smart girl love tips

Chapter 12 1 You must marry a rich man, and a rich girl has a better life

Chapter 12 Must Marry a Rich Man, Rich Girls Live Better

Don't care how much he loves you, girls have to be independent

There is an old legend that speaks true to a girl's desire:

The young King Arthur was defeated and captured in a war with his neighbors.Seeing that he was handsome and unrestrained, the princess couldn't bear to kill him, so she put forward a condition - asking him to find an answer that satisfies her within one year, and he can be released temporarily; if he does not find an answer that satisfies her after one year, King Arthur will come back voluntarily to lead his death.If you do not agree to this condition, you will be imprisoned for life.

Her question was: "What do girls want most?"

I am afraid that even a saint would find it difficult to answer this question, let alone the young and inexperienced King Arthur.

Credibility is a man's second life, since he has agreed to other people's conditions, he has to find out the answer to whatever he says.

He went back to his country, made countless investigations, and repeatedly consulted wise men, mages, monks, sisters and even prostitutes, but he still could not find a satisfactory answer.

One of the priests told him to consult a mysterious witch who would surely have the answer, but she was temperamental and the rewards were expensive.The one-year deadline is coming soon, and King Arthur has no choice but to bite the bullet and follow his followers to find the witch.The witch seemed to know that he would come in advance, and quickly offered a price: "I promise to give you an answer that can pass the test, but the condition is that I want Govin to marry me!"

Govan is the most handsome knight in the palace and the best friend of King Arthur.King Arthur looked at the witch in front of him: she had a ferocious face, a hunchback like a bell, thin teeth, foul breath, and lewd laughter from time to time.He thought in his heart that he must never betray his friends to survive, so he immediately rejected the witch and prepared to leave tomorrow to lead her death.But the entourage told Ge Wen about the situation that day, and Ge Wen felt King Arthur's loyalty to his friends and decided to sacrifice himself.He secretly went to the witch and promised to marry her.

The witch kept her word and told King Arthur the answer: "What a girl wants most is to be able to dominate her life." King Arthur took this answer to see the princess, and the princess readily accepted it and released King Arthur.

After King Arthur returned home, Govin and the witch were holding a grand wedding. King Arthur saw his friend make such a great sacrifice for himself, and he couldn't bear to live.All the warriors and guests at the wedding were outraged at the disgusting manners and manners of the Witch.

However, Ge Wen maintained his knightly demeanor and introduced his bride to the guests one by one.On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, according to the custom, Ge Wen carried the witch's bride into the bridal chamber, and the witch shyly turned her face away.When Govin put her on the bed, he suddenly found that the witch just now had suddenly turned into a radiant, beautiful and gentle girl.

Ge Wen hurriedly asked what was going on, "In order to repay your kindness and gentlemanly demeanor, I am willing to restore my original appearance on a beautiful day. But I can only appear as a beautiful woman for half a day, and I still have to change back to an unbelievable beauty for the rest of the day." I hate the appearance of a witch, but dear husband, you can choose what appearance I will appear in the day and night, and I will definitely follow your instructions."

It can be imagined that Ge Wen is facing a dilemma: if his wife regains her beauty at night, of course he can embrace the beauty and enjoy the most wonderful experience in life; but during the day, he has to face the disgust of his friends towards his ugly wife.In turn, he has to endure the pain of being alone and sleepless all his life.

How will the party involved, Ge Wen, choose? "Dear wife, I think the result of your choice will have a much greater impact on you than on me, and you are well qualified to decide this matter." Ge Wen thought for a while and replied in a firm tone.

"Dear husband, you are the only one in the world who truly understands what a girl wants most: to control her own life. So I want to repay you by restoring my original beauty 24 hours a day."

Anyone, at any time, don't lose yourself.In love, independence is more important to a girl.Without independence, you will not be respected, and you will be looked down upon by others.When enjoying romantic love, girls must hold on to their independence.

love him, spend his money

A girl should feel proud and proud to have a man's money to spend.You know, he loves you, so he is willing to spend money for you.No matter when, a girl must be willing to spend a man's money. The happiness in that money is actually the taste of love.

No matter which girl, there is a bit of vanity.A girl who doesn't spend a man's money is not necessarily a good girl.A smart girl should know how to balance money and love.

To love a man is to spend the man's money.Only this kind of love can be beneficial, comfortable and safe.Although it is said that money and love cannot be confused.But in love, if you want to test whether the other party loves you enough, it depends on whether the other party is willing to spend money for you.And myself, why not spend the money of the man I love?This just shows that our relationship is inseparable from each other, and our love is more than money.

The best state of a girl is that she can make money calmly, and she doesn’t care whether a man pays for it or not. However, a man still gives it voluntarily—not because you are worried that you will not be able to live without him, but because you use money to express love and concern. For you, his money is not a necessity for survival, but icing on the cake. You don't treat him as a long-term meal ticket, and he won't treat you as a retail or wholesale item.Give each other respect and safety.

In the era of equality between men and women, there are differences in the realm of spending men's money.Vulgar girls want men to buy everything, and then go around showing off that it was bought by a man and that it was given by a man, treating men like ATMs.

There are also skills in spending a man's money, don't ask for big things, houses, cars, jewelry, etc. Don't be greedy.As long as he remembers to buy you chocolates from time to time, it won't cost him much, but as time goes by, he will continue to buy them, showing his sincerity.

After the relationship is stable, the expenses should be shared

If a girl can look far away, it's easy to see clearly that unless you don't plan to marry him, every penny you spend now is actually yours.The money may save a lot of effort for two people's mortgage and car loans in the future.

Unless your partner is really rich, you can always spend his money and save your own money as private money.If you meet such a wealthy son-in-law, of course it would be great.However, the chance of meeting a wealthy husband is too low. Most men rely on their salaries to support their families, which inevitably reduces the quality of life. Therefore, girls still have to share the financial pressure of their married partners to make their lives more enjoyable.

The so-called joint sharing actually includes joint savings.When the relationship between two people moves towards a closer stage, what should be planned is the future, not the question of who spends whose money, because once you become a husband and wife, there is no reason to raise it too much when you know that the other person is poor. requirements.

Girls have a great tool to share the economy together, so that men with low monthly income can have more hope for the future, and they won't feel that no matter how hard they try, they will always face a bottomless pit alone, which is not good for the lives of two people.

Of course, girls don't really need to be equal, they have to share half of it, so there is no need to be so cautious.As long as you perform in a timely manner and work hard within your own tolerance range, it will be fine.

The Six Rules of Love Investing

In fact, the most scarce necessity in the world is love.Everywhere you look, you see or hear that love is seriously in short supply.But if we can use some rational principles of economics, we may be able to include love, which is regarded as a rare treasure by people all over the world, under our jurisdiction.

1. Recycling should be proportional to effort

In a relationship between the sexes, although the love you receive will not be exactly the same as the love you give, at least it should not be too different.

If one partner gives very little and the other gives a lot, the relationship is not worth maintaining at all.Only by being able to maintain balance and equality in the relationship can you get a high profit after giving a lot of love.

2. Start from reality to make choices and compare
In terms of financial investment, if a business can only maintain stable income for 15 years, you should not expect it to have a dramatic turnaround in the future.If you are constantly doing loss-making business now, it does not mean that you will not make the right choice in the future.Comparing real-life paths that are actually achievable is an important step in assessing whether a goal or outcome is performing as it should.

In the field of love, a girl may think that she can seduce a handsome and rich talent and abandon her honest and honest boyfriend, but she does not consider whether this approach is feasible and irrational in the realistic and objective factors.When choosing a love investment direction, the most important starting point is to consider whether each other can fit in with each other in life.

3. Take a long-term view and make long-term investments
Short-term investors may be able to make considerable profits in a day or a week, and are proud of their wisdom and excellence in betting in the market, but such people seldom end well, and their daily emotions are always caused by temporary fluctuations. Gains and losses are ups and downs, and it is difficult to find a peaceful balance.Patient long-term investors seldom have the above-mentioned uneasy reaction, and looking around the world, many billionaires are also long-term investors, and none of them develop their careers with a mentality of playing tickets.

In the management of the relationship between the sexes, people who decide to invest their affection based on only one day or one night of interaction rarely succeed.After all, everyone has the accumulation of years in their hearts, and it is impossible for you to understand what he is like after going through dozens of cold and heat within a day or two.

But long-term business doesn't mean that if your partner treats you badly, you have to live with it for years.The purpose of long-term management of a relationship is to put your heart and soul into a promising relationship after evaluating the actual situation. You have a full understanding of your partner, and you will not overthrow all of his usual mistakes just because he occasionally makes a small mistake. Excellent performance.

4. In-depth research, understanding and familiarity before investing is the only way to success
In terms of financial management, an invincible investor will never bet money on any superficially dazzling and charming product or sales plan.The practice of throwing costs suddenly and impulsively often has regrettable consequences.Doing the research first, getting the truth, takes time, but always pays off.

The same is true for love. It is always inevitable to spend a lot of thought on exploring the origin and character traits of the person you associate with.For everyone, this is not a task that can be completed in three or two days.Especially in the face of his glamorous or sexy appearance, it should be a very important topic to spend more time to observe whether there is a possibility of deceit, violence or lack of progress hidden in it.Those who can restrain themselves, patiently study each other, and know how to transform the experience of others into their own knowledge, can finally obtain greater satisfaction than those who act rashly.

5. Keep an eye on your ROI

After you invest for a period of time, the reward you get should at least be equal to the cost.If the cost cannot be maintained, it is a wrong investment and should be terminated, closed, and another profitable target should be selected.

The same goes for emotional matters.If you continue to give, but what you get back is far less than what you gave, obviously this relationship is a wrong choice, and you should terminate the relationship as soon as possible and don't waste your time.

You have to help him bear the failure of a man
Men are also vulnerable sometimes, and they also need the encouragement and help of their lovers.If your lover fails in your career, will you be devastated and facing the abyss of eternal doom, or should you take responsibility together with your loved one, abandon your self-pity and regroup?Both husband and wife should choose the latter, take responsibility for failures together, sum up experience, support and encourage each other, and continue their careers.

1. Lessons learned
Understand that failure is nothing, and treat it as a lesson in life lessons.Experts believe that under such circumstances, couples should not just face it with a negative attitude.A setback in life can temper a strong personality more than success.Failure forces couples to introspect themselves so they don't repeat the same mistakes.If you don't stumble in life, you will think too much of yourself, you will be self-righteous, and you will probably fail in the end.

2. Get up when you fall

First of all, you should face failure and take responsibility together. If you fall, you should get up and start all over again.Maybe it's easier said than done, but no matter what, you have to think about this truth.No matter what difficulties lie ahead, if you want to move forward, you must overcome them. This is the way to success.

3. Seek truth from facts
Focus on the current situation, evaluate the changes in the future, and then know how to accept the fait accompli. The most important thing is to seek truth from facts.

4. Think carefully and see the sun behind the clouds
You only feel that there are many difficulties ahead, like walking on thin ice, and you have to take unknown risks, so you should think about all kinds of possibilities after thinking about it.After all, you still have relatives and friends, so you can find another way out.Even if the worst happens, you don't have to panic, you should believe that the sun is like a fire when the clouds are cleared.

5. Do not fight aimless wars

Don't pretend that you have the power to change others.Ask others to change unless they do it voluntarily, or others will not change for you.Therefore, if you know it is a losing battle, why bother to fight it?

6. The sun always comes after the storm

A loser who only knows how to blame his own bad luck is a real failure.If you don't think about making progress like this, it won't help you. What you have lost will never be recovered. The past is over, so you should leave it behind and move forward bravely to create a better tomorrow together.

(End of this chapter)

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