Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 491 The Discovery of the Declaration of War

Declare war and head west all the way, on this blue planet where the vitality of heaven and earth is extremely rare, tens of kilometers are within one step!He didn't dare to make big moves, and the scarcity of vitality in the world also indicated the weakness of the space structure of this planet!With his current cultivation base, if he wants to destroy this planet, it will be within minutes!

But after a while, Xuan Zhan saw a towering snow mountain thousands of kilometers ahead of him. Looking at the huge snow mountain, Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, and his feet seemed to be walking leisurely. Ten minutes later , has appeared at the foot of the snow mountain!

Spiritual consciousness came out through the body, swept the surrounding area in an instant, and then walked up the mountain!

The air temperature is getting colder and colder, and the declaration of war in an ordinary white gown, after a dozen breaths, appears on the top of the mountain, looking down at the mortal beings below!

There is a mountain wall behind Xuan Zhan, with a flick of his right hand, a soft sword energy bursts out instantly, and shoots towards the mountain wall!

After an extremely weak explosion, the mountain wall behind him was immediately blasted out of a cave by the sword energy, and when he came into the cave, he declared war and sat down cross-legged, with his heart turned to the sky, and he adjusted his breath!

Three hours later, Xuan Zhan restrained his breath to the extreme, like a stubborn stone, without the slightest breath leaking out!

He opened his eyes and looked at Panda, who was sleeping soundly because of boredom, a look of amusement flashed in his eyes, but seeing Panda lying on his back on the stone surface at this moment, with his limbs stretched lazily, his naive look was obvious !

Then he carefully took out the "Hidden Spirit Art" booklet, and flipped through it lightly!

But when I saw the summary of exercises on the first page of the entry, a sentence came out: the hermit, calm the mind, the mind is calm, the mind is quiet, the spirit is quiet, and the quiet is extinguished!

Xuan Zhan savored the summary on the first page carefully, but after a few breaths, a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes, then he turned to the second page, and after scanning a bit, a hint of dumbness quietly appeared in his eyes, and continued After reading it, Xuan Zhan's brow suddenly became solemn!

Time passed without knowing it, three days passed, and three days later, Xuan Zhan slowly closed the book of Yinling Jue, and suddenly became deep in thought, with complicated lights shining in his eyes!

The exercise is a good exercise, and it is very smooth to practice with the aptitude of Xuan Zhan. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Xuan Zhan is given one year, he will definitely be able to practice successfully in the third level of the realm recorded on the Yinling Jue!

But... There is a trace of strangeness in this exercise!

"The first level is the falling air; the second level is the hidden spirit; the third level is the falling heart! This is the third level of the Hidden Spirit Art!" Xuan Zhan murmured, "But this air refers to Tianqing. The qi of the body, the spirit... refers to the spiritual consciousness of the person with the Tianqing body... although this exercise has been simplified and modified by someone!"

"However, my two senior brothers are quite familiar with the body structure of people in the heavenly world! Based on the information disclosed in this exercise, it is not difficult to guess that the source of this exercise is the heavenly exercise! Although it has been modified into Can be suitable for cultivators in the realm of self-cultivation, but cannot escape my eyes!!!”

Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and he said softly: "Mu, are you there?"

"What's the matter?" The green light on Xuanzhan's chest rippled slightly, and the voice of Jade Peimu resonated in his heart!

"Based on what you've seen, does this exercise come from the heavens?" Xuan Zhan thought in his heart!

"That's right, this exercise is indeed from the heavens, and it's a common thing! But it has been simplified and modified into an exercise that can be practiced by monks in the cultivation world!" Mu's words confirmed the speculation of declaring war!

Xuan Zhan nodded as if realizing something!

"Why, do you suspect that woman named Hua Qing?" There was a hint of curiosity in Mu's voice!

Xuan Zhan nodded indifferently and said: "Before this, I had a great impression of Huaqing, but this exercise has revealed that this girl's background is not simple!"

"Hehe...declaring war, your senses are really sharp!" Mu said with a soft smile, "but don't worry, I can assure you that this little Huaqing girl has absolutely no intention of harming you!"

Xuan Zhan said leisurely in his heart: "Perhaps you are right, but... she appeared here to approach me on purpose! By the way, can she feel your presence?"

"Only by her? Huh!" Mu said disdainfully, "A mere little fairy living in the lowest level of the fairy world..."

Xuan Zhan said in his heart: "My elder brother once told me that it is extremely difficult for people in the fairy world to descend. Only when they reach a certain level can they descend to the lower realm. But how did this Huaqing come to the lower realm?"

"This..." Mu Immediately was stumped by the question of declaring war. After pondering for a long time, he said with a wry smile, "This deity can't even guess it!"

Xuan Zhan sighed softly, and after thinking about it for a long time, he began to practice this fairy world technique.

After three months...

Xuan Zhan reappeared in the small courtyard of Huaqing. At this moment, his whole body was like air. If he didn't look at himself, he was like air, and he was in harmony with the surrounding scenery!

In the feeling of declaring war, the girl inside the door is sitting cross-legged and practicing!

Knocking the door lightly, Xuan Zhan said softly: "Qing'er!"

"Mr. is back, He'er go and open the door!" Hua Qing's soft voice came from the room!

The door opened, and under the respectful posture of the red-crowned crane, Xuan Zhan stepped into the room, looked at Hua Qing and said with a smile, "Qing'er, how is your injury?"

"Thanks to Mr.'s elixir, Qing'er's injury has completely healed!" Hua Qing smiled softly, and looked at Xuan Zhan's eyes and said, "Watching Mr.'s breath, Qing'er can't feel any exposure. Congratulations, Mr. Gongfa!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, and said softly: "The second layer of hidden spirit realm has been completed! The hidden spirit art is returned to its original owner!" After speaking, he stretched his right hand and sent his book to Hua Qing, "The third layer of magic I have already understood the tactic, so there is no difference!"

Hua Qing smiled softly, put away the exercises, and said, "Qing'er's guess is really good. After only three months, he actually achieved a great achievement in the hidden spiritual realm. Qing'er really admires Mr. Qing'er's cultivation talent!"

At this time, the red-crowned crane had already brought out a teacup from the inner room, and respectfully made a cup of tea for Xuan Zhan: "Sir, please drink tea!"

Xuan Zhan blew on the hot air on the teacup, took a sip and thought for a while, "Qing'er, I'm going to leave here tomorrow, so you can go with me!"

Hua Qing's eyes lit up, and he said with a happy smile, "Follow Mr.'s order, hehe..."

It was night, Xuan Zhan sat cross-legged above the house, accompanied by Hua Qing and He Er, and little Panda hanging on Xuan Zhan's shoulders!

Looking up at the bright starlight, Xuan Zhan chatted with Hua Qing, the two little guys, He'er and Panda, chatted with each other from time to time, and finally, when they got excited, they got entangled and had fun together, which was extremely naughty!

"Sir, shall we go to the Monster Beast Cave next?" Hua Qing's eyes were bright in the night, like two gemstones, pure and penetrating!

At this moment of declaring war, what he drank was the peerless fine wine left to him by his big brother Wan Qingkui back then—Wannian Ice Fire Wine!

The entrance is like the liquid of ice and fire, crazily invading Xuan Zhan's body, just like a brief collision between heaven and earth, let Xuan Zhan submerge himself in that miraculous realm unconsciously!

"That's right, we'll go to the Monster Beast Cave tomorrow, and after we get out, we'll go to the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss!" Xuan Zhan said with a leisurely smile, looking at the night sky, he was suddenly intoxicated!

"Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss?" Hua Qing was slightly surprised, "But in 49 Abyss, is there a sect based on alchemy?"

"Not bad!" Xuan Zhan shook his head and said drunkenly!

"Heck... Qing'er will follow Mr., wherever Mr. goes, Qing'er will go!" Hua Qing smiled gently, and then took a sip of the wine in his hand, a trace of rosy color appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but be speechless Looking at the wine glass, he said: "This wine is so strong, so miraculous, it enters my body and turns hot and cold, and... moreover, my true energy is more concentrated and pure than before!"

Xuan Zhan smiled and said: "This wine is a gift from my elder brother. It can be said to be the best of all wines. It will be of great benefit to your cultivation, so don't waste it!"

"Crane come, you have a taste too!" Hua Qing waved to the red-crowned crane with a smile.

At this moment, Xuan Zhan, who was looking at the starry sky, was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he stood up suddenly, and the eyes that looked at the eastern sky were full of shock and bewilderment...

"Sir? Sir?" Hua Qing seemed to be startled by the sudden action of declaring war, and was also taken aback, looking at the eastern sky with a trace of confusion in his eyes!

Xuan Zhan stood there in a daze, looking at the eastern sky. After a long time, his expression gradually dimmed...

Far away on the edge of the known universe in the cultivation world, there is a huge continent suspended in the universe. The continent is so big that even if the monks in the cultivation world fly for a few days and nights, they cannot reach from one end of the continent to the other!

At this moment, over the mainland, thirty or so monks wearing black body armor looked down at the vast land below indifferently. Among the more than 30 monks, only one female monk murmured to herself: " Is this day finally here?"

On the top of a mountain in the mainland, thousands of young monks in purple costumes looked up at the more than 30 monks in the sky, their faces tensed, and they waited solemnly!

At the front of the young monk was a young monk wearing a white robe with no expression on his face, but seeing this monk with his hands behind his back, he looked at the crowd above the sky and said coldly: "Disciple Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian, ​​send you all respectful senior!"

"Om..." Thousands of purple-clothed disciples suddenly erupted with majestic sword energy. Among them, the most powerful were thirty young disciples. Their cultivation bases were all Mahayana first rank!

"Disciple Piaomiao Jianxintian, respectfully send off to all seniors!"

The monks above the sky, the two monks at the front, one has a vicissitudes of life and silver hair, the other has a sturdy and strong figure, and his appearance is as tough as a sculpture!

"Smile!" Luo Tiangang looked down at the white-robed monk below, his tone full of vicissitudes, "From today onwards, the inheritance of Piaomiao Jianxintian is in your hands, I hope you will take care of yourself!"

"Senior Luo, don't worry!" Huaixiao's indifferent eyes flashed a trace of unfeeling, and said coldly, "Today, I am no longer the Huaixiao of yesterday. This deity has his own method to make Piaomiao Jianxintian even stronger!"

"That's... that's good!" Luo Tiangang smiled vicissitudes, and with a wave of his hands, a vast aura suddenly appeared from his hands, and with his companions, he disappeared into the void of the universe in an instant!

"Master..." You Zijin stood beside Huaixiao lonely, looking at the many monks who disappeared in the sky, and whispered at the corner of his mouth, "Disciple...respectfully send master..."

The more than 30 young disciples around me looked at the void with lonely expressions!

After a few breaths, a crazy and vast sword energy suddenly came out of the cosmic starry sky. This sword energy was as vast and boundless as the deep universe. With a loud bang, this sword energy suddenly burst into a heart-shattering destruction The breath is so strong that it can be clearly felt even hundreds of millions of light years away!

On this day, countless powerful monks in the realm of comprehension suddenly felt an earth-shaking force emanating from a distant void. This force was so powerful that it seemed that the universe could not bear it...

"That old guy, he has to leave after all..." In the universe, a young monk in blue clothes had a trace of loneliness on his lazy face...

"Gone... Did that guy leave in the end..." Among the Xinghe Suoyanhua Yunzun, a graceful and elegant female monk stood lonely and beautiful on the mountain, looking at the universe and said sadly...

"Let's go, they're finally gone..." In a corner of the depths of the universe, a monk stood in the universe and said indifferently looking at the universe in front of him!At this time, a stream of light suddenly flew behind the monk, and a young monk quietly came to the monk and said respectfully: "Master Yuan, the whereabouts of the Xuanyuan family have been found out!"

"Oh?" The monk looked happy, and asked in a deep voice, "Is the source of the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable?" The young disciple said respectfully!

"What about Xuanyuan Sword?"

"Here... the news came that the Xuanyuan Clan's clansmen did have a treasured sword by their side, but this sword...has been scrapped, without any vitality of heaven and earth! It is very likely that it is the dusty Xuanyuan Sword!"

"Okay!" Lord Yuan laughed suddenly, "Order to let Xiaoyao bring the members of the Xuanyuan Clan immediately. By the way, where is the Xuanyuan Clan now?"

After hearing this, the disciple behind him paused slightly, and then said word by word:

"They're in... the Monster Beast Cave!"

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