Personal Charm Perfect Private Tutorial
Chapter 18 The Enemy of Charm
Chapter 18 The Enemy of Charm (4)
44. Milk - It is best to drink pure milk that has not been processed.
45. Milk toast, or cream toast.
46. Moss from Ireland, Iceland, or any seaside bog.This is an easily digestible food.
47. Oatmeal – it takes three hours to cook, preferably simmered overnight.
48. Olives - don't wait for them to be cooked before eating them.
49. Onions - should be eaten cooked, not raw or fried.
50. Oysters—usually boiled, some like to be stewed or carefully grilled, steamed, or baked with sauce and breadcrumbs, never eaten raw or fried.
51. Parsnips.
52. Peas - This is a good food in season and can also be canned.
53. Tender pigeon.
54. White Potatoes – The best way to cook white potatoes is roasting, followed by steaming.You can spread it with sauce, bake it in breadcrumbs, or slice it and cook it in a pan with milk.Don't eat French fries, French fries have caused many deaths from indigestion.Few white potatoes are nondigestible because their starch cells have not yet been formed.Aged waxy potatoes are as bad for you as the green ones.
55. Raisins – seeded raisins are better than seedless, don’t shriveled seedless raisins.Seed raisins are very nutritious.
56. Rice - the kind of rice that can be bought everywhere and has not been deeply processed.
57. Rye.
58. Sago rice.
59. Plaice.
60. Spinach topped with milk, curd or butter.
61. Pumpkin, or squash.
62. Sugar – White or brown sugar is good for health.Maple sugar is not as good, but it will work.Honey is the best of all sugars.Syrup is useful, very nutritious, and contains valuable salts, which are also found in brown sugar.The juice in the corn stover is indigestible, it is excreted intact after it is eaten.Not all sugar you buy is safe, and unsafe sugar must not be included in this food list.
63. Cassava flour.
64. Tomatoes – This food contains malic acid, citric acid, and some varieties contain small amounts of oxalic acid.But when used sparingly, as in a puree, it does no harm to the system, provided the person who consumes it does not suffer from rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, or headache.
65. Trout.
66. Halibut.
67. Turkey, if it is not too expensive, you can buy some.
68. Veal – For some, this meat is poison because it is so tender.Six-month-grown veal is safe.The longer the calf grows, the richer the nutrients in the beef.
69. Vegetables - This includes almost anything that grows in the ground, but not fried.The edible value and vitamin content of lettuce and spinach are very high.Cabbage, turnips, parsnips, carrots, celery, beets, fresh or canned peas, fresh or canned green beans, lima beans, lima beans, and many other legumes are good foods.But be careful to eat radishes and cucumbers, because these two foods may cause indigestion or intestinal toxicity in the intestine.Many people have died as a result.
70. Fettuccine.
Lesson 29
foods that can ruin the glamour
If you abandon inappropriate food, you will make your blood pure, and you will develop immune functions against diseases, pain, irritability, loss of attractiveness, etc., so that you will no longer suffer from these afflictions, so that you can gain benefits that are more valuable than the above Higher other advantages.
food that destroys attraction
We're going to list those foods that destroy the appeal in alphabetical order.You need to bear in mind that some of these foods are completely unnecessary for the human body, some are partially unnecessary for the human body, and some are directly toxic to the human body, and even cause some hidden diseases, but the speed of damage to health is relatively slow , It is not easy to detect, and it is late when it is discovered.There are also some proper foods, due to incorrect cooking methods, which will partially or completely destroy the nutrients in them.Among the foods listed below, there are a few that are very nutritious, but are converted into toxins in the human body.
1. Bacon – Recommended by many doctors due to its high carb content.Still, it can cause a lot of damage to the body.
2. Fried beans - For manual workers with strong digestive ability, eating this kind of food can keep them from feeling hungry for several hours.But for our learning goals this time, it's not a good food.
3. Dried beans.
4. Old stale cabbage.New, tender and crispy cabbages are quite different from those old, chewy ones.
5. Greasy cakes, or cakes with spices, citron, or raisins.
6. Bad candy.Some store-bought candies are bad for you, others are made with spoiled fats, fake sugars and colorings.Many impure chocolates are typical of this.There is no question that most store-bought candies are good for your health.
7. Cheese, but not home-made cream cheese.
8. French fries, including both potato chips and other French fries.
9. Coffee - The coffee being sold now is much more toxic than it used to be.In any case, it is not a food, and it contains almost no elements needed by the human body.Simply replace it with almond coffee.
10. Nachos – corn crisps or any crunchy food.They are not food, although they are made of corn, but in an inappropriate way.
11. Cocoa Beans - This is a food where cocoa is grown, its juice and fresh flesh are food.But in our climate it is not easily digested.
12. Cranberries – This much-hyped food we see has no food value and is bad for our blood.
13. Crispy skin for meat or other foods.
14. Courgettes.
15. Crabmeat.
16. Seedless currants.
17. Donuts.
18. Greasy or simple seasonings.
19. Fried eggs.
20. Fried food of any kind.
21. Fried fish.
22. Fruitcake.
23. Fruit pudding.
24. Smoked fish.
25. Fish salted, fried or preserved in any way for a long time.
26. Goose.
27. Broth.
28. Ham.
29. Pork, and various alternatives.
30. Jam made from oranges, lemons, etc.
31. Meat salted, fried or preserved in any way for a long time.
32. Minced meat.
33. Oily nuts.Almonds and chestnuts are the best.
34. Fried or raw onions.
35. Fried oysters.
36. Flour pastries, small pies, etc.
37. Aged peas.
38. Peanuts.
39. Peanut butter, peanut oil, etc.
40. Kimchi.
41. Pepper.
42. Fried potatoes or French fries.
43. Radishes.
44. Rhubarb.
45. Peels of oranges or lemons, etc.
46. Sausages and all mixtures of ground meat and other substances.
47. Sauces.
48. Shrimp.
49. Condiments.
50. Strawberry, gooseberry, hawthorn.
51. Pancreas or thymus of calf or lamb.
52. Yam.
53. Tea.
54. Eating turtles or any marine scavengers, including lobsters.
55. Old, fibrous kohlrabi.
56. Old vegetables that won't bite.
57. Vinegar, and all foods that are stirred or peeled with vinegar.
58. Sweet potatoes.
59. Viscera or guts, thymus or pancreas, kidneys, brains, hearts and hooves of animals, jellies made of hooves and jelly made of viscous elements.These things, as well as tendons and muscles, if they appear in sausages, meat bread or meat cheese, or other mixed foods, we should try to avoid these most dangerous foods, because they contain poisonous substances. strong element.
The various foods listed above are intimidating, and some people may disapprove because they like the food we have abandoned;We've based this food list on over 40 years of experience and field testing.There's a difference between chemical testing, which tells us what a food is, and field testing, which tells us how that food affects people's lives.For example, chemists tell us that soap fat and axle grease are rich in calories and vitamins, but experience tells us that they are only suitable for those living within the arctic circle, and that they are fatal to those who live in our regions .
We're coming to the end of this part of the study, which so far has only been about forming habits.
Even by the end of the book here, students have made great strides in what we teach about developing personal magnetism.With just a little more nudge, we can activate the already markedly increased attractiveness of those people and give them all the advantages that build upon it.However, we still have to move forward towards a greater goal.
The next step is to develop the energy of attraction.Once this goal has been achieved, in the end all that remains is to use it permanently.As all these processes take place, students grow healthier, more energetic, physically more manly or feminine, and their nerves and brains enter a state of vitality never before seen.He or she stands in front of others and immediately gives one a sublime feeling, which reminds one of the ancient belief that humans and angels are of the same origin.
So, this study has become the most important thing in your life.
(End of this chapter)
44. Milk - It is best to drink pure milk that has not been processed.
45. Milk toast, or cream toast.
46. Moss from Ireland, Iceland, or any seaside bog.This is an easily digestible food.
47. Oatmeal – it takes three hours to cook, preferably simmered overnight.
48. Olives - don't wait for them to be cooked before eating them.
49. Onions - should be eaten cooked, not raw or fried.
50. Oysters—usually boiled, some like to be stewed or carefully grilled, steamed, or baked with sauce and breadcrumbs, never eaten raw or fried.
51. Parsnips.
52. Peas - This is a good food in season and can also be canned.
53. Tender pigeon.
54. White Potatoes – The best way to cook white potatoes is roasting, followed by steaming.You can spread it with sauce, bake it in breadcrumbs, or slice it and cook it in a pan with milk.Don't eat French fries, French fries have caused many deaths from indigestion.Few white potatoes are nondigestible because their starch cells have not yet been formed.Aged waxy potatoes are as bad for you as the green ones.
55. Raisins – seeded raisins are better than seedless, don’t shriveled seedless raisins.Seed raisins are very nutritious.
56. Rice - the kind of rice that can be bought everywhere and has not been deeply processed.
57. Rye.
58. Sago rice.
59. Plaice.
60. Spinach topped with milk, curd or butter.
61. Pumpkin, or squash.
62. Sugar – White or brown sugar is good for health.Maple sugar is not as good, but it will work.Honey is the best of all sugars.Syrup is useful, very nutritious, and contains valuable salts, which are also found in brown sugar.The juice in the corn stover is indigestible, it is excreted intact after it is eaten.Not all sugar you buy is safe, and unsafe sugar must not be included in this food list.
63. Cassava flour.
64. Tomatoes – This food contains malic acid, citric acid, and some varieties contain small amounts of oxalic acid.But when used sparingly, as in a puree, it does no harm to the system, provided the person who consumes it does not suffer from rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, or headache.
65. Trout.
66. Halibut.
67. Turkey, if it is not too expensive, you can buy some.
68. Veal – For some, this meat is poison because it is so tender.Six-month-grown veal is safe.The longer the calf grows, the richer the nutrients in the beef.
69. Vegetables - This includes almost anything that grows in the ground, but not fried.The edible value and vitamin content of lettuce and spinach are very high.Cabbage, turnips, parsnips, carrots, celery, beets, fresh or canned peas, fresh or canned green beans, lima beans, lima beans, and many other legumes are good foods.But be careful to eat radishes and cucumbers, because these two foods may cause indigestion or intestinal toxicity in the intestine.Many people have died as a result.
70. Fettuccine.
Lesson 29
foods that can ruin the glamour
If you abandon inappropriate food, you will make your blood pure, and you will develop immune functions against diseases, pain, irritability, loss of attractiveness, etc., so that you will no longer suffer from these afflictions, so that you can gain benefits that are more valuable than the above Higher other advantages.
food that destroys attraction
We're going to list those foods that destroy the appeal in alphabetical order.You need to bear in mind that some of these foods are completely unnecessary for the human body, some are partially unnecessary for the human body, and some are directly toxic to the human body, and even cause some hidden diseases, but the speed of damage to health is relatively slow , It is not easy to detect, and it is late when it is discovered.There are also some proper foods, due to incorrect cooking methods, which will partially or completely destroy the nutrients in them.Among the foods listed below, there are a few that are very nutritious, but are converted into toxins in the human body.
1. Bacon – Recommended by many doctors due to its high carb content.Still, it can cause a lot of damage to the body.
2. Fried beans - For manual workers with strong digestive ability, eating this kind of food can keep them from feeling hungry for several hours.But for our learning goals this time, it's not a good food.
3. Dried beans.
4. Old stale cabbage.New, tender and crispy cabbages are quite different from those old, chewy ones.
5. Greasy cakes, or cakes with spices, citron, or raisins.
6. Bad candy.Some store-bought candies are bad for you, others are made with spoiled fats, fake sugars and colorings.Many impure chocolates are typical of this.There is no question that most store-bought candies are good for your health.
7. Cheese, but not home-made cream cheese.
8. French fries, including both potato chips and other French fries.
9. Coffee - The coffee being sold now is much more toxic than it used to be.In any case, it is not a food, and it contains almost no elements needed by the human body.Simply replace it with almond coffee.
10. Nachos – corn crisps or any crunchy food.They are not food, although they are made of corn, but in an inappropriate way.
11. Cocoa Beans - This is a food where cocoa is grown, its juice and fresh flesh are food.But in our climate it is not easily digested.
12. Cranberries – This much-hyped food we see has no food value and is bad for our blood.
13. Crispy skin for meat or other foods.
14. Courgettes.
15. Crabmeat.
16. Seedless currants.
17. Donuts.
18. Greasy or simple seasonings.
19. Fried eggs.
20. Fried food of any kind.
21. Fried fish.
22. Fruitcake.
23. Fruit pudding.
24. Smoked fish.
25. Fish salted, fried or preserved in any way for a long time.
26. Goose.
27. Broth.
28. Ham.
29. Pork, and various alternatives.
30. Jam made from oranges, lemons, etc.
31. Meat salted, fried or preserved in any way for a long time.
32. Minced meat.
33. Oily nuts.Almonds and chestnuts are the best.
34. Fried or raw onions.
35. Fried oysters.
36. Flour pastries, small pies, etc.
37. Aged peas.
38. Peanuts.
39. Peanut butter, peanut oil, etc.
40. Kimchi.
41. Pepper.
42. Fried potatoes or French fries.
43. Radishes.
44. Rhubarb.
45. Peels of oranges or lemons, etc.
46. Sausages and all mixtures of ground meat and other substances.
47. Sauces.
48. Shrimp.
49. Condiments.
50. Strawberry, gooseberry, hawthorn.
51. Pancreas or thymus of calf or lamb.
52. Yam.
53. Tea.
54. Eating turtles or any marine scavengers, including lobsters.
55. Old, fibrous kohlrabi.
56. Old vegetables that won't bite.
57. Vinegar, and all foods that are stirred or peeled with vinegar.
58. Sweet potatoes.
59. Viscera or guts, thymus or pancreas, kidneys, brains, hearts and hooves of animals, jellies made of hooves and jelly made of viscous elements.These things, as well as tendons and muscles, if they appear in sausages, meat bread or meat cheese, or other mixed foods, we should try to avoid these most dangerous foods, because they contain poisonous substances. strong element.
The various foods listed above are intimidating, and some people may disapprove because they like the food we have abandoned;We've based this food list on over 40 years of experience and field testing.There's a difference between chemical testing, which tells us what a food is, and field testing, which tells us how that food affects people's lives.For example, chemists tell us that soap fat and axle grease are rich in calories and vitamins, but experience tells us that they are only suitable for those living within the arctic circle, and that they are fatal to those who live in our regions .
We're coming to the end of this part of the study, which so far has only been about forming habits.
Even by the end of the book here, students have made great strides in what we teach about developing personal magnetism.With just a little more nudge, we can activate the already markedly increased attractiveness of those people and give them all the advantages that build upon it.However, we still have to move forward towards a greater goal.
The next step is to develop the energy of attraction.Once this goal has been achieved, in the end all that remains is to use it permanently.As all these processes take place, students grow healthier, more energetic, physically more manly or feminine, and their nerves and brains enter a state of vitality never before seen.He or she stands in front of others and immediately gives one a sublime feeling, which reminds one of the ancient belief that humans and angels are of the same origin.
So, this study has become the most important thing in your life.
(End of this chapter)
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