Chapter 35
The Dun hexagram is composed of the lower gen and the upper stem, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "retreat".The upper hexagram "Qian" is the sky, and the lower hexagram "Gen" is the mountain: there is a big mountain under the high sky, as if the sky is far away from the mountain, which means "retreat".The whole hexagram reveals that when the development of things is hindered, one must retreat temporarily, waiting for revival in the future.

Escape: Henry.Xiao Lizhen.

"Tuan" says: "Dun" and "Heng", escape and prosperity.Just when you are in office, you should be in line with the times. "Xiao Lizhen" is soaked and long.The righteousness is great when you escape.

"Xiang" said: There are mountains in the world, escape.A gentleman is far from a villain, and he is strict without being evil.

The translation of the Dun hexagram symbolizes avoidance: prosperity, small profits, and adherence to the right path.

"Zhuan Zhuan" says: Retreat and prosper, which means that you must retreat first and then you can achieve prosperity; the Yang person is in a rigid position and can match the lower person, this is the way to retreat according to the current situation.There are small benefits, stick to the right way, this is due to the infiltration of yin and gradually grow (not conducive to great achievements).Retreating and adapting to the current situation has great significance.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Qian, Qian is the sky, the lower hexagram is Gen, and Gen is the mountain. There are mountains in the world, the sky is high and the mountains are far away.The gentleman observes this hexagram, so he does not use the method of repaying evil for evil to deal with villains, but adopts a stern attitude, hangs a crown and hangs a wat, and is willing to retire and stay away from villains.

Interpretation of "there are mountains in the world" starts from the image of the hexagrams. The upper hexagram Qian is the sky, and the lower hexagram Gen is the mountain, so it is said that "there are mountains in the world".Because of its height, the mountain pushes toward the sky, but the sky is so high and far away that it looks like retreating and is inviolable. Therefore, "there are mountains in the world" symbolizes escape.The gentleman observes this phenomenon, is inspired, and knows how to stay away from villains.A villain should be like a distant mountain in the sky, and never get close to it.But this kind of estrangement should be a feeling of disgust in your heart and not show it to the outside. If you let him know that you hate him, he will definitely harm you and get entangled with you. "Not evil".

Sixth day: Dunwei, Li.Don't use it.

"Xiang" said: "The tail is so fierce, what disaster is there if it doesn't go?"
Translation Sixth Day: Too late to back off, falling to the end, in a dangerous situation.It is not advisable to go there.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you can't retreat, you will be at the end, and you will be in danger; but if you don't go anywhere at this time, what disaster will there be?

Interpretation of the hexagrams and the meaning of the whole hexagram. From the perspective of the whole hexagram, the sixth day and the second day of the sixth day are villains, soft and long, indicating that the villains are getting more and more prosperous, so gentlemen should escape in time; and the sixth line in the hexagrams In other words, the six lines all represent the gentleman, and represent the situation of the gentleman in six different situations related to retreat.Therefore, the hexagram image and the line image of the Dun hexagram should be treated differently, and the two are different.In general hexagrams, the first line is the beginning, and the retreat of the Dun hexagram is to retreat, so the first line is at the back, of course it is at the end.This line means that when the villain is getting stronger and the situation determines that the gentleman should retreat, the sixth day of the first day will be soft and indecisive, losing the best time to retreat, falling at the end, and the situation is of course dangerous; if you don’t know the severity at this time When attacking, the danger is even more serious, so the line said "to escape, to be fierce", and to warn it with "don't use it to go", don't go anywhere; If you don't go but hide, how can there be any disasters in this way?

Sixty-two: The leather of yellow cattle is used for persistence, Mo Zhisheng said.

"Elephant" says: To hold on to the yellow ox is to strengthen one's will.

Translation [-]: Grab it and tie it tightly with a yellow leather rope, so that you can't get rid of it.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: tie it with a yellow leather rope, which means a strong will.

Interpretation of Liu Er's line is a metaphor.Liu Er occupies the yin with softness, and is located in the middle, and the middle is upright to match the honor of the ninth five;Therefore, although judging from the shape of the hexagrams, the villain is getting stronger and the gentleman should escape, but judging from the image of the line, the six-two should be the noble master, and the aspiration is in the auxiliary, and the relationship with the nine-five is close, and its firmness is as strong as that of the nine-five. They are bound with yellow leather straps, and no one can pull them apart. "Xiang Zhuan" further talks about the metaphor of "holding the scalper", which shows that the will to not retreat on June [-] is very firm, which is the so-called "solid will".

Nine three: Department of escape, disease, severe.Animal ministers and concubines, Ji.

"Xiang" said: "It is escaped, severe, and there is illness and exhaustion."Animal ministers and concubines, auspicious, are not a big deal.

Translation Ninety-three: When retreating, there will be diseases and dangers.If you use the method of raising servants and concubines (treating villains), you can get auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When you retreat, you are so worried that you are in danger, which means that Jiusan will be exhausted by disasters; using the method of raising servants and concubines to deal with villains means that Jiusan cannot accomplish great things at this time.

Interpretation of ministers and concubines means villains and women. The old concept believes that only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you are too close to them, you will not know how to avoid them;There is no corresponding relationship between September [-] and June [-], which is like the relationship between a gentleman and a villain.In this situation where he should escape but cannot escape because of his attachment, Jiusan would be in danger, but if he can treat the villain like a servant and concubine as a remedy, it will be auspicious.A gentleman is exhausted in order to deal with villains. Even if he adopts the method of "animal ministers and concubines" to treat villains, he will not be able to achieve great things.

Nine Fourth: Easy to escape, good for a gentleman, bad for a villain.

"Xiang" says: A gentleman likes to escape, but a villain doesn't.

Translation Nine Four: Love to live in seclusion, which is auspicious for a gentleman, but not necessarily for a villain.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: A gentleman does not care about profit and wealth, but likes to live in seclusion; a villain has profit and wealth as his heart, and is unwilling to retire.

Interpretation of [-] should correspond to the sixth day of junior high school, and the relationship with the sixth day of junior high school is very good, but the fourth day of ninety-nine is a vigorous gentleman.When a villain encounters such a situation, he must be reluctant to part with it, and of course he cannot do a resolute retreat.

Ninth Five: Jiadun, Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: Jiadun, Zhenji, Yi Zhengzhi.

Translation Ninth Five: Beautiful and timely retreat, keep upright and walk, you will get auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you retreat in a beautiful and timely manner, and keep upright, you will get auspiciousness, because the ninth five-year plan has correct ambitions.

Interpreting the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the masculinity is in the middle to be upright, and the lower part should be in the six-two softness.This shows that the Nineth Five-Year Plan is a high-ranking position, and there are six-two helpers. It seems that you can not escape, but the Ninth Five-Year Consciousness is far-sighted. Shun retreats according to the situation, so the line of praise is called "Jiadun".From this point of view, after the Ninth Five-Year Plan, dealing with the issue of retreat is appropriate and decent, so keeping upright will surely bring good luck.Therefore, the line of ninety-five lines is "Zhenji". "Xiang Zhuan" explained that the Ninth Five-Year Plan was able to "Jiadun, Zhenji" because his thoughts were correct and his actions could be correct.This is the exact opposite of [-].Liu Er is also in the middle, and it corresponds to the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It should be said that his situation is similar to that of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.One "Zheng Zhi Ye" and one "Gu Zhi Ye" can be judged as superior or inferior.There is also a difference between the Ninth Five and the Ninth Fourth. They were both gentlemen who resolutely chose to retreat, but the Ninth Fourth itself did not occupy a prominent position, while the Ninth Five held a high position, but they were able to avoid the position and retreat in time, which is admirable.

Upper Nine: Fat escape, no disadvantages.

"Elephant" says: Fat escape, no disadvantages, no doubts.

Translation No. [-]: Flying far away, retreating to the mountains and forests, there is no disadvantage.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "The last nine lines talk about going far and flying high, retreating to the mountains and forests, there is no disadvantage, which shows that he is good at observing the situation and retreating bravely in rapids.

Interpretation of the extremes of the upper and lower ranks of Qianjian, there is no response from the bottom, and no resistance from the top. When the situation is retreating, retreat resolutely, so there is no disadvantage.Shangjiu is indeed the best state for escape. The reason why he can achieve "fat escape without disadvantages" is just like "Xiang Zhuan" said "no doubts", that is, without any doubts or worries.

(End of this chapter)

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