Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 23: Shocking performances that make women scream

ps: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests!

If a celebrity becomes famous, then his (her) good life will come, because the speed of making money from then on will be very fast.

The most profitable and easiest way is, of course, brand endorsement. You can earn at least tens of thousands of yuan by taking a few advertisements or taking a few photos.But this is suitable for the level of "big names", and the average starlet can only imagine it.Therefore, the best way to make money for some lesser-known quasi-stars is to participate in catwalks, such as participating in commercial performances of small companies, announcements on local TV stations, etc., and they can earn tens of thousands of dollars in appearance fees. money.

In fact, this amount of money is not much, but some things cannot be measured only by money.You know, you catch up on announcements and participate in commercial performances are actually an effective way to expand your reputation and expand your network!After all, except for a "monster" like brother Xiaosa, no one can guarantee whether he will really be popular, and then he can make a lot of money.

"This is my buddy's first commercial performance! It must not be messed up."

Brother Xiaosa immediately agreed to the invitation of the skinny owner of a certain Renniao store, but how to perform and how to ensure that he will be worthy of his "first time" is something that needs to be considered.

Well, if the gimmick of "the first commercial performance" is not worthy of Brother Xiaosha's attention.Then, when a perverted system that basically keeps silent in normal times also throws out an unexpected mission at this moment, Brother Xiaosa has to do his best.

"Di" is a crisp system reminder sound as usual, and then the system's mission requirements sounded in Brother Xiaosa's ears: "Because of an unexpected situation, this system automatically forms a sudden mission—the whole audience carnival."

Without waiting for Tang Xiaosa to ask, the system continued to explain: "Task requirements: Players must use all the resources at hand to complete this commercial performance task with all their strength, so that more than half of the audience will feel shocked. All female spectators screamed at least three times.  …”

Brother Xiao Sa's body was already a little stiff, and his face became serious, but the system ignored him.

"If the task fails, the player will suspend physical fitness for three months, and at the same time, the amount of tasks in the daily trekking performance plan will be doubled..."

"Creak creak..." Brother Xiaosa clenched his fists tightly after hearing this, his body shivered uncontrollably as if being suddenly attacked by cold air.He only felt that ten thousand muddy horses were trampling on his heart.

"If the task is successful, the player will be able to walk directly to Yuzhou City without stopping the performance halfway. And for the first time, he will also get a super golden song tailored for you by this system. Please seize the opportunity."

The system's task requirements, reward and punishment rules have all been announced, and Brother Xiao Sa, who was complacent a minute ago, is now constantly changing the expression on his face as if he had been constipated for three days.Fortunately, it is night now, even though the street lights in the pedestrian street are brighter, they are not as detailed as during the day.Otherwise, I'm afraid some onlookers who are close will call him a chameleon.

In fact, I don’t blame Brother Xiaosa for such a big reaction. The main reason is that the system’s task requirements this time are really a bit too high, is there any reason?

"More than half of the audience felt shocked, and all the female audience screamed at least three times? Do you think I'm at Liu Dehua's level now?"

Brother Xiao Sa is not a person without self-confidence now, on the contrary, he lacks everything now except a lot of self-confidence.However, it also depends on who you compare it with!He has the ability to excite the audience, but to make most people feel shocked, especially the screams of women, how much wrist is it?

Well, although Brother Xiao Sa also admitted that the reward this time is also very good, at least it is not tasteless.However, he really doesn't have the confidence to complete it now!No matter how good his singing skills are now, he is not famous at all, and there is blood on his head... Can this outfit really make girls scream?

I'll wipe it, I don't have to run anyway, just die~!After being constipated for a while, Brother Xiaosa finally suppressed the uneasy feeling in his heart, and began to use his brain to think about how to finish the performance.

Well, it can be seen from this that he has indeed grown too much now.At least he understands the necessary qualities of a public figure - he must not let other things affect his dedication to acting.

When Brother Xiaosa was discussing the "commercial performance" with the skinny owner of the specialty store, some audience members at the scene had vaguely guessed what was about to happen.Especially when the thin boss turned around and ordered his staff in the store to help move out a set of audio equipment, and got two microphones separately.Therefore, everyone's enthusiasm suddenly increased, and there were even a few young people with mobile phones who had already picked up the phone and started calling friends.

In the center of the crowd, two young women who were squeezed to the point of unsteady standing were whispering to each other while swaying back and forth with the crowd.One of them said: "Xiaowen, what do you think of this pervert's singing? I think it's pretty good!"

"It's really different from the original song. It feels like I want to sway my body." Xiaowen tried to stabilize her body, and took the time to reply: "The singing is really good, better than those guys we heard in the bar. More, the sound is very clear and very magnetic."

"This bastard actually got a commercial invitation." The girl who spoke first snorted rather aggrievedly, and finally cursed: "Now I really hope that he will perform abnormally later, and then be scolded by us." After speaking, he laughed a little smugly, as if he really saw the scene where brother Xiaosa was kicked out of the stage loudly.

Xiaowen just nodded but didn't speak, because she knew that no matter how bad the person who dared to undertake this kind of activity, he would be the one who eats this bowl of rice.

Time passed slowly, and there were more and more people in the pedestrian street. After all, it was just after 8 o'clock in the evening, and it was the time when the traffic on Lie Street was the largest!So, when Brother Xiaosa and Boss Slender set up the power amplifier equipment together and realized that there were nearly a thousand onlookers, they were not surprised at all, but the movements of their hands accelerated again.

This set of power amplifiers is just a simple family-level device. It is usually used to play songs to attract passing customers. Therefore, it is very simple to set up. It only takes 3 minutes to get everything done under the busy schedule.

The boss saw that the speakers had been placed towards the entrances and exits at both ends of the pedestrian street, and the power amplifier was connected, so he took the microphone to try the sound of "Hello, hello", and after a few more adjustments, he was satisfied with the microphone. He said to the slightly impatient onlookers: "Today, our So-and-so bird store was not planning to hold this event, but because the young singer Xiao Tang happened to pass by here, and performed a song live that touched the hearts of the people just now. All the customers who came earlier and me, so the store decided to invite Xiao Tang to hold a small-scale commercial performance in this place tonight..."

Although the thin boss is a bit tall and affects the image of the boss, there is no need to doubt his eloquence.He first said a lot of cliche words that made people impatient, and finally announced loudly: "Our store has decided that before closing tonight, all products in our store will be sold at a 8.5% discount. It’s a discount.” After saying this, seeing more and more boos about to erupt, the skinny boss immediately shouted: “I’ve finished my words, let’s welcome the singer Xiao Tang to the applause, I hope this is a shocking event. A beautiful night to be missed...."

"Clap clap clap..."

Before the thin boss finished speaking, he was chased off the stage by the applause of the eager audience, but he obviously didn't feel ashamed. After all, he used to hate this kind of people who occupy the stage and talk nonsense!

So, he plugged the microphone into the microphone stand standing in front of the door, and nodded to Brother Xiaosha, who had a guitar hanging on his chest, with a calm expression on his face: "Xiao Tang, I will leave this to you." , perform well~"

Even if you don't tell me, I will behave well!Brother Xiao Sa thought so in his heart, but there was no sign of impatience on his face, because he had already thought about how to perform.So, he replied "I will!" and walked to the microphone easily under the gaze of nearly a thousand people.

"This is really an unforgettable night, especially for me..." After plucking the strings of the guitar a few times casually, the handsome brother standing in front of the microphone with blood on his face said, "This is My first commercial performance, although I have always been sure that I will definitely become a first-class singer in the future, but facing this first time, I am really excited..."

When he said this, even though the onlookers were a little disdainful because of the confidence in his words, they could still feel the unspeakable mood of this guy named "Xiao Tang".It's the "first time" after all.Therefore, everyone restrained their impatience and wanted to see if this "future first-class singer" was a parallel import.

"Phew~ That's all for my mood. Next, I will show one of my most amazing abilities. I hope you will be shocked! Yes, you will definitely be shocked and scream, I promise."

Gently exhaling foul air, Brother Xiaosa suddenly smiled and said words that made everyone feel excited and disdainful again.Then, he looked up at the sky for at least three seconds, and suddenly he started strumming the guitar in his hand... The prelude immediately sounded.

"This... seems very familiar!" Most of the young people in the crowd couldn't help but shouted in unison.

"What is he doing? Is it just singing?" Xiao Wen and her friend, who were squeezed even more uncomfortable in the crowd, looked at each other at the same time, and a complex emotion of anticipation and schadenfreude suddenly arose in their hearts.

"If this is not successful, then I have no choice but to admit it!" Brother Xiaosha said to himself before starting the "magical" performance with a calm face.But in his eyes, he couldn't see the slightest idea that the mission might fail.


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