Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 22: The first commercial performance

Brother Xiaosa obviously didn't know that two beauties had already followed behind his ass, with congealed blood on his head, and the curious eyes of two fair-looking younger sisters at the gate of a certain brand bird store were watching him. After a while, he walked calmly to the skinny boss who had stood up from behind the cashier counter with a nervous expression on his face.

It is said that the brand of Mourenniao is actually a brand that Brother Xiaosa prefers. First of all, it is cheap and not expensive, and he just can afford it.Secondly, the shoes of this brand have a fragrance, even if they have been worn for several months, as long as the soles are removed, they still smell very fragrant.This is the first choice for many people with foot odor!

Well, brother Xiaosa will not admit that he has slight foot odor. Anyway, he really likes this brand, just like now, he smelled this familiar smell as soon as he entered the door.Alright, alright, this is not an advertisement, he is here to discuss matters with the middle-aged man who looks like the boss in front of him.

So, he stretched out his left hand to the skinny boss who was obviously a little disturbed: "Hi boss, I am Xiao Tang, a young singer. Perform a few shows in the open space, I wonder if you are willing to give me a favor?"

"Uh, uh, performing and singing?" A certain boss exhaled softly, and some of the tension in his heart was dispelled by Brother Xiaosha's words.You must know that he thought it was some psychopath who wanted to trouble him just now. After all, someone had blood on his head and a few drops on his face that hadn't been wiped off.But now after listening to Tang Xiaosa's request, the boss started to think about it.

He has seen the world, and he also knows that many brand stores have the habit of holding some activities from time to time, especially sports brand stores are willing to spend a small amount of money to sponsor sports activities, such as street basketball games and middle school basketball games etc.This is also a way of advertising fame!

However, his store is newly opened, and there are other competitors such as Mota, Mobu, and international brands such as Moke and Modas, and his own funds are not too rich, so even if he wants to Learn to sponsor a little fame, but have never made up my mind.Coincidentally, now this guy who claims to be a young singer came to his door, so... Well, he still has blood on his face...?

The boss was really undecided, whether he should trust this calm guy in front of him once.After all, don't let the advertising campaign fail, but it becomes a joke instead, that would be a scam!

Although Brother Xiao Sa is not proficient in people's sophistication, but the boss in front of him has been looking at his face and the blood on his head, he can still feel it.So, he said again: "I know that my current image may not be suitable for a singer, but it was really caused by an accident. If you trust me, boss, I can perform a song at your door, and then If you don't like it, how about I get out of here?"

"Hey, you are also from our side? Okay, then you can try it first." The boss finally noticed Brother Xiaosa's accent, and immediately felt relieved.After all, Sichuan and Chongqing have been a family since ancient times!And people also said to sing a song first to try the effect!So he nodded in agreement.

"I'm from An~ County, so I'd like to thank the boss." Brother Xiao Sa answered his question solemnly, then thanked him, turned and walked out of the store.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look." The boss turned around and ordered a few shop assistants, then followed to the door and looked at Tang Xiaosa who was unpacking the guitar bag, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "If You performed really well, then I will let you earn a few hundred dollars."

That's right, the boss was thinking just now, should he just ask Brother Xiaosa to sing a few songs for his store live, as long as he sings well, I believe that spending a few hundred yuan can cover half of the pedestrian street. popularity has been attracted.Even if these people don't buy anything, there is still some word of mouth!

Well, let's see how well this guy sings now!The boss patted his sore waist, and simply dragged out his swivel chair. Before he could sit down, he heard a loud and clear voice:

"Good evening, all beauties and handsome guys. I am Xiao Tang, a young singer. On this happy and romantic night, I came to Da~zu County, a beautiful and vibrant city..."

That's right, Brother Xiao Sa has already hung the guitar on his chest, he doesn't seem to feel that there is a wound on the top of his head, and there is still blood on his face that hasn't been wiped clean.He just held the acoustic guitar worth 1 yuan in his hand carelessly, and faced people No. 2 and No. 30 who were attracted by his appearance and shouting, he continued loudly and clearly: "Because I am a little embarrassed by a little accident, but it doesn't matter, I firmly believe that my performance will not disappoint all the handsome men and beauties, now I don't have much to say, please enjoy my first song "What's left for you", if you feel I sang very well, so please give me applause!"

I left you that day, leaving a few words for you

If the heart is like a tide, no matter how the dream bursts, love will let it go

A happy ending, after all, is out of reach.

Feelings need rest, wandering needs courage, still miss you


I have to say that the success system is really powerful. It is precisely because Tang Xiaosa often "holds concerts" in the system space, so after he has adapted to live performances today, no matter what kind of scene he faces, he They can quickly enter the mentality of performing, unlike some "idol singers" who have to rehearse and rehearse before they dare to perform in fear.

This song is one of the masterpieces of Sun Nan, who is known as the "No. [-] Brother" in the domestic music scene. Sun Nan himself is a powerful singer with very strong singing skills. His voice is loud, high-pitched and has a wide range. Recognizable.

But Brother Xiao Sa's singing is different now. First of all, his voice is more mellow and not hoarse at all. Secondly, his breath is long now, and his high pitch is just like playing. No matter how high the pitch is, he will Can easily climb up without pressure; the last is the ease of performance. When most people sing high notes, they will always roar hysterically. The fans are anxious for him, for fear of breaking the note.But Tang Xiaosa will never do it. After his voice has been systematically transformed, as long as it is a tune that others can sing, he can easily perform it without risking his life.

This point is probably something that the original singer Sun Nan would also envy and hate.

He played the guitar skillfully, and sang "What's Left for You" that many people would get out of tune and have a broken voice with a relaxed face.At this moment, although his head was covered with blood and his face was a bit ugly, Brother Xiao Sa's image changed a lot.At least, more and more passers-by who surrounded him obviously didn't care too much about his embarrassment.

After singing the chorus for the first time, Brother Xiaosa suddenly shouted loudly while playing the interlude: "If everyone thinks it's not bad, can you give me a little applause? Those who want to sing can also follow me Come together~"

After shouting the words to adjust the atmosphere, he immediately sang again:

I left you that day, leaving a few words for you

If the heart is like a tide, no matter how the dream bursts, love will let it go


To be honest, in the absence of microphones and speakers, it is really difficult to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience with your own voice alone. After all, the voice of ordinary people cannot be transmitted too far, let alone Maybe he yelled regardless of his voice, after all, he was still performing!

But the reason why Brother Xiaosa is called Brother Xiaosa is because his voice is really awesome.Just like now, when he finished shouting, especially when he sang really well, many young people applauded immediately, and there were even a few buddies who whistled louder. "Huhu" whistled.Then, driven by this atmosphere, the applause from the entire scene was so loud that it was unbelievable.

And some people really sang along with him. Although the voices were not loud, Brother Xiaosa could still tell that they were indeed singing along.With the seeds, there is a chance to germinate. If we continue to perform later, it will definitely drive more people to respond together.

"Huh, everyone's enthusiasm is beyond my expectation!" After singing, Brother Xiaosa showed his superb guitar skills again, such as tapping, clapping, hitting, hooking, sliding and other fancy guitar skills, He showed them one by one, and then he laughed and said loudly: "It's such a beautiful night that I shouldn't talk about money with everyone, but in order to complete the action plan to walk to the magic city, I have to ask the people present. All the beauties and handsome guys here are asking for help, I hope you can generously give me 1 or 2 yuan in change, thank you all."

After speaking, Tang Xiaosa deliberately paused, and then saw that most of the people turned and left without any disgust, so she happily prepared to continue the performance.but--

"Brother, can I cover the performance fee by myself?" A somewhat familiar voice sounded behind Xiao Sa.

"Ah? It's..." Brother Xiaosa turned his head and saw that it was the skinny boss in this store, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised and said: "I'm just collecting travel expenses, there is no need..."

"Hehe, it's like this..." The thin boss interrupted him and explained with a smile: "I have long wanted to hold an event to thank the new and old customers who support our business, but it has never been possible. It just so happens that today I met you, little brother, so I wondered if I could ask you to perform for a while? Don’t worry, I’m willing to pay 500 yuan after it’s done.”

"This, this is a commercial performance?" Brother Xiaosa didn't think so at first, but after hearing Boss Slender's explanation, he immediately felt a sense of accomplishment: "I actually got to the point of earning commercial performances?"

"Okay, it's only 500 yuan, I agree!" Brother Xiaosa didn't care about the amount of money, he directly agreed to this memorable first business invitation.Just what to do?

ps: At least two chapters are guaranteed every day, and the time is variable.But certainly not in arrears.I just ask for a little support, and I am satisfied if I can be among the top ten newcomers in a city.


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