Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 490 Hidden Spirit Art

After hearing Hua Qing's request, although Xuan Zhan quickly thought of several possibilities of the request, but when Hua Qing said it, Xuan Zhan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, without any change in expression, Xuan Zhan was silent and careful He took a quick look at Huaqing's jade-like cheeks!

Under the eyes of Xuan Zhan, Hua Qing's face showed a shy rosy face, and said in a low voice, "Sir... I know that my request is a bit too much, I... I also have my own difficulties!"

Xuan Zhan picked up the teacup casually, took a sip, and said after a slight pause, "But because of the leader 'Ling Lan' you mentioned earlier?"

Hua Qing was slightly startled, and said in a low voice: "As the gentleman said, the little girl was a lowly maidservant of a powerful force before, because she accidentally saw something she shouldn't have seen, so she was punished by killing her." Misfortune, after going through all kinds of hardships, and even almost dying several times, I finally escaped from their claws, and only by relying on my concealment technique can I get down safely!"

Speaking of this, Hua Qing took a complicated look at Xuan Zhan's flawless face, but lowered his head and said quietly: "Hua Qing doesn't have the astonishing talent for cultivation like Mr., and there is no strong support behind him. Hiding like a rat crossing the street, silently cultivating!"

Xuan Zhan really has a lot of affection for this woman in his heart, but he doesn't have the slightest understanding of that mysterious Ling Lan, and he doesn't know how powerful the power around this leader Ling Lan is!The world of comprehension is huge, so big that the declaration of war can't figure out the depth!And from ancient times to the present, although countless powerful techniques and forces have been lost, it is difficult to keep other mysterious inheritances, which have continued to the present era!

"Don't worry, sir, as long as I promise to let Hua Qing serve you, I will definitely follow my lead and serve you faithfully and faithfully!" Hua Qing's tone changed, and he said slowly and respectfully, a pair of bright eyes silently watched Xuan Zhan ,crystal clear!

Declaring war naturally believed in Hua Qing's words, and Hua Qing's cultivation base was weak, so he didn't dare to be sloppy in front of declaring war!But if Hua Qing is accepted, it will be an enemy of that mysterious force. It is still unknown whether he can shake that Ling Lan's force with his own cultivation!

"Hua Qing, what is the power behind that Ling Lan?" Xuan Zhan asked indifferently!

Hua Qing's face darkened slightly, and he said softly: "Unfathomable! Hua Qing is just a small maidservant, and I can only look up to them and not know their powerful cultivation!"

"Is that so..." Xuan Zhan stood up, looking at the world outside the window, there was a moment of silence!

"Sir, Huaqing definitely doesn't want you to help me resist that force. To be honest, with your current cultivation base, it is not as good as fighting against that force. Huaqing just wants to have a strong person by my side who can guide me. cultivation!"

At this moment, He'er next to Hua Qing whispered and said: "Sir, please promise my master, she really has no choice but to do this! As long as you promise my master, He'er is here to thank you , from now on, I will serve you by your side together with Master!"

Is there a shortage of people to serve in the declaration of war? There is no shortage!But in the face of Hua Qing, who he likes very much, he can't refuse. This little girl just wants to have someone to rely on!

"Hua Qing..." Xuan Zhan said softly, "You don't need to ask like that at all!"

Hua Qing was slightly taken aback...

"In the past few months, you should heal your injury first. After the injury is healed, we will go on the road together. Along the way, we can rely on each other!"

Hearing these words, a trace of excitement flashed across Hua Qing's eyes, then got up with a trembling and weak body, bowed his head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, sir, thank you for your kindness! "

"This can't be the case!" Xuan Zhan was slightly startled, and he lifted his right hand in the air instantly, and a gentle force supported Hua Qing's body, and controlled her body to lie on the bed: "I said before, we rely on each other, we rely on each other. This is not taking you in!"

Two lines of clear tears slowly flowed from Hua Qing's eyes, looking at Xuan Zhan, he sobbed and said, "Hua Qing knows what you mean, thank you for your love!"

The red-crowned crane also bowed its legs slightly in excitement: "He Er, thank you sir on behalf of my master!"

"Hmph..." Suddenly, there was an uneasy shout in Xuan Zhan's chest, "You look so weak, you actually bewitch the little master!"

Upon hearing these words, Hua Qing and He'er were slightly taken aback...

Xuan Zhan frowned, patted his chest and said, "Xue Bao, absorb your primordial power well, don't worry about it so much!"

"Hmph!" Xuebao snorted again in Xuanzhan's arms, and then fell silent...

There was a look of dumbfounding in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he turned to Hua Qing and said, "Hua Qing, I still have one thing to do, you can rest here for a while, and come to pick me up after I'm done. You, when the time comes, we will go on the road together!"

Upon hearing this, Hua Qing said worriedly, "Sir, how long are you going? Is it dangerous?"

After thinking about declaring war for a few seconds, he said softly: "It will take about a month or so. There are many dangers there, and it is indeed a place where my comprehension world has heard of it!"

Hua Qing frowned slightly, but Xuan Zhan said leisurely, "I don't know if Miss Hua Qing has heard of 'Monster Star Cave'!"

"What?" When Hua Qing heard the name, his face turned pale with fright, and he exclaimed, "That place full of monsters?"

Xuan Zhan laughed softly: "Not bad!"

Hua Qing said worriedly: "Although Mr. has a strong cultivation base, that place can be said to be a death zone for monks. Even on the edge of this monster star cave, there are level [-] and level [-] monsters everywhere. According to rumors, in the depths of the star cave, there are powerful existences that even the nine-turn Sanxian and Sanmo dare not face! Even... Even in the center of the bank, there are even more powerful monsters. Beast! This place is really dangerous, can you not go, sir?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head with a smile and said, "I have my own reasons why I must go!"

Hua Qing's eyes suddenly darkened, and after thinking for a while in silence, she suddenly stretched out her right hand solemnly, and a quaint booklet appeared in her right hand: "Sir, aren't you very curious about my hidden skills?" Is it? This is the exercise I have learned!"

Xuan Zhan's heart moved. When he saw Hua Qing for the first time, he was shocked by her hidden skills. , and I can't tell what level of cultivation she is at all, and seeing Hua Qing is still struggling at the lowest level of the cultivation world, one can imagine Hua Qing's true strength, and it is impossible to get into the eyes of declaring war!

If there is such a kung fu close at hand...

Xuan Zhan shook his head and said with emotion: "I am really curious about this hidden exercise, but... I have no reason to take it away! Miss Huaqing, you should put it away."

Hua Qing shook his head, a trace of stubbornness flashed across his delicate face, and he said softly: "Mr. If you can’t solve the cause and effect, you will have a lot of demons hindering your future practice, your shelter has made the little girl perfect, and the little girl has nothing to repay, so I will give this exercise to you!"

Xuan Zhan took a closer look at Hua Qing's face and saw that she was so stubborn that she could not be shaken. With a shudder in his heart, he nodded slightly and took over the exercises in Hua Qing's hands. On the cover, there were three large characters Suddenly born: Hidden Spirit Art!

"Mr. is here for a while, let's practice this hidden spirit art first, the monster star cave is full of dangers, one more concealment technique, one more protection!" Hua Qing said with a light smile, moving his body, good Make lying and sitting more comfortable!

Xuan Zhan nodded, and said lightly: "You are right, I don't know how long it takes to practice this exercise to achieve success?"

Hua Qing smiled softly, and said weakly: "There are three layers of the Hidden Spirit Art. The little girl practiced for three years before she succeeded in the first layer. Successfully cultivate the first floor!"

Xuan Zhan laughed dumbly and said, "Miss Huaqing really thinks highly of me!"

Hua Qing shook his head and said, "That's wrong. The little girl didn't exaggerate at all. On the contrary, I was even conservative. Although this Hidden Spirit Art belongs to the upper-level skills, it is not difficult for Mr.! And..."

Speaking of this, Hua Qing blushed slightly, lowered his head and said softly: "Sir, don't call me by my name so outrageously in the future, just call me Qing'er!"

Xuan Zhan nodded: "In this case, Qing'er, you should recover from your injuries these days, and I will find a place to practice this hidden spirit art for now!"

Hua Qing nodded with a smile and said, "Sir, don't worry, with your panacea and He'er taking care of you, Qing'er can take care of herself!"

Xuan Zhan nodded, no longer speaking, his body trembled, strands of spiritual consciousness came out instantly, and in the blink of an eye, the majestic spiritual consciousness had surrounded the entire planet. Taking a light step, the next moment, she suddenly disappeared beside Huaqing!

After Xuan Zhan disappeared in this humble house, Hua Qing's expression gradually calmed down. Looking at the sky outside the window, there was a trace of sadness in the loneliness...

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