Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 492 Entering the Monster Beast Cave

That night, he declared war and stood on the roof for a long time, looking at the East without the slightest shift in his eyes!Hua Qing, He'er, and Little Panda stayed by his side and never left!

When the first ray of sunshine bloomed in the sky, Xuan Zhan finally said: "Qing'er, pack up your things, let's go!"

"Okay, sir!" Hua Qing was taken aback, but smiled joyfully, "You have finally spoken!" After finishing speaking, seeing Xuan Zhanfu fell into a state of speechlessness again, Hua Qing couldn't figure it out , go down with He'er, enter the house to pack some belongings!

Half an hour later, Xuan Zhan took Hua Qing and two pets in a wilderness outside the village. Taking advantage of the absence of people, he instantly broke into the void, and within a dozen breaths, he appeared in the universe!

He glanced at the blue planet behind him out of the corner of his eye, then turned around and shot out the magic formula, a golden light burst out of his body in an instant, bursting into a ray of light, and then turned into a golden light, happily entangled around Xuan Zhan's body!

Demon Slaying Heaven Sword, Master Yu Zhenren's dharma body art, was stripped from the primordial spirit and placed in the storage ring. By chance, it was passed down by the declaration of war, and it is used today!

Looking at the Demon Slaughtering Sword, there was nostalgia in the eyes of Xuan Zhan, the formula moved slightly, but seeing the Demon Slaughtering Sword suddenly flew towards the distance, the next moment, it burst into boundless light instantly, the sword body Skyrocketing in length!

Taking Hua Qingfei to the tip of the sword, Cheng Jue pushed slightly with his right hand!

"Boom..." An ear-piercing roar instantly erupted from the Demon Slaying Sword, and it rushed into the deep space of the universe, but wherever it saw it, the space structure of the universe rippled!

Today's declaration of war is no longer yesterday, especially on the route to An Ye Tian Xing, which has passed through three major death passes. And because of Mu's teaching and his own comprehension, it has reached a point where the world looks up to!Especially the speed technique he created at the end, although it cannot burst out the maximum speed due to the limitation of the space structure of the cultivation world, but its strength, even if it has existed for an unknown number of years, can be seen. Turned pale with horror!

Now, the astrolabe presented to him by his elder brother Wan Qingkui is already in dilapidated condition, but it has also achieved his speed today!At this moment, the speed of the Demon Slaughtering Sword has surpassed the speed of the astrolabe by three times!

And this is the speed that declared war without using the speed technique he created himself!

Xuan Zhan's speed technique is as fast as it is fast, but the shortcomings gave him a headache. After he successfully retreated and practiced the Hidden Spirit Art, Xuan Zhan carefully considered the speed technique he created himself, and deduced some small flaws to wait. After slowly making up for it in the future, he named his practice - Thunder Sword Nine Movements!

According to the derivation of the declaration of war, the "Thunder Sword Nine Movements" that he can cultivate at present is far from the true speed of this exercise. Moreover, as his cultivation base gradually improves in the future, and the magical abilities he comes into contact with gradually After the increase, Thunder Sword Nine Movements will slowly emerge and become another kind of cultivation method, but everything he is doing now is just paving the way for the future Thunder Sword Nine Movements!

Nine is the ultimate number, and after ninety-nine, it will be one!When the Nine Movements becomes an extreme, the Nine Movements of the Thunder Sword is the real Nine Movements of the Thunder Sword...

Deriving a practice requires too many inferences, and the energy consumed is beyond the imagination of the world!However, he has too little contact with the declaration of war, so he can only use the many ideas he knows and slowly deduce them!

On the way of declaring war and flying, I chatted with Hua Qing from time to time, nothing more than talking about some anecdotes he knew, Hua Qing listened with great interest, and the two little guys were jubilantly fighting on the blade of the sword!

Ten days later, Xuan Zhan looked at the dark cosmic starry sky in front of him, and with a slight movement of the formula, the Demon Slaughtering Sword instantly swung, and quickly penetrated into Xuan Zhan's body!

"Sir, have we arrived?" Hua Qing looked at the universe in front of him and asked in a low voice, "It is rumored that there are all kinds of strange monsters on the periphery of the monster star cave, and the variety of them is shocking! But here Why is there not one?"

"This is not the outer area!" Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, "After half a day, we will arrive at the outer area of ​​the Monster Beast Cave. The monsters are extremely sensitive to touch. Although we are not afraid of them when we fly in, we still have to waste a lot of time." Fantastic effort!"

Hua Xing realized: "So that's the case, sir, what do you mean that we hide our breath and fly over?"

Xuan Zhan nodded, stroked Panda's head lightly, looked at Hua Qing after a moment of contemplation, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, before Hua Qing woke up, his right hand suddenly embraced Hua Qing's soft and boneless waist!

Hua Qing was taken aback, and a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks. The two of them were close to each other. Although they were separated by several layers of clothes, the heat from their bodies made Hua Qing's heart tremble slightly. Big hands, strong and powerful!A strong masculine breath blows towards my face...

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, his heart slowly fell silent, looking at the void in front of him, he waved his right hand, and his body suddenly shot madly towards the universe in front of him!

Wherever they passed, there were many stars, and the strong sunlight illuminated the starry sky extremely brightly, which did not hinder the sight of the two of them at all!

Half a day later, Xuan Zhan's heart moved, his aura disappeared instantly, and then he flew forward slowly!

A few minutes later, after the two flew over a barren planet, the scene changed suddenly, but they saw hundreds of monsters of different shapes in front of them, crawling in the void as if they were asleep!

The distribution of these monsters seems to be well-trained, evenly distributed in a radius of one million square kilometers!The smallest monster has a body length of several kilometers, and the largest one can be as large as the transformed Panda!And the levels of these monsters are also uneven, the weakest is only level three, while the strongest is level eight, but there are only a few monsters at level eight!

Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the evenly distributed group of monsters, his consciousness slowly dispersed, and he smiled indifferently at the corner of his mouth, then took out three charms, and said softly: "Qing'er, this is an invisibility spell given to me by a friend of mine. A spell, one for you and one for He'er, to hide the body!"

Panda has always stood on the shoulders of the declaration of war. There is no need for this invisibility talisman, but He'er is not like Panda. Only three talismans can make their team invisible!

After the two of them and the two little ones hid their bodies, they blatantly passed by the huge monsters around them. With the effect of the invisibility spell and the hidden spirit art, these monsters around them were placed on the ground. With a pair of clairvoyance, it is impossible to find them!

As it slowly deepened, Xuan Zhan's brows became more and more solemn. Hua Qing didn't know why Xuan Zhan came here, but he didn't ask why. After getting along with each other these days, Hua Qing still found that Xuan Zhan's character was quite decisive, and it could even be said that He is arbitrary, delicate in thought and not careless, and if he wants to tell the people around him, he will say it naturally, and if he doesn't want to say it, he will never say a word to this person who declares war!And what made Huaqing feel the deepest during these times is... the pride of declaring war, the only thing seen in the world!

Hua Qing lamented that he had seen many strong people, but... there had never been anyone who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the person in front of him in terms of aloofness!He surrounded himself layer by layer, and no one could walk into his heart unless he voluntarily!

For so many years, it was the first time in Huaqing that she saw a monk who declared war!Along the way, Hua Qing wanted to know more and more as he got to know more, what kind of experience created the character of Xuan Zhan today!But aside from declaring war, she is powerless to know...

In the void universe, the two gradually flew towards the interior of the star cave...

The closer to the interior of the Star Cave, the higher the level of the monsters. After three days, there was no sign of the fifth-level monsters at all, and the lowest level was actually the seventh-level monsters!Back then, the first time Xuan Zhan came into contact with monsters was on a planet called Boshan. That place can be said to be the home of monsters, but in that place, the seventh-level monsters can be said to be extremely powerful!And back then, he was just a little cultivator who did not fall into the stage. Compared with today's cultivation base, the declaration of war back then... was nothing more than an ant!

Seeing Xuan Zhan approaching the interior unhurriedly, the doubts in Huaqing's heart became more and more entangled. Xuan Zhan said that he had a reason to come, but after coming here, it was like a walk, just like a stroll in the garden Approaching the depths, but... when will it go like this?

"Sir!" Hua Qing said softly.

"Huh?" Xuan Zhan replied indifferently, his figure was still flying unhurriedly!

"Where are we... where are we going?" Hua Qing finally asked what was in his heart!

"I don't know!" Xuan Zhan replied bluntly!

"..." Hua Qing's brain was a little confused, but then he smiled wryly: I never thought that the answer would be these three words!If you don't know, why come here...

At this moment, the place where they are, as far as they can see, has completely become a sea of ​​monsters. Every monster is crawling in the star cave as if sleeping, lazily closing its eyes and sleeping...

The two of them were as big as ants in front of these ferocious monsters!

A few days later, Xuan Zhan pulled Hua Qing's arm suddenly, looked ahead indifferently, and whispered, "There is someone!"

"Is there someone?" A hint of surprise flashed across Hua Qing's supple face!

Xuan Zhan felt a little funny in his heart, looking at Hua Qing's face, if he didn't know Hua Qing's true identity, he would definitely be deceived by Hua Qing's expression, but Xuan Zhan must admit one thing, that is, people from the heavenly realm, performing Kung Fu is really a perfect practice!He declares war. Ziyi can be said to be vicious in observing words and expressions, but Huaqing's performance made him see what is beyond the sky!

At this moment, the group of monsters on the left of Xuan Zhan suddenly started to move wildly. After a few breaths, two beams of light burst out from the left side, one in front and one behind, chasing madly. Two stones instantly splashed into the quiet lake surface, instantly alerting countless crawling monsters, raised their heads and hissed wildly. It doesn't matter that these countless monsters all over the sky are attacking the enemy like a flood!

At this moment, a loud and clear shout came into the ears of Xuan Zhan and Tsinghua:

"Xuanyuan Tsingyi, don't run so fast, what can I do so that you Xuanyuan can go back with me?"

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