Personal Charm Perfect Private Tutorial
Chapter 15 The Enemy of Charm
Chapter 15 The Enemy of Charm (1)
Lesson 24
Get Rid of Bad Habits and Talk About Attraction
Anything that detracts from vitality will hinder the accumulation of attraction.Pain of any kind is the enemy of attraction because it will drain a person of both nerve energy and attraction energy.
We've never seen a man with a toothache control other people through attraction.The pain a toothache causes can damage nerves, even badly.At this time, the speed of the body flowing out of vitality is faster than the speed of generating vitality.Such torture not only impairs the vitality of the body and makes one listless, but also creates a more dangerous enemy for oneself, that is, anger.
Anything that irritates people, whether it is physical pain, nervous torture, or mental distress, will cause a person to quickly lose attractiveness.Most scheming people know this well, because they take advantage of it to undermine their opponent's attractive calm and poised demeanor.Attempts to irritate you by others will not succeed and require certain self-control skills. This kind of irritation usually refers to emotional anger.
We have never seen a person suffering from headaches or rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis, or other serious illnesses who remained attractive during their illness, even if they were normally highly attractive.This reminds us of Beecher involuntarily.He once said privately that his last speech failure was due to severe pain from indigestion.His audience has to consider why he is so stupid.Yet his personal appeal under normal circumstances surpassed that of any public speaker of his generation, and his control over his audience was almost immeasurable.
Pain—There is a principle of attraction: anything that causes a loss of vitality in the nervous system is bound to impair the person's attractiveness.That is, if a person loses as much energy in his body as he gains, he cannot build up strength.Pain is enemy number one of attraction, and it wears out the brain, nerves, and muscles.Canker sores, as well as toothaches, headaches, rheumatisms, or any other afflictions of the body, tend to reduce the efficiency of certain systems by their exhaustion.
As for how to eliminate these enemies, it is actually very simple.Canker sores are not a big problem, whether it is treatment or prevention, it can be said to be at your fingertips.The same goes for headaches and rheumatism, and toothaches can in most cases be treated by extraction or treatment.But whatever the cause, whatever the treatment, the general principle remains the same—as long as the pain doesn't go away, it can't be attractive.
Why should bad teeth be treated?This is mainly due to several reasons: firstly, they produce pain which impairs the vitality of the body; secondly, they inject a deadly toxin into the blood and the circulatory system of the whole body, which affects the brain, intellect, heart, and especially Affects nerves.A single droplet of this toxin contains billions of bacteria that spread far and wide in the bloodstream, causing damage that is as yet unknown.This injury can eventually lead to neuritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, or brain infection, which can affect thought processes and even create criminal motives.Therefore, for a sane person, if there is no other remedy, all he can do is to extract the bad tooth.
There is a more important reason why decayed teeth cannot be left in the mouth.The toxins released by bad teeth will make people's breath smell bad, and when he comes into close contact with others, it will arouse people's disgust.In addition to having a bad breath (as can some degree of poor personal hygiene), each exhalation carries millions of bacteria from decaying teeth or tonsils outside the mouth.When boys and girls kiss each other, the inflamed parts of their blood circulate and pollute each other's breath—one doctor said: "Professional speaking, 99% of these young people's bodies are unclean. How's their morality." Such a situation is repulsive, so it's impossible for them to be attractive, and as they grow up, the rest of their lives are as hopeless as they are now.Even mortals know that no matter how ambitious a person is, it's hard to get a place in the world if he's not attractive.
Many times a man is rejected by a woman because of his decayed teeth, the dirty state makes women sick.We also hear that many women fail to attract and win the man they want because of their bad teeth.Dirty is unattractive, some people would rather waste their money on pointless things than make themselves more attractive, and they keep losing friends and opportunities throughout their lives because of their bad teeth.The information we have (thousands of cases) shows that many people who would have had the opportunity to make a difference in society or to achieve greater success in economic or other fields, but because they foolishly refuse to spend some funds to clean themselves teeth instead of spending that money on pointless entertainment and ultimately forfeiting those opportunities.They hurt their health, they lost friends, they lost the respect they deserved as decent human beings, and they lost many opportunities to improve their economic situation.
Until recently, we encountered a case where a very smart young man was about to be promoted, and his salary was £1000 a year. Instead of being promoted, he was fired.We asked his employer why he did this, and the answer was: "He's been with us for seven years. Our manager advised him that he sees a lot of people every day, so he should get his teeth cleaned. Instead, he told the manager that he He has never been to a dentist since he grew up, and we don’t intend to do so now, so we can only ask him to leave. Since he left, the air in the office is not as dirty as before.” It can be seen that the young man with decayed teeth is in the office every day. How much disgusting stench exhaled in the air of the huge office.
In this way, it is not difficult to understand why those who are capable, efficient, and ambitious still fail in life.Another employer said: "When one or more of our employees are promoted in their original positions, one or more are also fired. Personal habits or negligence have a lot to do with promotions Relationship."
Once the tonsils have decayed, they discharge small droplets of pus through their pores.This pus, though small in quantity, contains billions of bacteria that are immediately dispersed in the circulating blood.It is estimated that when the lovers met, the tonsils of both parties leaked pus, which was transmitted to the kissing partner through the contact of the lips of the two people.When they eat, drink, or drink other fluids, the pus mixes with those substances and enters the stomach.A food-filled stomach is fertile ground for the growth of microbes and toxic bacteria, and the result will be a dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from stomach ulcers.
Under such circumstances, attractiveness is out of the question.
Lesson 25
who stole your vitality
Habits, good or bad, play a big role in making or breaking vitality.A man who is always exhausted by some indiscretion is doomed for life.Instead of choosing to keep his energy, he complains that the world still owes him a life.Some are so careless as to be indifferent to their own health.They delude themselves into thinking that they are strong enough to be exposed to any situation.One young man, without a jacket, rushed into the icy rain without any protective gear.Three hours later, he was sent home, where he contracted a cold, developed pneumonia, and died.Stubbornness is the exact opposite of mental attraction, and most misjudgments in the world are due to stubbornness, and most of the deaths are due to their brains being infected with this disease.
Damp Clothes - When clothes get wet, the body loses so much vitality that most people don't realize it until it's too late.The same goes for wearing wet shoes, sitting on the floor, standing in wet areas, or inadvertently exposing warm skin to a lot of outside moisture in any way.
Thin Shoes—We were going to ignore this enemy, since objections to bulky shoes abound.But it turns out that flimsy shoes force the key nerves of the foot to the ground.Therefore, if you wear such shoes, danger will follow.Napoleon made a point of choosing the heaviest boots for his soldiers, which he found could prevent the discomfort of troop treks in wetlands.It turned out that the soldiers in his unit were less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal ailments than any other unit known.Weakened stomachs killed thousands during World War I, and twice as many died from disease than from enemy guns.
Standing on cold or wet surfaces in thin shoes, or walking on wet surfaces, is one of the most likely causes of physiological dysfunction, not to mention loss of vitality that affects attractiveness formation.This point has been proved by a large number of experiments and is beyond doubt.
Appetite Stimulants—The greatest mistake man can make is to stimulate or stimulate his appetite with something out of the ordinary.Nature has every reason to have these stimulants, but man has manipulated them indiscriminately into all sorts of condiments, marinades, seasonings, puff pastry, and whatever other condiments the palate desires.
The results of testing and analyzing the human body show that the amount of various chemical elements required by the human body is certain, and the matching ratio of the known elements is also certain.Ingestion of other substances from the outside world can eventually cause harm to the body.
In many restaurants, marinated products are purchased from producers.Hundreds of barrels are used in production, and analysis shows that not all of these substances are suitable for the needs of the human body.People eat all kinds of unsuitable food at the fireside, and this is only a small part of it.The art of seasoning, cooking and enhancing food nutrition has now become a science.There have been many recent cases of culinary experts who are reluctant to let their employers into the kitchens because they often store cows that have died of tuberculosis, let them rot badly, and then cook them to mask their own smell.Under the action of seasoning, these rotten beef will soon become a delicacy on the banquet table.
Most people are too gluttonous, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.The safer approach is to only eat foods that you know and are familiar with, and give up other types.We know it is not fashionable to teach people to eat simple, but it is reasonable to say that eating too much or not being tempted by special flavors will lead to a decrease in vitality and attractive energy.The more simple and ordinary we eat, and not in excess, the more vigorous our vitality will be.
Dyspepsia - Dyspepsia can be either chronic or acute.The latter can be felt after meals and may last for hours or days.Chronic indigestion does not feel in the stomach, even if you eat harmful food, the stomach will feel good, because there is no bad feeling in it.Therefore, at this time, people don't consider the weakening of heart function, the yellow-green color on the face, and the bad breath, so they continue to eat those foods that reduce vitality.
The whole life, whether it is from the perspective of attraction or the perspective of body, comes from the nutrients that make up the human body and various organs.The first battle in this phase of the training program is to defeat and completely eliminate all causes of indigestion (whether chronic or acute).
Carbon is transformed into a toxic substance in a chemical reaction that can be found almost anywhere and under any conditions.It is present in the breath that people exhale from their lungs, and it can be easily detected because it extinguishes burning carbon.Where carbon can't burn, life can't exist either.It is present in all freshly made breads, cakes and most baked fresh foods, and is an integral force in the rise and rise of dough.It's also found in soda, it's fair to say that no hard drink is carbon-free, and almost every water sold contains it.It is a foaming agent, and Champagne depends almost entirely on carbon dioxide for its quality.Liquor, beer, cider, soft drinks, and all ferments are loaded with this toxic substance.
Carbonated drinks are loved for their zest, pop, fizz, and that desirable throat-clearing sensation.One of its important therapeutic mechanisms is to clear the stomach when gastric juice accumulates to form viscous substances and cause obstruction.Fluids containing gas clean your stomach in the same way that a file cleans your teeth or sandpaper cleans dirt from your face.Many doctors recommend that patients clear out their stomachs with regular soda or other kinds of carb-filled sodas.Strangely, almost all of the people who took the therapy had a history of appendicitis.Today, the incidence of the latter disease is rising rapidly, and it can be called the coming plague of civilization.The reason is that the passage to the appendix is left open due to the absence of the high-quality mucous membrane lining the intestinal wall.This is the first result of excessive intake of carbon dioxide gas.
Neuritis is also gradually showing a general trend.The reason is that many elements that enter the stomach cannot be absorbed by the body system because they are not food elements.Today, people eat more non-food products than food.However, they pass through the body like food, and you can find them on almost every menu or in most homes.They drain the vitality of the body, for instead of being able to provide nourishment to the body, the body expends a great deal of energy in processing them and removing them from the body.
Unhealthy Diets—This does not mean those that make people sick, but those that satisfy the appetite but do nothing to strengthen the body.It takes a lot of energy for the human body to digest food and expel the excess food that is normally ingested out of the system every day.If so many foods are unhealthy, then the energy in the body's stores of attractiveness will not increase.
The more ordinary food you eat, the more energy and vitality you have in your body.Still, we have to say that there is a general willingness to ingest carbon of one form or another.Some people like carbon in the form of sugar, others in the form of cakes, desserts, puddings, fruit pies, donuts, fat, butter, ice cream or alcohol, the last of which is almost all carbon .If a person likes to drink, his need for sugar and fat will be less, and he will get sick as a result.Carbon can be converted from one form of existence to another.Sugar is often converted to alcohol, starch is often converted to alcohol, and starch is sometimes converted to sugar.Bitters of all flavors, ice cream, butter, cakes, candies, and everything else that pleases the palate is carbon, and the elements it contains are easily converted into alcohol.
Babies are born with a particular preference for carbon, and breast milk contains more sugar than cow's milk, since calves are destined to eat hay and grain.As people grow older, people's desires also continue to increase, and no parent will ignore their children's instinctive needs.Insufficient carbon intake is unattractive. Excessive carbon intake will cause virtual fire in the body to rise, and substances other than carbon cannot provide energy.The body transmits its need for carbon to the stomach through the sense of taste, allowing it to accept any food containing carbon, resulting in eating too much of unhealthy food.For example: puff pastry, ice cream, loaves, meatloaf, French fries, baked goods, and many other foods require a lot of energy from the nervous system to expel them from the body.
Once we were invited to sit on a dais in a hall where one of the most engaging orators of the day was giving an important speech.It is said that the man possesses what is called a natural attractiveness which he intensifies by means of his habits of life.
(End of this chapter)
Lesson 24
Get Rid of Bad Habits and Talk About Attraction
Anything that detracts from vitality will hinder the accumulation of attraction.Pain of any kind is the enemy of attraction because it will drain a person of both nerve energy and attraction energy.
We've never seen a man with a toothache control other people through attraction.The pain a toothache causes can damage nerves, even badly.At this time, the speed of the body flowing out of vitality is faster than the speed of generating vitality.Such torture not only impairs the vitality of the body and makes one listless, but also creates a more dangerous enemy for oneself, that is, anger.
Anything that irritates people, whether it is physical pain, nervous torture, or mental distress, will cause a person to quickly lose attractiveness.Most scheming people know this well, because they take advantage of it to undermine their opponent's attractive calm and poised demeanor.Attempts to irritate you by others will not succeed and require certain self-control skills. This kind of irritation usually refers to emotional anger.
We have never seen a person suffering from headaches or rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis, or other serious illnesses who remained attractive during their illness, even if they were normally highly attractive.This reminds us of Beecher involuntarily.He once said privately that his last speech failure was due to severe pain from indigestion.His audience has to consider why he is so stupid.Yet his personal appeal under normal circumstances surpassed that of any public speaker of his generation, and his control over his audience was almost immeasurable.
Pain—There is a principle of attraction: anything that causes a loss of vitality in the nervous system is bound to impair the person's attractiveness.That is, if a person loses as much energy in his body as he gains, he cannot build up strength.Pain is enemy number one of attraction, and it wears out the brain, nerves, and muscles.Canker sores, as well as toothaches, headaches, rheumatisms, or any other afflictions of the body, tend to reduce the efficiency of certain systems by their exhaustion.
As for how to eliminate these enemies, it is actually very simple.Canker sores are not a big problem, whether it is treatment or prevention, it can be said to be at your fingertips.The same goes for headaches and rheumatism, and toothaches can in most cases be treated by extraction or treatment.But whatever the cause, whatever the treatment, the general principle remains the same—as long as the pain doesn't go away, it can't be attractive.
Why should bad teeth be treated?This is mainly due to several reasons: firstly, they produce pain which impairs the vitality of the body; secondly, they inject a deadly toxin into the blood and the circulatory system of the whole body, which affects the brain, intellect, heart, and especially Affects nerves.A single droplet of this toxin contains billions of bacteria that spread far and wide in the bloodstream, causing damage that is as yet unknown.This injury can eventually lead to neuritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, or brain infection, which can affect thought processes and even create criminal motives.Therefore, for a sane person, if there is no other remedy, all he can do is to extract the bad tooth.
There is a more important reason why decayed teeth cannot be left in the mouth.The toxins released by bad teeth will make people's breath smell bad, and when he comes into close contact with others, it will arouse people's disgust.In addition to having a bad breath (as can some degree of poor personal hygiene), each exhalation carries millions of bacteria from decaying teeth or tonsils outside the mouth.When boys and girls kiss each other, the inflamed parts of their blood circulate and pollute each other's breath—one doctor said: "Professional speaking, 99% of these young people's bodies are unclean. How's their morality." Such a situation is repulsive, so it's impossible for them to be attractive, and as they grow up, the rest of their lives are as hopeless as they are now.Even mortals know that no matter how ambitious a person is, it's hard to get a place in the world if he's not attractive.
Many times a man is rejected by a woman because of his decayed teeth, the dirty state makes women sick.We also hear that many women fail to attract and win the man they want because of their bad teeth.Dirty is unattractive, some people would rather waste their money on pointless things than make themselves more attractive, and they keep losing friends and opportunities throughout their lives because of their bad teeth.The information we have (thousands of cases) shows that many people who would have had the opportunity to make a difference in society or to achieve greater success in economic or other fields, but because they foolishly refuse to spend some funds to clean themselves teeth instead of spending that money on pointless entertainment and ultimately forfeiting those opportunities.They hurt their health, they lost friends, they lost the respect they deserved as decent human beings, and they lost many opportunities to improve their economic situation.
Until recently, we encountered a case where a very smart young man was about to be promoted, and his salary was £1000 a year. Instead of being promoted, he was fired.We asked his employer why he did this, and the answer was: "He's been with us for seven years. Our manager advised him that he sees a lot of people every day, so he should get his teeth cleaned. Instead, he told the manager that he He has never been to a dentist since he grew up, and we don’t intend to do so now, so we can only ask him to leave. Since he left, the air in the office is not as dirty as before.” It can be seen that the young man with decayed teeth is in the office every day. How much disgusting stench exhaled in the air of the huge office.
In this way, it is not difficult to understand why those who are capable, efficient, and ambitious still fail in life.Another employer said: "When one or more of our employees are promoted in their original positions, one or more are also fired. Personal habits or negligence have a lot to do with promotions Relationship."
Once the tonsils have decayed, they discharge small droplets of pus through their pores.This pus, though small in quantity, contains billions of bacteria that are immediately dispersed in the circulating blood.It is estimated that when the lovers met, the tonsils of both parties leaked pus, which was transmitted to the kissing partner through the contact of the lips of the two people.When they eat, drink, or drink other fluids, the pus mixes with those substances and enters the stomach.A food-filled stomach is fertile ground for the growth of microbes and toxic bacteria, and the result will be a dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from stomach ulcers.
Under such circumstances, attractiveness is out of the question.
Lesson 25
who stole your vitality
Habits, good or bad, play a big role in making or breaking vitality.A man who is always exhausted by some indiscretion is doomed for life.Instead of choosing to keep his energy, he complains that the world still owes him a life.Some are so careless as to be indifferent to their own health.They delude themselves into thinking that they are strong enough to be exposed to any situation.One young man, without a jacket, rushed into the icy rain without any protective gear.Three hours later, he was sent home, where he contracted a cold, developed pneumonia, and died.Stubbornness is the exact opposite of mental attraction, and most misjudgments in the world are due to stubbornness, and most of the deaths are due to their brains being infected with this disease.
Damp Clothes - When clothes get wet, the body loses so much vitality that most people don't realize it until it's too late.The same goes for wearing wet shoes, sitting on the floor, standing in wet areas, or inadvertently exposing warm skin to a lot of outside moisture in any way.
Thin Shoes—We were going to ignore this enemy, since objections to bulky shoes abound.But it turns out that flimsy shoes force the key nerves of the foot to the ground.Therefore, if you wear such shoes, danger will follow.Napoleon made a point of choosing the heaviest boots for his soldiers, which he found could prevent the discomfort of troop treks in wetlands.It turned out that the soldiers in his unit were less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal ailments than any other unit known.Weakened stomachs killed thousands during World War I, and twice as many died from disease than from enemy guns.
Standing on cold or wet surfaces in thin shoes, or walking on wet surfaces, is one of the most likely causes of physiological dysfunction, not to mention loss of vitality that affects attractiveness formation.This point has been proved by a large number of experiments and is beyond doubt.
Appetite Stimulants—The greatest mistake man can make is to stimulate or stimulate his appetite with something out of the ordinary.Nature has every reason to have these stimulants, but man has manipulated them indiscriminately into all sorts of condiments, marinades, seasonings, puff pastry, and whatever other condiments the palate desires.
The results of testing and analyzing the human body show that the amount of various chemical elements required by the human body is certain, and the matching ratio of the known elements is also certain.Ingestion of other substances from the outside world can eventually cause harm to the body.
In many restaurants, marinated products are purchased from producers.Hundreds of barrels are used in production, and analysis shows that not all of these substances are suitable for the needs of the human body.People eat all kinds of unsuitable food at the fireside, and this is only a small part of it.The art of seasoning, cooking and enhancing food nutrition has now become a science.There have been many recent cases of culinary experts who are reluctant to let their employers into the kitchens because they often store cows that have died of tuberculosis, let them rot badly, and then cook them to mask their own smell.Under the action of seasoning, these rotten beef will soon become a delicacy on the banquet table.
Most people are too gluttonous, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.The safer approach is to only eat foods that you know and are familiar with, and give up other types.We know it is not fashionable to teach people to eat simple, but it is reasonable to say that eating too much or not being tempted by special flavors will lead to a decrease in vitality and attractive energy.The more simple and ordinary we eat, and not in excess, the more vigorous our vitality will be.
Dyspepsia - Dyspepsia can be either chronic or acute.The latter can be felt after meals and may last for hours or days.Chronic indigestion does not feel in the stomach, even if you eat harmful food, the stomach will feel good, because there is no bad feeling in it.Therefore, at this time, people don't consider the weakening of heart function, the yellow-green color on the face, and the bad breath, so they continue to eat those foods that reduce vitality.
The whole life, whether it is from the perspective of attraction or the perspective of body, comes from the nutrients that make up the human body and various organs.The first battle in this phase of the training program is to defeat and completely eliminate all causes of indigestion (whether chronic or acute).
Carbon is transformed into a toxic substance in a chemical reaction that can be found almost anywhere and under any conditions.It is present in the breath that people exhale from their lungs, and it can be easily detected because it extinguishes burning carbon.Where carbon can't burn, life can't exist either.It is present in all freshly made breads, cakes and most baked fresh foods, and is an integral force in the rise and rise of dough.It's also found in soda, it's fair to say that no hard drink is carbon-free, and almost every water sold contains it.It is a foaming agent, and Champagne depends almost entirely on carbon dioxide for its quality.Liquor, beer, cider, soft drinks, and all ferments are loaded with this toxic substance.
Carbonated drinks are loved for their zest, pop, fizz, and that desirable throat-clearing sensation.One of its important therapeutic mechanisms is to clear the stomach when gastric juice accumulates to form viscous substances and cause obstruction.Fluids containing gas clean your stomach in the same way that a file cleans your teeth or sandpaper cleans dirt from your face.Many doctors recommend that patients clear out their stomachs with regular soda or other kinds of carb-filled sodas.Strangely, almost all of the people who took the therapy had a history of appendicitis.Today, the incidence of the latter disease is rising rapidly, and it can be called the coming plague of civilization.The reason is that the passage to the appendix is left open due to the absence of the high-quality mucous membrane lining the intestinal wall.This is the first result of excessive intake of carbon dioxide gas.
Neuritis is also gradually showing a general trend.The reason is that many elements that enter the stomach cannot be absorbed by the body system because they are not food elements.Today, people eat more non-food products than food.However, they pass through the body like food, and you can find them on almost every menu or in most homes.They drain the vitality of the body, for instead of being able to provide nourishment to the body, the body expends a great deal of energy in processing them and removing them from the body.
Unhealthy Diets—This does not mean those that make people sick, but those that satisfy the appetite but do nothing to strengthen the body.It takes a lot of energy for the human body to digest food and expel the excess food that is normally ingested out of the system every day.If so many foods are unhealthy, then the energy in the body's stores of attractiveness will not increase.
The more ordinary food you eat, the more energy and vitality you have in your body.Still, we have to say that there is a general willingness to ingest carbon of one form or another.Some people like carbon in the form of sugar, others in the form of cakes, desserts, puddings, fruit pies, donuts, fat, butter, ice cream or alcohol, the last of which is almost all carbon .If a person likes to drink, his need for sugar and fat will be less, and he will get sick as a result.Carbon can be converted from one form of existence to another.Sugar is often converted to alcohol, starch is often converted to alcohol, and starch is sometimes converted to sugar.Bitters of all flavors, ice cream, butter, cakes, candies, and everything else that pleases the palate is carbon, and the elements it contains are easily converted into alcohol.
Babies are born with a particular preference for carbon, and breast milk contains more sugar than cow's milk, since calves are destined to eat hay and grain.As people grow older, people's desires also continue to increase, and no parent will ignore their children's instinctive needs.Insufficient carbon intake is unattractive. Excessive carbon intake will cause virtual fire in the body to rise, and substances other than carbon cannot provide energy.The body transmits its need for carbon to the stomach through the sense of taste, allowing it to accept any food containing carbon, resulting in eating too much of unhealthy food.For example: puff pastry, ice cream, loaves, meatloaf, French fries, baked goods, and many other foods require a lot of energy from the nervous system to expel them from the body.
Once we were invited to sit on a dais in a hall where one of the most engaging orators of the day was giving an important speech.It is said that the man possesses what is called a natural attractiveness which he intensifies by means of his habits of life.
(End of this chapter)
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