Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 0463 The battle is about to start

Chapter 0463 The battle is about to start

"For the tug-of-war competition, do you want twelve gold medals?" Victor, the salted fish king, was about to drool. He felt that there was hope for twenty apostles to compete.

"How is it possible, there is only one gold medal." Laifu hurriedly dismissed its dream.

"And we are the organizers. You can no longer put yourself in the position of the contestants. In other words, we are the makers of the rules. We must consider the overall situation."

20 yuan gold medal, it is scary to think about it.

Gold coins are needed to make gold medals, although not many are needed, but it is too cruel to send out twenty at once, not to mention that gold medals are worthless if there are too many.

A maximum of eight gold medals will be awarded in one competition.

It doesn't matter if you have a silver medal or a bronze medal. You can use silver coins and copper coins as you like, but the manual cost is more.

After agreeing on the competition items, and then the detailed rules, Laifu also asked the various chat groups to count everyone's opinions, and finally formulated the rules that can be passed.

There will inevitably be a lot of problems in the first session, but Laifu doesn't care, it mainly does this to give the monster apostles a chance to have fun together, so that everyone will be more impressed with it and admire it more.

After finishing this work, Su Mo will accompany Su Xiaojiu to level up.

Leveling can only take a little time, and there is no way to devote yourself wholeheartedly. For example, the day after the rules are formulated, that is, the day before the full moon, Su Mo has to switch to the perspective of Laifu to summon the apostles who will join the battle the next day .

Because it is for Laifu's own business, the cost of the pass has to be paid by Laifu himself.

Two hundred monsters, fifty gold coins each, is indeed not a small amount.

And it will more or less give a red envelope to the apostles who came to help, otherwise, whoever will be your coolie next time, too much or too little is not appropriate, and in the end it still gave everyone a red envelope with one hundred gold coins.

Before the battle even started, Laifu had already distributed 30 gold coins, not to mention the cost of a wave of passes tomorrow, which cost [-] gold coins. With the current ratio of seven or eight yuan, this is more than [-] real coins. .

These days, money is earned and spent quickly. It only hopes that this action will not make it lose too much.

These two hundred monsters are already the most powerful existence in the circle of apostles, unless it invites all the apostles, but the cost will be even more exaggerated. These two hundred high-end apostles are the limit of the strength of the current chat group.

Now the apostles are still in the stage of being foolish and easy to fool. When their intelligence develops again, or their pockets are bulging, if they want to fool them with a hundred gold coins to sell their lives, it will depend on their friendship.

Laifu also thought about it, just forget about the training camp tomorrow. If you gather earlier, you should be able to make some time to come out.

After thinking about it, in order to make tomorrow's operations smoother, it still spent a day and a half in advance to conduct a rehearsal - how to intercept a master to reach the Shadow Canyon.

Of course, it is impossible to play the vampire Howard at the level of Laife.

Howard is played by the big cat, Mr. Bigworth. He put on a mask of nothingness and brought a few monster apostles slowly coming from a distance. His aura was very powerful, which made the apostles who guarded the outermost circle feel a little nervous.

The apostles arranged by Laifu in the outermost circle are all of high rank but with little combat experience.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine to go up and fight, the worst is death, is there anything unacceptable to us about death?" Laifu, like a war reporter, appeared at the moment when the two sides were about to fight.

It needs to teach these apostles how and when to intercept.

The first wave is the four monster apostles. They need to attack the enemy's rear after the enemy walks a little bit, so as to judge the vigilance of the enemy and how much Howard attaches importance to the blood slave.

The number of the second wave has doubled several times. There are twelve apostles in total. Under the guidance of the flying apostles, they will quickly intercept in front of Howard, attack Howard himself, and try to cause some damage to Howard...

After more than half a day of tossing, Laifu adjusted the final plan and planned the two most likely routes for Howard.

Just wait until the next day the battle starts.

Of course, today's preparations may not be useful if the unexpected happens.

For example, Howard felt that Shadow Canyon was deceitful. He didn't come, or he came secretly, avoiding all normal routes, and it was not suitable for the apostles in the forest to meet.

Or, Howard, who had extraordinary strength, was killed when he encountered the first wave of apostles.

Laifu had no hope for the second possibility at all. In that case, it would be of no benefit. After all, the battle ended too easily. First, it couldn't pick up the corpses. Second, there was no good reward for this task.

The next day, Su Mo got up early.

First, I ran for an hour on the playground, and then had a hearty breakfast.

He didn't use the power of the guild, and five hundred people would not even turn up the waves if thrown into the Dusk Forest. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of players at this level was too weak, and even if they were only responsible for scouting, they couldn't compare to high-level flying monsters.

Jamie the Langley parrot and Brad the black crow are enough to complete all the reconnaissance tasks.

As for the iron-winged goshawk Snow, the eagle cavalry composed of it and the sloth king Foles possesses combat power that does not belong to the high-level apostles, and they actively ask to participate in the battle sequence.

In fact, Iron-winged Goshawk Snow and Sloth King Foles have recently been considering forming an eagle cavalry regiment.

Mainly under the influence and guidance of Caesar, they selected some iron-winged goshawks and lightning sloths that seemed relatively smart, and let them group together for simple combat training.

Laifu is happy to see the results. If the future monster army can have air units, the strength will definitely be stronger.

After going online, Su Mo went to Shadow Canyon first.

"Any news?" Seeing the calm in the canyon, he was the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

If the system arranges for the green hat king to launch an attack in such a short time when he is offline, then he really can't do anything about it. Fortunately, the system is not that ruthless.

"I arranged eyeliner in Tallinn, but I didn't find any trace of that person." Tailor Mel hugged her cat and sat on a cut-off stake in the valley. She was not as worried as Su Mo imagined.

"Will he not come today?" Su Mo asked.

"Howard is a very arrogant person. Even if he knows there are traps waiting for him, he will come here." McAvian is fiddling with his bottles and jars. As a master alchemist, these are his weapons .

"Yeah, as long as I show my aura, he will definitely come after me." Mel said.

"So we just wait and see. Vampires will choose a day like today when they go out to fight or kill people. This is a tradition, just like you humans have to choose a good day for weddings and funerals."

"Then I'll make arrangements." Su Mo didn't choose to stay with them.

At that time, it will be difficult to explain why you have to sleep when the war comes. It is not like this to pretend to be calm. Su Mo still chooses to find a place for Laifu to bury himself.

(End of this chapter)

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