Chapter 34 Constant Gua
The constant hexagram is composed of the lower sunda and the upper earthquake. The hexagram is shaped as "", which symbolizes "permanence".The upper hexagram "Zhen" is thunder, and the lower hexagram "Xun" is wind: thunder and wind, and the two often help each other, which means the meaning of "permanent" things.The whole hexagram reveals the principle of "conservation for a long time" in things. As far as personnel affairs are concerned, it is to teach people to be good and to have a persistent spirit in academic research.

Heng: Heng, Wugui, Lizhen.Pros and cons.

"彖" says: "Eternal, long time."Just go up and go down softly, thunder and wind meet each other, and move when sundown, both rigidity and softness respond, persevere.Constantly "prosper without blame, benefit chastity", it is longer than its way.The way of heaven and earth is eternal and endless. "Profit has a future", and the end has a beginning.The sun and the moon can shine for a long time because of the sky, the four seasons can change for a long time, and the sage can change the world for a long time.Look at its permanence, and the feelings of the world and all things can be seen.

"Xiang" says: Thunder and wind, constant.It is not easy for a gentleman to stand.

The translated hexagram Heng symbolizes permanence: prosperity, harmless, good for sticking to the right path, good for future.

"Zhuan Zhuan" said: "Heng" means eternal.Masculinity is above, and femininity is below.Thunder and wind help each other, softness moves before moving, and masculinity and femininity correspond, all of which reflect the meaning of eternity.Long-term, can be prosperous, harmless, and conducive to upholding the right way, indicating that good morality should be maintained forever.The law of the operation of heaven and earth is permanent and never stops; it is beneficial to go forward, which means that the development of things will start again and again.The sun and the moon rely on the carrier of the sky to shine forever, the four seasons change endlessly to create all things forever, and the sages persevere in maintaining good morals so that they can use enlightenment to make people in the world.The eternal way revealed by Guanheng hexagram, everything in the world can be understood.

"Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is earthquake, earthquake is thunder, the lower hexagram is sundae, sundae is wind, wind and thunder cleanse, and the universe is always new. This is the hexagram image of Heng hexagram.A gentleman observes this hexagram and thus stands on the right path, and it is not easy to stick to it.

Interpreting the Heng Gua, the upper body is earthquake and thunder, and the lower body is sunda and wind. The thunder is above and the wind is below. This is a permanent phenomenon between heaven and earth; permanent phenomenon.Therefore, even though thunder shakes all directions and is popular in all directions, both thunder and wind are subject to various changes, but they are relatively invariable and conserved.A gentleman can see from it that although all things in the world are changeable, like thunder and wind, but one must persevere and stick to the right way, which cannot be changed.

The sixth day of the sixth day: Junheng, virtuous, and without profit.

"Xiang" said: "The evil of Junheng begins to seek depth."

Translation Lunar Sixth: Seeking the eternal way deeply, sticking to this way will be fierce and not beneficial.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The danger of seeking the eternal way is because of the rapid pursuit of depth at the beginning of the sixth day.

Interpretation of "The inner three lines of the Yao Ci speak about the way of women, and the outer three lines talk about the way of husbands." The six lines actually talk about the eternal way from all aspects of the relationship between husband and wife, and then extend it to human affairs.The first line is the beginning of the couple's eternal way.As soon as the eldest man and the eldest daughter got married, the eldest daughter asked the eldest man to have a deep affection for her like a couple who have been together for many years, so the line said "Junheng".But if we don't know each other deeply and we are too eager to seek each other, haste makes waste, so we can't get the permanent way.If the eldest daughter sticks to this way and thinks that this is the way for a couple to last forever, it will inevitably lead to danger, and there will be no benefit.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said that the reason why the deep pursuit of the long-lasting way is dangerous lies in the rapid pursuit of depth at the beginning.Judging from the image of the line, the sixth day is the beginning of the constant, and it is the main line of the sundae, but it is not appropriate to use softness to occupy the rigid position.If you stick to this path, it will be dangerous, not beneficial.

Ninety-two: regret death.

"Xiang" said: Ninety-two regrets and death can last for a long time.

Translation [-]: Remorse disappears.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The regret of [-] disappeared because of being able to keep the center for a long time.

Interpretation From the perspective of Yao Xiang, Jiu Er uses Yang to occupy the yin position, and if he can't be right, he should have regrets, but Jiu Er uses rigidity in the middle (in the middle of the next hexagram), and it corresponds to Liu Wu, so both movement and stillness are in the middle.And the constant hexagram is especially expensive, because it can last for a long time, and the positive is also included.Therefore, in [-], he lost his regrets by staying in the center for a long time, so he said "regret for death". "Xiang Zhuan" further explained that the reason for "regret for death" is "can be long-term".According to the general order, men use rigidity instead of softness, and women use softness instead of rigidity.Now ninety-two is in the yin position, and it is a woman who is just doing women's way and has "repentance" for being wrong. To be "no regrets".

Ninth Three: Not persevering in virtue, or bearing shame, chaste and stingy.

"Xiang" said: If you don't keep your virtue, you can't tolerate it.

Translation [-]: If you don't maintain your virtues for a long time, sometimes someone will humiliate you; if you keep your relationship with them, you will have regrets.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you can't maintain your virtue for a long time, it means that Jiu San will have nowhere to stay.

The interpretation of Jiusan is that the rigid line is in the yang position, and it is correct. However, because Jiusan is above the lower body and has crossed the middle position, it cannot keep the middle and persevere;As far as the relationship between husband and wife is concerned, if a woman is tough but uses her toughness, and is capricious and capricious, she will of course be criticized by the society and family, and will be humiliated.If you continue to maintain a husband and wife relationship with such a woman, misfortune will inevitably occur.For people who are in a hurry, others are suspicious because of distrust, and repelled because they are not welcome, and I feel that there is nowhere to escape between heaven and earth.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said that this kind of person will "have nothing to do with it", that is, there is nowhere to go.

Ninety-four: There are no poultry in the field.

"Xiang" said: "For a long time, it is not its place, how can it be safe for birds?"

Translation Ninety-Four: Hunting without catch.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: How can you gain anything if you are in an unsuitable environment for a long time?
It is interpreted that the [-]th has left the lower body and entered the upper body, and the upper body is the eldest man.The three lines on the upper body talk about the long-lasting way of couples from the side of "husband".In September [-]th, the yang occupies the yin position, which is neither right nor in the middle, so even if it lasts for a long time, there will be no achievement.Just as a hunter goes to a place where there are few or no birds and beasts, no matter how long he stays, it is impossible to get anything.Nothing was achieved in September [-]th, which shows that he could not do his job as a husband to support his wife, and if this is the case, the long-term relationship between husband and wife will be unsustainable.

Sixth five: Heng Qide.Zhen, the wife is lucky, the wife is fierce.

"Xiang" said: "The woman is Zhenji, from the beginning to the end."The master makes righteousness, and the wife is fierce.

Translation Six and Five: Always maintain a soft and beautiful character, and keep upright; women will be lucky, but men will be in danger.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: A woman can get auspicious by keeping upright, because a woman has to follow a husband until she dies; a man must adapt to the situation, and there will be dangers if he obeys a woman.

Interpretation of Liuwu is the middle position of the upper body, and the constant hexagram is the most expensive. If you get the middle position, you will have the eternal way and the eternal virtue. Therefore, the line says "Six Five: Constant Virtue".But Liuwu uses yin as yang, and softness as rigidity, so this virtue is soft and gentle, and Liuwu corresponds to ninety-two rigidity. It is auspicious for women to maintain their moral character.Men practice the permanent way of husband and wife, using rigidity instead of softness, so this kind of softness is not suitable for men. If a man keeps this virtue, it will be dangerous.Because a woman should obey her husband for the rest of her life in terms of ethics, it is the virtue of obedience and submissiveness, so "women are chaste and auspicious".A master should use masculinity to make decisions and punish affairs, and should not practice the virtue of meekness for a long time, or even obey the woman's mercy, otherwise bad things will inevitably happen and cause murder.The line of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is to tell people that the constant is dynamic and changing.In the same way, "Heng Qi De" is good for women and bad for husbands. This enlightens us to look at Heng from a developmental perspective and adapt to the situation.

Upper Six: Zhenheng fierce.

"Xiang" said: Zhenheng is above, and there is no merit.

Translation No. [-]: Restlessness in the eternal way is dangerous.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Restless in the eternal way and living on the top, it shows that the above six things are completely useless.

The "Master" who interpreted the Sixth Five-Year Plan did not know the dynamic nature of the constant, so he looked at the constant statically, and the ending was bad; the last six went to another extreme, taking the movement as the constant, restless for a long time, and of course the ending was also bad.The upper six bases are at the top of the constant hexagram, occupying the upper position, symbolizing the head of the family, but he is restless for a long time, and even takes action as a constant, of course he will destroy the eternal way between husband and wife. "Xiang Zhuan" interprets the word "fierce" in the Yao speech with "big futility", which means complete failure and no room for maneuver.

(End of this chapter)

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