I Ching vernacular full translation

Chapter 36 The Great Zhuang Hexagram

Chapter 36 The Great Zhuang Hexagram

The Dazhuang hexagram is composed of the lower stem and the upper tremor. The hexagram is shaped as "", which symbolizes "great and powerful".The upper hexagram "Zhen" means thunder, and the lower hexagram "Qian" means sky: the sound of thunder resounds all over the world, strong and mighty, implying the meaning of "great and powerful".Quan Gua praises "big and strong" as a beautiful stage in the development of things, and at the same time emphasizes that when it is strong and powerful, it must be upright.It also pointed out that when you are strong, you are not afraid of not being strong, but being afraid of being strong.If you use strength indiscriminately, you will become a strong beam and a tyrant even though you are strong but deviate from the righteousness. Therefore, in order to uphold the righteousness and "benefit chastity", the Da Zhuang hexagram can no longer promote strength and suppress yin like other hexagrams, but requires strength and modesty , Use the strong with caution, let alone bully the weak, so if the strong can be supported by softness, if the soft can be supported by rigidity, the combination of rigidity and softness is an important way to solve the problem of staying upright when strong.

Da Zhuang: Li Zhen.

"彖" said: big and strong, the big one is also strong.Just to move, so strong.The big and strong "Li Zhen" means the big one is upright.It is upright, and the love between heaven and earth can be seen.

"Elephant" says: Thunder is in the sky, strong and powerful.A gentleman behaves indecently.

The translation of Da Zhuang hexagram symbolizes big and strong: it is good for maintaining integrity.

"Zhuan Zhuan" said: Da Zhuang refers to the strong and strong; vigorous and vigorous, so strong.Being big and strong is good for keeping upright, which means that when strong and prosperous, the strong must stick to the right way.Make those who are strong and strong stick to the right way, and observe all kinds of things between heaven and earth, and then you can see the normal conditions of everything.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is earthquake, earthquake is thunder, the lower hexagram is dry, dry is sky, and thunder in the sky is a powerful hexagram.When a gentleman observes this hexagram, he is afraid of lightning and strict etiquette, so that he is afraid of power and fear, and only obeys etiquette.

Interpretation of the Da Zhuang hexagram The upper body shakes as thunder, the lower body stems as the sky, and the shaking above the stems has the image of thunder in the sky.Therefore, "Thunder is in the sky, so strong" in "Xiang Zhuan" is also explained from the hexagram image, which echoes the "just moves, so strong" in "Zhuan Zhuan".The thunder itself shakes the sky, and forms a strong momentum. A gentleman must rely on himself to maintain his own strength.Zhu Xi's "The Original Meaning of the Book of Changes" therefore only noted four words under "Xiang Zhuan": "He who conquers himself is strong." Only those who can defeat themselves can be strong and powerful.To conquer oneself is actually to make one's words and deeds conform to the etiquette, do not act against the etiquette, and follow the etiquette.In this way, you can always walk on the right path and stay strong.

Ninth day: Stronger than toes.Sign, fierce, and Fu.

"Xiang" said: "Stronger than the toe, its body is poor."

Ninth day of the translation: The toes are strong, if you rush forward, you will undoubtedly be dangerous.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: the toes are strong (and eager to move forward), indicating that the ninth day of the ninth day is indeed going to be difficult.

It is interpreted that the toe is a tool for walking, and being stronger than the toe means eager to move forward.Judging from the Yao Xiang, Chu Jiu is under the Da Zhuang Gua, full of confidence in the future and eager to make progress. "Stronger than the toe" means stronger than the beginning.However, on the ninth day of the ninth day, the rigid line occupies the yang position, the yang is added to the yang, and the restlessness is too hasty. It is very likely that it has not been considered to follow the righteous principles and walk the right way, that is, it has not been able to do what is said in the previous "Xiang Zhuan". ", if you are strong but not upright, you are no different from a tyrant and a strong beam, so there must be danger in advancing.

Ninety-two: Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: "Ninety-two Zhenji is the middle one."

Translation Ninety-two: Keeping upright and solid will bring good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Ninety-two, you can get auspicious by keeping upright, because masculinity is in the middle.

It is interpreted that the ninth day and the ninth day are both rigid lines, but the ninth day is fierce, and the ninth day is chaste and auspicious. The reason is that their positions are different.Nine-two is in the middle of the next hexagram, and if it is in the middle, it can be strong and modest; at the same time, Nine-two is based on rigidity and softness (the second is the soft position), which is out of order, but because of the combination of softness and softness, it can be clear-headed Therefore, when encountering problems in September [-], you will not be blindly restless, but can deal with them calmly, so you can maintain integrity and gain auspiciousness.

Nine Three: A villain uses strength, while a gentleman uses strength.Chastity.When the sheep touches the feudal domain, it looses its horns.

"Xiang" says: A villain uses strong, a gentleman uses weak.

Translation Ninety-three: A villain uses it arbitrarily to be strong, but a gentleman does not use it even though he is strong.Stay upright to avoid danger; if you try to bump into the fence like a strong and strong ram, the horns will be caught and entangled.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: A villain catches animals with strength, and a gentleman catches animals with a net.

It is interpreted that Jiusan is at the end of the Qian Gua in the lower body, with the rigid line in the Yang position, and corresponding to the upper six, when it is high and strong, the villain will use his strength to be strong in this situation, to offend others, to escape Going out of the right way will lead to dangers; a gentleman in this situation should not use his power arbitrarily, but follow the right way.Therefore, according to the situation in September [-]rd, Yaoci put forward the advice of "Zhen Li", that is, to keep upright and solid to prevent danger.And he also cited the example of a sheep to illustrate that it is not appropriate to be aggressive in the position of ninety-three, which is very vivid and vivid.

Ninth Fourth: Zhenji, regret death.The vassal will never be weak, stronger than the car recovery of Dayu.

"Xiang" said: Fans will never be weak, and they will still go.

Translation Ninety-Four: Keep upright and firm, you will get good luck, and regret will disappear; it is like a ram's horns not being entangled when a fence is knocked open, stronger than the wheel shaft of a cart.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The fence was knocked open but the horns were not entangled, which shows that September [-]th is conducive to progress.

Interpretation of Jiusi is under the upper hexagram, improper position (Gang Yao used the Yang position as the position, and now lives in the Yin position), and has no correspondence with the lower. According to common sense, there should be regrets for losing the position, but the September [-]th is not in the right position. , not only did not bring him remorse, but a blessing in disguise. This is because the rigid line is in the yin position, and the rigidity is in the yin position, just like the ninety-two strong line is in the yin position, and there is a sign of humility and uprightness, so it can get auspiciousness and remorse. Then disappeared.Because of the strong and strong body of the [-]th, and the softness and softness, he was able to act upright, so he did not hinder his progress, and even the fences were no longer an obstacle to his progress. Therefore, Yao Ci said, "Fan will never win."September [-]th is exactly in line with the "big strong, Li Zhen" said in the hexagrams.That's why "Little Elephant Biography" said "It's still the past".

Sixth Five-Year: The loss of a sheep in Yi.no regrets.

"Xiang" said: "The sheep are lost in Yi, and the position is not appropriate."

Translation Six Five: I lost a sheep in the country of Yi, but I have no regrets.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "The sheep were lost in Yi State, which shows that Liu Wu was inappropriate.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year Line Citing an ancient story to illustrate the principle of the combination of hardness and softness.Wang Hai, the ancestor of Yin, was a guest in Yi State and engaged in animal husbandry. During this period, he lost a sheep, but there was no consequence, so the line said "no regrets". "Xiang Zhuan" pointed out that "losing a sheep in Yi" was because Wang Hai was in Yiguo, and his status and environment were inappropriate, so he lost his sheep.The sixth five is the soft line, which occupies the rigid position (the fifth is the Yang position), which is an improper position, so "Xiang Zhuan" says "the position is not appropriate".However, because the general posture of this hexagram is strong, so although Liu Wu is soft, it is in the position of rigidity. With the help of rigidity, it can also overcome difficulties without regret.

Upper Six: When a sheep touches the vassal, it cannot retreat, it cannot succeed, and there is no gain.Hard times make good luck.

"Xiang" said: "You can't retreat, you can't succeed, it's unknown."Difficulties lead to good fortune, and blame does not last long.

Translation No. [-]: A strong and strong ram hits the fence (the horns are entwined), and cannot retreat, cannot advance, and cannot do anything; if you can think carefully about the difficult situation in advance, you will be lucky.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "You can't retreat, you can't move forward, it shows that the upper six are not careful enough to deal with the problem; after considering the difficulties, you can get auspicious, which means that the upper six will not suffer for a long time."

Interpretation of the upper six is ​​at the extreme of vibration, eager to make progress, so act blindly.However, the upper sixth is in the yin position with a soft line, and its constitution is weak, which cannot be as good for progress as in the [-]th, so it will be blamed if it is used indiscriminately; when.Therefore, it is said that the horns of a sheep are hung on the fence, and they cannot advance or retreat.In this kind of predicament, of course there is "no profit", nothing is beneficial, and nothing can be done.However, Yaoci also said that "difficulty leads to good luck", which means that if you can fully consider the difficult situation in advance, instead of acting blindly and thinking twice before acting, you can get auspiciousness.The hexagram of Da Zhuang symbolizes being big and powerful. When you are strong and prosperous, you must keep upright, which is the "li chastity" mentioned in the hexagram.Therefore, when you are strong, you are not afraid of not being strong, but afraid of being strong.If you use strength indiscriminately, you will become a strong beam and a tyrant even though you are strong but deviate from the righteousness. Therefore, in order to maintain the righteous way and "benefit the chastity", the Da Zhuang hexagram can no longer promote strength and suppress yin like other hexagrams, but requires strength and modesty , use the strong with caution, let alone bully the weak, so if the strong can be supported by softness, if the soft can be supported by rigidity, the combination of rigidity and softness is an important way to solve the problem of staying upright when strong.

(End of this chapter)

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