Personal Charm Perfect Private Tutorial
Chapter 19 Tension Creates Charm
Chapter 19 Tension Creates Charm (1)
Lesson 30
There is tension, there is attraction
Tension is reflected in all successful attractive people, whether they are taught to do so or not.Tension is a necessary part of attraction and never has been.So, if we skipped it, it would be incomplete to leave students with the means to win.
When muscle groups tense, they are ready for an important body movement.All muscle movement is driven by nerves, so the source of muscle tension is nerves.
Tensile energy, as it sounds, is only related to those nerves that drive important movements, and it is only on the nerve level and not on the muscular level.When the muscles are tense (which is necessary and normal for any athlete), it is the nerves that send commands to push the muscles to complete each movement cycle.
Tension energy is integral to expressing any form of attraction. Nervous energy is not static in the process of tension formation, but a growing force that starts out weak and grows stronger as it is applied. .This change may seem technical, but it is extremely important, and you must fully understand it.Therefore, we will repeat this point in another way, and you can see the following description as another example.
If you want to prepare a muscle group for an important movement, you can immediately tense it to the extent it will be needed.If the movement requires more muscle power, you'll tense them tighter.However, the preparations made for each movement are temporary.
On the other hand, if you want to show a certain degree of attractiveness rather than muscular strength, you no longer need to tense up the nerves, but you want to activate the nervous system, causing more nerve energy to flow out for you to display the attractiveness of life used when.This flow of energy will continue to intensify over time.
The flow of energy flow is fixed at the beginning, and it will not increase if the demand does not increase.In such cases, the intensity of the energy usually fluctuates.Attraction can only come about when one is constantly building up one's own vigor as one moves forward with taut nerves.So attractive people are always boosting that energy, not draining it.Here is another important fact.
Assuming you haven't grasped the implications of these differences, we'll explain the benefits of exercising in a form you're all too familiar with, instead of straining your nerves before starting an activity.
Squeeze a small part of the broom handle, about six inches, and grip it in your right hand as hard as you can.This is a form of muscle tension that is useless for developing attractiveness.Attractiveness cannot be developed by muscular strength or physical strength.Instead, it only counteracts the attraction, reducing its strength.
Now let's go back to the six-inch broom handle that you hold in your right hand. Don't squeeze it too tightly, but as lightly as possible, as long as you can hold it.At this time, your hands are relaxed.Now, apply a little force to your hand holding the broom handle, and then gradually add more force slowly, not one by one, the process of increasing force should be gentle, and the time of applying force should be extended as much as possible. Do not hold the broom handle too hard, as long as it does not cause muscle tension in the arms.
When the increase in nerve energy flow approaches the force exerted by the muscles, stop.Make sure the nerves and muscles are not tensed.This gap will guarantee the activity of energy flow.The energy flow is constantly increasing, and the muscles are not extremely tense to generate attraction.At this time, the attraction is very fast and very fast. Have you realized the meaning and importance of this difference?
Life principles are difficult to explain, but this is the process of continuous attraction.The author knows many people who have mastered the exercises in this series, and they can easily feel the life principles at work in them.
Main principle
Tension creates attraction.
This is the core principle of attraction.First of all, it is necessary for us to understand the meaning of the word "tension".The dictionary basically accurately expresses its meaning, defining it as "not easy".Also known as stiffness, or having firm strength.We define the word "tense" in this study as: This is a force or state, when it exists, the various parts of the body will change from a relaxed state to a hard state.
It's the opposite of slack, but not stiff.
If the human body is in a relaxed state, the muscles will become weak and the body will lack vitality; if the human body is in a hard state, the muscles will be tense, the work will be completed, and the goal will be achieved.Only when the nerves control the muscles properly, like a man pressing a stone against a wall, can man do anything and things go on.In order to clarify this point more clearly, we would like to propose a few principles here for discussion with you.
Main principle
It prepares the muscles to produce muscle energy.
We see all kinds of illustrations illustrating the use of muscles in aerobics, and classes that teach aerobics are very common.If someone's movements are weak, we say that his muscles are lacking vitality or relaxation.You've tried some of these moves to understand what it means: Stand with your arms raised to shoulder height; your fingers held together rather tightly in a half-fist.Slowly stretch your arms forward, obliquely, horizontally or in other directions, and do it several times. When doing these movements, try to appear weak and weak, and look lazy everywhere.Then, do these moves quickly but still slouchedly.If the muscle is slack, it doesn't make much difference whether it's fast or slow.
This happens with most physical exercises, aerobics and other sports organized by schools, although these are done under the supervision of physical education teachers and are just a waste of time.Lazy exercise and a relaxed state will only make people feel tired.There is a false logic that muscle activity happens naturally.If that's the case, why can't the amputated arm move as freely as before?Why use electric current to stimulate the severed frog leg to drive its muscle contraction?
Action must be supported by energy, otherwise it will appear insufficient vitality.The closer we get to a state of energy, the further we get from burnout.Therefore, any lazy exercise is harmful to the vitality of the body.If the energy is not continuously replenished, the energy stored in the past will also be depleted.So lounging, or walking too relaxed, is more likely to tire you out than walking with energy.Similarly, doing gymnastics, aerobics or other physical activities indiscriminately will not only destroy the value of these sports themselves, but even make the body's condition worse than before doing sports.That is why there are thousands of persons who do not benefit from the most valuable activities of health care.
If building muscle strength is your goal, this goal can be achieved according to the above principles.By exercising a muscle you can make it stronger.In the case of muscle relaxation, it is necessary for health to hang yourself on the horizontal bar with arm strength and stretch the muscle tissue.The same stretching can also be harmful to the body.However, if the muscles are adjusted in time, the relevant tissues will be protected, and vitality will replace laxity.Anyone who has experience in this field knows what we mean, and we can find ways to increase our strength based on this principle.However, after such an exercise, you will gain nothing but muscle strength.These facts can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. Lazy exercise is tiring and even exhausting.
2. Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles.
3. Continuously doing dull movements will make people stiff and clumsy unless corrected by opposite movements.Farmers and common workers never correct in the opposite direction, so their bodies lose their graceful shape.They are strong enough, but neither elegant nor attractive.However, you can almost always spot elegance in a skilled craftsman.
Therefore, we must see the significance of tension in various aspects.Whether it's exercising or working, you can't do anything without your muscular system unless you tense it up and use it.
However, there is another layer of relationship between this tension and development attraction, and the former cannot directly generate the latter.And the solidification of this power will also play a hindering role in the process of expressing its attractiveness.To achieve this latter goal, what we need is an increase in tension.When the tension increases, the attractiveness is also developed; when the attractiveness is developed, the tension is also gradually increased.We call this process exploration.
If a man works without tensing his muscles, his work will be worthless.
If a man is exercising his body for health, but not tensing his muscles, his exercise will be worthless exercise, and his physical activity will be useless.
All these questions belong only to the physical level of life.
Lesson 31
tense your nerves
Every part of the human body can generate astonishingly great power.
Attractive forces are dispersed in various parts of the body, so we need to centralize and control these scattered attractive forces through a certain link, and this link is to tighten the nerves.It's not the same as tensing the muscles, which you have to tense when you're working or exercising; but this time we have to tense the nerves, which is a completely different thing, the latter is to develop attractiveness.
Main principle
Attractive tension is the transition from rambunctious to tough.
The tension should be neither sluggish and lifeless nor rigid and rigid.In other words, this is not a state of rest or solidification of strength, but a process of change, which is an incremental increase in energy.This process is easy to understand. When the nerves and muscles are in a state of slack, they cannot obtain energy from various sources of vitality in the body.When they are stagnant, the energy they possess will be fixed, dynamic but not progressive.When the muscles leave the state of laziness and start to exert force, but do not reach the limit and freeze there, the nerves will remain active.The constant change of power generation leads to continuous energy demand, and the energy required can be continuously produced.
The only way a person can generate energy in the body is through tension.It is present in the many ways in which the body is used.The most obvious example is when people speak, sing, perform, or otherwise engage in public attention in public.An attractive person doesn't suddenly tense up and freeze his body in place, because if he did, the positive effect would be fleeting.
We recall hundreds of cases of loss of attractiveness due to making this mistake.There is a young and inexperienced lawyer who speaks to a jury on an important issue, his eyes and words flash with allure, and the audience is overwhelmed by the first few sentences.He failed to gradually increase his energy output from the beginning, which the art of attraction requires us to do.He dived headlong into the case, and without saying a few words, he poured out the long-suppressed energy like an explosion, and all the audience felt depressed.However, after 5 minutes he felt it was all over, interest had waned, he had lost his case, and the jury was exhausted, even though he had prepared quite well for the case.He begins like Alexander and ends like a listless child.When his attraction exploded violently in a matter of minutes, all his enthusiasm, conviction, and power went with it.He yelled and gesticulated fervently, letting his charm wear off and exhausting the jury at the same time.
Numerous speakers have told us that this is a common phenomenon.They don't know the reason and process of their failure. They only feel that they are very charming at the beginning, but soon this charm disappears, and finally only weak words are left.Speakers who don't understand the techniques of attraction follow those laws too, and it's just a matter of standing up or not, succeeding or failing.Starting out with a hundredfold effort and all you can think about is energy, which will mean a huge release of energy in your body, and you will never have a chance to generate that energy again because you are not tensing yourself up.
All great openers are plain, concise, humble, and calm.This gives the speaker the opportunity to tense himself up and the energy released gradually increases.Whether it is a conversation, a transaction or a speech, the effect can be seen in the movement of the arms:
1. If the speaker's arm swings limply forward or backward, as in calisthenics, it does not show any vitality, but only shows the speaker's indifference.
2. If the speaker clenches his fists tightly when gesturing, it means that the person has a strong body and a loud voice.
If the speaker begins with sluggish arm movements and then progressively displays increasing energy rather than bursting out, it is a sign that he is attractive.
Whether we are standing before a speaker, actor, or conversationalist, it is worth taking some time to observe him.We start with the speaker, who steps forward to the podium, calm and relaxed.The audience and him are strangers to each other, how can he prove himself to everyone?Neither do we, since we know nothing of his reputation or experience.However, students who have taken attractiveness courses can see his attractiveness in his poise, however, the apparent calm may also be due to his natural dullness or hubris, but it will become clear after a while.If it is the latter, then he will appear tense when warming up, and the energy in his body will burst out in a short period of time.
He went on with as much ease as at the beginning, but without displaying any of the qualities of a great orator.To be sure, his words were fluent and steady, if somewhat slow.His use of humor and humor shows that he is thoughtful, well-prepared, and confident in his presentation.The audience listened attentively, and evidently they knew that his speech was nothing above average, just smooth and pleasant.They liked the presentation, felt that it was going to be more interesting next time, and that something better was coming soon.The atmosphere of the audience seemed to foreshadow these messages.
Soon the interest of the speech increased.Speeches seem to be stating facts, but the language and manner of the speaker make those facts so interesting that the audience wants to listen to him.Now, the students in the attractiveness course noticed that the speaker's eyes had darkened, a subtle change that no one else noticed.The undertones of gray, brown, blue, or hazel do not change, but the pupils dilate and remain black.Students of attractiveness courses who sat on the podium or in the front row observed that the speaker's body—probably not trained in the arts—had also changed, with the chest slowly and gradually hardening and appearing full, broad, and firm.His arms no longer hung limply, but they didn't stiffen suddenly either.The speaker's body shifts from relaxed openness to subsequent vigor, unnoticed by anyone but the keen observer.The speaker not only maintains his appeal, but generates and gathers more of it by allowing himself to tense up slowly, which is soon reflected in his voice.
Everyone is paying attention, and every part and organ of the speaker's body is getting tighter and tighter bit by bit without the audience noticing.The speaker himself doesn't seem to realize it, because he doesn't think about it, but it happens to him just like any other attractive person.If there is a corresponding increase in tension, there will be no increase in strength.How can the principle reflected in the exercise be applied to the speech?The reason is simply that every man or woman who is personally attractive, whether male or female, exercises perfect self-control in this state of tension.
(End of this chapter)
Lesson 30
There is tension, there is attraction
Tension is reflected in all successful attractive people, whether they are taught to do so or not.Tension is a necessary part of attraction and never has been.So, if we skipped it, it would be incomplete to leave students with the means to win.
When muscle groups tense, they are ready for an important body movement.All muscle movement is driven by nerves, so the source of muscle tension is nerves.
Tensile energy, as it sounds, is only related to those nerves that drive important movements, and it is only on the nerve level and not on the muscular level.When the muscles are tense (which is necessary and normal for any athlete), it is the nerves that send commands to push the muscles to complete each movement cycle.
Tension energy is integral to expressing any form of attraction. Nervous energy is not static in the process of tension formation, but a growing force that starts out weak and grows stronger as it is applied. .This change may seem technical, but it is extremely important, and you must fully understand it.Therefore, we will repeat this point in another way, and you can see the following description as another example.
If you want to prepare a muscle group for an important movement, you can immediately tense it to the extent it will be needed.If the movement requires more muscle power, you'll tense them tighter.However, the preparations made for each movement are temporary.
On the other hand, if you want to show a certain degree of attractiveness rather than muscular strength, you no longer need to tense up the nerves, but you want to activate the nervous system, causing more nerve energy to flow out for you to display the attractiveness of life used when.This flow of energy will continue to intensify over time.
The flow of energy flow is fixed at the beginning, and it will not increase if the demand does not increase.In such cases, the intensity of the energy usually fluctuates.Attraction can only come about when one is constantly building up one's own vigor as one moves forward with taut nerves.So attractive people are always boosting that energy, not draining it.Here is another important fact.
Assuming you haven't grasped the implications of these differences, we'll explain the benefits of exercising in a form you're all too familiar with, instead of straining your nerves before starting an activity.
Squeeze a small part of the broom handle, about six inches, and grip it in your right hand as hard as you can.This is a form of muscle tension that is useless for developing attractiveness.Attractiveness cannot be developed by muscular strength or physical strength.Instead, it only counteracts the attraction, reducing its strength.
Now let's go back to the six-inch broom handle that you hold in your right hand. Don't squeeze it too tightly, but as lightly as possible, as long as you can hold it.At this time, your hands are relaxed.Now, apply a little force to your hand holding the broom handle, and then gradually add more force slowly, not one by one, the process of increasing force should be gentle, and the time of applying force should be extended as much as possible. Do not hold the broom handle too hard, as long as it does not cause muscle tension in the arms.
When the increase in nerve energy flow approaches the force exerted by the muscles, stop.Make sure the nerves and muscles are not tensed.This gap will guarantee the activity of energy flow.The energy flow is constantly increasing, and the muscles are not extremely tense to generate attraction.At this time, the attraction is very fast and very fast. Have you realized the meaning and importance of this difference?
Life principles are difficult to explain, but this is the process of continuous attraction.The author knows many people who have mastered the exercises in this series, and they can easily feel the life principles at work in them.
Main principle
Tension creates attraction.
This is the core principle of attraction.First of all, it is necessary for us to understand the meaning of the word "tension".The dictionary basically accurately expresses its meaning, defining it as "not easy".Also known as stiffness, or having firm strength.We define the word "tense" in this study as: This is a force or state, when it exists, the various parts of the body will change from a relaxed state to a hard state.
It's the opposite of slack, but not stiff.
If the human body is in a relaxed state, the muscles will become weak and the body will lack vitality; if the human body is in a hard state, the muscles will be tense, the work will be completed, and the goal will be achieved.Only when the nerves control the muscles properly, like a man pressing a stone against a wall, can man do anything and things go on.In order to clarify this point more clearly, we would like to propose a few principles here for discussion with you.
Main principle
It prepares the muscles to produce muscle energy.
We see all kinds of illustrations illustrating the use of muscles in aerobics, and classes that teach aerobics are very common.If someone's movements are weak, we say that his muscles are lacking vitality or relaxation.You've tried some of these moves to understand what it means: Stand with your arms raised to shoulder height; your fingers held together rather tightly in a half-fist.Slowly stretch your arms forward, obliquely, horizontally or in other directions, and do it several times. When doing these movements, try to appear weak and weak, and look lazy everywhere.Then, do these moves quickly but still slouchedly.If the muscle is slack, it doesn't make much difference whether it's fast or slow.
This happens with most physical exercises, aerobics and other sports organized by schools, although these are done under the supervision of physical education teachers and are just a waste of time.Lazy exercise and a relaxed state will only make people feel tired.There is a false logic that muscle activity happens naturally.If that's the case, why can't the amputated arm move as freely as before?Why use electric current to stimulate the severed frog leg to drive its muscle contraction?
Action must be supported by energy, otherwise it will appear insufficient vitality.The closer we get to a state of energy, the further we get from burnout.Therefore, any lazy exercise is harmful to the vitality of the body.If the energy is not continuously replenished, the energy stored in the past will also be depleted.So lounging, or walking too relaxed, is more likely to tire you out than walking with energy.Similarly, doing gymnastics, aerobics or other physical activities indiscriminately will not only destroy the value of these sports themselves, but even make the body's condition worse than before doing sports.That is why there are thousands of persons who do not benefit from the most valuable activities of health care.
If building muscle strength is your goal, this goal can be achieved according to the above principles.By exercising a muscle you can make it stronger.In the case of muscle relaxation, it is necessary for health to hang yourself on the horizontal bar with arm strength and stretch the muscle tissue.The same stretching can also be harmful to the body.However, if the muscles are adjusted in time, the relevant tissues will be protected, and vitality will replace laxity.Anyone who has experience in this field knows what we mean, and we can find ways to increase our strength based on this principle.However, after such an exercise, you will gain nothing but muscle strength.These facts can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. Lazy exercise is tiring and even exhausting.
2. Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles.
3. Continuously doing dull movements will make people stiff and clumsy unless corrected by opposite movements.Farmers and common workers never correct in the opposite direction, so their bodies lose their graceful shape.They are strong enough, but neither elegant nor attractive.However, you can almost always spot elegance in a skilled craftsman.
Therefore, we must see the significance of tension in various aspects.Whether it's exercising or working, you can't do anything without your muscular system unless you tense it up and use it.
However, there is another layer of relationship between this tension and development attraction, and the former cannot directly generate the latter.And the solidification of this power will also play a hindering role in the process of expressing its attractiveness.To achieve this latter goal, what we need is an increase in tension.When the tension increases, the attractiveness is also developed; when the attractiveness is developed, the tension is also gradually increased.We call this process exploration.
If a man works without tensing his muscles, his work will be worthless.
If a man is exercising his body for health, but not tensing his muscles, his exercise will be worthless exercise, and his physical activity will be useless.
All these questions belong only to the physical level of life.
Lesson 31
tense your nerves
Every part of the human body can generate astonishingly great power.
Attractive forces are dispersed in various parts of the body, so we need to centralize and control these scattered attractive forces through a certain link, and this link is to tighten the nerves.It's not the same as tensing the muscles, which you have to tense when you're working or exercising; but this time we have to tense the nerves, which is a completely different thing, the latter is to develop attractiveness.
Main principle
Attractive tension is the transition from rambunctious to tough.
The tension should be neither sluggish and lifeless nor rigid and rigid.In other words, this is not a state of rest or solidification of strength, but a process of change, which is an incremental increase in energy.This process is easy to understand. When the nerves and muscles are in a state of slack, they cannot obtain energy from various sources of vitality in the body.When they are stagnant, the energy they possess will be fixed, dynamic but not progressive.When the muscles leave the state of laziness and start to exert force, but do not reach the limit and freeze there, the nerves will remain active.The constant change of power generation leads to continuous energy demand, and the energy required can be continuously produced.
The only way a person can generate energy in the body is through tension.It is present in the many ways in which the body is used.The most obvious example is when people speak, sing, perform, or otherwise engage in public attention in public.An attractive person doesn't suddenly tense up and freeze his body in place, because if he did, the positive effect would be fleeting.
We recall hundreds of cases of loss of attractiveness due to making this mistake.There is a young and inexperienced lawyer who speaks to a jury on an important issue, his eyes and words flash with allure, and the audience is overwhelmed by the first few sentences.He failed to gradually increase his energy output from the beginning, which the art of attraction requires us to do.He dived headlong into the case, and without saying a few words, he poured out the long-suppressed energy like an explosion, and all the audience felt depressed.However, after 5 minutes he felt it was all over, interest had waned, he had lost his case, and the jury was exhausted, even though he had prepared quite well for the case.He begins like Alexander and ends like a listless child.When his attraction exploded violently in a matter of minutes, all his enthusiasm, conviction, and power went with it.He yelled and gesticulated fervently, letting his charm wear off and exhausting the jury at the same time.
Numerous speakers have told us that this is a common phenomenon.They don't know the reason and process of their failure. They only feel that they are very charming at the beginning, but soon this charm disappears, and finally only weak words are left.Speakers who don't understand the techniques of attraction follow those laws too, and it's just a matter of standing up or not, succeeding or failing.Starting out with a hundredfold effort and all you can think about is energy, which will mean a huge release of energy in your body, and you will never have a chance to generate that energy again because you are not tensing yourself up.
All great openers are plain, concise, humble, and calm.This gives the speaker the opportunity to tense himself up and the energy released gradually increases.Whether it is a conversation, a transaction or a speech, the effect can be seen in the movement of the arms:
1. If the speaker's arm swings limply forward or backward, as in calisthenics, it does not show any vitality, but only shows the speaker's indifference.
2. If the speaker clenches his fists tightly when gesturing, it means that the person has a strong body and a loud voice.
If the speaker begins with sluggish arm movements and then progressively displays increasing energy rather than bursting out, it is a sign that he is attractive.
Whether we are standing before a speaker, actor, or conversationalist, it is worth taking some time to observe him.We start with the speaker, who steps forward to the podium, calm and relaxed.The audience and him are strangers to each other, how can he prove himself to everyone?Neither do we, since we know nothing of his reputation or experience.However, students who have taken attractiveness courses can see his attractiveness in his poise, however, the apparent calm may also be due to his natural dullness or hubris, but it will become clear after a while.If it is the latter, then he will appear tense when warming up, and the energy in his body will burst out in a short period of time.
He went on with as much ease as at the beginning, but without displaying any of the qualities of a great orator.To be sure, his words were fluent and steady, if somewhat slow.His use of humor and humor shows that he is thoughtful, well-prepared, and confident in his presentation.The audience listened attentively, and evidently they knew that his speech was nothing above average, just smooth and pleasant.They liked the presentation, felt that it was going to be more interesting next time, and that something better was coming soon.The atmosphere of the audience seemed to foreshadow these messages.
Soon the interest of the speech increased.Speeches seem to be stating facts, but the language and manner of the speaker make those facts so interesting that the audience wants to listen to him.Now, the students in the attractiveness course noticed that the speaker's eyes had darkened, a subtle change that no one else noticed.The undertones of gray, brown, blue, or hazel do not change, but the pupils dilate and remain black.Students of attractiveness courses who sat on the podium or in the front row observed that the speaker's body—probably not trained in the arts—had also changed, with the chest slowly and gradually hardening and appearing full, broad, and firm.His arms no longer hung limply, but they didn't stiffen suddenly either.The speaker's body shifts from relaxed openness to subsequent vigor, unnoticed by anyone but the keen observer.The speaker not only maintains his appeal, but generates and gathers more of it by allowing himself to tense up slowly, which is soon reflected in his voice.
Everyone is paying attention, and every part and organ of the speaker's body is getting tighter and tighter bit by bit without the audience noticing.The speaker himself doesn't seem to realize it, because he doesn't think about it, but it happens to him just like any other attractive person.If there is a corresponding increase in tension, there will be no increase in strength.How can the principle reflected in the exercise be applied to the speech?The reason is simply that every man or woman who is personally attractive, whether male or female, exercises perfect self-control in this state of tension.
(End of this chapter)
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