Chapter 43

"His heart failed so badly that he couldn't do it at all, and the operation was only a temporary relief." Jinyi knew that I missed him, and would often call me to report his condition.Geng Mochi recovered well after the operation, but Jin Yi's worries have not diminished at all, "Milan still keeps coming here to make trouble, Mochi has officially broken up with her before the operation, and gave her a large sum of money, which is enough for the rest of her life Life is good, but she is still not reconciled and insists on registering her marriage with Mochi. I have never seen such an unreasonable person, oh..."

Jin Yi is a kind person, she doesn't know how to criticize others, she can only sigh.

I originally planned to go to Shanghai to visit Geng Mochi, but when I heard that Milan was making trouble there, I gave up the idea. I didn't want to make this already complicated triangle relationship worse.From what I know about Milan, she is a person who does not give up until she achieves her goals. When she reaches the Yellow River, she will not give up and she will not cry when she sees a coffin, just like she used to buy things in the mall. The money has to be bought back, even if there is no money to eat tomorrow, even if it is bought back to press the box, she will not hesitate. This makes me very worried about the situation of Mochi.

But soon, I started to worry about myself, because not long after I moved to the other side in the spring, I accidentally ran into Qi Shuli in the community. At that time, I was rushing to work, and he was running in sportswear.

"Morning, Kao'er." The domineering president looked refreshed, and the white designer sportswear made him look a lot younger.But I stared at him like I saw a ghost, "Why are you here?"

"I live here, I just moved here."

His tone couldn't be more peaceful, but I was terrified, "You, do you live here?"

"That's right, I live in the building next door to you." He looked at me and smiled lightly, "This community is a real estate developed by my company. I'm very happy that we can be neighbors. I hope we can get along well. "

My eyes are black, Geng Mochi, don't you buy a property without looking at the developer?Why did you buy his real estate!Later, I guessed that Qi Shuli must have paid attention to it after seeing the real estate album at my house that time. My personality will definitely change houses, but now it's all over, and I've become neighbors with him!

The building that Qi Shuli lived in was the largest single-family villa in the whole community. It had four floors, and the front and rear gardens were twice the size of Yalan Residence, so it was quite expensive.When I moved in, he had actually secretly taken down the house, but the name of this building is "Near Water Tower". In Yingzhi's words, it really fits the scene.

From then on, I could meet him at the door of my house every day, and he was not polite, and he often came to visit if there was nothing to do. During this period, I fell ill, and my mother came to take care of me.He is very good at pleasing my mother, he is polite and humble, he greets my mother well, and often gives gifts.My mother is the kind of person who is eager to reciprocate when others treat her well. Within a few days, she treats Qi Shuli as her own family member, and asks him to come over for dinner every time she cooks delicious food. Qi Shuli is very busy and often goes out For entertainment, sometimes she couldn't come back for dinner, so she brought him the soup herself, and asked Qi Shuli's nanny to warm it up for him.

Of course, I admit that Qi Shuli is not only good at pleasing the elderly, he is also very good at taking care of the elderly.As long as he doesn't go to work, he will come over to chat with my mother, or drive my mother to go shopping. He is more filial than my daughter. I think my mother is talkative, but he doesn't mind it. He is more nervous than me, and will immediately call a doctor to see my mother.My mother was so moved, she kept whispering in my ears all day long, insinuating, as if if I didn't marry Qi Shuli, I would be a wolf.

In fact, when Geng Mochi was sent away, I had a showdown with Qi Shuli.I said: "I know you are kind to me, I am not grateful, but I have no choice but to choose a person who is inextricably linked to me in the past. When I see you, I think of Qi Shujie. I am here today. Because of your dearest brother, Qi Shujie, I want to leave the past behind and start over, but I just can’t accept you, you have so many choices around you, why bother with me?”

Qi Shuli said: "Kaoer, I know that no matter what I do, you will never love me, but my love for you has nothing to do with whether you love me or not. This is my own business, and my heart is at my own disposal. As for me Being brothers with Ajie is not something I can choose, no one can choose their origin, surname and relatives, I will not force you, I will just wait for you, do you understand?"

I can't tell him clearly, his reasons are always stronger than mine, his reasons are always one after another, who made him walk more bridges than me, and eat more salt than me What about Mido?

I continued to go to work after my sick leave, and my mother also returned to Xiangbei. She was worried about me in every possible way, and she was very reluctant to give up Qi Shuli.Qi Shuli was also reluctant to part with him, without my mother, he would have no valid reason to visit, and no one would help him to say good things.He was really reluctant to give up. He used the excuse to go to Xiangbei to see the land and accompany my mother back to Xiangbei on the way. I can still think about this journey with my eyes closed, how he gave my mother reassurance and promised to take good care of me.But I still breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that my mother has left, so he should have no reason to come and visit, and I don't want him to be filial.In the end, I miscalculated again, Qi Shuli actually brought my younger sister Bai Wei with me when he returned.Bai Wei was studying at university in the north. When she came back from summer vacation, she didn’t come to accompany me with her parents. She pretended to be my companion, but this was the beginning of my nightmare.

Qi Shuli is very good at currying favor with old ladies, and it is even easier to curry favor with young girls, because he is rich!The expensive jewelry and clothes that can only be seen in fashion magazines made Bai Wei sell her sister without hesitation, and opened her mouth to call her brother-in-law, which made Qi Shuli very happy, and laughed, completely ignoring me. Turned blue face.Qi Shuli also loves Bai Wei very much. Whenever he has free time, he will drive her around the city, go shopping, and taste delicious food. If he has no time, he will send the company secretary and driver to accompany her all the way. Later, he arranges for Bai Wei to go to Hong Kong and the Maldives. When he came back around, he even stated that Bai Wei could send her to study abroad after graduation. The dead girl jumped up at that time, grabbed Qi Shuli's arm and yelled so sweetly that I wanted to slap her twice.

Fortunately, the summer vacation is only two months away, and Bai Wei is going back to school. She is more reluctant to part with Qi Shuli than my mother. When I took her big bags and small bags to send her to the car, the little girl burst into tears, but not a single tear was shed for me. .

Qi Shuli exhorted Bai Wei thousands of times, coaxed and hugged her, his irresistible pampering made me, an older sister, far behind.I wondered what material this guy was made of, young and old.

But it is impossible for me to be determined by Qi Shuli. I made myself very tired at that time, leaving early and returning late every day.I didn't take the car that Qi Shuli arranged for me, but caught the bus. I would rather take the bus, that way I would feel more secure (I returned the unlucky Ferrari to him).I also didn't ask him to arrange a nanny for me, it must be his eyeliner.I asked someone to find a little girl from my hometown. She was 17 years old and dropped out of school because her family was poor. She wanted to go to the city to find a job, which was exactly what I wanted, so I took her in.The little girl is smart and hardworking, because she is the fourth in the family, so I call her Xiaosi.I seldom stay at home. I rush to make shows during the day and night, and call friends and friends on weekends, and call a large group of people to make a fuss at home, all night long, exhausting myself.

Fortunately, Qi Shuli is also very busy, and he also leaves early and returns late, so he has no time to bother me at all, even if he comes to my place occasionally, he just talks and drinks tea, which is not excessive.Sometimes at night when I came back late from the show, he would send someone to deliver supper. Every now and then, he would also send some famous tea, foreign fruits, and music discs brought from abroad (he knew I like music).He wasn't in a hurry to kill me, he had plenty of patience to go around in circles with me, so I could only accompany him around very carefully.I have to be very careful, the more polite he is, the more he makes me feel that he is potentially dangerous, just like Yingzhi said, even if he is smiling, you have to be careful and careful.

Yingzhi was also very busy at that time, Qi Shuli transferred her to the construction site to manage accounts.The construction site is 24 hours a day. Although Yingzhi doesn't have to be there 24 hours a day, she basically doesn't have much private time. In her words, she has to run to the toilet.I know this is envoy Qi Shu's mind again, he deliberately prevents Ying Zhi from having time to come and see me, he thinks Ying Zhi is in the way.I am very guilty, I want Sakura to resign, but Sakura refuses, saying that she does not want to lose this job, this job is a bit tiring at present, but the salary is very high, with her qualifications, it is absolutely impossible to go to other places There may be such a high salary.I know that she still hasn't given up taking back Dandan's custody.

It was already autumn at this time, and the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles was going to hold a collection of folk songs in western Hunan. The theme was "Recovering Shen Congwen's Footsteps". Reporters should be sent along with the mission to conduct interviews.Naturally, our radio station cannot lag behind, but many people in Xiangxi have been there, and there is nothing new about going again, so no one in the station is willing to go.As soon as I got the news, I took the initiative to invite Ying, and the elder Cui praised me greatly, saying that I am very professional, and I will definitely reward me when I come back.It was past seven o'clock in the evening when I came back from the meeting in the stage. As soon as I entered the door, Qi Shuli followed in, and sat next to me refreshed in white casual attire.Xiao Si hurried to pour tea, it was really considerate, I wondered if Xiao Si was also bribed by Qi Shuli.

"Are you busy recently?" Qi Shuli asked me kindly.

I gave a vague "hmm" and didn't intend to talk to him.

He looked at me probingly, "I heard you're going to Xiangxi tomorrow?"

I froze, "How do you know?"

"I heard." He answered calmly, as if it was a matter of course to inquire about my movements.

"You're very well informed."

He smiled calmly again, "I care about you, you see that you don't know how to take care of yourself, and you are busy with work, no wonder your mother is very worried about you." At this time, Xiao Si brought tea, and he teased Xiao Si with a smile After two sentences, he began to insinuate again, "Actually, what's so bad about having someone who takes care of you by your side? Living alone is very lonely, aren't you lonely?"

"I don't think so when I'm busy."

"But there are always times when I'm free. I'm alone in an empty room. I don't even have anyone to talk to. I don't need anything, but I feel like I have nothing. I'm in the bustling world, and my heart is desolate. Alas..." He sighed, very sad. Looking at me seriously, the eyes behind the lens are bottomless, "Kao'er, do you always think that I am a bad person, that's why I always have a face that rejects people thousands of miles away?"

"Frank, I never said that you are a bad person, and from the bottom of my heart, I think you are a rare good person, at least much better than many rich people who are rich and unkind. Maybe it is because you are so good that you are so lonely. ?”

Qi Shuli was even more confused, "You, what kind of logic is this, what does it have to do with my loneliness if I am a good person?"

"Oh, so you were talking about loneliness."

"..." Qi Shuli's expression turned pale, "Kao'er, I'm telling you very seriously."

"Am I serious?"

"You always change the subject, do you know that you are hurting my self-esteem? I know that I am much older than you, which may make you feel that there is a generation gap, but I think these generation gaps can be eliminated through getting along with each other. But you always don't give me a chance, you always run away, and even go to Xiangxi..."

I was a little unhappy, "I need it for work, okay? Where do you want to go? And why should I escape? My house is here. Where can I escape?"

"But for whom is that lamp you turn on every night?"


"You don't run away, it's just because you're waiting, but do you know how sad I am when I look at the light in your room every night from the bedroom window, because there is no light in the light for me? Yes. You don’t want to be close at hand, but miss you who are thousands of miles away. Is it true that distance produces beauty?”

I turned my face away coldly, "I'm tired, and I have to drive tomorrow, please go back."

Qi Shuli also had a gloomy face, sat for a while, and finally got up, and left without saying goodbye.He has always regarded this place as his own home, and he is free to come and go.When we got to the door, he turned around again, looked at me and said, "I think you still don't understand my character. I'm not a person who gives up easily. You can keep that lamp for him, and I can also do it for you." You keep this heart."

The words are so polite that they really don't seem to come out of his mouth.

I watched him walk out swaggeringly, with mixed feelings in my heart, and I felt very uncomfortable.At that moment, I was almost touched. Although I always felt that this person was not a kind person, but thinking about it since I met him until now, he seems to have never directly harmed me. In fact, he never even touched mine.So I believed in a saying in a certain book, the only person who can really hurt you is the person you care about the most, such as Geng Mochi.

In fact, not only did Qi Shuli not hurt me, he also helped me a lot, but I still rejected his surname and identity, and subconsciously had a deep prejudice against him, and I never concealed it in front of him This kind of prejudice is full of hostility towards him, and he has never spoken in a good tone. Objectively speaking, I am actually a bit unkind.I'm wondering if I'm overdoing it?

But when I think about it, there is always a gap between me and him.At some point I may be touched by him, but it is impossible to relax my guard against him. Being a neighbor to such a "lonely" man is something that cannot be taken lightly. Even the lights in my room are on every night. What else do you not know?I'm like a fish in the lake in front of the door, my every move can't escape his sight, maybe he will catch the net at any time.The ending of fish and fish is not what I want to see. My life is already a mess, but for this additional trouble, if it weren't for this lamp in the room, I would have escaped long ago.

This lamp is really lonely, and it can never wait for the person it is waiting for.And the people under the lamp are even more lonely, in the boundless darkness, the faint light can't shine into my heart.

Early the next morning, I rushed to the agreed place to gather, and sure enough, they were all famous people, and many of the mighty twenty-odd people were familiar faces.I know one of the photographers. His name is Gao Peng. He was a guest I interviewed on a radio program. At that time, the province was holding an unprecedented photography exhibition. As an accomplished young photographer in the industry, he Man, I had a hard time getting him into the studio.After the interview, I didn't have much contact with him, and I even forgot about him. He is also one of the invited artists for this trip to Xiangxi.This man who claims to be the coolest man on earth has brought countless laughter to everyone in the tired and novelty of more than 20 days and nights in Xiangxi.It was during this time that I noticed him.

On the day of gathering in Star City, Gao Peng found me among a large group of people. He was overjoyed, pulled me over and yelled loudly: "Damn girl, it's you, do you remember me?"

Of course I also recognized him, and said with a giggle, "Teacher Gao..."

(End of this chapter)

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