared instantly, and the Buddhist hall that could cover the sky quickly recovered into a small box with a simple color, lying quietly on the ground of Xuan Zhan. the palm of your hand!

Bare-chested came to Panda's side, with a slight frown, he took out a pill, crushed it into powder and sprinkled it carefully and evenly into the little guy's hands, then took out a pill from the storage ring. An ordinary shirt, tore off two white strips, and bound it up!

"Little master, I miss you so much!" Xue Bao saw that Xuan Zhan was done, and then he looked at Xuan Zhan's perfectly proportioned muscles, his eyes burst into blossoming flowers, and he threw himself fiercely at Xuan Zhan's body Passed over, and then fiercely raised his head to declare war on his chest...

Panda dodged, came to Xuan Zhan's shoulder, looked at the bandaged hands, narrowed his eyes, and laughed foolishly!

Xuan Zhan patted Xue Bao's back lightly, and said softly: "Xue Bao, are you okay!"

"It's okay, hehe... Before I came, I absorbed half of that old bastard's primordial power!" After saying this, Xue Bao immediately stuck out his ruddy tongue, licked his lips, and then secretly He licked the shoulder of the declaration of war, and secretly cheered up!

"It's fine!" Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, then pushed away Xuebao who was persevering, put on the ordinary white gown in his hand, looked at the three figures in the distance, and thought for a while, but with Xuebao and Panda came before the three lords in a flash!

"Xuan Zhan met the three lords, how offended you were just now!" Xuan Zhan said softly with his fists clasped!

"Huh!" Lian Lietian snorted coldly, looked at Xuan Zhan and said, "You have a fairy weapon, we can't do anything to you today! But... but... alas!" After finishing speaking, Lian Lietian sighed fiercely Take a breath!

Jian Xin leisurely glanced at Gai Bitian and the other three in the distance, and sighed, "After this, the vitality of the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao has been greatly damaged. In the next tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover to yesterday's strength!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the expressions of the three of them, as if there was something in the words, but he suppressed this thought in his heart, and said indifferently: "The world of cultivation is a place where the weak prey on the strong. I, Xuan Zhan, dare not say what I have done. What I did was correct, but...if time goes back, I would declare war and say that I would be more heartless than this!"

"You..." Lian Lietian was slightly annoyed by the declaration of war!

Yun Ji suddenly said: "Xuan Zhan, do you mean that I would like to thank you for looking at my face and letting go of Wu Yin Xue?"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a while, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't help crying and laughing. He clasped his fists and said: "The matter here is over, the three lords, there will be a period later!" After speaking, he wanted to Turn around and leave!

Jian Xin suddenly said: "Declaration of war!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback, looked at Jian Xin and asked, "I don't know what else is going on with Lord Jian Xin?"

Jian Xin glanced at Yun Ji and Lian Jietian indifferently with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said softly: "Mr. Xuan, do you know anything about Thirteen Dou Tianfu?"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and said softly: "Thirteen Dou Tianfu, I only knew about this sect after I met my wife Long Ying!"

Yun Ji and Lian Jietian's expressions changed, but they suddenly looked at the declaration of war, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of their mouths!

"Declaration of war!" Jian Xin smiled lightly, "If there is a chance, can I invite you to my sect for a few days?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and with his mind wandering, he asked softly: "I don't know what advice Lord Jianxin has?"

"I don't dare to give advice!" Jian Xin smiled, "With your current strength, even I dare not say that I can win with full confidence. The cultivation base of the fifth rank of the Mahayana is only one line behind me, my lord. It’s just a mere sixth-grade state! I invite you to come and talk about it, it’s about a secret in my cultivation world, and it involves a lot!”

After meditating for a while, Xuan Zhan said with a relaxed expression: "Today's Xuan Zhan is a casual cultivator. After today, it is enough to be a monk who just wants to be a wandering cloud and a wild crane! Everyone, declare war and leave!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting to stay, it instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky!

"This kid..." Lian Jietian looked at Xuan Zhan who left, and said with an angry face, "I really don't know what to do! Hmph..."

Yun Ji Fendai frowned and said, "This son is extremely talented. Given time, it's hard to say that he will even create a miracle. If we can invite him in the future, he will definitely be a great help to us!"

Jian Xin nodded and said: "Yun Ji's words are good, we must bring Xuan Zhan into our camp! Although I don't know what will happen in the future, the reappearance of Thirteen Dou Tianfu has already made me very worried!"

The three young lords looked at their master talking, but they couldn't get in their mouths, because what they said were all things they didn't know...

Lian Jietian looked back at Gai Bitian and the other three, and said indifferently: "Gai Bitian, you three... find a place to do it yourself! If you want to seek revenge from the declaration of war, I think you are hopeless in this life!"

Gai Bitian looked at the three lords in the sky with his old eyes, Xiao Suo said: "Don't bother the three lords!"

Lian Lietian's eyes tightened, and he said indifferently: "Hmph... I don't know what to do! Purgatory, let's go!", then grabbed Purgatory's arm, and immediately disappeared into the sky in a stream of light!

"Hey..." Jian Xin looked at the now desolate Anye Tianxing, sighed softly and said, "Let's go too!"


In the vast universe, a ray of light flew crazily, but in the gleam, a gentle and elegant monk was sitting on the blade of a flying sword!

"I didn't expect Brother Xuan to be so powerful, he directly wiped out the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance!" The monk looked at the vast universe and said to himself in a low voice, "Hey...forget it, big brother, you can just rest in peace! Already!"

This cultivator is exactly Chu Xinghen who left from the Jade Sting Star. He had some adventures in the Naihe Realm since he was a child. After leaving, he rushed directly to the place where the "Tianxing Island" in the sky star sea is located!But along the way, he unexpectedly learned that the Yinjian Cultivation Alliance was destroyed by a white-haired monk, and that white-haired monk had declared war!

Although he did not destroy the alliance with his own hands after the success, the declaration of war was the same as his attack!

"Hey, my Chu family's lineage has fallen, and Brother Yun has gone back. I, Chu Xinghen, what should I do after today?" Chu Xinghen sighed bitterly and laughed!

At this moment, Chu Xinghen's expression turned cold, and the magic formula moved quietly. Feijian instantly stayed in the original space, looked at the starry sky in front of him indifferently, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"Hey..." With a burst of lazy laughter, a young monk in blue clothes appeared in the void in front of Chu Xinghen with a long sword on his shoulders, "My name is Xiaoyao, I want to Let you go with me, will you?"

Chu Xinghen glanced solemnly at Xiaoyao who suddenly appeared: "Xiaoyao? The reason!"

Xiaoyao glanced at Chu Xinghen, took a step, and instantly appeared a hundred meters in front of Chu Xinghen, put away his frivolous and lazy face, and said solemnly: "To be precise, my name is Long Xiaoyao, from the Long family! "

"Heir of the Long family!" Chu Xinghen froze for an instant!

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