Chapter 33
The Xian hexagram is composed of Xiagen and Shangdui, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "sympathy". "Xian" means "feeling", so the name of the hexagram means "sympathy".The upper hexagram "Dui" is Ze, and the lower hexagram "Gen" is a mountain: it is like a big lake on a mountain; the mountain and the lake have the same breath, which means "sympathetic" emotion.The whole hexagram reveals the law of the indispensable interaction between yin and yang under certain conditions.

Xian: Heng, Lizhen.Take a girl, Kat.

"彖" said: salty, feeling also.The soft top and the hard bottom, the two qi are in harmony with each other, so to speak, a man and a woman, so "Henry Zhen, take a daughter, auspicious".The sense of heaven and earth makes all things come into being.The sage touches the heart, and the heavens are peaceful.Look at its feelings, and the feelings of everything in the world can be seen.

"Elephant" says: There is luster on the mountain, and it is salty.A gentleman accepts others with nothing.

The translated Xian hexagram symbolizes induction: prosperity, which is conducive to upholding the right way.Taking a wife is auspicious.

"Zhuan Zhuan" said: "Salty" means induction.The upper hexagram of Xian is Dui, Dui means yin and softness, the lower hexagram is Gen, and Gen means yang and rigidity, so it is said that softness rises and rigidity descends.The yin and yang qi interact with each other and blend together, like a man and a woman marrying and coexisting harmoniously and admiringly, so the hexagram says: "Tongda, auspicious, chastity, marrying a woman is auspicious." The heaven and the earth are yin and yang.The sage moves people's hearts with his virtues, so the world is peaceful.Observing what it feels and what it should do, you can know the state of everything in the world.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The lower hexagram of this hexagram is Gen, Gen is the mountain, the upper hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Ze, there is luster in the mountain, the breath of the mountain and the breath of water, mutual induction, is the hexagram image of the Xian hexagram.A gentleman observes this hexagram and draws the law from the deep valley and the deep and vast marsh, so that he is as open-minded as a valley, and accepts the teachings and benefits of others with a humble attitude.

It is interpreted that the lake is high on the top of the mountain, the water from the lake will inevitably infiltrate the mountain below, and the water vapor below the mountain will rise to return to the lake.Shanze interacts with each other, so it is used as a symbol of Xian Gua.The mountain can contain the luster, and the luster can absorb the qi, thus causing the mountains and swamps to ventilate and interact with each other.Viewing this scene, the gentleman was inspired and thought that he must humbly accommodate people with different opinions in order to realize emotional exchange and communication.

Sixth day: salty thumb.

"Xiang" said: "Salty its thumb, the ambition is outside."

Translation Sixth Day: The induction is on the thumb of the foot.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The induction is on the thumb of the toe. At this time, the sixth day of the sixth day has already intentionally pursued outward.

Interpretation of the whole hexagram of Xian shows the emotional communication between men and women.The six lines use various parts of the human body as metaphors to express the various situations and gains and losses of emotional exchanges.The sixth day is the last line of the Xian hexagram, so it is taken from the thumb of the foot.At the beginning of the relationship, the feeling is still shallow.The sixth day of the lunar new year corresponds to the fourth day of September, and the corresponding feeling is the beginning of the two-phase interaction between men and women, just like the first step of lifting the foot, and the thumb of the toe feels nothing.Although it was the initial emotional collision, after all, the sixth day of the first day has already been felt in the heart.So at this time, the sixth day of the junior high school has already sprouted the heart of "aspirations outside".Because September [-]th is in the outer hexagram, the sixth day of the first year yearns for it, and I feel it because of September [-]th. I want to get close to it, and I can't be alone in the boudoir.At the beginning of the germination of spring, because good and evil have not yet appeared, good and bad are uncertain, so the lines do not say bad or good, but implicitly contain warnings to be cautious at the beginning, avoid evil and seek good.

Sixty-two: Salty Qifei, fierce.Home, Kat.

"Elephant" said: Although it is fierce, it is home, auspicious, and it does not harm if it is smooth.

Translation Sixty-two: If you feel the calf, there is danger, but if you live in peace, it is auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Although it is dangerous, you can get auspiciousness if you live in peace, which shows that there is no harm in obeying the June [-]nd and the Ninth Five-Year.

It is not advisable to rush into interpretation, but to settle down and wait for time.The sixth day is the lowest position, so the thumb is used as an image; the second day is in the middle of the lower body, so the calf should be used as an image. "Philo" is a symbol of restlessness, because the calf muscles always move first when walking.Six-two is located in the lower body, which corresponds to nine-five in the upper body. It is a metaphor that when men and women respond, women appear to be impetuous and aggressive.If you are really so eager for success, you will lose the stability and dignity of a woman, and the prognosis is bound to be bad.However, after all, Liu Er has the virtue of being submissive and upright. If he can live in peace and wait for the ninth five to ask, he will get auspiciousness.Living in peace is actually waiting for work at ease, and attacking with defense.This is a woman's strategy in the relationship between men and women.Yao Ci pointed out "juji", and "Xiang Zhuan" pointed out "shun does not harm", which is intriguing.If the two hearts agree with each other, it's better to wait for a while, the man will definitely chase after him, so obey at this time.

Nine three: Salty their shares, hold on to them, go, be stingy.

"Xiang" said: "It's not good to be salty."The ambition is to follow others, and what you stick to.

Translation Nine Three: Sensing the thigh, insisting on following others, such going will be humiliated.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If the thigh is sensed, it means that you will not live alone.Aiming to follow others shows that persistence is humble.

Interpretation should not follow others blindly, but should hold one's own mind.The thigh cannot walk by itself, and always follows the movement of the calf and foot. This is called "zhiqisui" (obsessed with following others).Nine three is above the lower body, which is exactly the position of the "gut"; and the rigid line is in the Yang position, and the sex is restless. When you see the sixth and second line of the sixth day and the second line of the sixth day feel moved, you have to move accordingly. I can't live alone anymore, and go to get close to the corresponding Shangliu.In this way, Jiu San's pursuit of the sixth grade is just following others' actions, and there is no real feeling at all.Of course, Shang Liu would not tell the truth, but only perfunctory with words, which humiliated Jiu San.This is what Yaoci said "to be stingy".Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" criticizes: "The ambition is to follow others, and what you want to follow." Follow others blindly, without assertiveness, and persistence is very humble.

Ninth Fourth: Zhenji, regret death.Day after day, friends from Ersi.

"Xiang" said: "Zhenji, I regret my death, but I don't feel hurt."Day after day exchanges, not too bright.

Translation Ninety-Four: Adhere to the righteous way and it will be auspicious, and remorse will perish.Frequent contact with restlessness, friends will obey your wishes.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Keeping the rules is auspicious, and regrets will disappear, which shows that the September [-]th incident was not harmed because of improper induction.Frequent communication with restlessness shows that the way of induction has not been carried forward.

If you interpret it in the right way, you will have no regrets.Nine four is above nine three "shares" (thighs) and reaches the upper part of the body.Judging from the description of "望望" in Yao Ci, it is inferred that "heart" is used as a metaphor.So here we use the metaphor of [-] as "heart".The induction of the heart, it is auspicious to be positive.If the heart is upright and the induction is upright, there will be no regrets.In September [-]th, it was wrong to place Yang in Yin, and if it was wrong, there should be regrets.The line "Zhenji, regret death" means that if the September [-]th can keep the righteousness and act, it will be auspicious without regret.The sixth day of the lunar new year was finally influenced and responded, and obeyed the September [-]th Movement. The two of them communicated with each other like friends and obeyed each other heartily.Although the position is not right but can keep it right, even though there is regret but regret death, so "Xiang Zhuan" said: "No harm." Expanded and developed the way of induction.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said: "The long-term communication is not yet great."

Ninth Five: Be salty, no regrets.

"Xiang" said: "It's salty, it's the end of Zhi."

Translation Nine Five: Sensation of the spine, no regrets.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "I feel the back, which shows that the ambition of the [-]th Five-Year Plan is superficial."

Interpretation of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is masculine and arrogant, and it reflects indifference to the active pursuit of June Two, so the most insensitive back is used as a metaphor.Unresponsive to emotional communication, indifferent, although not dangerous, certainly not auspicious.You can just "have no regrets" and you won't get into trouble.Those who live in the venerable should have the great ambition of "the sage touches the heart and the world is peaceful".From this point of view, the ambition of the ninth and fifth hexagrams is undoubtedly shallow and small, so "Xiang Zhuan" is judged as "the end of ambition".

Upper six: Xianqifu, cheeks, tongue.

"Xiang" said: "Xian Qifu, cheeks, and tongue are also said by Tengkou."

Translation No. [-]: Inducted on the tongue.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "It was sensed by the tongue, which shows that the upper six is ​​nothing more than rhetoric."

It is useless to interpret only by touching the tongue.The upper six occupies the soft position with softness, and it is at the end of the Gan hexagram, and it is also the end of the upper body of the Gan hexagram.Saltyness is for induction, and exchange is for harmony, so there is the image of clever speech and color.The three characters "Fujiatong" are used repeatedly in Yaoci, emphasizing that the upper six are accustomed to wagging their lips and tongue, and talking empty words, trying to please people with rhetoric and impress the corresponding Jiusan.Touching people with words is not entirely wrong. After all, it is not as good as touching people with the heart during the [-] Movement, which can receive the effect of "friends follow Ersi". The comment of "Tengkou Shuo" in "Xiang Zhuan" is obviously derogatory.Judging from the Xian hexagram and six lines, they all use human body induction as a metaphor to show the different situations of emotional communication and the gains and losses of long and short.The line with the best meaning is the ninety-four line that uses telepathy as a metaphor.For the other lines, the sixth day is felt on the toes, good or bad is uncertain; the sixth day is felt on the calf, and restlessness is fierce; the ninth third is felt on the thigh, and blind obedience is stingy; It's empty talk.Only September [-]th is touched by the soul, and keeping upright will bring good luck.It can be seen that no matter whether men and women feel each other, or other interpersonal relationships, they must feel each other with heart and feel each other with righteousness.

(End of this chapter)

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