Our youth is over

Chapter 21 Self-exile

Chapter 21 Self-exile (3)
He Yebei stretched out his hand and pressed the rioting me into the water again, and said impatiently: "Can you listen to me! What's wrong with eating and laughing together? Can we stop laughing? Do we have to cry every day? Or are you saying that you don't even allow us to eat? It's really too much for you to scold Lu Xia today. Not everyone is as naive as you, with emotions on their faces. Many people still eat Life does not mean that there are no scars and no sadness in my heart. You shouldn't scold Lu Xia like that, because she is also having a hard time. From the time of the accident to now, Lu Xia has always felt guilty. She feels that it is all her fault. Time is often distracted, and was almost hit by a car once. I feel sorry for Qi Qinghan, she broke up with Jiang Chengrui..."

"She broke up with Xiao Jiang because she doesn't like Xiao Jiang. She likes you. Lin Zhishen is gone, so she can be with you now! Hmph! As if others don't know." I interrupted He Ye again North words.

He Yebei's bright black eyes looked at me indifferently, the corners of his mouth curled up mockingly, and he said coldly: "Who says she is with me! Bei Yinan, can you stop worrying about your brain?" Running with a thread! You are called a tendon, do you understand!"

"Don't think I can't understand you calling me stupid right now! Don't you just want to exonerate her!"

"Sin? Bei Yinan, what is a crime? If Lu Xia really deliberately killed Qi Qinghan, then you can say that she is guilty. But no, Qi Qinghan's accident was unexpected by everyone. Just like you scolded , Lu Xia is selfish, but selfishness does not mean she is guilty. Everyone has shortcomings in human nature, some are selfish, some are timid, some are self-righteous, some like to tell stories, some have low self-esteem, and some are vexatious, etc. Everyone has problems, There is no perfect person in this world. If selfishness is sinful, then Bei Yinan, what sin are you? Playing childish temper? Willful? If you have such an imperfect personality, you are also driven by fate to indirectly hurt some people , so are you also guilty? Forgive people for their lack of humanity, because you are not perfect, and you can hurt people."

I have to be impressed by He Yebei's eloquence, he won, I can't say enough about him, I can't even find any words to refute his words.

He was right, in fact, I was immature, I was playing childish temper, and I was self-willed.Because I am unhappy, I am looking for a pump.

"Bei Yinan, forgive Lu Xia, so that you will be happy and not be trapped by that haze. You childishly cursed our unhappiness and put your own happiness on the line, does Qi Qinghan really like you like this? Lu Xia and I are not together, we eat together occasionally because we are friends from childhood to adulthood. We are talking and laughing because we cannot continue to live with a sad face all day long because of a tragic experience. Lu Xia and his family have decided to go to Now that you have settled abroad, you should never see her again, and you don’t need to ask her about Lin Zhishen, she really doesn’t know. Ah Shen still stays in this city, I don’t know why, but definitely not It will be Lu Xia. Because I know my cousin, he is just like you, he is actually a child who has not grown up. You are self-willed, he is paranoid. But the self-willed Bei Yinan also has sensible times, and paranoid Lin Zhishen also has times to let go Once Ah Shen decided to let go, he would never look back. Ah Shen had already let go, otherwise he would not have decided to be with Qi Qinghan at that time. Ever since he was a child, others forced him to do things that he was not interested in. He didn't want it either. I always thought that Lin Zhishen might really want to be with your friend, but no one thought that such a thing would happen.

"Bei Yinan, in fact, you don't understand anything, you don't understand love, you don't understand friendship, you don't even understand family relationship. You just look at these feelings with your immature state of mind. Maybe wait a few years before you look at these things again , it’s different.”

He Yebei finally stretched out his hand and pulled me out of the water in silence, took off my coat and wiped my face and hair, and then stopped a taxi to take me back.

I was silent all the way, my mind was in a mess, I was slowly sorting out a series of words He Yebei said, and finally closed my eyes tiredly.

I agreed with everything He Yebei said, but I didn't tell him that I treated Lu Xia like that not only because Qi Qi died, but because I was actually jealous of her.

I now clearly understand that I had thought that way, I wanted to snatch him away from Lu Xia, thinking that Lu Xia would be unhappy, and my curse would come true.

In fact, what I did was the same as when I scolded Lu Xia. I did something wrong, but I still found a good reason for myself.

To put it bluntly, I just want to get He Yebei.What a simple question, but I made it so complicated on purpose.

If Lu Xia's selfishness is a sin, Xiao Jiang's self-righteousness is a sin, and Lin Zhishen's paranoia is also a sin, then I, Bei Yinan, are also guilty.

Because I am self-willed, I am not mature enough, not generous enough, and I am jealous.

He Yebei asked me to forgive Lu Xia's selfishness. In fact, before forgiving, I should learn to criticize myself first, so that I am qualified to forgive others.

Perhaps, I should also ask Lu Xia for forgiveness.

In the end, I never saw Lu Xia again.

When I plucked up the courage to go to her school to find her and was about to apologize, I was told that Lu Xia had gone through the formalities of leaving school a few days ago, and didn't even take the subsequent college entrance examination, and went abroad directly.

I left in a bit of resentment, I didn't accomplish what I wanted to do, and it felt like a thorn in my heart, which couldn't be pulled out and felt uncomfortable, but it hurt to pull it out.

In fact, even I wondered if I would really apologize if I really met Lu Xia, or I couldn't help but step forward and swear at him.

Maybe it's better now.

Remembering that Cheng Qiang and the others were still waiting for me to sing K to celebrate my birthday, I stopped entangled with Lu Xia and hurried to the agreed KTV. People are blocked.

Several girls dressed as little girls surrounded me, and one of them pointed at me and shouted to the tallest girl, "That's her!"

I didn't even figure out what was going on, my arms were held tightly by someone, and before I could break free, someone covered my head with a sack, and my eyes were suddenly dark.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I yelled angrily, and someone kicked me hard on the stomach, which made me clench my teeth in pain.

Without giving me the slightest chance to breathe, I was kicked several times in a row.

It seemed that they were afraid of being discovered by beating someone at the door, and those people dragged me to nowhere.I just felt like I was stuffed into a car, my mouth was gagged and I couldn't speak.The car stopped after driving for about ten minutes, and I was escorted out of the car again.

It seemed that when we reached an open place, the group of people began to attack me without any fear.The insults poured into my ears, and all I could do was whine in pain.

These days I am the same as Qiqi before, always with Cheng Qiang and the others, my behavior is a bit perverse, and I did provoke a lot of people, but I didn't expect the revenge to come so suddenly.

I thought it was just the enemies provoked by the school, but after listening to their yelling, I knew that was not the case at all.

"Stinky girl! I warn you, Shen Zhiyao is my man, if you dare to seduce him again, it will not be as simple as beating you up! I will find someone to fuck you!"

Enough beating and scolding, the tall girl in the lead squatted on the ground and removed the sack from my head, pulled the rag from my mouth, and slapped me threateningly.

My whole body was in pain, and I didn't even have the strength to speak, so I just stared at them with red eyes.

Who is Shen Zhiyao?

There is only one thought in my mind, that is, who is Shen Zhiyao?

When did I seduce him!
I, Bei Yinan, have lived for so long, and He Yebei is the only boy I've fallen in love with from beginning to end. Who is Shen Zhiyao, who caused me to be beaten for nothing!

After searching in my mind carefully, I slowly remembered who this person was, that pervert who wrote me a love letter with blood last time, and suddenly felt that life was very unlucky.


Those girls ran away after beating them, leaving me slumped on the ground alone, unable to get up for a while.

I didn't expect that the coming-of-age ceremony would receive such a big shock. I grew up and was beaten for the first time, and I became the cowardly Bei Yinan again, blinking my swollen and painful eyes at the gradually darkening sky, tears Snot runny face, indescribably embarrassed.

I think if Qiqi was still there, she would definitely not let Xiaobei be beaten like this.If Qiqi was still there, Xiao Jiang and I wouldn't have such a fight. On my birthday, I would have their two best friends by my side, and they wouldn't allow others to bully me.Whoever hits me once, they will definitely give me ten blows to get it back.

But if there is no if, Qi Qi is gone, Xiao Jiang is not here, Bei Yinan is still the useless Bei Yinan, he can scold Lu Xia and the others with his teeth and claws, but he is still beaten to death.

I've never loathed myself like this before.Why can't we be stronger and stronger!

After resting for a while, I felt a little stronger, so I wiped away my snot and tears, put my hands on the ground and stood up.

Surrounding it is a dilapidated basketball court, and the snack wrappers that the occasional players eat here are scattered on the ground.I closed my eyes, opened them again, and watched for a while before my vision gradually cleared up, and I recognized that this place was the old playground in the old campus of our school.

After going around for a long time, this is still a place I know.I don't know whether to say that the group of people who beat me have less eyes, or that I am too lucky.

I patted the dust off my body, lifted my legs and left.

The old campus is bypassing the Yucai Community, which is the new campus of our school. When I was in such a mess, I was stunned when I met He Yebei with a fluttering white T-shirt.

Life is so wonderful, you don't want to meet anyone, but you meet, and it is precisely because life is so wonderful that He Yebei had an affair with me.

(End of this chapter)

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